711 research outputs found

    Grundskollärares tankar om kompetensutveckling (Compulsory school teachers' thoughts about competence development)

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    The development in society and school activities that have taken place during the past twenty years, form the background to the problem in this thesis. Liberal democratisation in the society as a whole and the global explosion of knowledge have made it necessary for teachers continuously to develop new knowledge. The over all aim of the thesis concerned the development of knowledge of variations in teachers? thoughts about teachers? competence development through an empirical investigation. One specific aim concerned the development of knowledge of variation in teachers? thoughts about relevant content of competence development. The second specific aim concerned the development of knowledge about variations in teachers? thoughts about teachers? possibilities of relevant use of competence development in the school activity. An analysis, inspired by the method Contextual analysis was used as the methodological starting-point and the theory of knowledge as a theoretical framework. The analysis resulted in a hierarchical system of four categories of description. The first category of description is called Development of integrated general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better development of the activity in school. This category of description is also the most complex. The second category of description is called Development of general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better cooperation with colleagues. The third category of description is called Better subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better design of pupils? learning situations. The fourth category of description is called Better knowledge of school subjects as a base for development of teacher's own school teaching. In the most complex category of description teachers saw an integrated development of general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better development of the activity in school. In the other three categories of description the teachers did not integrate all the mentioned competences. They explicated a competence development relevant to a more narrow activity in school. Further, the results point to relations between the teachers? thoughts about interpretational relevant content and about area of application, regarding development of competence. The relations involve that if a teacher is making complex statements about the interpretational relevant content, the teacher also is making complex statements about the area of application. The results could be of importance to principals and teachers which ought to develop competence of how to make relevant knowledge of education policy relevant for all teachers in the activity, both as individuals and as a professional collective. At last, the results are indicating that Schutz? system of personal relevance of knowledge, in addition, seems to be a system equivalent to the personal relevance system of competence development, according to the teachers? thoughts of competence development. However, the teachers? thoughts of competence development do not indicate a shared professional ground of teachers? knowledge

    Män, kvinnor & omsorg : En studie av omsorg som begrepp och handling i mans- och kvinnodominerade yrken

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    The aim of this study was to investigate care as concept and action and to see how care can be expressed in different conditions. The dissertation contains a survey of non-feminist and feminist theories of care and an empirical study of views of care and caring acts in four professional groups: janitors, neighbourhood police, district nurses, and home-helpers. The study, which is based on interviews, participant observation, and a questionnaire, shows that the concept of care is perceived differently in different professional groups and that the caring acts performed in different teams are of different kinds. I make a primary distinction between acts which involve care (personal responsibility) and those which do not (technical responsibility), and a secondary distinction between situational care (caring acts which are confined to the situation) and continuous care (caring acts extending over a certain time). The type of caring acts performed proved to depend on the ideals of the team. These ideals differ in different work teams within the professional groups, mainly depending on whether the practitioners are autonomous or collectivistic. Autonomous practitioners mainly give continuous care, while collectivistic practitioners mainly give situational care. Whether the practitioner is a man or a woman or the profession is male- or female-dominated proves to be of subordinate importance. One difference, however, is that men in the male-dominated professions have greater regard for the other person’s integrity, whereas women in the female-dominated professions act to a higher extent out of a sense of responsibility for the other person’s well-being. The analysis showed that this difference in the stress on integrity and responsibility in male and female practice is also found in the difference between non-feminist and feminist theories and philosophies

    Behaviour of reindeer as an indicator of an adaptation to feeding

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    Abstract: We assessed behaviour of reindeer affected by nutritional deprivation and how they adapted to various feeding strategies. The activity pattern of 61 penned eight month old female reindeer calves was observed during 20 of a total of 42 experimental days in winter 1997. The dominant activities were lying, ruminating, intake of feed and water, and standing. Few recordings of agonistic behaviour or snow intake occured. Restricted feed intake, half the ad lib. ration of a lichen-based diet, affected the eating behaviour of the reindeer, and more animals were standing and fewer lying compared to reindeer fed ad lib. Lack of energy in the diet correlated with animals lying curled up (lying with the muzzle close to the hind legs). This behaviour could be a useful complement to other measurements and registrations when studying adaptations to various feeding regimens.Abstract in Swedish/Sammanfattning:Syftet med studien var att undersöka om, och i så fall hur renars beteende påverkades av otillräckligt näringsintag och vid anpassning till olika utfodringsstrategier. Aktivitetsmönstret hos 61 inhägnade åtta månader gamla honrenkalvar studerades under 20 av totalt 42 försöksdagar. De vanligaste beteendekategorierna genom hela försöket var ligga, idissla, intag av foder och vatten samt stå passivt. Endast ett fåtal observationer av aggressivt beteende och snöätande registrerades. En begränsad giva dvs. halva mängden av fodergivan vid fri tillgång av en lavbaserad diet påverkade djuren ätbeteende. Dessutom observerades fler djur stå passivt medan färre låg jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Under första fasen av utfodring efter restriktionsperioden låg fler djur låg ihoprullade (med mulen tätt intill bakbenet) jämfört med kontrollgruppen, vilket tolkades som ett tecken på energibrist. Beteendestudierna visade sig vara ett värdefullt komplement till övriga mätningar och provtagningar vid studier av renars anpassning till olika utfodringsregimer

