17 research outputs found

    Κληρονομούμενος καρκίνος μαστού: Ευρήματα από πολυγονιδιακό έλεγχο σε πάνω από 1800 ασθενείς πέραν των BRCA1 και BRCA2

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    Σε πολυγονιδιακή ανάλυση με ένα πάνελ 36 γονιδίων με αλληλούχιση επόμενης γενιάς (Next Generation Sequencing-NGS) pου έγινε σε πάνω απο 1800 ασθενείς με καρκίνο μαστού ανιχνέυτηκε ότι οι κληρονομούνες παθογόνες μεταλλάξεις που ωφείλονταν στα γνωστά γονίδια BRCA1 και BRCA2 ήταν μόλις στο 50% των ασθενών ενώ το υπόλοιπο 50% ωφείλεται σε άλλα γονίδια υψηλής, μεσαίας και χαμηλής διείσδυσης.Multigene testing using a 36 gene panel was performed to more than 1800 breast cancer patients by the use of Next Generation Sequencing-NGS we detected that the pathogenic hereditary mutations than were assigned to the known BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes was merely 50% of the patients and the other 50% were related to other high, intermediate or low penetrance genes

    An Improved Controlled Random Search Method

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    A modified version of a common global optimization method named controlled random search is presented here. This method is designed to estimate the global minimum of multidimensional symmetric and asymmetric functional problems. The new method modifies the original algorithm by incorporating a new sampling method, a new termination rule and the periodical application of a local search optimization algorithm to the points sampled. The new version is compared against the original using some benchmark functions from the relevant literature

    Language Inference Using Elman Networks with Evolutionary Training

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    In this paper, a novel Elman-type recurrent neural network (RNN) is presented for the binary classification of arbitrary symbol sequences, and a novel training method, including both evolutionary and local search methods, is evaluated using sequence databases from a wide range of scientific areas. An efficient, publicly available, software tool is implemented in C++, accelerating significantly (more than 40 times) the RNN weights estimation process using both simd and multi-thread technology. The experimental results, in all databases, with the hybrid training method show improvements in a range of 2% to 25% compared with the standard genetic algorithm

    Direct Assessment of Alcohol Consumption in Mental State Using Brain Computer Interfaces and Grammatical Evolution

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    Alcohol consumption affects the function of the brain and long-term excessive alcohol intake can lead to severe brain disorders. Wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) recording devices combined with Brain Computer Interface (BCI) software may serve as a tool for alcohol-related brain wave assessment. In this paper, a method for mental state assessment from alcohol-related EEG recordings is proposed. EEG recordings are acquired with the Emotiv EPOC+, after consumption of three separate doses of alcohol. Data from the four stages (alcohol-free and three levels of doses) are processed using the OpenViBE platform. Spectral and statistical features are calculated, and Grammatical Evolution is employed for discrimination across four classes. Obtained results in terms of accuracy reached high levels (89.95%), which renders the proposed approach suitable for direct assessment of the driver’s mental state for road safety and accident avoidance in a potential in-vehicle smart system

    Evaluating the Window Size’s Role in Automatic EEG Epilepsy Detection

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    Electroencephalography is one of the most commonly used methods for extracting information about the brain’s condition and can be used for diagnosing epilepsy. The EEG signal’s wave shape contains vital information about the brain’s state, which can be challenging to analyse and interpret by a human observer. Moreover, the characteristic waveforms of epilepsy (sharp waves, spikes) can occur randomly through time. Considering all the above reasons, automatic EEG signal extraction and analysis using computers can significantly impact the successful diagnosis of epilepsy. This research explores the impact of different window sizes on EEG signals’ classification accuracy using four machine learning classifiers. The machine learning methods included a neural network with ten hidden nodes trained using three different training algorithms and the k-nearest neighbours classifier. The neural network training methods included the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm, the multistart method for global optimization problems, and a genetic algorithm. The current research utilized the University of Bonn dataset containing EEG data, divided into epochs having 50% overlap and window lengths ranging from 1 to 24 s. Then, statistical and spectral features were extracted and used to train the above four classifiers. The outcome from the above experiments showed that large window sizes with a length of about 21 s could positively impact the classification accuracy between the compared methods

