416 research outputs found


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    Psychological reactions, risk health behavior and cardiac parameters can influence rehospitalization after acute myocardial infarction.The aim of the paper was to determine the presence of psychological reactions and risk health behavior in patients with acute myocardial infarction on admission as well as the differences after six months.The research included thirty-trhee patients of both sexes, who were consecutively hospitalized due to acute myocardial infarction. A prospective clinical investigation involved the following: semi-structured interview, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I) for pcychiatric disorders, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) for measuring the severity of anxiety, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for measuring the severity of depression, KON-6 sigma test for aggression, Holms-Rahe Scale (H-R) for exposure to stressful events, and Health Behavior Questionnaire: alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, lack of physical activity. Measurement of the same parameters was done on admission and after six months. The differences were assessed using the t-test and chi-square test for p<0.05.On admission, anxiety (BAI=8.15±4.37) and depression (BDI=8.67±3.94) were mild without significant difference after six months in the group of examinees. Aggression was elevated and significantly lowered after six monts (KON-6 sigma =53,26±9, 58:41,42±7.67, t=2,13) for p<0.05. Exposure to stressful events in this period decreased (H-R=113.19±67.37:91,65±63,81, t=3,14) for p<0.05; distribution of physical activity was significantly higher compared to admission values (54.83%: 84.84%. χ2=5.07) for p<0.01.In the group of examinees with acute myocardial infarction in the period of six months, anxiety and depression remained mildly icreased, while the levels of aggression and exposure to stressful events were lowered. Risk health behavior was maintained, except for the improvement in physical activity. In the integrative therapy and rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction there should be considerable psychoeducation of patients with the aim to reduce their risk health behavior

    Silicon Alleviates Iron Deficiency in Barley by Enhancing Expression of Strategy II Genes and Metal Redistribution

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    The beneficial effects of silicon (Si) have been shown on plants using reduction-based strategy for iron (Fe) acquisition. Here we investigated the influence of Si on Fe deficiency stress alleviation in barley (Hordeum vulgare), a crop plant which uses the chelation-based strategy for Fe acquisition. Analyses of chlorophyll content, ROS accumulation, antioxidative status, concentrations of Fe and other micronutrients, along with the expression of Strategy II genes were studied in response to Si supply. Si successfully ameliorated Fe deficiency in barley, diminishing chlorophyll and biomass loss, and improving the activity of antioxidative enzymes, resulting in lowered reactive oxidative species accumulation in the youngest leaves. Alleviation of Fe deficiency stress correlated well with the Si-induced increase of Fe content in the youngest leaves, while it was decreased in root. Moreover, Si nutrition lowered accumulation of other micronutrients in the youngest leaves of Fe deprived plants, by retaining them in the root. On the transcriptional level, Si led to an expedient increase in the expression of genes involved in Strategy II Fe acquisition in roots at the early stage of Fe deficiency stress, while decreasing their expression in a prolonged stress response. Expression of Strategy II genes was remarkably upregulated in the leaves of Si supplied plants. This study broadens the perspective of mechanisms of Si action, providing evidence for ameliorative effects of Si on Strategy II plants, including its influence on accumulation and distribution of microelements, as well as on the expression of the Strategy II genes

    Left ventricular noncompaction: Clinical-echocardiographic study

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    Background/Aim. Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) is a disorder in endomyocardial morphogenesis, seen either isolated (in the absence of other cardiac anomalies) or in association with congenital heart disease and some neuromuscular diseases. Intrauterine arrest of the compaction of myocardial fibers is postulated to be the reason of LVNC. Recognition of this condition is extremely important due to its high mortality and morbidity that lead to progressive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias and thromboembolic events. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and clinical presentation of LVNC among consecutive outpatients according to clinical and echocardiographyic findings. Methode. A total of 3,854 consecutive patients examined at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases within a period January 2006 - January 2007 were included in the study. All the patients underwent echocardiographic examination using the same equipment (Vivid 7, GE Medical System). Echocardiographic parameters and clinical presentation in patients with echocardiographic criteria for LVNC were analyzed. Results. Analyzing 3,854 consecutive outpatients, using two-dimensional Color Doppler echocardiography from January 2006 to January 2007, 12 patients met the criteria for LVNC. Seven of them were male. The mean age at diagnosis was 45 ± 15 years. Analyzing clinical manifestation of LVNC it was found that seven patients had signs of heart failure, six had arrhythmias with no embolic events. Conclusion. Our results suggest that the real prevalence of LVNC may be higher than expected. New studies have to be done to solve this problem

    Istorijski malteri : od karakterizacije do konzervacije

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    Publikacija Istorijski malteri – od karakterizacije do konzervacije predstavlja jedan od rezultata projekta Mortar Design for Conservation – Danube Roman Frontier 2000 Years After (MoDeCo2000), koji je finansirao Fond za nauku Republike Srbije od 2020. do 2022. godine kroz program PROMIS. Projekat je sproveden u saradnji Arheološkog instituta, Tehnološkog fakulteta Novi Sad Univerziteta u Novom Sadu i Instituta za ispitivanje materijala. Tema projekta su krečni malteri građevina podignutih u periodu od I do VI veka na delu dunavskog limesa koji se nalazio na teritoriji današnje Republike Srbije. U Srbiji se nalaze ostaci brojnih građevina iz svih istorijskih perioda, ali malteri ugrađeni u njihove strukture do sada nisu bili predmet sistematskog proučavanja. Period čiji je razvoj graditeljstva najdirektnije bio uslovljen razvojem pripreme i primene krečnog maltera predstavlja vreme rimske dominacije. Kroz projekat MoDeCo2000 sprovedeno je istraživanje graditeljstva nastalog tokom ovog perioda na teritoriji dunavskog limesa – granice Rimskog carstva na reci Dunav. S obzirom na to da su rimski krečni malteri u svetu decenijama predmet brojnih naučnih projekata, MoDeCo2000 predstavlja važan doprinos naučne zajednice Republike Srbije razvoju ovih istraživanja, ne samo kroz osvetljavanje dela slike graditeljskog, pa i društveno-ekonomskog razvoja prostora centralnog Balkana u periodu od I do VI veka nove ere, već i tradicionalnog graditeljstva na predmetnoj teritoriji uopšte. Osim istraživačkog cilja projekta, kao jednako važan je bio onaj usmeren na praktičnu arhitektonsku konzervaciju, odnosno direktnu primenu naučnih rezultata projekta u procesima očuvanja istorijskih građevina u Srbiji, u skladu sa međunarodnim dokumentima iz oblasti zaštite kulturnog nasleđa

    Designing the Network of Ecological Corridors Among Organic Farms in South Bačka District of Vojvodina Province

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    In the predominant agricultural area such as Vojvodina Province the main threat to biodiversity is the fragmentation of nature habitats. Biodiversity decline started with the large scale clearing of forest and wetlands and expansion of the agricultural. Recent biodiversity deterioration is linked with the intensive management used in conventional agriculture. Protected areas, as main source of biodiversity, covers approximately 5,5% of total of 2.150.600ha land in Vojvodina Province that is considered as insufficient for species expansion. Under the artificial cropping systems cultivated and weed species suppress native vegetation and inhibit its proliferation. Sufficient number of terms are associated with eco corridors that might lead to terms misuses. They differ in relation to the ecological significance, environmental protection, landscape and spatial planning and relationship with sustainable agriculture systems. The following terms are used for the plant belts: (i) eco corridors aims to link protected ecosystems with biological corridors and allow migration of plant and animal species, (ii) protectiveinsulation belts primarily represent the spatial isolation i.e. living belt between the surface under organic and the surfaces under conventional agriculture production. The main purpose of this belt is to prevent the influence of the application of synthetic agents that are used in the environment of organic production. (iii) Buffer zones are areas that provide and maintain the function of the protected zones and have special significance for geo-systemic balance. These are areas that are raised around potential sources of contamination i.e. all those objects that endanger the environment. This model in agriculture contributes to the protection from wind erosion. Formation of the protective-insulating belt in organic production represents a legal obligation to which the organic crop must be separated or isolated from crop under conventional production. Family farms organized according to the principles of organic production represent micro-ecosystems with its own biodiversity, and are core areas for biodiversity expansion among the agriculture areas. The main objective of this study is to access the relationship between core areas, which in this case are family organic farms, and biological corridors and to allow proliferation of plant and animal species. Based on the established link the core areas and corridors propose ecological networks with a permanent connection. The idea is to emphasize developement of ecological network which will be gradually established in the future

    Proportional ratios and geometrical setups for achieving the floating effect of architectonic structures

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    Kontinuitet ideje "lebdećih" arhitektonskih objekata, postojao je kroz čitavo razdoblje razvoja civilizacije. U ovom radu istražuje se ideja "lebdećih" prostornih struktura kroz povijesne primjere u različitim arhitektonskim stilovima. Razlozi takvog formalnog oblikovanja su od utilitarnih, do apstraktnih i estetskih. Kroz analizu kontinuiteta ideje i oblikovne pojavnosti spomenutih objekata dolazi se i do načina postizanja efekta i klasifikacije koja iz njih proizlazi. U ovom radu je postizanje efekta lebdenja arhitektonskih objekata analizirano s aspekta proporcijskih odnosa i geometrijskih postavki u procesu projektiranja.In the entire period of development of human civilization, there has been a continuity of the concept of "hovering" architectonic structures. This paper deals with discovering the idea of "hover" structures in numerous historical examples and in various architectural styles. The reasons of such formal shaping are utilitarian, but also conceptual and esthetic. Through an analysis of the continuity of the idea and formal appearance of the mentioned structures, the methods of achieving the effect can be defined and classification resulting from them made. In this paper, the achievement of the floating effect of architectonic structures has been analyzed from the aspect of ratios and geometrical setups in design process

    Transformation of Synthetic Allicin: The Influence of Ultrasound, Microwaves, Different Solvents and Temperatures, and the Products Isolation

