41 research outputs found

    Biochemical Indicators as Predictive Markers by Combining Clinical Signs in Pre-eclampsia

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    AIM: To determine whether previously identified risk factors are associated with the development of a severe form of pre-eclampsia in a heterogeneous cohort of women, and the predictive values of these risk factors when combined with certain biochemical indicators. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Systematic review of data collected for a doctoral case-control study plus an examination of the indicators of pre-eclampsia and maternal IL10 levels. This examination was conducted in 100 women with pregnancies complicated by varying degrees of pre-eclampsia and in 80 normotensive patients hospitalized at the University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Patients with pre-eclampsia were categorized into moderate (m PE) and severe (s PE) pre-eclampsia group according to the degree of pre-eclampsia. The severity of pre-eclampsia was determined according to the definition of the World Health Organization, Handbook for guideline development from 2010. RESULTS: The regression analysis applied in this study showed that elevated systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or higher, diastolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg or higher, pregnancy at an older age, nulliparity, persistent proteinuria in pregnancy, the serum lactate dehydrogenase concentration of 450 U/L or higher, and reduced serum concentrations of IL10 as significant predictors of severe pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. While other variables predicted a higher likelihood for the development of severe pre-eclampsia, IL10 decreased such likelihood. IL10 was also found to be negatively correlated with proteinuria and positively correlated with blood platelets. Significantly higher concentration of IL10 was confirmed in patients with a higher number of platelets in the blood and vice versa. On the other hand, the serum concentration of IL10 was significantly lower in patients with a higher amount of proteins in the urine and vice versa. CONCLUSIONS: Examination of clinical risk factors combined with biochemical markers can improve the predictive success of pre-eclampsia and has important clinical values in improving the prognosis of pregnant women and fetuses


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    In Republic of North Macedonia, the production of grapes and wine has been known since ancient times. Many grape varieties are grown in this region, but one of the most important and largest regions for wine production is the Tikves region. The aim of the research was to determine the presence of natural radionuclides, as well as total and free sulfur dioxide that are added as additives in wine during its production. The analyzes were performed by gamma spectrometry and the obtained spectra were analyzed by the GENIE 2000 program. The sulfites were determined using OIV accredited methods after prior validation and verification. The results show that 40K is present in all wine brands with a larger size than the other radionuclides observed. 40K levels ranged from low 24.15 ± 2.30 to 38.22 ± 1.50 Bq / L for white wines and 16.28 ± 3.20 to 22.80 ± 3.50 Bq / L for red. As for sulfites, differences can be noticed in terms of the content of total and free sulfur dioxide in all examined wines. Regarding red wines, the lowest value for the content of both total and free sulfur dioxide is observed in Merlot wine (free SO2 = 10.20 ± 0.54mg / L and total SO2 = 51.79 ± 0.55mg / L), and the highest in Traminec wine (free SO2 = 66.41 ± 3.53mg / L and total SO2 = 179.81 ± 1.92mg / L), both from different producers. In terms of white wines, the lowest content of total and free sulfur dioxide is observed in Muscat Ottonel wine (free SO2 = 6.84 ± 0.36mg / L and total SO2 = 40.24 ± 0.43mg / L)

    Geomorphological Phenomenon Markovi Kuli - Prilep

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    The composition is a way of organizing and combining visual elements to create a visual effect. In the context of applied art, architecture, landscape architecture and other creative activities, the composition plays an important role in the way of organizing and shaping the space, and making it aesthetic and functional. The composition as a means of expression gives designers the power to trace the viewer`s attention and send a message visually. The role of design in organizing the space is creation of spatial compositions that have functional and aesthetic value. The artistic design of the space helps in improving its perception and experience by the viewer. The perception and experience of the natural beauty can be from a different aspect. This paper presents the Natural Monument „Markovi Kuli“, as a cultural-historical heritage, from artistic aspect. The purpose of this paper is to show the beauty of this Natural Monument, its natural relief structures and forms from a design point of view, through a composition