    Immune responses to bile-tolerant Helicobacter species in patients with chronic liver diseases, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors

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    Bile-tolerant Helicobacter species such as Helicobacter pullorum, Helicobacter bilis, and Helicobacter hepaticus are associated with hepatic disorders in animals and may be involved in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases (CLD) in humans. Antibody responses to cell surface proteins of H. pullorum, H. bilis, and H. hepaticus in serum samples from patients with CLD, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors were evaluated by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results were compared with the antibody responses to Helicobacter pylori. For analysis of a possible cross-reactivity between bile-tolerant Helicobacter species and H. pylori, sera from a subpopulation of each group were absorbed with a whole-cell extract of H. pylori and retested by ELISA. Results before absorption showed that the mean value of the ELISA units for H. pullorum was significantly higher in patients with CLD than in healthy blood donors (P = 0.01). Antibody reactivity to cell surface protein of H. hepaticus was also significantly higher in the CLD patients than in the healthy blood donors and the population group (P = 0.005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Following the absorption, antibody responses to H. pullorum decreased significantly in all three groups (P = 0.0001 for CLD patients, P = 0.0005 for the population group, and P < 0.0001 for the blood donors), indicating that cross-reactivity between H. pylori and other Helicobacter spp. occurs. The antibody responses to H. hepaticus and H. bilis in CLD patients remained high following absorption experiments compared to ELISA results before absorption. The significance of this finding requires further investigations

    Prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in municipality health care in Sweden – A cross sectional study

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    Background With an ageing population, there is an increasing need for care, both as home care and in nursing homes. However, some needed care is not carried out for different reasons, which can affect patient safety. The aim of the study was to describe prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in home care and nursing homes, from nurses’ perspective. Methods A cross sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approach. A Swedish version of Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care for nursing homes and 15 study specific questions were answered by 624 registered nurses, enrolled nurses, or nurse assistants. Both descriptive and analytical, independent-samples t-test, analyses were used. Qualitative content analysis was used for the open-ended question. Results The care activity most often missed in home care was: ‘set up or update care plans’ (41.8%), and in nursing homes: ‘scheduled group activity’ (22.8%). Reasons for missed nursing care were lack of preparedness for unexpected situations, obstacles in a deficient work environment, unsatisfactory planning in the organisation, and/or shortcomings related to the individual. Conclusion Not all care activities needed are performed, due to reasons such as lack of time or organisational issues. Missed nursing care can lead to adverse events and affect patient safety. It is important to be aware of missed nursing care and the reasons for it, which gives a possibility to initiate quality improvement work to ensure patient safety.publishedVersio

    Prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in municipality health care in Sweden – A cross sectional study

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    Background With an ageing population, there is an increasing need for care, both as home care and in nursing homes. However, some needed care is not carried out for different reasons, which can affect patient safety. The aim of the study was to describe prevalence, type, and reasons for missed nursing care in home care and nursing homes, from nurses’ perspective. Methods A cross sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approach. A Swedish version of Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care for nursing homes and 15 study specific questions were answered by 624 registered nurses, enrolled nurses, or nurse assistants. Both descriptive and analytical, independent-samples t-test, analyses were used. Qualitative content analysis was used for the open-ended question. Results The care activity most often missed in home care was: ‘set up or update care plans’ (41.8%), and in nursing homes: ‘scheduled group activity’ (22.8%). Reasons for missed nursing care were lack of preparedness for unexpected situations, obstacles in a deficient work environment, unsatisfactory planning in the organisation, and/or shortcomings related to the individual. Conclusion Not all care activities needed are performed, due to reasons such as lack of time or organisational issues. Missed nursing care can lead to adverse events and affect patient safety. It is important to be aware of missed nursing care and the reasons for it, which gives a possibility to initiate quality improvement work to ensure patient safety.publishedVersio

    Increased prevalence of seropositivity for non-gastric Helicobacter species in patients with autoimmune liver disease

