77 research outputs found

    The Republic of Bulgaria and NATO - Partnership and Integration

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    The transformations of the political relations in Europe at the dawn of 21st century resulted in deep changes in the concepts of security and redefining the existing systems for collective defense in Europe. NATO becoming the security and defense framework of Europe had to deeply reconsider its raison d'etre and to enlarge. In this connection the Republic of Bulgaria deeply reconsidered its political and strategic position in this new environment, started profound reforms in its security institutions and continues to consolidate the democratic statecraft. This Thesis analyzes the process of NATO enlargement and advocates the possibilities of membership for Bulgaria at the next 2002 NA TO Summit. Bulgaria needs a quick entrance, not only for its strategic geopolitical position in Southeastern Europe, but for its efforts to participate in the building of united Europe and to support the Alliance as a reliable partner, committed to contribute and to preserve the peace and stability in the region and Europe and to promote democratic values. The membership will strengthen the process of European integration and create a better climate for economic growth and prosperity in Europe.http://archive.org/details/therepublicofbul1094537411Ministry of Defense, Republic of BulgariaApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Moguća veza između kolebanja proticaja Dunava i sunčeve aktivnosti

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    Relations between discharge changes and solar activity are very complex and this is the reason why the obtained results are often contradictory. In this paper we tray to explore possible relation between Danube river discharge elements and parameters of solar activity. The best result has been found between flow index and latitude of sunspots. According to literature we propose possible mechanism of solar activity influence on the discharge.Veze između promena proticaja i sunčeve aktivnosti veoma su složene, zbog čega su dobijeni rezultati često protivrečni. U radu smo pokušali da ispitamo moguću vezu između elemenata proticaja Dunava i parametara sunčeve aktivnosti. Najbolji rezultat dobijen je za vezu između indeksa vodnosti i asimetrije heliografske širine sunčevih pega. Na osnovu literature predložen je mogući mehanizam uticaja sunčeve aktivnosti na proticaj

    Vremenska varijabilnost i prostorna razdioba suša u nizinskom dijelu Slovačke

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    Atmospheric drought in lowlands in Slovakia is analyzed on the bases of Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). This paper gives information about the dynamic, intensity, seasonal and territorial differences in occurrence of drought with various intensity: mild (near to normal), moderate, severe and extreme for the period 1961–2011. Future changes in occurrence of drought are determined on the basis of model data (regional circulation models KNMI and MPI) for temperature and precipitation for two periods: 2001–2050 and 2051–2100. The results show that temperature has an important role for occurrence of moderate and severe drought at monthly level and precipitation is the main factor for occurrence of extreme drought. There are an increasing number of cases with severe or extreme drought in summer for most of the investigated stations. Future projection of drought shows general tendency to increasing frequency of severe dry events in 2001–2050 and 2051–2100 while there will be a little decreasing of extremely dry months in comparison to 1961–2010.Analizirana je suša u nizinskom dijelu Slovačke pomoću standardiziranog oborinskog indeksa (SPI) i standardiziranog oborinsko-evapotranspiracijskog indeksa (SPEI). Ovaj rad daje informaciju o dinamici, jakosti, sezonskim i prostornim razlikama u pojavi suše različite jakosti: slabe (blizu normale), jake, umjerene i ekstremne za razdoblje 1961.–2011. Buduće promjene u pojavi suše određene su iz podataka modela (regionalni cirkulacijski modeli KNMI i MPI) za temperaturu i oborinu za dva razdoblja: 2001.–2050. i 2051.–2100. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da na mjesečnoj skali temperatura ima važnu ulogu u pojavi umjerene i jake suše, dok je oborina glavni čimbenik pri pojavi ekstremne suše. Za većinu istraživanih stanica ustanovljen je porast broja jakih i ekstremnih suša tijekom ljetnog razdoblja. Projekcija buduće pojave suše pokazuje opću tendenciju porasta učestalosti događaja jakih suša u razdoblju 2001.–2050. i 2051.–2100., dok će se broj ekstremno suhih mjeseci malo smanjiti u usporedbi s razdobljem 1961.–2011


