10 research outputs found

    Sociomedical and psychological aspects of gastric cancer incidence in working age

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    Despite the recorded in last decades trend of decline in morbidity and mortality from gastric neoplasms, the gastric cancer remains one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Morbidity and mortality are particularly elevated in the active, working age - from 18 to 64 years. Stomach neoplasms have a strong impact on the quality of life of patients, changing their ability to work, social life and attitudes toward family and loved ones. These changed relationships  have also an impact on the social life and status of the patient's relatives.The aim of the study is to present some of the social and psycho-emotional aspects of the gastric cancer morbidity of people in active and working age.The results of the conducted studies proved the connection of the morbidity and mortality from oncological diseases and in particular of the neoplasms of the stomach with the sex and age of the patients. Gastric oncological diseases have a significant negative impact on the psyche, ability to work and social life of patients. The high number of patients in working age is a prerequisite for the implementation in many countries of screening programs for early diagnosis, which is also recommended for the Republic of Bulgaria

    An abnormally enlarged frontal sinus - a case of pneumosinus dilatans

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    During routine autopsy of a 62-y-old female cadaver, an unusually enlarged frontal sinus was observed. The sinus was abnormally over-developed in both width and height, as the sinus cavity spreads deeply into the frontal tubera. Numerous septa divided the sinus cavity. Because of the obvious dilation of the frontal sinus and the lack of localized bone destruction and hyperostosis, a rare condition called `pneumosinus dilatans` probably occurs in this interesting case


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    Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances makes driving a car unsafe, as it puts the driver, passengers and other people who share the road at risk. Many of the accidents and deaths that occur on European roads are caused by people whose performance is impaired by alcohol, illicit drugs and medications, or a combination of these substances. Material and methods: We performed full forensic autopsy, toxicological analysis of blood, urine and internal organ samples, with subsequent analysis of the results. Results: For the period 2011-2017 of all cases investigated in the Department of Forensic medicine and deontology, Sofia, Bulgaria in 520 of them the cause of death was associated with traffic accidents. In 81 of the cases the chemical analysis showed the presence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs. Discussion and conclusions: It is well known that alcohol and illicit drugs impair cognitive and physical abilities. Alcohol was the most commonly recorded psychoactive substance in traffic accidents, followed by marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and opioids. All of these drugs affect the central nervous system, making driving and psychoactive substance use a life-threatening combination. Understanding the effects of alcohol and different illicit drugs, and the correlations between their use and the risk of traffic accidents are necessary to develop effective public health and law enforcement strategies for prevention and control


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    Introduction: Phosphorus compounds and copper sulphate form part of many pesticide formulations, making them widely available for mass usage. They are responsible for a large number of poisonings around the world, and the majority of fatal outcomes are accidents or suicides. The general physical characteristics of these substances in some cases create differential diagnostic problems in the forensic practice. Based on these facts of utmost importance is a full toxicological analysis with additional, non-routine testing to determine the exact cause of death. Materials and methods: Full forensic autopsy of the body; Full chemical analysis and specific testing. Case presentation: We present a case of a 72-year-old woman found dead in her home with bluish stains around her mouth and traces of vomit with the same color on her clothes and bed. When performing the internal examination of the body and opening the stomach, а sharp, irritating smell of garlic and gasoline was present. Discussion: On the basis of the examination of the corpse and the fact that blue-stone intoxications are more common, it was firstly suggested that the intoxication had that particular origin. However the abovementioned smell was not characteristic for such poisoning. The classic toxicology analysis was negative for copper sulfate, therefore an in-depth additional testing was performed and it showed the presence of the phosphoorganic compound dimethoate. Conclusion: It is necessary to carry out a full range of studies and to know the physicochemical properties of the substances and their effects on the body not only for accurate forensic diagnosis, but also in the clinical practice, in the cases of intoxications


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    Introduction: Illicit drugs include a variety of substances that affect the central nervous system, and abusing them highly increases the risks for engaging in potentially dangerous and life-threatening behaviors. Although violent behavior has different causes, it is well known that acute substance intake and abuse increase the risk of both interpersonal and self-directed violence. Material and methods: For the period 2011-2015 in the Department of Forensic medicine and deontology, Sofia, 4849 autopsies of deceased with full forensic analysis were performed, including the gathering of anamnesis and criminal data from relatives and the authorities of the investigation, overall external and internal examination of the body, and chemical analysis of biological materials. Results: The analysis showed that 188 were cases of violent death with confirmed presence of illicit drugs. Violent causes of death for the above mentioned period are presented mainly by suicide and accident, rarely cases of homicide. In addition, the chemical analysis of the biological materials collected during autopsy established in the highest percentage the metabolites of cocaine and marijuana, especially in the cases of reckless and risky driving. Conclusion: The role of illicit drugs extends far beyond overdose and disease, and plays a significant role in premature deaths, highly increasing the risk of accidents, homicide and suicide

    Thermal Properties of Geopolymer Based on Fayalite Waste from Copper Production and Metakaolin

