177 research outputs found


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    The Project "Mobile Legal Clinic – service for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups" was implemented by the Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Niš in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, University of Nis, and the Association of Roma “Prokuplje” from Prokuplje, in the period from December 2016 to November 201

    Parametric numerical study on service-load deflections of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete slabs and beams based on fib Model Code 2010

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [ Tošić, N, Kurama, Y. Parametric numerical study on service‐load deflections of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete slabs and beams based on fib Model Code 2010. Structural Concrete. 2020; 1– 15. https://doi-org.recursos.biblioteca.upc.edu/10.1002/suco.202000015], which has been published in final form at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/suco.202000015. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingRecycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is entering into structural design codes such as the new Eurocode 2. However, serviceability limit state (SLS) behavior of RAC, especially deflections, can be significantly greater than for natural aggregate concrete. Proposals for deflection control of RAC exist, but there still have not been significant studies on their implications for SLS design. In this paper, a comprehensive numerical parametric study on the sustained serviceload deflections of reinforced RAC slabs and beams is described. First, a concrete material model for the time-dependent analysis of reinforced concrete structures is described, validated, and calibrated, incorporating fib Model Code 2010 creep and shrinkage models in the OpenSees structural analysis program. Then, service-load deflection analyses are conducted on RAC one-way slabs and T-beams considering the amount of coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), concrete strength class, element height, span, statical system, relative humidity, and quasi-permanent load-to-design load ratio. The results show that RCA begins to have an appreciable effect on deflections only for coarse aggregate replacement percentages above 25%. At 50% replacement, the maximum spans to satisfy deflection limits can be considerably reduced; however, these reductions are smaller for T-beams and higher class concrete. The results confirm the versatility of the numerical model, as well as the applicability and limitations of RAC in SLS design.This research was funded by the United States Department of State through a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant for the project “Optimization of Stratified Recycled Concrete Structures Based on Numerical Analyses and Life Cycle Assessment.” This support is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also express their gratitude for research assistance provided by Dr. Adam Knaack (Schaefer-Inc) and Dr. Seyed Alireza Jalali (Civil Soft Science). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations in the paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the individuals or organizations acknowledged.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Recent changes of spatial and functional organization of urban regions and cities in Serbia

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    This paper summarizes the results of recent explorations of spatial and functional organization of Serbia based on identification of its urban regions (UR). Network of settlements was treated as a complex, open and dynamical system of urban regions, functional urban areas (FUR) and daily urban systems (DUS). These complex systems have been developed under the conditions of continuous redistribution of population and more/less synchronized processes of deagrarization, deindustrialization and urbanization with general socioeconomic flows. Determination of urban regions is theoretically and methodically based on principles of regionalization and recent doctrines of regional development, contemporary spatial planning and social and economics disciplines of social geography. Results to a great extent identify and scientifically explain problems of the development of spatial and functional organization of urban regions in Serbia

    Problems of spatial-functional organization of Južno Pomoravlje region's network of settlements

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    During the elaboration of the Regional spatial plan of the municipalities of Južno Pomoravlje (Region Južno Pomoravlje) a special attention was paid to its network of settlements. Demographical and functional determinants of this network were analyzed based on the relevant theoretical-methodological concepts and qualitative-quantitative indicators. Settlement network of Južno Pomoravlje was considered as a subsystem of the Republic of Serbia's settlements' system. Correlation and causality between processes of spatial and socio-economic migration of population and functional transformation of settlements have been highlighted, which caused differentiation of the Region's municipalities to: urban cores - peri-urban rings - suburban more or less urbanized villages and rural surroundings. Models of decentralized concentration and micro-developing nuclei are proposed as instruments for decentralization of the Region or its municipalities. Based on the level of spatial-functional integration of settlements, regional as well as municipal and micro-functional - micro-regional structures have been identified. This paper gives conceptual and strategic proposals of spatial-functional organization of Južno Pomoravlje, which are based on settlements' determinants. Authors suggest that functional premises define determinants for the Regional spatial plan and steer the sectoral and strategic decisions

    Trenutni srpski propisi za proračun - prelazak sa determinističkog na polu-probabilistički pristup

