55 research outputs found

    Prevalence of dental decay among children suffering from congenital heart diseases

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    Introduction: In general, dental decay and periodontal diseases have low mortality, but both have high levels of distribution and are responsible for pain in the oral cavity region, loss of teeth, and represent risk factors for other systemic complications, especially among children.Aim: The aim of this article is to assess dental decay prevalence in a group of children with congenital heart diseases (CHDs) and to compare it with the same indicator in a group of healthy, age- and gender-matched controls.Materials and Methods: Subject of monitoring of the prospective clinical research are 100 children from Varna region. Half of them (n=50) were diagnosed with CHDs and the other half (n=50) were healthy controls. Both groups were also divided into two age groups: from 4 to 7 years of age (n CHDs = 25; n Ctr. = 25) and from 8 to 17 years of age (n CHDs = 25; n Ctr. = 25). The dental status was examined and registered according to WHO, using the dmft/DMFT index. Possible risk factors for dental caries development were also registered.Results: Children with CHDs had statistically significant higher mean values of dmft/DMFT indices than healthy controls (age group 4-7 years: 5.5±3.2 vs. 4.3±1.2; age group 8-17 years: 5.6±2.9 vs. 3.6±2.3). The registered fillings among patients with CHDs were scarce. A total of 71% of patients with CHDs were subjected to regular oral medications intake due to the main chronic disease. Children with heart anomalies were mainly of low socio-economic status and had not received more intensive dental prophylaxis than healthy controls. A total of 98% of all examined patients (n=100) were affected by dental decay (dmft/DMFT > 0).Conclusion:  The findings from this research clearly show that the group of children with CHDs are more severely affected by dental decay than the control group of healthy children. Children with CHDs are at disadvantage, because the development of oral diseases in these patients may affect their overall medical condition. Prolonged oral pharmacotherapy and low socio-economic status, which affect oral health, are possible risk factors for dental decay development in these medically compromised children

    Physical education of children with special educational needs

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    Физическото възпитание, предназначено за деца със специални образователни потребности (СОП), в теорията на физическото възпитание и спорта се обозначава с термина „адаптирано физическо възпитание`. То е част от адаптираната физическа активност, която е по-обобщено понятие. Целта на АФВ се различава съществено от тази на традиционното физическо възпитание, осъществявано в масовото училище.Задачите му са твърде специфични и условно се разделят в три основни направления. Средствата на АФВ са същите, както при традиционното физическо възпитание, но прилагани с особена прецизност. Методиката на обучение и съответната учебна програма следва да са специално предназначени за немногобройна група от деца, съобразени с техните моментни психо-физически възможности.Ползите от заниманията с физическа активност за всички деца, включително и за тези с увреждания, са безспорни. В настоящата научна разработка се отчита ефектът от проведен учебен процес по АФВ с ученици, посещаващи Дневен център за деца със СОП - гр. В. Търново, за период от четири месеца.Physical education for children with special educational needs (SEN) in the theory of physical education and sport is defined by the term Adapted Physical Education. It is a part of the adapted physical activity, which is a more generalized concept.The purpose of adapted physical education differs significantly from the one of traditional physical education implemented in mainstream schools. Its tasks are too specific and conditionally divided into three main areas. The resources of APE are the same as those of traditional physical education, but are used with precision. The teaching methodology and the relevant programme of studies should be specifically designed to small groups of children adapted to their current psycho-physical capabilities.The benefits of practicing physical activity for all children, including those with disabilities, are indisputable. This scientific research reports the effect of the APE learning process with students attending the Day Care Center for Children with SEN in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, for a period of four months