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    In the present study, thermal properties of geopolymer paste, based on fayalite waste from copper producing plants and metakaolin, were analyzed. The used activator solution was a mixture of sodium water glass, potassium hydroxide and water with the following molar ratio: SiO2/M2O = 1.08, H2O/M2O = 15.0 and K2O/Na2O = 1.75. High strength geopolymers pastes were evaluated after exposure to 400, 800 and 1150 °C. The physical properties (absolute and apparent density, water absorption) and compressive strength were determined on the initial and the heat treated samples. The phase composition, microstructure and spectroscopic characteristics were examined by XRD, SEM-EDS, FTIR and Mössbauer spectroscopy, respectively. The structure of the heat-treated geopolymers differs in the outer and inner layers of the specimens due to variation in the phase composition. The outer layer was characterized by a reddish color and more rigidity, while the inner core was black and less viscous at elevated temperatures. The results showed that geopolymer pastes based on fayalite are fire-resistant up to 1150 °C. Moreover, after heat treatment at this temperature, the compressive strength increased by 75% to 139 MPa, while water absorption reduced by about 9 times to 1.2%. These improvements are explained with the crystallization of the geopolymer gel to leucite and K,Na-sanidine, and substitutions of Al/Fe in the geopolymer gel and iron phases

    Emerging models and e-infrastructures for teacher education

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    The paper presents a digital repository of metadata resources for teachers education, as well as a portal for the community of practices, build around the repository. Both the repository and the community are developed in the frame of the European project Share.TEC. Some approaches for endowing digital libraries with adaptability capabilities in order to scaffold and enhance end user experience are examined. The paper provides a general overview of techniques and methods commonly adopted for achieving adaptability. It also discusses how these can be implemented. Finally, it illustrates specific examples and guidelines drawn from the practical experience that the authors are currently gaining in the Share.TEC European project. In this context the adaptability is a key for managing and responding to considerable diversity in user requirements


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    Background: Laryngeal carcinoma is one of the most common form of head and neck cancer. During the last two decades, it has been recognized that this cancer is causally related to human papillomavirus (HPV). Objective: We presented a study on prevalence of human papilloma viruses (HPV) in patients with laryngeal carcinoma. Methods: This study consists of 43 patients with laryngeal carcinoma who were diagnosed and treated with surgical techniques in Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital, Pleven, Bulgaria. Immunohistochemistry of p16INK4a and Ki-67 were used to prove the relationship between high-risk-HPV (HR-HPV) and carcinogenesis. Results: Papilloma virus infection with high-risk oncogenic types of HPV was determined in more than 39.5% of surgically treated patients with histologically proven laryngeal cancer. HPV-induced carcinogenesis was assumed in 17 (13.9%) of all patients whose spouses were operated from cervical cancer. The patients with HPV-positive laryngeal carcinoma were younger than the others in the group (8 years on average). Risk factors for development of HPV-associated laryngeal carcinoma were related to higher number of sexual partners and the practice of oral sex. Frequently, in patients with HPV-associated laryngeal carcinoma we find data for so-called “family’s carcinogenesis”. The possibility of appearance (either preceding or following the treatment) of a second carcinoma and/or tumour recurrence is higher in HPV-positive laryngeal carcinomas. Conclusion: It is recommended to extend the diagnostic methods for laryngeal and hypo pharyngeal cancer with a routine search for high-risk oncogenic HPV strains


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    Background: Brucellosisis an infectious and contagious disease caused by bacterial species of the genus Brucella. It is a major zoonosis with an important social and economic impact. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the measures application for control and eradication of brucellosis occurred in the region of Pleven. Methods: We conducted a retrospective epidemiological study. Respective documents were reviewed. We analyzed Case report form and Questionnaire for persons suspected of having brucellosis. Conclusions were made of the possible source of the disease and the risk factors leading to infection of humans. Results: A focus of Brucellosis among the animals to private goat farm in August was detected. The connection to other existing in the country focuses has been proved. Two of the persons, having had contacts with the animals developed clinical symptoms of the disease; referenced persons have consumed fresh goat cheese and milk. A joint epidemiological investigation with representatives of responsible authorities was carried out and measures undertook to restrict and liquidate the focus. Conclusion: Brucellosis in man can only be prevented effectively by elimination of the animal reservoir. This necessitates a close interaction between the medical authorities concerned with public health authorities on the one hand and the veterinary authorities on the other

    Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives

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    The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019; http://www.givd.info/ID/EU-00- 019) is a regional database that consists of phytosociological relevés from different vegetation types from six countries on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia). Currently, it contains 9,580 relevés, and most of them (78%) are geo-referenced. The database includes digitized relevés from the literature (79%) and unpublished data (21%). Herein we present descriptive statistics about attributive relevé information. We developed rules that regulate governance of the database, data provision, types of data availability regimes, data requests and terms of use, authorships and relationships with other databases. The database offers an extensive overview about studies on the local, regional and SE European levels including information about flora, vegetation and habitats