16 research outputs found

    Hipertenzija kod pasa i mačaka - uzroci i posledice

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    During the nineties of the past century, several authors underscored the necessity of measuring blood pressure during a regular clinical examination of veterinary patients, because hypertension occurs as an accessory symptom in the course of diseased conditions. In addition to blood pressure measurements, most authors believe that it is necessary also to examine intraocular pressure, like in human medicine. Hypertension can be defined as a chronic increase of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systemic blood pressure is proportionate to the heart rate and total peripheral resistance, while physiological control depends on the reninangiotensin system, aldosterone, prostaglandin, adrenergic and neurogenic factors. Some other factors can also have an influence on the measured values of blood pressure (such as age, sex, race, temperament, environment, and, in part, also how and where the pressure measurement was taken). It has been generally accepted in veterinary medicine than an animal can be considered hypertensive if the measured systolic/diastolic pressures are higher than 180/100 mm Hg. Hypertension can be primary (sometimes also defined as essential or idiopathic) when it is a consequence of several factors which include heart, neurological, kidney, endocrine, and metabolic aspects. Hypertension is defined as secondary when it occurs as a consequence of certain chronic disorders (such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, pheochromocytoma, and diabetes mellitus). Blood pressure can be measured in animals using direct or indirect methods. The oscilometric and the ultrasonographic methods are equally used in the world today. Following detailed studies by large numbers of authors, the physiological frameworks of blood pressure in animals have been precisely determined. Different treatments are applied in the therapy of hypertension in animals, such as: restrictive diets, diuretics, a, and (3 blockers, blockers of calcium channels, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors. Hypertension can also be a state that requires emergency treatment, when it is resolved with aggressive therapy.Devedesetih godina proÅ”log veka viÅ”e autora je istaklo neophodnost procene krvnog pritiska prilikom uobičajenog kliničkog pregleda veterinarskih pacijenata, jer se hipertenzija javlja kao prateći simptom za vreme različitih bolesnih stanja. Osim merenja krvnog pritiska većina autora smatra daje neophodno da se obavi pregled očnog dna, kao i u humanoj medicini. Hipertenzija može da se definiÅ”e kao hronično povećanje sistoličnog i dijastoličnog krvnog pritiska. Sistemski krvni pritisak je proporcionalan srčanom učinku i totalnom perifernom otporu, dok fizioloÅ”ka kontrola zavisi od renin-angiotenzin sistema, aldosterona, prostaglandina, adrenergičkih i neurogenih faktora. I neki drugi činioci mogu da imaju uticaja na izmerene vrednosti krvnog pritiska (kao Å”to su starost, pol, rasa, temperament, okruženje i delimično način i mesto merenja pritiska). U veterinarskoj medicini generalno je prihvaćeno da se neka životinja može da smatra hipertenzivnom ukoliko izmereni sistolni/dijastolni pritisci prelaze 180/100 mm Hg. Hipertenzija može da bude primarna (nekad definisana i kao esencijalna ili idiopatska) kada je posledica većeg broja faktora, koji uključuju srčane, neuroloÅ”ke, bubrežne, endokrine i metaboličke aspekte. Hipertenzija se definiÅ”e kao sekundarna kada se javlja kao posledica nekih hroničnih poremećaja kao Å”to su hipertireoidizam, hipotireoidizam, hiperadrenokorticizam, feohromocitom i dijabetes melitus). Krvni pritisak kod životinja može da se izmeri direktnim i indirektnim metodama. U svetu se danas podjednako koriste i oscilometrijske i ultrasonografske metode. Nakon opsežnih studija većeg broja autora precizno su utvrđeni fizioloÅ”ki okviri krvnog pritiska kod životinja. U terapiji hipertenzije životinja koriste se različiti tretmani kao Å”to su: restriktivne dijete, diuretici, Ī±1 i Ī² blokatori, blokatori kalcijumovih kanala, vazodilatatori, ACE inhibitori. Hipertenzija može biti i urgentno stanje kada se reÅ”ava agresivnom terapijom