    The importance of architectural accessibility in modern society

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    The main goal of architecture, as a field that is aimed at designing, planning, and organizing the three-dimensional space for human needs, is to make an accessible environment. That is one of the main factors for the quality of living in a society. Designing without architectural barriers and raising awareness of the needs of people with disabilities in relation to architectural design is a current topic today. By including the needs of the people with disabilities, architects show the ethical note of architecture and its connection with responsible behavior towards the environment and the people for whom it was created. When we talk about designing environment for human needs and in range to the human abilities, it does not mean only for physically healthy people. Considering that around 15% of the world`s population has some form of disability, it is very important to design an accessible environment for as many people as possible. This architectural approach will contribute to increasing the involvement of people with disabilities in daily life activities. Architectural accessibility is an important thing in society because it affects all groups of people, regardless of age, cultural, social, and religious diversity. It helps in increasing social cohesion which is important for the development of modern society. Architectural accessibility is one of the reasons why inclusive education is not completely possible, and that limits children and youth with disabilities to develop their intellectual potential and include them in the educational process. It means that accessibility is in relation to inclusive education and that is important for every society

    Влијанието на композицијата во геопарковите

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    Геопарковите претставуваат одредени територии кои се насочени кон заштита, управување и презентација на природното и културно-историското наследство на дадена област. Композициите на геопарковите можат да бидат дизајнирани и да го олеснат пристапот и движењето на посетителите во геопаркот. Добро обележаните патеки, информативните табли и патокази може да им помогнат на посетителите беспрекорно да се движат и да уживаат во геолошките атракции. Композициите даваат можности за едукација и информирање на посетителите за геолошкото минато, формите на земјиштето, карпестите формации и други природни феномени. Композициите може да се користат за заштита и зачувување на ранливите екосистеми и природни ресурси во геопаркот. Овој труд ги истакнува аспектите на добрите композиции на геопарковите. Клучни зборови: композиција, геопаркови, животна средина, естетик

    Геоморфолошки феномен Маркови Кули - Прилеп

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    Композицијата е начин на организирање и комбинирање на визуелни елементи за создавање на визуелен ефект. Во контекст на применетата уметност, архитектурата, пејзажната архитектура и други креативни дејности композицијата има важна улога во начинот на организирање и обликување на просторот за тој да биде естетски и функционален. Композицијата како средство за изразување на дизајнерите им дава моќ да го трасираат вниманието на набљудувачот и визуелно да пренесат порака. Улогата на дизајнот во организирањето на просторот е создавање на просторни композиции кои имаат функционална и естетска вредност. Ликовното обликување на просторот помага во подобрување на неговата перцепција и доживување од страна на набљудувачот. Перцепцијата и доживувањето на природните убавини може да биде од различен аспект. Овој труд ги презентира Марковите Кули, како културно-историско наследство, од ликовен аспект. Целта на овој труд е да се прикаже убавината на Марковите кули, природните релјефни структури и форми од дизајнерски аспект, преку композиција. Клучни зборови: дизајн, културно-историско наследство, композиција, геопарк, туриза

    Koncentracija aktivnosti prirodnih radionuklida u hrani za piliće u Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji

