11 research outputs found


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    Article is devoted to the review of literature data, and also the analysis of results of own researches concerning genetics, molecular genetics and immunological violations at various forms of the autoimmune diabetes (DM) including classical T1DM, LADA type and an autoimmune polyglandular syndrome of 1 type (APS1). In case of T1DM more than 80% of patients are carriers of one or two strongest predisposing haplotypes: DRB1*O4-DQA1*O3O1-DQB1*O3O2 and DRB1*O3-DQA1*O5O1- DQB1*O201 designated as DQ2 and DQ8. HLA genes can model a clinical features of disease. In Russian population, the children with diabetes manifestation up to 5-year age has significantly often high risk genotypes (DQ2/DQ8) and significantly less the low risk genotypes in comparison with children, who had manifestation of T1DM in 10 years and later. The long-term16-years family studies showed the maximum frequency of T1DM in high risk group, constantly accruing in process of increase in term of supervision, and in groups of an average and low risk lower and invariable. The highest risk of T1DM manifestation, reaching 90% at 10 years of supervision is defined by existence of HLA high risk genotypes and many antibodies, revealed from early age. LADA ― the hybrid form of autoimmune DM having signs of T1DM and T2DM in the basis. The development of autoimmune process against β-cells can be caused by only gene mutation (APS1). The part of T1DM cases which doesn't have the contributing HLA genes and autoimmune markers in process of studying of the importance of various genes and their biological value can be attributed to new, yet unknown forms of DM. Статья посвящена обзору литературных данных, а также анализу результатов собственных исследований, касающихся генетики, молекулярной генетики и иммунологических нарушений при различных формах аутоиммунного сахарного диабета (СД), включая классический СД 1-го типа (СД1), LADA и аутоиммунный полигландулярный синдром 1-го типа (АПС1). При СД1 более 80% пациентов являются носителями одного или двух наиболее сильно предрасполагающих к развитию СД1 гаплотипов: DRB1*O4-DQA1*O3O1-DQB1*O3O2 и DRB1*O3DQA1*O5O1-DQB1*O201, обозначаемых как DQ2 и DQ8. Гены HLA могут смоделировать клинические особенности болезни. В русской популяции у детей, заболевших до пятилетнего возраста, достоверно чаще встречались генотипы высокого риска (DQ2/DQ8) и реже ― генотипы низкого риска по сравнению с детьми с дебютом СД1 в возрасте старше 10 лет. В семейных шестнадцатилетних исследованиях частотаСД1 в группе высокого риска была максимальной, нарастающей по мере увеличения срока наблюдения, а в группах среднего и низкого риска ― более низкой и неизменной. Наиболее высокий риск развития СД1, достигающий 90% при десятилетнем наблюдении, определяется наличием HLA-генотипов высокого риска и наличием множества аутоантител, выявляемых с раннего возраста. LADA ― гибридная форма аутоиммунного СД, имеющая в своей основе признаки СД1 и СД2. Развитие аутоиммунного процесса против β-клеток может быть обусловлено также единственной генной мутацией (АПС1). Часть случаев СД1, не имеющих предрасполагающих HLA-генов и аутоиммунных маркеров, по мере изучения значимости различных генов и их биологического значения может быть отнесена к новым, пока неизвестным формам СД.

    Factoring as a Perspective Financial Product of the Modern Market

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    © 2020 Yusupova et al.; Licensee Lifescience Global. The article shows the factoring application feature analysis in Russia. Factoring represents a range of services for manufacturers and suppliers who conduct trading activities on a deferred payment basis, and it is currently one of the fastest growing financial services. In its development, Russian factoring has avoided crises and everything that many other sectors of the Russian economy have suffered from. In particular, the article revealed that in recent years the market has grown due to the seriously increased interest of banks - in a crisis, factoring is the least risky product, and players began to actively promote it. The article describes the advantage of factoring over a close financial service - a loan. In addition, directions for the factoring development in the Russian economy were also formulated. In Russia, factoring has only recently begun to actively develop and become successful among organizations engaged in trading. As for foreign experience, the use of factoring is growing rapidly in Western Europe, the USA and Asia. Also in this research we have analyzed the dynamics of factoring services in Russia for the period from 2010 to 2018. Despite the problems and shortcomings of this financial instrument, it has development prospects that are connected with the stabilization of external economic factors, the exchange rate and increasing of the resource provision of financial institutions

    Modern methods of managing household finances in Russia

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    In today’s world, the household is an essential part of a country’s economy, and the efficiency and quality of household activity determine a country’s well-being. In order to function effectively in a country’s economic system, the household has to analyse the needs and desires of the immediate participants. The data then informs the creation of savings opportunities and goals. In addition to setting the direction and objectives of household financial management, the immediate participants in the household make an indicative assessment of the financial resources they need to meet their needs. The economy of the household is based on a rather complex and contradictory set of relations between its participants. These relationships are determined by differences in age, character traits, habits of people, the unequal level of their needs and incomes. At the same time, the normal development of the household is possible only if the participants find mutual understanding when making economic decisions. Coordination of the socioeconomic interests of different members of the household is ensured by the regulation of these interests, which implies a possible change in the part of disposable income that comes to one member of the household