    Aromatherapy As Alternative Medicine

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    Introduction: Aromatherapy has been known by mankind for thousands of years as a mean for achieving mental and spiritual balance. It has been noted back in ancient Egyptian documents as a way for mummifying. In China the application of herbs and fragrance oils can be found in texts dating back to two millennia.Aromatherapy is part of the holistic medicine. It is a method using natural essential oils to make a positive impact on the human body. The term ”aromatherapy” was introduced in 1920 by the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse who dedicated his life to research of the healing powers of essential oils.Essential oils are extracted from different parts of the plants – blossoms, leaves, tree bark, roots, seeds, fruit peel etc.The treatment with fragrances has been developing intensively in recent years as an efficient natural method and an alternative one to the conventional medicine.Greenhouses for growing of aromatherapy plants have been established in many countries. Essential oils have wide applicability in cosmetics.Aim: The purpose of the article is to investigate the potential of aromatherapy in relation with the treatment of different diseases and its applicability in cosmetics.Materials and methods: The available literature, scientific researches with analyses of useful and prophylactic campaigns, as well as the benefits of the therapy as one with general impact were researched.Results: The benefits of aromatherapy have been a subject of multiple scientific researches. As a result, this method is considered highly effective for a wide range of nosological units. The clinical researches show that the fragrance molecules of the essential oils have a calming impact on the neurological system and impact favorably indigestion problems and physical pain. Moreover, they are antibacterial and antiseptic.Conclusion: Aromatherapy can be successfully combined with medical treatment, as well as with prophylaxis. The evidence about aromatherapy benefits is not fully proven. There is an ongoing discussion on the topic

    Prevalence of dental decay and periodontal diseases among children suffering from congenital heart diseases. A literature review - part II

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    Dental decay is one of the most prevalent chronic and infectious diseases for mankind. It is defined as `a dynamic process, taking place in the tooth bacterial biofilm (plaque), which results in a disturbance of equilibrium between tooth substance and the surrounding plaque fluid and finally results in a loss of minerals from the tooth surface - demineralisation.` Fluoride plays an important role in dental decay prevention and stimulates self-healing of minor cavities by reducing the demineralisation process and promoting the remineralization process. Remineralisation occurs frequently, especially when the biofilm pH is restored by saliva, which acts as a buffer. The adequate salivary production is of great importance for maintaining a normal physiology in the oral cavity.It is known that children with congenital heart disease (CHD) frequently require regular long-term medication, but the knowledge of oral health effects caused by long-term medication in medically compromised children is sparse. Many medications used on a long-term basis may contain sugar, have a low pH or high acidity. There is a strong correlation between xerostomia and pharmacological treatment and a number of drugs have been listed as xerogenic. These drugs include ones with a directly damaging to salivary glands function, such as cytotoxic drugs, medications with anticholinergic activity, drugs which deplete fluid as diuretics, and drugs acting on the sympathetic system, like antihypertensive drugs. Only a few clinical studies have been carried out on the outcome of salivary function with antihypertensive drugs, and the outcome is not clear-cut.A number of studies have been carried out on the caries prevalence in children with CHD but only five of them were controlled. Children with CHD had higher mean values of dmft /DMFT indices than healthy children and only a few of them had experienced fillings, indicating an unmet need for operative treatment

    A survey on stress factors among first-year students from the Rehabilitation Therapist program in Medical College - Varna

