128 research outputs found

    The Modern World Landscape of Data Science Online Education

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    Data science as an emerging branch of applied knowledge and a new field of study is showing a strong momentum. Besides, the corresponding sphere of educational research is actively developing. At the same time, most of the scientific publications are aimed at studying specific issues related to the content of the programs and their methodological support. The wider context and especially the international perspective are lacking for the necessary attention of researchers.In this regard, the purpose of our study was to summarize and systematize information about training programs in the field of data science presented on online platforms of the main macro-regions – America, Europe and Asia. For this purpose, we found out what elements the corpus of data science training programs consists of, as well as how courses are distributed on educational platforms by countries, organizational providers, level of education and duration of study. Based on the data obtained, we conducted a comparative interregional study of educational programs presented on online platforms.The findings made it possible to draw conclusions about the specifics of the global landscape of data science online education, as well as to determine the specifics of the Russian segment and to formulate recommendations for solving significant problems of the domestic economy using data science online education

    Using whole-genome sequences of the LG/J and SM/J inbred mouse strains to prioritize quantitative trait genes and nucleotides

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    Background The laboratory mouse is the most commonly used model for studying variation in complex traits relevant to human disease. Here we present the whole-genome sequences of two inbred strains, LG/J and SM/J, which are frequently used to study variation in complex traits as diverse as aging, bone-growth, adiposity, maternal behavior, and methamphetamine sensitivity. Results We identified small nucleotide variants (SNVs) and structural variants (SVs) in the LG/J and SM/J strains relative to the reference genome and discovered novel variants in these two strains by comparing their sequences to other mouse genomes. We find that 39% of the LG/J and SM/J genomes are identical-by-descent (IBD). We characterized amino-acid changing mutations using three algorithms: LRT, PolyPhen-2 and SIFT. We also identified polymorphisms between LG/J and SM/J that fall in regulatory regions and highly informative transcription factor binding sites (TFBS). We intersected these functional predictions with quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapped in advanced intercrosses of these two strains. We find that QTL are both over-represented in non-IBD regions and highly enriched for variants predicted to have a functional impact. Variants in QTL associated with metabolic (231 QTL identified in an F16 generation) and developmental (41 QTL identified in an F34generation) traits were interrogated and we highlight candidate quantitative trait genes (QTG) and nucleotides (QTN) in a QTL on chr13 associated with variation in basal glucose levels and in a QTL on chr6 associated with variation in tibia length. Conclusions We show how integrating genomic sequence with QTL reduces the QTL search space and helps researchers prioritize candidate genes and nucleotides for experimental follow-up. Additionally, given the LG/J and SM/J phylogenetic context among inbred strains, these data contribute important information to the genomic landscape of the laboratory mouse

    Synaptosome-associated protein 25 (SNAP25) synthesis in terminal buttons of mouse motor neuron

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Previously, we formulated the hypothesis of compartmentalized protein synthesis in axons of motor neurons. In the axon hillock, along the entire length of the axon and in its ending, specific proteins are locally synthesized, which ensure the function of each compartment. In support of this hypothesis, in this work we studied the local protein synthesis in mouse motor nerve ending

    Academic and Socioсultural Adaptation of Students in Russian Universities

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    The article presents the results of the All-Russian sociological study of academic and sociocultural adaptation of students in Russian universities. The purpose of the article was to identify and interpret the problems of students’ adaptation to the educational process, research activities, project training, sociocultural environment of the university. The subject of the study was the selfassessment of the adaptability of junior students, as well as the factors influencing it. The novelty of the research consists in a comprehensive consideration of students’ adaptation to key activities at the university, including a new type of project activity. The empirical study was implemented through a massive online survey of students in May-July 2022. The respondents were first and second-year students enrolled in bachelor’s and full-time specialty programs in various areas of training. The total volume of the sample was 15,902 people, the maximum sampling error didn’t exceed 1%.Based on empirical data, the article shows the main problems of students’ adaptation to learning, namely, a significant amount of new information, the pace of the educational process, the format of practical classes and coursework that require more independence and activity than in school education. The authors reveal the connection between the level of students’ educational activity and initiative and the degree of their integration into the university community. The negative trend of decreasing student activity in the research field compared to the school period of study , as well as the preservation of a high proportion of those who are prone to academic fraud due to the lack of adaptive resources, is shown. It is concluded that the adaptation of students to project activities is complicated by their unwillingness to responsibility and independence, an attitude towards individualism and autonomy, an insufficiently high level of professional culture and professional knowledge, which is at odds with the expectations of project customers. At the same time, positive effects have been recorded in the field of sociocultural adaptation of nonresident and foreign students. Getting used to the specifics of Russian culture, the academic environment, and the new urban society occurs without much difficulty. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of university programs of adaptation and support of foreign students and students with disabilities, reasoned by the absence of significant differences in adaptation problems in all groups of students