    Odgovor akutne faze kod Wistar pacova posle kontrolisanog krvarenja

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    After injury the acute-phase response of the organism activates mechanisms which imply the release of cytokines, stress hormones, and mediators of pain and inflammation. The main function of the acutephase response is to hinder further damage of the injured tissue by activating reparative processes. The increase in the concentration of acute phase proteins and the concurrent decrease in albumins and prealbumins indicate that there is a strong link between the liver and the traumatized site. Considering bleeding to be a major injury it can be supposed that it can result in changes in acute phase proteins concentrations despite the fact that it is not directly related to inflammatory reactions. In order to confirm this presumption the concentration changes in negative and positive acute phase proteins in Wistar rats' blood plasma were measured during a 10 day period after controlled bleeding. The result of the therapeutic effects of transfusion on acute phase proteins was estimated in a group of rats in the so called 'hospital stage' at which the blood loss was recovered by citrate blood transfusions. At the end of the 10th day the rats were monitored for an additional 10 day period. The obtained results confirm that bleeding is an impressive trauma and the acute phase response results in a significant change in acute phase proteins. These changes arise quickly, the highest concentrations were achieved within the first 24 to 72h and thereon they slowly declined.Odgovor akutne faze organizma na povredu tkiva aktivira mehanizme koji podrazumevaju oslobađanje citokina, hormona stresa, medijatora bola i zapaljenja. Njegova glavna funkcija je sprečavanje daljeg i većeg oÅ”tećenja povređenog tkiva uz aktivaciju reparatornih procesa. Porast koncentracije proteina akutne faze i smanjenje albumina i prealbumina ukazuje da postoji veza između mesta povrede i jetre. Smatrajući da je hemoragija teÅ”ka povreda, pretpostavili smo da ona može izazvati promene u koncentraciji proteina akutne faze bez obzira Å”to primarno nije povezana sa inflamatornom reakcijom. U cilju dokazivanja ove pretpostavke tokom 10 dana su praćene promene 'negativnih' proteina akutne faze; albumina i 'pozitivnih'; fibrinogena, Ī±-2 makroglobulina i haptoglobina, kao i Ī²-1 globulina i Ī³-globulina u plazmi Wistar pacova koji su bili podvrgnuti kontrolisanom iskrvarenju. Za potrebe ovog eksperimenta konstruisan je i novi model kontrolisanog krvarenja, koji je jedinkama omogućio preživljavanje tokom sledećih 10 dana, u toku kojih se merila promena relativnih koncentracija akutno-faznih proteina. Ispitan je i uticaj terapijskog efekta transfuzije na stanje proteina akutne faze na grupi pacova koji su u tzv. 'hospitalnoj fazi' kao nadoknadu izgubljene krvi, dobili infuziju citrirane krvi. Po zavrÅ”etku eksperimenta nadgledano je opÅ”te stanje životinja i praćen je letalitet tokom 10 dana. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja potvrđuju pretpostavku da je krvarenje teÅ”ka trauma za organizam pri čemu se odgovor akutne faze manifestuje značajnom promenom koncentracije odgovarajućih proteina, čije se maksimalne koncentracije registruju u prvih 24-72 časa nakon traume

    Demodikoza pasa na teritoriji grada NiŔa

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    This paper describes cases of demodicosis in dogs from the territory of the city of NiÅ”. The objective of the investigations was to learn more about the parameters that can influence the susceptibility of certain dogs to the cause of demodicosis, such as: age, hair length, sex, and seasonal dynamics of the incidence of the disease. It was established following examinations of 76 dogs suspected of demodicosis that they were all infected with the specie Demodex canis. The changes were localized or generalized. In the total number of infected dogs, there was a larger share of males (61.84%) than females (38.16%). The number of dogs diseased with demodicosis was twice higher in shorthaired than in long-haired animals. The most frequently infected were dogs of the Doberman and German Shepherd breeds. The number of male and female animals among short-haired dogs diseased with demodicosis was equal, while there were more males among the long-haired animals. The biggest number of infected animals was in the category of young dogs, up to one year of age, and they accounted for 65.79% of the total number of diseased animals, which shows without any doubt that younger dogs are more susceptible to demodicosis. There were more infected dogs in the period autumn-winter than in the period spring-summer.U ovom radu opisani su slučajevi demodikoze kod pasa sa teritorije grada NiÅ”a. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se neÅ”to viÅ”e sazna o parametrima koji mogu da utiču na prijemčivost određenih pasa prema uzročniku demodikoze kao Å”to su: životno doba, dužina dlake, pol i sezonska dinamika pojavljivanja bolesti. Pregledom 76 pasa suspektnih na demodikozu, ustanovljeno je da su svi bili infestirani vrstom Demodex canis. Promene su bile lokalizovane ili generalizovane. U ukupnom broju infestiranih pasa veći je bio udeo mužjaka (61,84%) nego ženki (38,16%). Broj pasa obolelih od demodikoze bio je dva puta veći kod kratkodlakih u odnosu na dugodlake pse. NajčeŔće infestirani su bili psi rase doberman i nemački ovčar. Broj muÅ”kih i ženskih jedinki kod kratkodlakih pasa obolelih od demodikoze bio je ujednačen, dok je kod dugodlakih bio veći broj mužjaka. Najveći broj infestiranih je bio iz kategorije mladih pasa, uzrasta od godinu dana i njihov udeo u ukupnom broju obolelih bio je 65,79 posto, Å”to nesumnjivo ukazuje da su demodikozi podložniji mlađi psi. U periodu jesen-zima bio je veći broj infestiranih pasa nego u periodu proleće-leto

