5 research outputs found


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    Rasashastra, one of the branches of Ayurveda, deals with the pharmacological aspects of drugs, some of which have unique attributes. These unique attributes need to be validated and explored using the scientific and technological advances of todays world, which shall open up new avenues for drug processing, development and therapeutics in Ayurveda.Abhrak Bhasma is one of the drugs of Rasashastra having some peculiar attributes. Acharyas have mentioned Shataputi and Sahastraputi Abhrak Bhasma which are indeed unique attributes of Abhrak. Shataputi Abhrak Bhasma is regarded as a Rasayan, as given in Rasa Tarangini, which says Abhrak Bhasma given 20-100 Putas (incinerations) helps eliminate ailments, when given 100-1000 Putas acts like a Rasayan.Review of the current literature available on Rasayanas indicates that Anti-oxidant and Immunomodulation are the most studied activities of the Rasayan drugs. The effect Immunomodulation has on the human body can be compared to some extent with the effect of Rasayan dravyas, given in various Classical texts. In view of this correlation, Shataputi Abhrak Bhasma was subjected to Invitro screening to assess its Immunomodulatory effect using the Nitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT) assay. The results were self conclusive and indicated that Shataputi Abhrak Bhasma brings about stimulation of Leucocytes in concentration dependent manner. 5% and 10 % solutions of Shataputi Abhrak Bhasma stimulated 93% and 93.5% leucocytes respectively, which is an indicator of highly significant phagocytic activity. Thus, the study revalidates the reference of Shataputi Abhrak Bhasma as a Rasayan and hence also establishing it as an Immunomodulator


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    Rasa Shastra Dravyas includes minerals and metals which are mainly Bhumij in origin (obtained from earth), Parad (mercury) is also one among them. In Rasa Shastra, the extra ordinary importance of mercury is easily seen as the whole branch is named after Parad. In Rasa Shastra Parad cannot be adopted for therapeutic purposes without purification. Owing to their origin all the metallic and mineral drugs are likely to be associated with different varieties of impurities up to various degrees. Hence, they are advised to be processed with certain specific methods before their internal use. These methods are called Shodhan and they occupy a major portion of Rasa Shastra processing. These Shodhan procedures play a very important role in making metallic and mineral preparations free of toxicity and highly absorbable for quicker therapeutic effects even in minute doses. Parad is invariably a major constituent in most of the rasa preparations; it needs thorough purification and detoxification to render it fit for internal use. Rason is best among the Shodhandravya in Parad Samhita Paradshodhan with only Rason is mentioned..In this study Parad is triturated with Rasonkalka and then Kshalan is done. Parad loss in this study is very less amount. In ICP AES, Qualitative Analysis is done it reveals that following element in Parad before Shodhan Ag, Fe, Ga, Hg, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn and after Shodhan Ag, B, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ga, Hg, Mg, Mn, Sr, Ti, Zn


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    Introduction: In India, the most frequent surgical emergency is perforation peritonitis. Despite improvements in surgical methods, antimicrobial therapy, and critical care support, peritonitis treatment remains a very demanding, challenging, and complicated task. The highest dependability on the Risks' assessment is achieved by MPI, enabling the individual prognosis of peritonitis patients to be predicted. Objectives: The goal of the current research was to use Mannheim's Peritonitis Index to assess the prognosis for patients with perforation peritonitis. Results: In the current research, we found that the majority of the participants were men (65.38%) and that the bulk of the cases belonged to the 46-55 year age group (25%), which was followed by the 36-45 year age group (23.07%). The most common perforation found in the patients was duodenal (42.30%), which was followed by appendicular (13.46%), gastric (28.84%), fileal (9.61%), jejunal (3.8%), and colonic perforations (1.9%). Conclusion: The majority of research participants (46.15%) reported MPI scores between 21 and 29, followed by situations where the MPI score was more than 29, and cases where the MPI score was less than 21, in that order (38.46%)

    The Effect of Salt Stress on Proline Content in Maize (Zea mays)

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    In this study, the effect of applied NaCl on the growth and proline concentration of maize varieties, i.e., (Zea mays L.), Syngenta 7720, Syngenta 6668, eco-91, Syngenta 7710 and Advanta Pac 751 vertex 751, was investigated. The experiment was conducted in laboratory conditions using a completely randomized design with three replications. The soil used for the experiment was salinized by applying NaCI (common salt) solution at the rates of 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM, 200 mM and 250 mM every three days for the duration of 12 days. We found that, according to the data we have collected on germination percentage and proline content, maize varieties (Syngenta 7720 and eco-91) had a significant increase in proline content and a decrease in plant growth as the concentration increased