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    The transformation of the synthesized allicin, using conventional method, the influence of ultrasound and microwaves, in different organic solvents (acetonitrile, acetone, methanol, and chloroform), at various temperatures (room temperature, 45°C, and 55°C) was investigated. Allicin degradation kinetic was monitored by HPLC. Allicin transformation under the effect of microwaves is faster than transformations performed under the influence of ultrasound or by conventional method. Increase of the temperature accelerates allicin transformation. Pharmacologically active compounds of (E)-ajoene, (Z)-ajoene, 3-vinyl-4H-1,2-dithiin, 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin, and diallyl disulfide were isolated from the mixture of transformation products of allicin under the influence of microwaves in methanol at 55°C, which is according to kinetic parameters (highest values of the order of reaction and the lowest activation energy) the optimal method

    Weed infestation and biodiversity of winter wheat under the effect of long-term crop rotation

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    The paper presents the study of the floristic composition of weeds and weed infestation in winter wheat in long-term crop rotations at the experimental station near Novi Sad (Serbia). During the study period, a total of 48 weed species were determined, out of which 33 were determined in each study year. In two study years, there were 18 common species, while 15 species determined in 1991 were not found 19 years later. On the other hand, the study in 2010 recorded 15 new species that had not been previously found. The greatest floristic diversity (20 species) was found on fertilized four-year rotation in 1991 and unfertilized two-year rotation in 2010. The lowest diversity was recorded in 2010 on fertilized four-year rotation (9 species) and fertilized three-year rotation (10 species). The highest weed infestation was recorded in 1991 on unfertilized two-year rotation (2963 plants m(-2)) and unfertilized three-year rotation (2126 plants m(-2)), which is statistically significant compared to other variants. The lowest average weed infestation was observed in 2010 on fertilized three-year rotation (40 plants m(-2)) and fertilized four-year rotation (53 plants m(-2)). Long-term crop rotations have a significant effect on the floristic composition and structure of weeds in winter wheat

    The estimation of compressive strength of normal and recycled aggregate concrete

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    Procena čvrstoće pri pritisku se postavlja kao važan zadatak proizvođačima betona, naročito pri projektovanju betonskih mešavina i obezbeđenju zahtevanog kvaliteta proizvedenog betona. U radu je prikazano poređenje eksperimentalnih rezultata čvrstoće pri pritisku betona sa prirodnim i recikliranim agregatom sa rezultatima dobijenim na osnovu jednačina prikazanih u tehničkoj regulativi. Prikazan je koeficijent determinacije eksperimentalnih podataka i rezultata dobijenih na osnovu preračuna prema jednačinama datim u EN 1992-1-1, ACI 209 i tabeli za preračun datoj u SRPS U.M1.048. Prikaz zavisnosti čvrstoće pri pritisku betona na osnovu jednačina datih u radu se odnosi na određivanje zavisnosti u odnosu na vrstu upotrebljenog cementa i starosti betona negovanog na konstantnoj temperaturi.Estimation of concrete strength is an important issue in ready-mixed concrete industry, especially, in proportioning new mixtures and for the quality assurance of the concrete produced. In this article, on the basis of the existing experimental data of compressive strength of normal and recycled aggregate concrete and equation for compressive strength calculating given in Technical regulation are compared. The accuracies of prediction by experimental data obtained in laboratory as well as by EN 1992-1-1, ACI 209 and SRPS U.M1.048 are compared on the basis of the coefficient of determination. The determination of the compressive strengths by the equation described here relies on determination of type of cement and age of concrete with the constant curing temperature

    Natural Brick of Viminacium

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    Building activity in Viminacium, an important Roman legionary fortress and a city on the Danube in today’s Serbia, was influenced by its natural surroundings. They influenced the position and orientation of the first fortification, built in the 1st century AD, as well as the range of raw materials for the construction of buildings in all of Viminacium’s life phases. The first building material along with wood that Romans encountered after coming to the northern edge of the Stig Plain must have been red burnt soil created by coal combustion, whose source is only a few kilometres from the fortress. The first ramparts were constructed using blocks made of this material, called "crvenka" by the local people, which was used for building purposes in the wider area until relatively recently. It is very well known that manmade brick was used as an artificial material with pozzolanic features added to Roman lime mortars. Viminacium was a provincial centre of brick production, using local soil as a raw material. Since crvenka can be recognised as a kind of “natural brick” made of local sediments, an assumption was made that it could also have been used in Viminacium lime mortars as a natural pozzolanic addition. After laboratory research of its mineralogical, mechanical, physical, and chemical characteristics, crushed and ground crvenka was mixed with lime. Mortars with excellent mechanical properties were created, offering us one of the indicators of their possible hydraulicity. With the knowledge of the firing temperatures that could have been developed in Roman brick kilns, this research will be continued. An attempt to determine the temperature that red ceramic fragments, visible in the composition of Viminacium mortars, were fired at, will be made, leading us further towards their possible characterisation as artificial or “natural” brick