    Сахарный диабет и дисфункция щитовидной железы, в том числе аутоиммунного генеза. Взаимное влияние патологий

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    Thyroid disease, including autoimmune genesis, and diabetes mellitus are the two most common endocrine diseases in clinical practice. These pathologies have a mutual influence on each other. On the one hand, thyroid hormones are involved in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism: excessive production of thyroid hormones is associated with hyperglycemia, while hypothyroidism has a decreased level of glucose production by the liver. On the other hand, glucose homeostasis disorder affects the functional state of the thyroid gland: dystrophic, sclerotic and atrophic processes are developing in thyroid gland, what is a manifestation of diabetic microangiopathy. This article demonstrates the need to take into account the mutual influence of pathologies for optimal treatment of this conditions.Заболевания щитовидной железы, в том числе аутоиммунного генеза, и сахарный диабет являются двумя наиболее распространенными эндокринными нарушениями, встречающимися в клинической практике. Данные патологии оказывают взаимное влияние друг на друга. С одной стороны, гормоны щитовидной железы участвуют в регуляции углеводного обмена: избыточная продукция тиреоидных гормонов ассоциирована с гипергликемией, в то время как при гипотиреозе наблюдается сниженный уровень продукции глюкозы печенью. С другой стороны, нарушение в гомеостазе глюкозы воздействует на функциональное состояние щитовидной железы: в органе развиваются дистрофические, склеротические и атрофические процессы, что представляет собой проявление диабетической микроангиопатии. Данная статья демонстрирует необходимость учета взаимного влияния патологий для оптимального лечения этих состояний

    Artificial Intelligence and Its Use in Financial Markets

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    © (publication year), (publisher). All rights reserved. The global financial system is currently at a new stage of its development, which is characterized by the introduction of information and communication technologies in all financial spheres. They allow improving business processes and company management and the process of providing services, as they enable organizations to receive more information about their customers and consumers, therefore, to provide better financial services that meet the requirements of customers.In the process of digitalization of the economy, a large role is played by banking organizations. In the conditions of increased competition in the market, banks are forced to continually improve their activities and introduce the most advanced technologies for carrying out business processes and working with clients. One of the most state-of-the-art technologies is artificial intelligence and Big Data. This technology is a combination of technologies targeted at processing vast amounts of data, and the ability to process fast incoming data in large volumes

    The mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets as an imperative to reduce territorial socio-economic disparities

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    The relevance of the study is conditioned by the development of regional services’ markets, as components ensuring the balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. Balanced territorial development of a Federal state involves the creation of conditions that allow each region to have necessary and sufficient resources to ensure decent living conditions of citizens, complex development and increase of competitiveness of the regional economy. The development of regional services markets can be considered as the imperative to reduce territorial socio-economic differentiation to the level, due to objective differences of the regions and to ensure balance of their revenue base and expenditure commitments. The purpose of this paper is to develop a mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets, ensuring the reduction of territorial socio-economic differentiation. A leading approach is the institutional approach that considers state regulation of the regional markets of services in the Federal state as a system of state control measures oriented on the goal that contributes to maximizing of the value of the assets of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The growth of assets yield from the service sector while risk diversification, focused on the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving the life quality will ensure a sustainable development of the Federal state. The paper presents perspectives on the content of the economic mechanism; identifies the functions of regional services markets; reveals the essence of the mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets and the characteristics of its structural components (goals, objectives, principles, actors, objects, forms, methods, tools); establishes the regularities in the process of state regulation of regional services markets. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and management of services sphere. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    The mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets as an imperative to reduce territorial socio-economic disparities

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    The relevance of the study is conditioned by the development of regional services’ markets, as components ensuring the balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. Balanced territorial development of a Federal state involves the creation of conditions that allow each region to have necessary and sufficient resources to ensure decent living conditions of citizens, complex development and increase of competitiveness of the regional economy. The development of regional services markets can be considered as the imperative to reduce territorial socio-economic differentiation to the level, due to objective differences of the regions and to ensure balance of their revenue base and expenditure commitments. The purpose of this paper is to develop a mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets, ensuring the reduction of territorial socio-economic differentiation. A leading approach is the institutional approach that considers state regulation of the regional markets of services in the Federal state as a system of state control measures oriented on the goal that contributes to maximizing of the value of the assets of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The growth of assets yield from the service sector while risk diversification, focused on the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving the life quality will ensure a sustainable development of the Federal state. The paper presents perspectives on the content of the economic mechanism; identifies the functions of regional services markets; reveals the essence of the mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets and the characteristics of its structural components (goals, objectives, principles, actors, objects, forms, methods, tools); establishes the regularities in the process of state regulation of regional services markets. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and management of services sphere. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved