488 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje samooplodnosti kod šljive (Prunus domestica L.) metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije

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    Self-compatibility in 18 European plum cultivars was examined using the method of fluorescence microscopy. According to selfcompatibility, cultivars were divided into two groups: self-compatible and self-incompatible. In self-compatible cultivars the number of pistils, where pollen tubes reached the base of the style varied from 32.00% (Anna Späth) to 91.18% (Wangenheims Frühzwetsche). Mean number of pollen tubes at the base of style in these cultivars ranged from 0.52 to 3.97. Cultivars were considered self-incompatible if pollen tubes stopped their growth in the style along with forming characteristic swellings at their tips. Of the studied cultivars, 13 were found to be self-compatible: Wangenheims Frühzwetsche, Cacanska Lepotica, Valjevka, California Blue, Cacanska Rodna, Italian Prune, Stanley, Požegaca, Herman, Bluefre, Jelica, Ruth Gerstetter and Anna Späth, while 5 were found to be self-incompatible: Cacanska Rana, Zimmers Frühzwetsche, Cacanska Najbolja, Pacific and President.Kod 18 sorti domaće šljive ispitivana je samooplodnost metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije. Na osnovu samooplodnosti sorte su podeljene u dve grupe: autokompatibilne i autoinkompatibilne. Kod autokompatibilnih sorti broj tučkova kod kojih su polenove cevčice stigle do osnove stubića varirao je od 32,00% (Ana Špet) do 91,18% (Vangenhajmova). Prosečan broj polenovih cevčica u osnovi stubića kod ovih sorti je bio od 0,52 do 3,97. Sorte su smatrane autoinkompatibilnim ako su polenove cevčice zaustavljale rast u stubiću tucka uz formiranje karakterističnih zadebljanja na njihovim krajevima. Među proučavanim sortama 13 su se pokazale kao autokompatibilne: Vangenhajmova, Čačanska lepotica, Valjevka, Kalifornijska plava, Čačanska rodna, Italijanka, Stenli, Požegača, Herman, Blufri, Jelica, Rut geršteter i Ana Špet, a 5 kao autoinkompatibilne: Čačanska rana, Cimerova rana, ČaČanska najbolja, Pacifik i Prezident

    Nasleđivanje osobina razvijenog lista u potomstvu vinove loze dobijenom ukrštanjem sorti Muskat Hamburg i Villard Blanc

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    Variability and inheritance mode of six properties of the mature leaf (size of blade, number of lobes, shape of teeth, general shape of petiole sinus, density of prostrate and erect hairs between veins on the lower side of blade) were analyzed in 90 seedlings of the F1 generation from the crossing combination of Muscat Hamburg x Villard Blanc. The properties analyzed were classified according to the OIV system of classification and test was used to determine the inheritance mode. A substantial variability of the analyzed characteristics was recorded in the hybrid progeny. Size of blade, number of lobes, shape of teeth and general shape of petiole sinus were most probably affected by a great number of genetic factors. Monogenic inheritance was determined with regard to the density of prostrate and erect hairs between veins on the lower side of blade.Varijabilnost i način nasleđivanja šest osobina razvijenog lista (veličina, broj režnjeva, oblik zubaca, oblik peteljkinog sinusa, gustina poleglih malja i gustina uspravnih malja između nerava na naličju lista) ispitivani su kod 90 sejanaca F1 generacije iz kombinacije ukrštanja Muskat hamburg x Villard blanc. Kategorizacija proučavanih osobina izvršena je pomoću sistema šifri OIV, a određivanje načina njihovog nasleđivanja pomoću c 2 testa. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je u hibridnom potomstvu ispoljena znatna varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina. Veličina razvijenog lista, broj režnjeva razvijenog lista, oblik zubaca razvijenog lista i oblik peteljkinog sinusa razvijenog lista najverovatnije su uslovljeni većim brojem genetičkih faktora. Za gustinu poleglih malja i gustinu uspravnih malja između nerava na naličju razvijenog lista utvrđeno je monogensko nasleđivanje

    Divergentnost tipova džanarike (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) na području Srbije

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    Variability of some more prominent pomological characteristics was examined in three regions of Serbia (central, western, southern). In all the regions, significant variability of all studied characteristics was established. However, no specifics were manifested between regions, therefore, identical types emerge in all the regions. This is indicated by similar intervals of variation as well as similar mean values of characteristics per region. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the entire territory of Serbia should be observed as a unique myrobalan population with highly expressed polymorphism of characteristics. To preserve genetic variability of myrobalan, collection is recommended for those types that were arranged into various groups and subgroups according to the results of cluster analysis.U ovom radu ispitivana je varijabilnost značajnijih pomoloških osobina u 3 regiona Srbije (centralni, zapadni i južni). U sva tri regiona ustanovljena je značajna varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina. Međutim, među regionima nisu ispoljene specifičnosti, tako da se u sva tri regiona pojavljuju isti tipovi. Na ovo ukazuju slični intervali variranja, kao i slične srednje vrednosti osobina po regionima. Dobijeni rezultati navode na zaključak da čitavu teritoriju Srbije treba posmatrati kao jedinstvenu populaciju džanarike sa veoma izraženim polimorfizmom osobina. Radi očuvanja genetičke varijabilnosti džanarike za kolekcionisanje se preporučuju oni tipovi koji su prema rezultatima klaster analize svrstani u različite grupe i podgrupe


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    This paper gives an overview of the history and development of Forensic Linguistics, which, in the last 40 years, has been applied in police investigation and legal disputes for the purpose of solving criminal and civil cases. It outlines main areas of application, world leading experts and two famous cases in which Forensic Linguistics played an important role.U ovom radu prikazan je nastanak i razvoj forenzičke lingvistike koja se u svetu već četrdeset godina primenjuje u kriminalističkim istragama i sudskim postupcima u cilju rešavanja raznih krivičnih dela i građanskih sporova. Navedene su oblasti u kojima se primenjuje ova disciplina, vodeći svetski eksperti i dve studije slučaja u kojima je forenzička lingvistika imala presudnu ulogu

    Proučavanje samooplodnosti sorti kajsije metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije

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    Self-compatibility in 25 apricot cultivars of European ecogeographical group was studied. Flowers were pollinated in laboratory conditions and than the growth of pollen tubes in the styles of pistils was observed by means of fluorescence microscopy. In self-compatible cultivars almost in all pistils (95 - 100%) at least one pollen tube reached the ovary, and frequently the ovule (33 - 94%). In self-incompatible cultivars pollen tubes ceased growth in the style by forming plugs due to callose accumulation. In these cultivars pollen tubes very rarely (0 - 14%) reached the ovary, whereas they were not found in the ovules. Out of all tested cultivars, 16 were found to be self-compatible: Precoce de Tytinthe, Ambrosia, Vera, Cacak's Flat, San Castrese, Cacak's Gold, Kécskei rózsa, Callatis, Krasniy Partizan, Ceglédi Biborkajszi, Mamaia, Roxana, Silistrenska kompotna, Biljana, Bergeron and Hungarian Best and 9 were found to be self-incompatible: Ceglédi Órijs Fruškogorska Rana, Stella, Novosadska Rana, Szegedi Mammut, Stark Early Orange, Late Dryanovska, Harcot and Ligeti Órijs.Metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije ispitivana je samooplodnost kod 25 sorti kajsije. Među proučavanim sortama 16 je bilo autokompatibilnih i kod njih je kod skoro svih tučkova bar jedna polenova cevčica stigla do plodnika. Autoinkompatibilnost je bila izražena kod 9 sorti kod kojih su polenove cevčice zaustavljale rast u stubiću tučka uz formiranje karakterističnih zadebljanja na krajevima

    Uticaj temperature na klijavost polena i rast polenovih cevčica sorti višnje

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    The study was carried out to determine the effect of three different temperatures (5, 15 and 25°C) on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of five sour cherry cultivars: 'Heimanns Konservenweichsel', 'Kelleriis 14', 'Oblačinska', 'Rexelle' and 'Šumadinka'. Pollen germination a % agar % Temperature significantly affected pollen germination. High germination rates (50-70%) were obtained at both 15°C and 25°C. Satisfactory germination rates (42-51%) were also obtained at 5°C in some cultivars ('Rexelle', 'Šumadinka' and 'Heimanns Konservenweichsel'). The influence of temperature on the pollen tube growth was more prominent. The length of pollen tubes was three to six times higher at 15°C and 25°C in comparison with 5°C. This has led to the conclusion that the temperature of 5°C, although it could be adequate for pollen germination, is not high enough for optimal pollen tube growth. was determined by germinating pollen grains in culture medium containing 0.7agar-and 15 sucrose.Ispitivan je uticaj tri različite temperature (5, 15 i 25°C) na klijavost polena i rast polenovih cevčica in vitro kod pet sorti višnje: Hajmanova konzervna, Keleris 14, Oblačinska, Reksele i Šumadinka. Klijavost polena je određivana naklijavanjem polenovih zrna na hranljive podloge koje su se sastojale od 0,7% agar-agara i 15% saharoze. Temperatura je ispoljila značajan uticaj na klijavost polena. Visoka klijavost polena (50-70%) dobijena je na temperaturama od 15°C i 25°C. Zadovoljavajuća klijavost polena (42-51%) takođe je dobijena na temperaturi od 5°C kod nekih sorti (Reksele, Šumadinka i Hajmanova konzervna). Uticaj temperature je bio znatno više izražen na rast polenovih cevčica u odnosu na klijavost polena. Dužina polenovih cevčica je bila tri do šest puta veća na temperaturama od 15°C i 25°C u poređenju sa temperaturom od 5°C. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da temperatura od 5°C, iako može biti dovoljna za klijavost polena, nije dovoljno visoka za optimalan rast polenovih cevčica