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    The Serbian design code for reinforced concrete structures is somewhat out-of-date in its approach to structural design. In this paper, a study into the possible transition to a semi-probabilistic approach is presented. Firstly, the implicit reliability indices in the current Serbian reinforced concrete design code are determined for three design situations - bending, axial compression and shear and for various cases within each of them. The implicit reliability indices show that the Serbian design code is more conservative than Eurocode 2, but that design for shear without stirrups has a significantly low reliability index (2.27). Secondly, a calibration procedure was implemented in order to obtain partial safety factors for a target reliability index of 4.8 (calculated as the average of the implicit reliability indices). The obtained partial safety factors are ready-for-use with the current Serbian design code and, as expected, are higher than those in Eurocode 2.Srpski propis za proračun armiranobetonskih konstrukcija je relativno zastareo u svom pristupu. U ovom radu sprovedena je analiza mogućnosti prelaska na polu-probabilistički pristup definišući i parcijalne faktore sigurnosti i na strani nosivosti. Prvo su određeni indeksi sigurnosti, implicitno sadržani u važećem propisu, za tri proračunske situacije - savijanje, centrični pritisak i smicanje i za nekoliko slučajeva u okviru svake situacije. Izračunati indeksi sigurnosti pokazuju da je važeći srpski propis konzervativniji od Evrokoda 2 osim proračunski slučaj smicanja bez armature koji ima izuzetno nizak indeks sigurnosti (2.27). U drugom delu je primenjen postupak kalibracije radi dobijanja parcijalnih koeficijenata sigurnosti za ciljani indeks sigurnosti od 4.8 (dobijen kao srednja vrednost implicitnih indeksa sigurnosti). Rezultujući parcijalni koeficijenti sigurnosti su, očekivano, veći nego oni u Evrokodu 2, a moguća je njihova direktna upotreba uz važeći srpski propis

    Prostorna struktura grada - od koncepta socijalne ekologije do koncepta održivog razvoja

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    This article contributes, in the form of theoretical discussion, to the review of relevant methods for determination of cities spatial structure through the retrospective of continuity/discontinuity of understanding their spatial structure from the school of classical sociology to the sustainable development paradigm. Particularly, authors underline significance and analyze main theories and their models (social-ecology, economics, system science and geography) in the researching of spatial structure of the cities. They conclude that urban settlements spatial structure is resultant of complex dynamically-developing processes between settlements networks and systems on the one, and also between their internal components, on the other side. In their essence, cities are not statical category, but complex and dynamical system whose structure reflects the relations between economic social and cultural organization of life, adapted to the geographic environment.U radu su, u formi teorijske rasprave, dati prikazi relevantnih postupaka za determinisanje prostorne strukture gradova kroz retrospekt kontinuiteta diskontinuiteta shvatanja njihove prostorne strukture, od paradigme klasične socijalne ekologije, do paradigme održivog razvoja. Posebno su naglašene i analizirane socio-ekološke, ekonomske, sistemske i geografske teorije u istraživanju prostornih struktura gradova i na njima zasnovani modeli. Došlo se do zaključka da je prostorna struktura urbanih naselja rezultanta delovanja složenih dinamično-razvojnih i integracijskih procesa koji se odvijaju u mrežama i sistemima naselja na jednoj strani, te između njihovih unutrašnjih komponenata na drugoj. Svojom biti, grad nije statična tvorevina već je složen i dinamičan sistem u čijoj se strukturi odražava oblik organizacije ekonomskog, socijalnog i kulturnog života, adaptiran uslovima geografske sredine u kojoj egzistira

    Prostorna struktura grada - od koncepta socijalne ekologije do koncepta održivog razvoja

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    This article contributes, in the form of theoretical discussion, to the review of relevant methods for determination of cities spatial structure through the retrospective of continuity/discontinuity of understanding their spatial structure from the school of classical sociology to the sustainable development paradigm. Particularly, authors underline significance and analyze main theories and their models (social-ecology, economics, system science and geography) in the researching of spatial structure of the cities. They conclude that urban settlements spatial structure is resultant of complex dynamically-developing processes between settlements networks and systems on the one, and also between their internal components, on the other side. In their essence, cities are not statical category, but complex and dynamical system whose structure reflects the relations between economic social and cultural organization of life, adapted to the geographic environment.U radu su, u formi teorijske rasprave, dati prikazi relevantnih postupaka za determinisanje prostorne strukture gradova kroz retrospekt kontinuiteta diskontinuiteta shvatanja njihove prostorne strukture, od paradigme klasične socijalne ekologije, do paradigme održivog razvoja. Posebno su naglašene i analizirane socio-ekološke, ekonomske, sistemske i geografske teorije u istraživanju prostornih struktura gradova i na njima zasnovani modeli. Došlo se do zaključka da je prostorna struktura urbanih naselja rezultanta delovanja složenih dinamično-razvojnih i integracijskih procesa koji se odvijaju u mrežama i sistemima naselja na jednoj strani, te između njihovih unutrašnjih komponenata na drugoj. Svojom biti, grad nije statična tvorevina već je složen i dinamičan sistem u čijoj se strukturi odražava oblik organizacije ekonomskog, socijalnog i kulturnog života, adaptiran uslovima geografske sredine u kojoj egzistira

    Modelling the spatial distribution of Vojvodina's population by using dasymetric method

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    Cartographic presentation of heterogeneity/homogeneity in the spatial distribution of population is still a major problem in modern geography, and other geo-sciences as well. The traditional method of thematic or choropleth mapping rarely gives satisfactory results. This paper analyzes the applicability of dasymetric mapping method for the modelling of spatial distribution of population. Although it is a relatively old method, it becomes widely used following the development of computer technology, GIS and satellite imagery, and its applicability is increasing in social, economic and other sciences and disciplines. After showing the basis and development of dasymetric mapping, the authors present possible application of this method in the population distribution modelling of Vojvodina