9 research outputs found

    PCR-RLFP on IGFBP-3 Gene and its Association on Growth Performance of Lambs Reared Intensively

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    IGFBP-3 is responsible for the multiple effects of growth factors in most mammalian species and is considered the major transport factor of growth, used as a marker for different body functions such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, body weight control, immunity, energy balance, and so on. Considered as a candidate gene, used as a marker for the growth and production traits as its essential role in the growth and development of the animals. For the DNA extraction, the blood samples are obtained in the jugular vein using a 10 ml vacutainer containing EDTA as a coagulant in the blood collection of each animal Mis breed of sheep (M), Ile de France (F), and Wurttemberg (W). Isolation of DNA performed using the extraction kit (Quick DNA kit) with primers set the Forward and Reverse. The body weights of lambs from birth to 90 days of age, also been calculated. The results of the agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR amplified IGFBP-3 genes for sheep populations Wurttemberg (W), Mis (M), and Ile de France (F) had 654 bp. In our results showed an absence of polymorphism of the IGFBP-3 gene on the tested sheep populations. The results that there is no polymorphism between the examined sheep breeds, in terms of IGFBP-3 genes, we were interested whether there are differences in the body development of lambs of the mentioned populations because IGFBP-3 is related to the growth of animals. All three breeds have similar weights and growth dynamics, which could link to the growth hormone. Analyzing obtained results, we can suggest that absence of a large difference in the growth of the three breeds of sheep W, M, F does not have to be related to the absence of polymorphism of the IGFBP-3 gene but also other genetic and non-genetic factors can affect this trait. To detect the association between genetic polymorphism in IGFBP-3 genes and body development in lambs, DNA sequencing is required, which will be the subject of our future research

    Die Wirkung der ErgƤnzung von Kastanien-Tanninen auf die Produktionsergebnisse von LƤmmern bei Proteinmangelrationen

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chestnut tannins in metabolizable protein deficiency, on dry matter (DM) intake, growth performance of finishing lambs, feed efficiency and digestibility of nutrients. The study included 30 crossbred lambs, blocked by body weight (BW) and divided into three groups, depending on the concentrations of added chestnut tannins in the rations (0, 10 and 20 g/kg DM for CON, 10T and 20T group, respectively). Rations were determined by BW and expected average daily gain (ADG), with a deficiency in metabolizable protein of about 15%. All groups received the same amount of daily feed. Dry matter intake, ADG and indicators of efficiency such as the Kleiber ratio (KR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were estimated. The digestibility of the rations was determined in three collection periods. Dry matter intake did not differ among groups. Growth performances for the whole experiment were significantly better for the 20T group than CON (p lt 0.05), while no differences were established for group 10T. Group 20T achieved the highest ADG and total gain (228 g/day +/- 27.8; 13.7 kg +/- 1.7), with the best average conversion of dry matter (4.4 kg DM/kg BW), KR (15.6), and PER (1.6). In all three collections, dry matter and crude protein digestibility was higher for CON, while the digestibility of ether extract was higher for the 20T group than CON. Based on these results, it can be concluded that a ration of chestnut tannins in the concentration of 20 g/kg DM, in conditions of protein deficiency, can have a positive effect on lamb performances. This can be partially explained by the ability of tannins to form complexes with proteins, which can change intestinal protein flow and utilization.Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die Wirkungen von Kastanien-Tanninen in Rationen mit unzureichender Versorgung mit metabolisierbarem Protein auf die Aufnahme von Trockenmasse (DM), die Wachstumsleistung von MastlƤmmern, den Futteraufwand und die Verdaulichkeit von NƤhrstoffen zu untersuchen. Die Studie umfasste 30 KreuzungslƤmmer, die durch das Kƶrpergewicht (BW) und die Konzentrationen von zugesetzten Kastanien-Tanninen in der Nahrung (0, 10 und 20 g/kg DM fĆ¼r die Kontrolle, 10T- bzw. 20T-Gruppe) in drei Gruppen unterteilt wurden. Die Rationen wurden durch das Kƶrpergewicht (BW) und die erwartete durchschnittliche tƤgliche Zunahme (ADG) mit einem Mangel an metabolisierbarem Protein von etwa 15% definiert. Alle Gruppen erhielten die gleichen Futtermengen. Die DM-Aufnahmen, ADG-Werte, und VerwertungsgrĆ¶ĆŸen wie das Kleiber-VerhƤltnis (KR) und das Protein-Effizienz-VerhƤltnis (PER) wurden geschƤtzt. Die scheinbare Verdaulichkeit wurde in drei Sammelperioden ermittelt. Die DM-Aufnahme unterschied sich nicht zwischen den Gruppen. Die Wachstumsleistungen fĆ¼r das gesamte Experiment waren fĆ¼r die 20T-Gruppe signifikant besser als fĆ¼r die Kontrollgruppe (p < 0,05), wƤhrend fĆ¼r die 10T-Gruppe keine Unterschiede festgestellt wurden. Gruppe 20T erreichte den hƶchsten ADG und Gesamtzuwachs (228 g/Tag Ā± 27,8; 13,7 kg Ā± 1,7) mit der besten durchschnittlichen Umwandlung von Trockenmasse (4,4 kg DM/kg BW) und den gĆ¼nstigsten Werten fĆ¼r KR (15,6) und PER (1,6). In allen drei Sammelperioden war die Verdaulichkeit von DM und Rohprotein bei der Kontrolle hƶher, wƤhrend die Verdaulichkeit des Rohfetts bei der 20T-Gruppe hƶher war als bei der Kontrolle. Aus den Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass Kastanientannine in einer Konzentration von 20 g/kg DM Futter bei Proteinmangel einen positiven Effekt auf die Leistung von MastlƤmmern haben kƶnnen. Dies kann teilweise durch die FƤhigkeit von Tanninen erklƤrt werden, Komplexe mit Proteinen zu bilden, die den Proteinfluss durch den Verdauungstrakt und seine Verwertung verƤndern kƶnnen

    Current Status of Nuclear Physics Research

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