    Cherry Breeding in the World

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    U radu su prikazani ciljevi i metode oplemenjivanja trešnje (Prunus avium L.) i višnje (Prunus cerasus L.), kao i najznačajniji rezultati na stvaranju novih sorti. U poslednjih 30 godina u svetu je stvoreno preko 500 sorti trešnje i preko 200 sorti višnje. Najveći broj novih sorti trešnje je stvoren u Ukrajini, a zatim slede SAD, Rusija, Rumunija, Kanada, Francuska, Italija i Mađarska. Najveći broj novih sorti višnje stvoren je u Rusiji, Ukrajini, Poljskoj, Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Nemačkoj.This paper presents the objectives and methods of breeding sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.), as well as the most important results in the creation of new cultivars. In the last 30 years over 500 of new cultivars of sweet cherry and over 200 cultivars of sour cherry were created in the world. The largest number of new cultivars of sweet cherry was created in Ukraine, followed by USA, Russia, Romania, Canada, France, Italy, and Hungary. The largest number of new cultivars of sour cherry was created in Russia, followed by Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Germany

    Concrete mix design for reconstruction of northwest breakwater in the Tripoli harbour - Libya

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    Reconstruction of Northwest breakwater in the Tripoli Harbour - Libya (about 4500 m long) required manufacture of various concrete elements (cubes and accropodes) in total amount of 550 000 m(3). Volumes of cubes were 6,3 m(3), 8,5 m(3) and 12,7 m(3), volumes of accropodes were 6,3 m(3) and 9,0 m(3). After preliminary trials and trial production, an optimum mix proportion was chosen, in compliance with technical specification requirements. One of the main causes for concrete blocks cracking is the temperature difference between core and external surface of the blocks, so new blocks with new mix proportions were made (three variations in cement content). Temperature was measured at three characteristic points: in the middle of the cube, in the middle of vertical outer surface and in the middle of horizontal upper edge. Finally, optimal proportions of the constituent materials were adopted

    Pomološke osobine perspektivnih sejanaca maline sa žutom bojom ploda

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    From over a 100 seedlings obtained by open pollination of Meeker's yellow raspberry clone, 10 seedlings with yellow fruit were selected at the Experimental Station 'Radmilovac' of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Phenological characteristics, as well as physical, chemical and sensorial fruit properties were investigated during the period 2007-2008 in selected seedlings and standard cultivar Meeker. Results showed that all examined seedlings expressed later flowering and maturing time than the standard cultivar. The best results of physical fruit properties had the standard cultivar, whereas for the majority of the chemical fruit characteristics selected seedlings showed much better results. Seedling 5 had the highest soluble solid content (15.3 %), while the highest vitamin C content was recorded in the fruits of seedlings 9 (51.04 mg/100g), 10 (51.92 mg/100g), and 17 (50.16 mg/100g). The highest values of the sensorial fruit quality achieved seedling 17 (18.9).Od preko 100 sejanaca dobijenih slobodnim oprašivanjem žutog klona sorte Miker izdvojeno je 10 sa žutom bojom ploda koji su kolekcionisani na Oglednom dobru 'Radmilovac' Poljoprivrednog Fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. U periodu 2007- 2008. godina kod izdvojenih sejanaca i standardne sorte Miker, pored fenoloških, ispitivane su fiziČke, hemijske i senzoricke osobine ploda. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su svi ispitivani sejanci kasnije počinjali fenofaze cvetanja i zrenja u odnosu na sortu standard. Najbolje razultate fizičkih osobina ploda ispoljila je sorta standard, dok su prema većini hemijskih osobina izdvojeni sejanci bili daleko bolji od standardne sorte. Sejanac 5 se odlikuje najvišim sadržajem rastvorljive suve materije (15,3 %), a u pogledu sadržaja vitamina C najviše vrednosti su registrovane kod sejanaca 9 (51,04 mg/100g), 10 (51,92 mg/100g) i 17 (50,16 mg/100g). Najvišu senzoricku ocenu kvaliteta ploda imao je sejanac 17 (18,9)