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    Стресовите фактори, произтичащи от учебния процес, не позволяват на студентите да развият своя потенциал. Те затрудняват пълноценното усвояване на изучаваните дисциплини. Изграждането на адекватни стратегии за справяне със стреса е важна предпоставка за успешното и устойчиво усвояване на новите знания и умения, необходими за добрата професионална реализация. Целта на настоящото изследване е да се проучи мнението на студентите от първи курс специалност „Рехабилитатор` относно факторите, предизвикващи стрес по време на тяхното обучение, за да се предприемат своевременни мерки за подобряване на академичната среда. Материали и методи: Анализ на литературни източници и анкетен метод. Анкетирани са студенти от първи курс през периода януари-март 2017 г. чрез пряка индивидуална анонимна анкета. Резултати и обсъждане: Повече от половината анкетирани изпитват тревожност и несигурност, свързани с подготовката и представянето си по време на изпитните сесии. Основни източници на стрес при студентите са: обемната информация, недостатъчното време за подготовка, разминаването между очаквания и по лучения резултат от изпитите. Респондентите използват различни техники за справяне със стреса - отделяне на време за забавления (спорт, филми, музика и др.), релаксиране чрез срещи с любими и значими хора. Болничната среда и срещата с пациенти не предизвикват притеснение сред студентите. Заключение: За студентите от първи курс основните източници на стрес са свързани с академичната среда. Възниква потребност за изготвяне на стратегии за овладяване на факторите, водещи до стрес. Това ще допринесе за пълноценно усвояване на нови знания и формиране на професионални компетенции, необходими за успешна професионална реализация.Stress factors as a result of the learning process do not allow students to develop their potential. Thus, students have some difficulties in fully acquiring the subjects they are taught. The setting up of adequate strategies for managing stress is a key factor for successful and long-term acquisition of new knowledge and skills necessary for a professional realization. This research aims to survey the first-year Rehabilitation Therapist Program students on their opinion about factors causing stress during the learning process in order to take appropriate and timely measures for improving the academic environment. Materials and Methods: We have conducted an analysis of literary sources and used a survey method. The survey was carried out by means of a direct individual and anonymous questionnaire that included first-year students in the period January - March 2017. Results and Discussion: More than half of the students that took part in the survey express anxiety and uncertainty related to their preparation and performance during examination periods. For most of them the main stress sources are: great amount of information, insufficient time for preparation and the mismatch between expectations and actual exam results. The respondents use different techniques to fight the stress - dedicating some time to entertainment (sport, films, music, etc.), relaxation and spending time with their loved ones. Spending time in a hospital and meeting patients do not cause anxiety for the students. Conclusion: The main sources of stress for first-year students are related to the academic environment. There is a need to build strategies for coping with stress factors in order to fully acquire new knowledge and develop professional competencies necessary for a successful professional realization

    Prevalence of dental decay and periodontal diseases among children suffering from congenital heart diseases. A literature review - part III

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    Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are known to be related to structural and developmental disturbances of teeth, such as anodontia, microdontia, enamel hypoplasia, affected normal form of teeth. A recent research points out that enamel and dentin of primary teeth of children with CHD are structurally and chemically altered, with low calcium and phosphorus levels.Tooth decay and periodontal diseases have low morbidity rates, but they both have high prevalence and cause oral pain. They are risk factors for other systemic complications, most likely in children. Children with CHD are at higher risk of complications, because their main disease may worsen due to oral diseases. The main risk is life-threatening systemic conditions such as infectious endocarditis and brain abscess, caused by odontogenic bacteremia.The available information, concerning oral manifestations and specifics in the dental clinics and prophylaxis of children with CHD, is still scarce and insufficient despite the social significance of this problem

    Halotherapy - origin, development and therapeutic benefits

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    Халотерапията е метод за профилактика, лечение и красотата, предлаган в центрове по цял свят. Възникнала като спелеотерапия в солните пещери, днес тя e актуална под формата на солни стаи. Целта на този доклад е да обобщи информацията относно зараждане, развитие и приложение на халотерапията за профилактика и в комплексната терапия при заболявания на дихателна система. Методи и материали: Проучена е достъпната литература, научни изследвания с анализиране на профилактични мероприятия и като част от терапията на дихателните пътища. Резултати: Ползите от инхалацията на солни аерозоли са били обект на множество значителни научни изследвания, в резултат на което този метод се счита за високоефективен срещу широк кръг от дихателни проблеми и обструктивни заболявания на дихателните пътища. Клиничните изследвания показват, че частиците на солта могат да помогнат за лекуването и намаляването на дихателни възпаления, абсорбция на оток (подуване), причинено от течност в тъканите и може да помогне за отпушване на областта на бронхите. Заключение: Халотерапията успешно се съчетава с медикаментозно лечение, както и профилактика. Доказателствата относно ползите не са категорични и съществува дискусия по темата. Все още липсва надеждна информация за солените пещери, необходими са допъл нителни проучвания за оценка на ползите от солта.Halotherapy is a method of disease prevention, treatment and wellness practiced in Halotherapy centres all over the world. It first came into existence as Speleotherapy in salt caves. Over the years it has gained popularity under the name of salt rooms. This report aims to summarize information related to the origin, development and practical application of Halotherapy in the prevention and overall treatment of respiratory diseases. Materials and Methods: We have conducted research on available literature, scientific studies with analyses of carried out preventive activities as a part of respiratory tract therapy. Results: The benefits of salt aerosol inhalations have been subject to various significant scientific studies and as a result, this method is considered to be highly effective in the prevention and treatment of a vast range of respiratory problems and obstructive respiratory diseases. Clinical researches show that salt particles can help with the treatment and reduction of respiratory inflammation; absorption of oedema caused by fluid in the tissues and can also help cleanse the area of the bronchi. Conclusion: Halotherapy can be used as a precention method but it is also successfully combined with medication treatment. Proof about the benefits is not explicit and there is a discussion on the topic. Still there is no reliable information about salt caves. There is a need to carry out additional investigation in order to evaluate the effect of salt