    Hypertension in dogs and cats: Causes and effects

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    During the nineties of the past century, several authors underscored the necessity of measuring blood pressure during a regular clinical examination of veterinary patients, because hypertension occurs as an accessory symptom in the course of diseased conditions. In addition to blood pressure measurements, most authors believe that it is necessary also to examine intraocular pressure, like in human medicine. Hypertension can be defined as a chronic increase of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systemic blood pressure is proportionate to the heart rate and total peripheral resistance, while physiological control depends on the reninangiotensin system, aldosterone, prostaglandin, adrenergic and neurogenic factors. Some other factors can also have an influence on the measured values of blood pressure (such as age, sex, race, temperament, environment, and, in part, also how and where the pressure measurement was taken). It has been generally accepted in veterinary medicine than an animal can be considered hypertensive if the measured systolic/diastolic pressures are higher than 180/100 mm Hg. Hypertension can be primary (sometimes also defined as essential or idiopathic) when it is a consequence of several factors which include heart, neurological, kidney, endocrine, and metabolic aspects. Hypertension is defined as secondary when it occurs as a consequence of certain chronic disorders (such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, pheochromocytoma, and diabetes mellitus). Blood pressure can be measured in animals using direct or indirect methods. The oscilometric and the ultrasonographic methods are equally used in the world today. Following detailed studies by large numbers of authors, the physiological frameworks of blood pressure in animals have been precisely determined. Different treatments are applied in the therapy of hypertension in animals, such as: restrictive diets, diuretics, a, and (3 blockers, blockers of calcium channels, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors. Hypertension can also be a state that requires emergency treatment, when it is resolved with aggressive therapy.Devedesetih godina proÅ”log veka viÅ”e autora je istaklo neophodnost procene krvnog pritiska prilikom uobičajenog kliničkog pregleda veterinarskih pacijenata, jer se hipertenzija javlja kao prateći simptom za vreme različitih bolesnih stanja. Osim merenja krvnog pritiska većina autora smatra daje neophodno da se obavi pregled očnog dna, kao i u humanoj medicini. Hipertenzija može da se definiÅ”e kao hronično povećanje sistoličnog i dijastoličnog krvnog pritiska. Sistemski krvni pritisak je proporcionalan srčanom učinku i totalnom perifernom otporu, dok fizioloÅ”ka kontrola zavisi od renin-angiotenzin sistema, aldosterona, prostaglandina, adrenergičkih i neurogenih faktora. I neki drugi činioci mogu da imaju uticaja na izmerene vrednosti krvnog pritiska (kao Å”to su starost, pol, rasa, temperament, okruženje i delimično način i mesto merenja pritiska). U veterinarskoj medicini generalno je prihvaćeno da se neka životinja može da smatra hipertenzivnom ukoliko izmereni sistolni/dijastolni pritisci prelaze 180/100 mm Hg. Hipertenzija može da bude primarna (nekad definisana i kao esencijalna ili idiopatska) kada je posledica većeg broja faktora, koji uključuju srčane, neuroloÅ”ke, bubrežne, endokrine i metaboličke aspekte. Hipertenzija se definiÅ”e kao sekundarna kada se javlja kao posledica nekih hroničnih poremećaja kao Å”to su hipertireoidizam, hipotireoidizam, hiperadrenokorticizam, feohromocitom i dijabetes melitus). Krvni pritisak kod životinja može da se izmeri direktnim i indirektnim metodama. U svetu se danas podjednako koriste i oscilometrijske i ultrasonografske metode. Nakon opsežnih studija većeg broja autora precizno su utvrđeni fizioloÅ”ki okviri krvnog pritiska kod životinja. U terapiji hipertenzije životinja koriste se različiti tretmani kao Å”to su: restriktivne dijete, diuretici, Ī±1 i Ī² blokatori, blokatori kalcijumovih kanala, vazodilatatori, ACE inhibitori. Hipertenzija može biti i urgentno stanje kada se reÅ”ava agresivnom terapijom