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    The aim of this study is to determine the use of metacognitive listening strategies by EFL (English as a foreign language) learners in the Republic of North Macedonia. The participants in the study were two groups of EFL learners at two stages of language development: intermediate and advanced, in order to determine if the use of listening strategies changes with the development of language proficiency. The instrument used in the study is the MALQ questionnaire that investigates five groups of strategies: problem-solving, planning and evaluation, mental translation, person knowledge and directed attention. The results of the study showed that the students reported having a moderate amount of metacognition with an overall mean of 4.18 for high school students and 4.26 for university students. The Directed Attention, Person knowledge and Problem-solving strategies had higher scores and indicated a high level of awareness of these strategies for both groups, while Mental translation and Planning and evaluation showed an average level of awareness. The results provide valuable information to language teachers about the types of metacognitive listening strategies used by language learners so that they can make the necessary adjustments in their teaching methodology and strategy training of their students.  Article visualizations

    Motivation in Distance Learning

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    What is the importance of motivation in distance learning? The term motivation comes from the Latin word “movere” which means to move. It is the force that moves all our processes, physical or mental. What can we expect from unmotivated sportsmen or unmotivated workers? Can success be present if there is zero motivation? It is the driving force to all our activities. Motivation is crucial for something that requires a lot of effort and attention, especially a mental effort. Unlike traditional learning that is mostly regulated by the teacher, self-regulation and self-discipline are vital to the success of distance learning. Distance education entails students working via electronic media in the comfort of their home. It is also harder when students work on their own in asynchronous distance education courses compared to synchronous ones. However, in order to sit in front of the computer and opt for learning while being highly distracted in no classroom-alike environment, students need even higher motivation. In this paper we will consider the different aspects of motivation, the different types of motivation such as intrinsic, extrinsic or social motivation. We will take into consideration how these types influence the success in distance learning courses. Moreover, we will discuss the role of the Matthew effect i.e. how the greater motivation or the lack of motivation confirms the same results in terms of distance education. In the end, we will focus on motivation for English language acquisition in both forms of distance learning in higher education, synchronous and asynchronous forms. Keywords: motivation; Matthew effect; synchronous; asynchronous; language learnin

    Teacher Roles in Foreign Language Instruction

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    Главните учесници во процесот на учење и поучување се наставникот и учениците. Тие се еднакви партнери во овој процес бидејќи успехот и ефективноста на учењето и поучувањето не зависат само од наставникот. Иако наставникот е тој кој ги планира и организира часовите и ги мотивира и поттикнува учениците да учат за да го усвојат потребното знаење и да ги развијат потребните компетенции за да можат да го користат јазикот надвор од училницата, учениците не може да бидат пасивни приматели на информациите пренесени од наставникот. Напротив, тие треба да се вклучени активно, да преземаат инцијатива и да бидат одговорни за своето учење. Во таква атмосфера на активна вклученост, учество и соработка, наставникот и учениците може да имаат многу различни улоги. Овие улоги зависат од контекстот на учење, верувањата на наставниците и учениците, нивните очекувања, итн. Овој труд се фокусира на улогите на наставникот во наставата по странски јазиц

    Motivation in Distance Learning

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    What is the importance of motivation in distance learning? The term motivation comes from the Latin word “movere” which means to move. It is the force that moves all our processes, physical or mental. What can we expect from unmotivated sportsmen or unmotivated workers? Can success be present if there is zero motivation? It is the driving force to all our activities. Motivation is crucial for something that requires a lot of effort and attention, especially a mental effort. Unlike traditional learning that is mostly regulated by the teacher, self-regulation and self-discipline are vital to the success of distance learning. Distance education entails students working via electronic media in the comfort of their home. It is also harder when students work on their own in asynchronous distance education courses compared to synchronous ones. However, in order to sit in front of the computer and opt for learning while being highly distracted in no classroom-alike environment, students need even higher motivation. In this paper we will consider the different aspects of motivation, the different types of motivation such as intrinsic, extrinsic or social motivation. We will take into consideration how these types influence the success in distance learning courses. Moreover, we will discuss the role of the Matthew effect i.e. how the greater motivation or the lack of motivation confirms the same results in terms of distance education. In the end, we will focus on motivation for English language acquisition in both forms of distance learning in higher education, synchronous and asynchronous forms. Keywords: motivation; Matthew effect; synchronous; asynchronous; language learnin