    Automatic Hemiplegia Type Detection (Right or Left) Using the Levenberg-Marquardt Backpropagation Method

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    Hemiplegia affects a significant portion of the human population. It is a condition that causes motor impairment and severely reduces the patient’s quality of life. This paper presents an automatic system for identifying the hemiplegia type (right or left part of the body is affected). The proposed system utilizes the data taken from patients and healthy subjects using the accelerometer sensor from the RehaGait mobile gait analysis system. The collected data undergo a pre-processing procedure followed by a feature extraction stage. The extracted features are then sent to a neural network trained by the Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation (LM-BP) algorithm. The experimental part of this research involved creating a custom-created dataset containing entries taken from ten healthy and twenty non-healthy subjects. The data were taken from seven different sensors placed in specific areas of the subjects’ bodies. These sensors can capture a three-dimensional (3D) signal using the accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope device types. The proposed system used the signals taken from the accelerometers, which were split into 2-sec windows. The proposed system achieved a classification accuracy of 95.12% and was compared with fourteen commonly used machine learning approaches

    Modelling Hydrocortisone Pharmacokinetics on a Subcutaneous Pulsatile Infusion Replacement Strategy in Patients with Adrenocortical Insufficiency

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    In the context of glucocorticoid (GC) therapeutics, recent studies have utilised a subcutaneous hydrocortisone (HC) infusion pump programmed to deliver multiple HC pulses throughout the day, with the purpose of restoring normal circadian and ultradian GC rhythmicity. A key challenge for the advancement of novel HC replacement therapies is the calibration of infusion pumps against cortisol levels measured in blood. However, repeated blood sampling sessions are enormously labour-intensive for both examiners and examinees. These sessions also have a cost, are time consuming and are occasionally unfeasible. To address this, we developed a pharmacokinetic model approximating the values of plasma cortisol levels at any point of the day from a limited number of plasma cortisol measurements. The model was validated using the plasma cortisol profiles of 9 subjects with disrupted endogenous GC synthetic capacity. The model accurately predicted plasma cortisol levels (mean absolute percentage error of 14%) when only four plasma cortisol measurements were provided. Although our model did not predict GC dynamics when HC was administered in a way other than subcutaneously or in individuals whose endogenous capacity to produce GCs is intact, it was found to successfully be used to support clinical trials (or practice) involving subcutaneous HC delivery in patients with reduced endogenous capacity to synthesize GCs

    Grammatical Evolution-Based Feature Extraction for Hemiplegia Type Detection

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    Hemiplegia is a condition caused by brain injury and affects a significant percentage of the population. The effect of patients suffering from this condition is a varying degree of weakness, spasticity, and motor impairment to the left or right side of the body. This paper proposes an automatic feature selection and construction method based on grammatical evolution (GE) for radial basis function (RBF) networks that can classify the hemiplegia type between patients and healthy individuals. The proposed algorithm is tested in a dataset containing entries from the accelerometer sensors of the RehaGait mobile gait analysis system, which are placed in various patients’ body parts. The collected data were split into 2-second windows and underwent a manual pre-processing and feature extraction stage. Then, the extracted data are presented as input to the proposed GE-based method to create new, more efficient features, which are then introduced as input to an RBF network. The paper’s experimental part involved testing the proposed method with four classification methods: RBF network, multi-layer perceptron (MLP) trained with the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) training algorithm, support vector machine (SVM), and a GE-based parallel tool for data classification (GenClass). The test results revealed that the proposed solution had the highest classification accuracy (90.07%) compared to the other four methods

    Mutation analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Turkish patients with breast cancer.

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    Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO) / Clinical Science Symposium on Predicting and Improving Adverse Outcomes in Older Adults with Cancer -- MAY 29-JUN 02, 2015 -- Chicago, ILWOS: 000358036902345Amer Soc Clin Onco