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    The care of radioactivity level in animal feed is very important, as ingestion is one of the most common ways radionuclides enter living organisms. Thus, since humans consume products of animal origin (eggs and poultry, milk and beef), it is important to monitor radiation levels in animal feed, as part of the radioactivity that these animals are exposed to, could be transmitted to humans. Natural radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th and 226Ra find their way into the food chain from soil and air to plants and from plants to animals and humans as well. The goal of this study was to determine the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in three commercial chicken feeds – starter, grower and finisher. The analyzes were performed by means of HPGe gamma spectrometry - gamma spectrometer (Canberra Packard) with a high-purity germanium detector. The obtained spectra from the measurement were analyzed by using the program GENIE 2000. Based on the performed tests, the mean values for the activity concentrations in the samples were the following 26.03±4.1 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 37.9±4.8 Bq kg-1 for 232Th, and 64.40±6.5 Bq kg-1 for 40K. The results obtained from the analyses of chicken feeds were compared to studies in other countries and it was found that 40K was present in the highest amount in all types of samples while the vales for the other natural radionuclides were within the nominal concentrations. Higher concentration of 40K can be associated with plants used in the production of animal feed, which were contaminated with fertilizer during their cultivation. The range of radionuclide concentrations in the samples was within the recommended values UNSCEAR.Praćenje razine radioaktivnosti u hrani za životinje od izrazite je važnosti, budući da je oralna konzumacija jedan od najčešćih načina unosa radionuklida u živuće organizme. S obzirom na ljudsku konzumaciju proizvoda životinjskog porijekla (jaja, perad, mlijeko i govedina), važno je pratiti razine radijacije u hrani za životinje budući da dio ukupne radioaktivnosti kojoj su životinje izložene može prijeći na ljude. Prirodni radionuklidi poput 40K, 232Th i 226Ra ulaze u hranidbeni lanac iz zemlje i zraka u biljke te u životinje i ljude. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti aktivne koncentracije prirodnih radionuklida u tri komercijalne vrste hrane za piliće – starteru, groweru i finišeru. Analize su provedene uporabom gama spektrometra visoke rezolucije, odnosno gama spektrometrom (Canberra Packard) s germanijskim detektorom visoke čistoće. Dobiveni mjerni raspon analiziran je uporabom programa GENIE 2000. Temeljem izvedenih ispitivanja uzoraka, prosječne vrijednosti aktivnih koncentracija su 26.04±4.1 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 226Ra, 37.9±4.8 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 232Th i 64.40±6.5 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 40K. Rezultati navedenih analiza hrane za piliće uspoređeni su s istraživanjima provedenim u drugim državama, a zaključak istog je da je radionuklid 40K prisutan u najvišim količinama u svim vrstama analiziranih uzoraka dok su zabilježene normalne koncentracije ostalih prirodnih radionuklida. Više koncentracije radionuklida 40K mogu se povezati s biljkama upotrjebljenima u proizvodnji hrane za životinje, a koje su prethodno bile kontaminirane gnojivima tijekom kultivacije. Utvrđeno je da je raspon koncentracija radionuklida u analiziranim uzorcima unutar vrijednosti koje preporuča UNSCEAR

    Hydroxyurea Associated Cutaneous Lesions: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Hydroxyurea (HU) is an antimetabolite agent that interferes with the S-phase of cellular replication and inhibits DNA synthesis, with little or no effect on RNA or protein synthesis. It is used in the treatment of many myeloproliferative disorders (MD) and is particularly a first line treatment drug for intermediate to high-risk essential thrombocythemia. Although safe and very well tolerated by the patients suffering from MD, there have been numerous reports of a broad palette of cutaneous side effects associated with prolonged intake of the medication. These may include classical symptoms such as xerosis, diffuse hyperpigmentation, brown-nail discolouration, stomatitis and scaling of the face, hands, and feet or more serious side effects such as actinic keratosis lesions, leg ulcers and multiple skin carcinomas.CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 52-year-old man, on long-term therapy with HU for essential thrombocytosis, with several concurrent skin lesions. Despite the perennial use of HU, the cutaneous changes were neglected. The local dermatological examination revealed oval perimalleolar ulcer on the right leg, with dimensions 6 x 4 cm, clearly demarcated from the surroundings with regular margins, periulcerous erythema, with very deep and highly fibrinous bed of the ulcer, positive for bacterial infection. The ulcer was treated with topical wound therapy with alginate and parenteral antibiotics. The extended dermatological screening also showed two nummular lesions in the right brachial region, presenting as erythematous papules with sharp margins from the surrounding skin, gritty desquamation and dotted hyperpigmentations inside the lesion. Further dermoscopy and biopsy investigations confirmed a diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma. Nasal actinic keratosis was also noted. The patient was advised for discontinuing or substituting the HU therapy.CONCLUSION: We present this case to draw attention to the various cutaneous side effects that occur with perennial HU use and suggest an obligatory reference to a dermatological consult