    Развивање на ученичка автономија

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    Примената на комуникативните приоди во наставата по странски јазици наместо традиционалните методи доведе до многу промени во училницата. За разлика од традиционалните методи каде што наставникот ја има централната улога, го предава новиот материјал и ги дава сите објаснувања, а учениците се пасивни чинители, во современите методи на учење и поучување учениците ја имаат централната улога. Од нив се очекува активно да учествуваат во сите фази од наставниот процес, да преземаат одговорност за своето учење, да користат стратегии кои ќе им помогнат да постигнат подобри резултати, да го следат својот напредок и да бидат способни сами да го евалуираат своето знаење. Овие промени во наставата по странски јазици доведе до сé почеста употреба на терминот ученичка автономија. Голем број експерти истакнуваат дека една од целите на наставата е да се поттикнуваат учениците да бидат посамостојни во процесот на учење и да не зависат постојано од наставникот, да развиваат капацитети за критичко размислување, правење сопствени избори и донесување одлуки. На тој начин, не само што ќе учат поефикасно во училницата, тие ќе бидат способни да го дополнуваат учењето во училница со учење надвор од училницата и ќе развијат вештини за самостојно учење и по завршувањето на формалното образование. Бидејќи тоа е долготраен процес, наставниците треба да им помогнат на учениците постепено да се оттргнуваат од зависноста од наставникот и да развиваат вештини за самостојно учење. Целта на овој труд е да се елаборира важноста на развивањето на ученичката автономија и да се презентираат некои можни начини на поттикнување на автономијата кај учениците кои изучуваат странски јазици

    Procjena toplinske kontinentalnosti u južnoj Rumunjskoj i sjevernoj Bugarskoj (1961.–2015.)

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    The assessment of continentality and oceanity of the climate at a global level or within particular regions has lately gained in importance on the background of global warming and its impact on food and water resources. Aiming at understanding these influences, there were analysed the spatial distribution (based on the data from 27 meteorological stations) and temporal variability of four indices (for 19 meteorological stations with complete data series covering the interval 1961–2015). In specialized literature, there are used different continentality and oceanity indices. We studied four of them, but the results indicate that three of these are redundant, as they deliver almost the same information. Consequently, only the results based on Gorczyński Continentality Index (GCI) and Kerner Oceanity Index (KOI) are presented and discussed in greater detail. These indices emphasize the continental character of the climate in the region, except for a narrow strip along the Black Sea Coast, which displays a maritime climate. There did not emerge a clear intensification of continentality (the trends were not statistically significant), in spite of the increase of air temperature in the region during the last two decades. However, a good correlation was obtained between three of the analysed indices (GCI,II and KOI) and North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI).Procjena kontinentalnosti i maritimnosti globalne i regionalne klime je u posljednje vrijeme postala važna u kontekstu globalnog zatopljenja i njegovog utjecaja na proizvodnju hrane i vodne resurse. S ciljem razumijevanja tih utjecaja, na temelju podataka s 27 meteoroloških postaja, analizirane su prostorna raspodjela i vremenska varijabilnost četiriju indeksa (za 19 meteoroloških postaja s potpunim vremenskim nizovima podataka koji pokrivaju intervalu 1961.–2015.). U stručnoj literaturi koriste se različiti indeksi kontinentalnosti i maritimnosti. U ovom radu proučavali smo smo četiri indeksa, ali rezultati ukazuju na to da su tri od njih suvišna, jer pružaju gotovo iste informacije. U skladu s tim, u radu smo prikazali i detaljnije raspravili vezene uz Gorczyńskijev indeks kontinentalnosti (GCI) i Kernerov indeks maritimnosti (KOI). Ovi indeksi ukazuju na kontinentalni karakter klime u regiji, osim uskog pojasa duž crnomorske obale, koja ima obilježja maritimne klime. Unatoč porastu temperature zraka u regiji tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća nije došlo do vidljivog intenziviranja kontinentalnosti (trendovi nisu bili statistički značajni). Međutim, dobivena je dobra korelacija između tri analizirana indeksa (GCI, II i KOI) i indeksa Sjevernoatlantske oscilacije (NAOI)