3,397 research outputs found

    Digitalization of banking services and methodology for building and functioning of Fintech companies

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    In the world of banking services, some sustainable trends have been observed globally in recent years, which strongly influence the forms of banking organization. In many cases, fintech companies are joining forces with banks to pursue a new common business, in which customer interaction is mainly through electronic means of communication. Very often it relies on the synergistic effect that leads to an increase in the efficiency of work of each business partner and the work on the common project as a whole. A major component in the digitization of banking services is the mobile or web-based information system through which employees and customers work. Fintech companies place qualitatively new requirements on the managers who manage such business structures. In addition to knowledge and experience in the field of financial instruments, a thorough knowledge of information technology is also required

    Strategic and tactical problems in Fintech and e-business companies

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    The activities of fintech companies depend entirely on information technologies. In the case of a startup company, there are several stages of acquiring and using of information technologies for the needs of the business. In relatively small fintech companies, intuitive decision-making by managers regarding information technologies is in most cases enough for normal functioning of the business. But in relatively large fintech companies with complex organizational structures, it is very likely to emerge the so called "bottlenecks" - in them, the execution of some processes is delayed due to insufficient processing and handling capacity. This publication discusses some problems in fintech and e-business companies concerning the strategic and tactical management levels

    Parathyroid Scintigraphy

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    The visualization of abnormal parathyroid glands is difficult due to their variations in number and localization. Noninvasive parathyroid imaging studies include 99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy, ultrasonography, computed tomography scanning, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. There is a general consensus that the most sensitive and specific imaging modality, especially when it is combined with single-photon emission CT is the scintigraphy with 99mTc-sestamibi or 99mTc-tetrofosmin. 99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy significantly increases the role of preoperative scintigraphy in patients with hyperparathyroidism and allows unilateral surgical approach with minimally invasive parathyroidectomy to be used. Generally, three protocols with the use of two radiopharmaceuticals, 99mTc-sestamibi or 99mTc-tetrofosmin, are most widely applied: single-phase dual-isotope subtraction, dual-phase single-isotope and combination of both. Each one of them has specific advantages and disadvantages. While single parathyroid adenomas are localized with greater precision, hyperfunctioning parathyroid hyperplastic cells represent a real challenge to the imaging modalities. Several factors can influence the radionuclide uptake in pathologically changed parathyroid cells, like the size, the level of their functional activity, the quantity of oxyphilic cells, mitochondria, P glycoprotein and other MDR gene products

    Das Leben russischer Wissenschaftler:innen als "Relokant:innen" in Deutschland

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    Der Beitrag liefert die Skizze zu einem kollektiven Portrait russischer Wissenschaftler:innen im Exil ("Relokant:innen"). Dabei wird ihre Situation analysiert und eine Reihe von Empfehlungen für Verbesserungen formuliert. Der Beitrag stützt sich auf die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage, die im Sommer 2023 unter russischen Wissenschaftler:innen durchgeführt wurde, die seit dem Beginn des russischen Krieges gegen die Ukraine nach Deutschland und in andere Länder emigrierten. Die wichtigste Schlussfolgerung lautet, dass die philanthropischen Anstrengungen für die vom andauernden Krieg Betroffenen, die traditionell von westlichen Ländern unternommen werden, beträchtlich verlängert wurden. Es ist dringend notwendig, die Ansätze zu ändern und Strategien zu entwickeln, die auf eine Zusammenarbeit zum gegenseitigen Nutzen abzielen. Anstatt lediglich finanzielle Hilfe zu leisten, sollte man sich auf den Aufbau einer Infrastruktur konzentrieren, um das Potenzial der emigrierten Wissenschaftler:innen maximal auszuschöpfen

    Russland im Vorfeld der Präsidentschaftswahlen 2018

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    Das politische System Russlands steht vor gravierenden Veränderungen - und das ungeachtet des Ausgangs der Präsidentschaftswahlen 2018. Es braucht dringend eine Neuausrichtung, eine Transformation, die - mit all ihren Risiken - bereits im Gange, deren Richtung aber noch völlig offen ist. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Hintergründe der gegenwärtigen Transformation beleuchtet. Die Legitimitätskrise der politischen Institutionen, die Neukonfigurierung der politischen Eliten, deren zunehmende Konflikte, die Dysfunktion der politischen Institutionen, die Praktiken ihrer Substitute und der bedenkenswerte Zustand der Gesellschaft werden zu einem komplexen Bild vom gegenwärtigen politischen System Russlands zusammengeführt

    Russian foreign policy: what are we missing?

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    Russia’s actions in Ukraine should better be ascribed to a quest for domestic legitimacy than an over-arching plan of antagonising the West. But if cornered, Putin could represent a threat to the Baltics, the Balkans and further. LSEE’s Tena Prelec speaks to Konstantin Von Eggert and Nikolay Petrov


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    In the research carried out at the Rezekne Academy of Technology, the technology for color laser marking on chromium-nickel base and other metal bases was used in industrial production from the point of view of the repeatability and stability of the produced color markings. The study and research was done during the Erasmus internship by the authors at the Academy of Technology in Rezekne, Latvia. For this purpose, an AISI 304 color palette consisting of fifteen colors was developed and implemented. After the practical experiments, the dependence of the obtained colors on the various parameters of the laser processing was analyzed. The resulting colors were then tested using optical, scanning electron and atomic force microscopy, and the configuration of the oxide films was determined by Raman spectroscopy. The resulting colors are of appropriate uniformity, brightness and cover almost all spectral zones, and the resulting colors are of many times better quality than other metallic bases. A color standardization and palette repeatability test was also performed by evaluating the reflectance spectra of the formed colors. The color palette demonstrated high repeatability for all but one particular color. In parallel, the stability of the color markings was studied in terms of environmental, mechanical and chemical resistance. The resulting colors show high resistance to most environmental conditions; however, exposure to very high temperatures and extreme humidity (100 °C, 90%) and to low temperatures and extreme humidity (-40 °C, 90%) results in degradation of several colors. Colored brands show high hardness and excellent mechanical resistance to external influences and exceptional resistance to various chemicals, except for acid solutions and salts.
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