8 research outputs found

    A Case Series on Natural Conceptions Resulting in Ongoing Pregnancies in Menopausal and Prematurely Menopausal Women Following Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment

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    Since the introduction of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in medical practice, various studies have documented that implementing PRP can enhance healing and the anti-aging process, employing angiogenesis regeneration due to the multiple growth factors and cytokines involved. Numerous reports have shown promising results with the use of PRP in ovarian treatment, regarding ovarian regeneration and reactivation of folliculogenesis. This case series reports on two women with premature ovarian failure (POF) aged 40 and 27 years, respectively, and one menopausal woman aged 46 years. All patients presented with lack of menstrual cycle for over a year. The women reported previous failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts, and, after rejecting the option of oocyte donation, they opted for the approach of autologous ovarian PRP treatment. Following PRP treatment, the three patients were invited to conceive naturally. The primary outcome was the restoration of menstruation following autologous ovarian PRP treatment, as well as an improvement in hormonal profile, a decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, and a concurrent increase in anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels. Further to that, our patients achieved pregnancy through natural conception within 2–6 months following PRP treatment, resulting in currently ongoing complication-free clinical pregnancies – a first report in the literature for menopausal and POF patients. Implementation of PRP should be further investigated through randomized controlled trials (RCTs), as it may hold the key to successful treatment for a certain cohort of patients exploring reproductive treatment options following menopause

    Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Enables Pregnancy for a Woman in Premature Menopause

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    This report presents the case of a woman aged 40 who has experienced premature menopause from the age of 35. Having rejected oocyte donation, she opted for intraovarian injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma with the aim to rejuvenate the ovarian tissue and enable the employment of her own gametes through in-vitro fertilization. Six weeks following the autologous platelet-rich plasma treatment, a significant reduction in the patient’s follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were noted. A natural in-vitro fertilization cycle led to a biochemical pregnancy, resulting in a spontaneous abortion at the 5th week of pregnancy. This is the first report of a successful autologous platelet-rich plasma application leading to pregnancy in menopause. This report uniquely contributes to the medical knowledge and challenges current practice in the context of infertility. The efficiency and safety of this treatment with regard to the reproductive system merits further investigation

    Efficient treatment of chronic endometritis through a novel approach of intrauterine antibiotic infusion: a case series

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    Abstract Background Early diagnosis and efficient management of Chronic Endometritis (CE) in patients seeking fertility treatment are two components every practitioner wishes to address. With respect to endometrial restoration, antibiotic treatment appears to perform well. However, regarding the improvement of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) success rates, literature evidence is inconclusive, and consensus on optimal treatment has yet to be reached. This manuscript uniquely brings to literature the first report on effective employment of intrauterine antibiotic infusion to treat CE and contribute to addressing the infertility related to it. Case presentation In this case series, we present 3 patients reporting numerous previous failed IVF attempts accompanied with diagnosed CE which failed to be properly treated in the past. Following initial assessment in our clinic and verification of CE findings, an oral antibiotic regime was administered based on the infectious agent detected. Re-evaluation concluded slightly improved microbiological environment in the endometrium but persisting inflammation. Antibiotic intrauterine infusion was proposed to the patients as an alternative practice. All our patients achieved a pregnancy shortly following intrauterine treatment with one patient reporting a live birth of twin babies and two patients currently reporting an ongoing pregnancy. Conclusions The implications of this case series contribute to medical knowledge and extend to both effective treatment of CE and subsequent management of related infertility. The current line of treatment of CE through oral antibiotic regimes highlights the need for exploring new options and calls for larger studies on the clinical implication of their use. This novel approach enabled natural conception for patients presenting with established Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF) having undergone numerous futile IVF attempts. The clinical impact from the practitioner’s perspective is considerable allowing for an alternative line of treatment that merits further investigation

    Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Enables Pregnancy for a Woman in Premature Menopause