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    Various Helicobacter species have been isolated from the stomach, intestinal tract and liver of a variety of mammalian and some avian species, and Helicobacter DNA has been detected in human bile and liver samples. An immunoblot assay was established to analyse serum antibody responses to non-gastric Helicobacter species in patients with autoimmune liver diseases, in comparison with healthy individuals. Sera from 36 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), 21 with primary biliary cirrhosis, 19 with autoimmune chronic hepatitis and 80 blood donors were analysed by immunoblot, using cell-surface proteins from Helicobacter pullorum, Helicobacter bilis and Helicobacter hepaticus as antigens. Prior to testing, sera were cross-absorbed with a whole-cell lysate of Helicobacter pylori. Antibody reactivity to various proteins of these three Helicobacter species was measured by densitometric scanning and results were processed by computer software to estimate antigenic specificity. Results were also compared with antibody response to H. pylori. For H. pullorum, reactivity to at least two of the proteins with molecular masses of 48, 45, 37, 20 and 16 kDa, for H. hepaticus, reactivity to the 76, 30 and 21 kDa proteins and for H. bilis, reactivity to the 22 and 20 kDa proteins, seemed to have high specificity. Positive immunoblot results with sera from patients with PSC to antigens of H. pullorum, H. bilis and H. hepaticus were found in 38, 22 and 25 of cases, respectively, and from patients with other autoimmune liver diseases, in 30, 22 and 22 of cases, respectively. Prevalence of serum antibodies to non-gastric Helicobacter species was significantly higher in patients with autoimmune chronic liver diseases than in healthy blood donors (P < 0.001). Increased antibody levels to enterohepatic Helicobacter species raise questions concerning an infectious role of these emerging bacterial pathogens in human autoimmune liver diseases

    Effect of short-term perennial leys on life cycle environmental performance of cropping systems: An assessment based on data from a long-term field experiment

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    Modern agriculture's dependence on the intensive use of inputs, such as chemical fertiliser and pesticides, leads to high environmental impacts and, possibly, vulnerability in food security, since most of these inputs are im-ported from other countries. This calls for more sustainable and resilient agricultural practices. Diversification of crop rotations, e.g. by including perennial leys, enhances provision of ecosystem services, leading to healthier crops and increased yields. Perennial crops also increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, which is interesting from a global warming mitigation perspective. In addition, legume-rich leys can utilise atmospheric nitrogen (N) through symbiotic association with N2-fixing bacteria. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of short-term perennial leys in rotation on cropping system performance over long periods and under different conditions. In this study, we used data from three sites in a long-term experiment in Sweden (initiated in the 1960 s), in combination with Life Cycle Assessment methodology, to assess the environmental and yield effect of including ley in crop rotations. Two N fertiliser regimes (High, Low) in combination with three six-year crop rotations, consisting of either i) two-year mixed grass-legume ley, ii) two-year pure grass ley or iii) annual crops without ley, were compared. Environmental impacts (climate impact, energy resource depletion, eutrophication poten-tial) of the different combinations were quantified per kg harvested crop (expressed in cereal units, CU) and per hectare. The lowest environmental impact, at all sites, was found for the crop rotation with two-year mixed ley under the Low N regime. On average, this combination resulted in 329 g lower GHG emissions per kg CU than the crop rotation without ley and Low N, primarily due to lower input of chemical N fertiliser, which reduced the impact from fertiliser production and soil N2O emissions. Comparison of mean SOC change over the study period revealed reduced SOC stocks for all rotations and all sites, especially in the rotation without ley. Therefore, including short-term perennial leys, especially leys containing legume species, in crop rotations can be a useful tool in meeting policy targets on reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture, and in reducing the dependence on purchased agricultural commodities. However, despite the potential benefits of rotational leys, the market demand for the produced ley biomass may be insufficient. Hence, incentives to increase demand are necessary to promote large-scale adoption, for example, for use in bioenergy production and feed

    Probabilistic Gradient-Based Extrema Tracking

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    Feature tracking is a common task in visualization applications, where methods based on topological data analysis (TDA) have successfully been applied in the past for feature definition as well as tracking. In this work, we focus on tracking extrema of temporal scalar fields. A family of TDA approaches address this task by establishing one-to-one correspondences between extrema based on discrete gradient vector fields. More specifically, two extrema of subsequent time steps are matched if they fall into their respective ascending and descending manifolds. However, due to this one-to-one assignment, these approaches are prone to fail where, e.g., extrema are located in regions with low gradient magnitude, or are located close to boundaries of the manifolds. Therefore, we propose a probabilistic matching that captures a larger set of possible correspondences via neighborhood sampling, or by computing the overlap of the manifolds. We illustrate the usefulness of the approach with two application cases
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