12 research outputs found

    Molecular left-right patterning after formin inhibition.

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    (A) Scheme of time course of chemical treatment and stages of LR analysis. (B, B’) Formin inhibitor SMIFH2 had no effect on nodal1 expression patterns in the embryos treated during cleavage (N = 3) and reduced the proportion of left-sided nodal1 expression in the embryos treated during gastrulation and neurulation (N = 6, p = 0,00000313 for 10μM SMIFH2). (B) Summary of experimental data. (B’) Representative images of formin-modulated stage 28 tailbud embryos displaying left-sided and abnormal (right, absent and bilateral) expression of nodal1, ventral view. (C, C’) Formin inhibitor SMIFH2 had no effect on pitx2 expression patterns in the embryos treated during cleavage (N = 4) and reduced the proportion of left-sided pitx2 expression in the embryos treated during gastrulation and neurulation (N = 7, p = 0,0005445 for 10μM SMIFH2). (C) Summary of experimental data. (C’) Representative images of formin-modulated stage 28 tailbud embryos displaying left-sided and abnormal (right, absent and bilateral) expression of pitx2, ventral view. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right. ***, p-value<0.001 compared with the DMSO control, two-proportions z-test with Bonferroni correction; N, number of experiments. Numbers at the base of columns represent number of analyzed embryos.</p

    Formin inhibition at gastrula and neurula stages results in morphology defects of left-right organizer at stage 18.

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    (A) Representative scanning electron microscopy images of GRP after exposure to various concentrations of formin inhibitor. (B) Representative histological sections through the GRP after exposure to various concentrations of formin inhibitor. Blue color indicates ectoderm, red–notochord and hypochord, violet–somitic mesoderm, yellow–endoderm. (C) Cilia polarization, cilia length and percentage of ciliated cells (ciliation rate) in embryos treated with DMSO and SMIFH2 (5 μM and 10 μM). Measurements were performed in notochordal GRP of 11, 14 and 9 embryos respectively (number of analysed cells = 303, 453 and 234 respectively). The apparent decrease of number of ciliated cells is non-significant (p-value = 0,295 for 10 μM, t-test with Bonferroni correction).</p

    Visceral organ situs after formin inhibition.

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    (A) Representative images of formin-modulated stage 46 tadpoles displaying normal organ situs (ss), situs inversion (si), or heterotaxia (ht), as determined by the direction of heart looping (outlined by dashed red line) and gut coiling (outlined by dashed violet line), ventral view. (B) Formin inhibitor SMIFH2 had no effect on organ situs in the tadpoles treated during cleavage (N = 5) and reduced the proportion of tadpoles with normal organ laterality after treatment with 10 μM SMIFH2 during gastrulation and neurulation (N = 5). a, anterior; ht, heterotaxia; l, left; p, posterior; r, right; si, situs inversus; ss, situs solitus. Cyan arrows indicate heart ventricle, yellow arrows indicate truncus arteriosus. ***, p-value = 0,00006552 compared with the DMSO control, two-proportions z-test with Bonferroni correction; N, number of experiments. Numbers at the base of columns represent number of analyzed embryos.</p

    Formin inhibition at gastrula and neurula stages results in abnormal molecular patterning of GRP.

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    (A-B’) Representative images of molecular patterning in the GRP. Dorsal explants of stage 18 neurula embryos after control treatment (A,B) and SMIFH2 administration (A’,B’) at stages 10–18. In situ hybridisation was performed with probes specific for sox17 (A,A’) and tekt2 (B,B’). (C and C’) Representative images of nodal1 expression pattern in the GRP. Dorsal explants of stage 18 neurula embryos after control or SMIFH2 treatment at stages 10–18. (D and D’) Histological sections through GRP demonstrate the position of nodal1-positive cells in the prospective somitic mesoderm. Arrows indicate areas of superficial nodal1-positive cells.</p

    Formin inhibition at cleavage stages has no effect on morphology and molecular anatomy of GRP in embryos treated with DMSO and 10 μM SMIFH2.

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    (A) Representative scanning electron microscopy images of GRP. Dorsal explants of stage 18 neurula embryos after formin inhibition at stages 2–6.5. Red color indicates notochord and hypochord, violet–somitic mesoderm, yellow–endoderm. (B-D) Representative images of molecular patterning in the GRP. Dorsal explants of stage 18 neurula embryos after formin inhibition at stages 2–6.5. In situ hybridisation was performed with probes specific for nodal1 (B), sox17 (C) and tekt2 (D). (JPG)</p

    S2 Fig -

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    Expression of endodermal marker sox17 and tekt2, a marker of cells forming motile cilia in GRP of embryos treated with DMSO and SMIFH2 from stage 10, fixated at late gastrulation (A and B) and at stage 18 (C and D). (JPG)</p

    S3 Fig -

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    Compilation of nodal1 (A) and dand5 (B) expression at stage 18 in embryos treated at gastrula-neurula stages with DMSO and 10 μM SMIFH2. (JPG)</p

    S5 Fig -

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    Distribution of actin filaments and cilia in the midline of stage 18 gastrocoel roof plate of embryos treated during gastrula-neurula stages with DMSO (A) or 10 μM SMIFH2 (B) as shown by IF staining using phalloidin (magenta) and antibody against acetylated tubulin (green). Note a narrow midline area bearing long polarized monocilia bordered by wide cells (B). Insets: overview of corresponding regions in SEM. (JPG)</p