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    This report presents the case of a woman aged 40 who has experienced premature menopause from the age of 35. Having rejected oocyte donation, she opted for intraovarian injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma with the aim to rejuvenate the ovarian tissue and enable the employment of her own gametes through in-vitro fertilization. Six weeks following the autologous platelet-rich plasma treatment, a significant reduction in the patient's follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were noted. A natural in-vitro fertilization cycle led to a biochemical pregnancy, resulting in a spontaneous abortion at the 5th week of pregnancy. This is the first report of a successful autologous platelet-rich plasma application leading to pregnancy in menopause. This report uniquely contributes to the medical knowledge and challenges current practice in the context of infertility. The efficiency and safety of this treatment with regard to the reproductive system merits further investigation

    Investigating the Role of the microRNA-34/449 Family in Male Infertility: A Critical Analysis and Review of the Literature

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    There is a great body of evidence suggesting that in both humans and animal models the microRNA-34/449 (miR-34/449) family plays a crucial role for normal testicular functionality as well as for successful spermatogenesis, regulating spermatozoa maturation and functionality. This review and critical analysis aims to summarize the potential mechanisms via which miR-34/449 dysregulation could lead to male infertility. Existing data indicate that miR-34/449 family members regulate ciliogenesis in the efferent ductules epithelium. Upon miR-34/449 dysregulation, ciliogenesis in the efferent ductules is significantly impaired, leading to sperm aggregation and agglutination as well as to defective reabsorption of the seminiferous tubular fluids. These events in turn cause obstruction of the efferent ductules and thus accumulation of the tubular fluids resulting to high hydrostatic pressure into the testis. High hydrostatic pressure progressively leads to testicular dysfunction as well as to spermatogenic failure and finally to male infertility, which could range from severe oligoasthenozoospermia to azoospermia. In addition, miR-34/449 family members act as significant regulators of spermatogenesis with an essential role in controlling expression patterns of several spermatogenesis-related proteins. It is demonstrated that these microRNAs are meiotic specific microRNAs as their expression is relatively higher at the initiation of meiotic divisions during spermatogenesis. Moreover, data indicate that these molecules are essential for proper formation as well as for proper function of spermatozoa per se. MicroRNA-34/449 family seems to exert significant anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic properties and thus contribute to testicular homeostatic regulation. Considering the clinical significance of these microRNAs, data indicate that the altered expression of the miR-34/449 family members is strongly associated with several aspects of male infertility. Most importantly, miR-34/449 levels in spermatozoa, in testicular tissues as well as in seminal plasma seem to be directly associated with severity of male infertility, indicating that these microRNAs could serve as potential sensitive biomarkers for an accurate individualized differential diagnosis, as well as for the assessment of the severity of male factor infertility. In conclusion, dysregulation of miR-34/449 family detrimentally affects male reproductive potential, impairing both testicular functionality as well as spermatogenesis. Future studies are needed to verify these conclusions

    Introducing intrauterine antibiotic infusion as a novel approach in effectively treating chronic endometritis and restoring reproductive dynamics: a randomized pilot study

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    The chronic nature of Chronic Endometritis (CE) along with the challenging management and infertility entailed, call for cutting-edge therapeutic approaches. This study introduces the novel treatment of intrauterine antibiotic infusion (IAI) combined with oral antibiotic administration (OAA), and it assesses respective performance against the gold standard treatment of OAA. Data sourced herein reports on treatment efficiency and fertility restoration for both patients aiming to conceive naturally or via In Vitro fertilization. Eighty CE patients, 40 presenting with recurrent implantation failure, and 40 with recurrent pregnancy loss, were enrolled in the IVF and the natural conception arm respectively. Treatment was subjected to randomization. Effectively treated patients proceeded with either a single IVF cycle or were invited to conceive naturally over a 6-month period. Combination of IAI and OAA provided a statistically significant enhanced effectiveness treatment rate (RR 1.40; 95%CI 1.07-1.82; p=0.01). No statistically significant difference was observed regarding the side-effects rate (RR 1.33; 95%CI 0.80-2.22; p=0.52). No statistically significant difference was observed for either arm regarding live-birth rate. Following an intention-to-treat analysis, employment of IAI corresponds to improved clinical pregnancy rate-albeit not reaching statistical significance. In conclusion, complimentary implementation of IAI could provide a statistically significant enhanced clinical treatment outcome