    Cryotherapy - Origin, Development And Therapeutical Benefits

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    Cryotherapy is a method of treatment used in hospitals and cosmetic centers around the world. Low temperature treatment has been applied since ancient times. Today this is done through the use of a modern apparatus.The point of this report is to sum up information regarding the introduction, evolution and application of cold therapy as a treatment for different illnesses, reinforcing of the immune system and aesthetic procedures.Materials and Methods:Accessible literature has been studied, as well as scientific studies analyzing the benefits on joint diseases, surgery, dermatology, and immune strengthening procedures.Results:The benefits of cryotherapy have been tested many times with the results showing a high effectiveness in a wide spectrum of illnesses. Clinical studies show that cold therapy has a pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects in acute or chronic traumatic conditions. It lowers the temperature of tissues, blood flow decreases in the treated area, and the pain receptors become less sensitive.Conclusion:Cryotherapy can be successfully incorporated with other physiotherapeutic procedures, medications, and immunoprophylaxis

    Acupuncture – The Medical Treatment From The East

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    In recent years the cooperation between Western and Eastern medicine has been growing. Nowadays there is a tendency toward seeking acupuncture as an additional therapy in Bulgaria. Acupuncture is considered as one of the oldest treatment methods in medicine. It originated in China more than 5000 years ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporates many factors affecting health: internal, such as sexual, psychological, nutritive; and also climatic factors – wind, humidity, heat, cold, dryness. The main philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the energy of life - Qi (Ying and Yang, which should be in balance).The pathways of vital energy Qi are also known as meridians. There are 14 main body meridians related to human organs - 12 paired and 2 unpaired. The aim of this article is to summarize the information about the use of acupuncture in modern medicine and its impact on the human health status

    Comparative analysis between the personal noise exposure level of industry workers and school teachers

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    The noise is defined as unwanted sound and can be a reason for many different adverse health effects. Occupational exposure to high noise level is a problem almost in all industries but also in the services sector and the exposure level vary depending on the noise sources. According to the investigation done so far, this problem often appears in the industries like transportation, mining, production, and construction. Excessive exposure to high noise levels lead to decreased efficiency, risks of incidents at work, professional diseases and in some cases to hearing loss. The risk of negative health effect depends on the exposure level and the frequency of noise exposure. The negative effects of high noise exposure level often include decreased concentration, risk of accidents, stress, and cardiovascular diseases. In some cases, it may have influence not only on the professional but also on the social life by limited opportunities for employment or promotions. In this paper a comparison between noise exposure level of industry workers and schoolteachers will be presented. To determine the noise exposure level of the school teachers and industry workers a noise exposure measurements in real conditions was performed. The A-weighted equivalent-continuous sound pressure levels of each industry worker and school teacher were recorded using noise dosimeters during performing the regular daily tasks. The measurements were repeated in 3 series. In total three schoolteachers and three industry workers were involved in the study. Using software tool, the data for the personal noise exposure levels were collected and normalized 8-hours exposure was determinate. The results between two different areas of exposure showed that both, schoolteachers, and industry workers are exposed almost to the same noise level. If the machine and equipment are significant noise sources in the industry than the noise of the students in the classrooms during classes, corridors during breaks, sport hall causes the same noise level as in an industrial plant. The results of this research show that there can be a risk factor of adverse effects to the occupational health and safety of both workplaces, the industry, and schools