    Assessment of morphological criteria for the efficiency of radiofrequency circumferential denervation of the pulmonary artery in the experiment (animals, pigs)

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    The aim of the study. To assess the influence of radiofrequency circumferential exposure modes on the morphological parameters of the pulmonary artery tissues in animal experiment (pigs).Material and methods. In the experiments, we used outbred pigs divided into 3 groups (4 animals in each). The first experimental group included 188 histological samples of the pulmonary arteries (PA) after radiofrequency circumferential exposure on the PA using an ablator clamp. Two lines of exposure on the PA and two lines of exposure on each PA mouth were performed. Ablation was performed until the target level of tissue impedance between the ablator branches corresponding to the values at transmural damage was reached. The second experimental group included 162 histological samples of the PA after circumferential denervation of pulmonary trunk and both PA mouths. Ablation was completed upon reaching 50 % impedance level relative to the impedance values at transmural damage. The third group (control) included 55 histological samples of PA without radiofrequency exposure. The material obtained was studied using light microscopy, hematoxylin and eosin and van Gieson’s staining, and also by impregnation with silver salts according to S. Ramón y Cajal.Conclusions. Morphological criteria for irreversible destruction of nerve fibers and ganglia of the pulmonary trunk adventitial layer and for PA bifurcation were obtained when using two studied ablation modes. Circumferential PA denervation using subthreshold power of radiofrequency exposure made it possible to avoid irreversible damage to the nerve endings and ganglia of the PA intimal layer and thus to preserve physiological neuroreflectory regulation of the PA and the entire pulmonary circulation. Turning off the cascade of pathological reflexes eliminates the factor of the progression of pulmonary hypertension associated with an increase in peripheral resistance of the pulmonary arterioles precapillary link

    Full-genome study of gene expression in lumbar spinal cord of mice after 30-day space flight on Bion-M1 biosatellite

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    Experiments were conducted on male mice of the C57BL/6J for full genome study of gene expression. The animals were divided into two groups.The 'flight group' mice that had spent 30 days in space and the 'control group' mice that stayed on Earth. The spinal cord of the 'flight' group mice as extracted 14h following the biosatellite's landing. The spinal cord of the control group mice was extracted at the same time.Then the lumbar spinal cord was frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept until the beginning of the study at -80°C. Quality control of the feature was performed using the settings recommended by Agilent Technologies. Signal background was subtracted and the signal intensity of each gene was globally normalized using locally weighted scatterplot smoothing. The analysis suggests that various functional groups of genes in different types of cells in spinal cord may be involved in the development of HLS and some changes in gene expression certainly happened in motor neurons innervating affected skeletal muscles

    О влиянии сжимаемости на шум вытеснения от несущего винта вертолета

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    The problem of noise generation of rotor due to the thickness of blades - displacement noise is considered. The method of calculating the displacement noise, which is based on linear acoustic theory for the changes in the effective thickness of the blade over time due to the compressibility of the flow are described.Рассмотрена задача генерации шума несущим винтом, обусловленная толщиной его лопастей - шум вытеснения или объемный шум. Описывается методика расчета шума вытеснения, которая основана на линейной акустической теории с учетом изменения эффективной толщины лопасти во времени вследствие сжимаемости потока