12 research outputs found

    Hur hanterar kyrkorna den hotande klimatkrisen?

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    Sammanfattning. Sex kyrkliga dokument rörande klimathotet har studerats med avseende pÄ teologisk och etisk reflektion samt deras tankar kring praktiskt deltagande i klimatarbetet. Den teologiska reflektionen utgÄr frÄn att naturen Àr skapad av Gud och att mÀnniskan Àr skapad till Guds avbild. Konsekvensen blir att mÀnniskan med sin sÀrstÀllning Àr ansvarig för att som Guds medskapare delta i arbetet med att Äterskapa rimliga förutsÀttningar för en hÄllbar utveckling. Etiskt framhÄller kyrkorna vikten av en rÀttvis fördelning av kostnaderna för klimatarbetet liksom en rÀttvist fördelad tillgÄng till jordens resurser.Dokumenten framhÄller vikten av att sÄvÀl individen som samhÀllet stÀller om till en ny livsstil och ny attityd till hur jordens resurser anvÀnds, sÄ att vÄrt levnadssÀtt blir förenligt med en hÄllbar utveckling. Kyrkorna torde kunna bidra med att förmedla kunskap om sambanden mellan livsstil och miljöförstöring. LikasÄ bör kyrkorna kunna stöda mÀnniskor i deras omstÀllning till en ny livsstil och Àven hjÀlpa dem att bearbeta den oro de kan kÀnna inför klimathotet. Sist men inte minst torde kyrkorna kunna hjÀlpa mÀnniskor att kÀnna hopp och framtidstro. Detta genom att erbjuda gemenskap men ocksÄ genom att hÀnvisa till sin tro pÄ en gudomlighet som har omsorg om sin skapelse och mÀnskligheten.Kyrkan har en god organisation sÄvÀl inom de enskilda kyrkorna som mellan kyrkor nationellt och internationellt. Kyrkorna har sedan 1970-talet bearbetat klimatfrÄgorna och har en god beredskap och villighet att arbeta för att minimera effekterna av klimatförÀndringarna. Kyrkan torde dÀrför i mÄnga fall vara en högst relevant samarbets- och samtalspartner i arbetet mot klimathotet

    The Church and the threatening Climate Change : A Text Analytical Study of six Church documents on Environmental and Climate Change

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    A text analytical study has been performed using an abductive approach. The initial study was inductive and followed by a deductive part. Six different documents were studied representing protestant Churches, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Constantinople)2.The initial inductive part showed that the Church in its handling of the climate crises ought to be able to help people to a better understanding of the climate changes as well as to an understanding of the Churches® theological view on the relationships between God and man, man to man and God to Creation.The deductive part of the study the documents showed a picture of a panentheistic, good and personal God. God was mainly referred to as a nonsexual entity. This part of the study also showed that all documents agree that the Church has a responsibility to ensure that moral values are respected when it comes to decision-making regarding actions against the climate changes. It is the task of the Church to channel the love of God to people and to the whole Creation.The climate changes have prompted the Churches to partly concentrate on their theology on creation and have caused a reevaluation of their positon in handling the new environmental situation. The major part of the documents gave a view on the theological reflection that the climate changes have forced upon the Churches.All documents regarded the threatening climate changes as a consequence of the human misuse of God’s Creation. Man has not fulfilled God’s expectations of man’s care for his Creation.Human beings are unique in God’s Creation, man is the image of God. In some respects human beings are God’s coworkers or even co-creators. But man has not managed to match God’s expectations, and has not cared for his Creation in the way he wanted. God is in a way mourning the situation that man has caused and what is threatening his Creation.The documents indicated that all Churches have a similar view on the human responsibility to try to restore balance in the Creation. Since their common view is that man, on God’s behalf, has the responsibility to care for and develop Creation, the Churches have the duty to work for a change of human lifestyle in a way that is compatible with a sustainable development.The documents indicated that the Church wants to be a forerunner in the change of lifestyle and also wants to work for a more just world order where those rich in resources should contribute the most to cover the costs for a worldwide handling of the climate crises and for the formation of a sustainable development

    Mer samstÀmmiga laboratorieresultat efter övergÄngen till INR. Skillnaderna mellan sjukhus- och primÀrvÄrdslaboratorier utjÀmnade

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    In 1999 a new and simplified procedure for calibration of the Owren prothrombin time (Owren PT) assay was introduced in Sweden by the national external quality assessment scheme (Equalis). The new protocol allowed local calibration by means of lyophilised national plasma calibrators and expression of results as an international normalised ratio (INR). A two-year follow-up involving analysis of data from all laboratories that have returned results to Equalis is reported. There was a significant reduction in both between-laboratory and within-laboratory variation after the introduction of the new calibration procedure. For the larger hospital laboratories analysing external controls with INR>2, the mean coefficient of variation (CV) was reduced from 9.1% to 5.6% (P<0.0001). The corresponding results from smaller laboratories in the primary health care units showed a similar decrease in CV from 8.8% to 6.3% (P<0.0001). This study shows that the Owren PT assay is well suited for INR calibration employing calibrant plasmas

    INR calibration of Owren-type prothrombin time based on the relationship between PT% and INR utilizing normal plasma samples

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    Prothrombin time (PT) is clinically important and is used to monitor oral anticoagulant therapy. To obtain PT results in international normalized ratio (INR), the current standardization procedure is complex and involves reference reagents. The PT of diluted plasma samples can be determined with a combined thromboplastin (the Owren-type procedure), but not necessarily with a plain thromboplastin (the Quick-type procedure). Owren-type PT procedures can therefore, as an alternative to the INR calibration, be calibrated with diluted normal plasma to give PT results in percent of normal PT activity (PT%). The present study explored if a plasma-based calibration of an Owren-type PT procedure can be used to obtain results in INR. The approach was to establish a relationship between PT% and INR by multi-center analysis of 365 samples from healthy individuals and patients on warfarin treatment. INR values were obtained by manual Quick-type reference procedure and PT% values by various automated Owren-type procedures. A relationship INR = (I/PT% + 0.018)10.028 was found. A calibration procedure, based on the relationship, was investigated. Calibrators were the median PT of 21 normal plasma at dilutions representing 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5% and 6.25% of normal PT activity. These were assigned INR values of 1.00, 1.36, 2.07, 3.05 and 6.36. Calibration of various Owren-type assays was repeatedly performed by 5 expert laboratories during 3 consecutive years. The INR values of certain lyophilised or frozen control plasmas were determined. The frozen control plasmas had externally assigned INR values according to WHO guidelines. Within the laboratory, CV was typically below 3%. No appreciable difference among the results of the different laboratories or the three assay occasions was found. Externally assigned and INR values were essentially identical to those found. These and other results indicated that the calibration procedure was reproducible, precise and accurate. Thus, an Owren-type PT assay can be calibrated with normal plasma samples to give results in INR and the investigated calibration procedure can be proposed for this purpose

    Calibration services in the frame of accredited coagulation EQA schemes - Meeting the IVD directive

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    Organisers of external quality assurance programmes may, for various reasons, also manufacture in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or provide calibration services. This paper describes measures taken by a Swedish organiser to meet the requirements of the European Commission's directive 98/79/EC for a national calibration of prothrombin time. Quality management system requirements and interactions with coagulation experts are summarised