22 research outputs found

    Poduzetnički mitovi (ili stvarnosti) i poduzetničke namjere

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    The development of modern entrepreneurship research began some 50 years ago. In the meantime, various definitions of entrepreneurship led to different interpretations of its scope, and subsequently, the entrepreneurial myths emerged. This topic was studied quite intensively in the 1980s and 1990s, and numerous results succeeded in demystifying most of the entrepreneurial myths. Despite that, the entrepreneurial myths persist and regularly appear on the web portals, media, and bloggers’ articles. On the other side, contemporary entrepreneurship textbooks include entrepreneurial myths as a lesson which could eliminate some obstacles for the nascent entrepreneurs. This study revealed that the entrepreneurial myths are somewhat present among younger examinees, nonentrepreneurs in Croatia, who have a low or medium level of education. Still, not even these demographic groups view those myths as realities. Further analysis pointed out that there is a statistically significant, although negative and weak correlation between the perception of entrepreneurial myths as myths (not as realities) and a higher level of entrepreneurial intentions.Razvoj suvremenih istraživanja u području poduzetništva započeo je prije pedesetak godina. U međuvremenu, ponuđene su različite definicije poduzetništva koje su dovele do raznolikih interpretacija obuhvata poduzetništva te naposlijetku do nastanka poduzetničkih mitova. Ova tema je intenzivno istraživana 1980-ih i 1990-ih te su brojni rezultati uspješno demistificirali većinu poduzetničkih mitova. Usprkos tome, poduzetnički mitovi opstaju i redovito se pojavljuju na web portalima, u medijima i člancima blogera. S druge strane suvremeni udžbenici poduzetništva uključuju poduzetničke mitove kao lekciju koja može eliminirati neke prepreke za nove poduzetnike. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da su poduzetnički mitovi ponešto prisutni među mlađim, niže obrazovanim, ispitanicima ne-poduzetnicima u Hrvatskoj. Ipak, niti ove skupine ispitanika u prosjeku ne drže poduzetničke mitove, realnošću. Daljnja analiza je istaknula da postoji statistički značajna, ali slaba i negativna povezanost između percepcije poduzetničkih mitova kao mitova (ne kao realnosti) i više razine poduzentičkih namjera

    An overview of mosquitoes and emerging arboviral infections in the Zagreb area, Croatia

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    Mosquito control in the Zagreb area has been conducted for many years, whereas the fauna has only been investigated in the last 20 years. So far 30 mosquito species have been detected in the city area. Culex pipiens form molestus is the dominant mosquito species in indoor breeding sites. In forested areas and areas exposed to flooding, the active period is early spring and the dominant species are Ochlerotatus sticticus, Ochlerotatus cantans, Ochlerotatus geniculatus and Aedes vexans. The eudominant mosquito species found in the artificial breeding sites are Culex pipiens and the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Invasive Ae. albopictus, present in the Zagreb area since 2004, has expanded to a larger area of the city during the last three years. The recent emergence of the human West Nile virus and Usutu virus neuroinvasive disease in Zagreb and its surroundings highlighted the role of mosquitoes as vectors of emerging arboviruses. The paper focuses on mosquito species and arboviral infections detected in humans and animals in the Zagreb area, Croatia

    Electrical installation of a residential building

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    Postavljanje električne instalacije je proces u kojemu moramo poštovati određene norme i pravila za zaštitu krajnjeg korisnika. Električna instalacija obuhvaća sljedeće podtipove a to su elektroenergetske, gromobranske, signalne i telekomunikacijske. Vrste zaštite koje se koriste u stanovima su FID-sklopka i osigurači koji isklapaju ako čovjek dođe u kontakt sa strujom ili pak nekih drugih razloga. Projekt u kojemu smo pravili proračun osvijetljenja nam pokazuje dnevnu osvjetljenost na osnovu postavljenih prozora te osvjetljenost na osnovu tipova i pozicije žarulja koje smo koristili pri proračunu, to je jako bitno za uštedu el. energije jer je cilj postaviti optimalno osvjetljenje za neku prostoriju.Installing an electrical installation is a process in which we must respect certain standars and rules for end user protectiom. Electrical instalation include following subtypes: eletrical, lightning, signaling and telecommunication. The types of protection used in the apartments are FID-switches and fuses which are switched off if a person comes into contact with electricity or some other reason. The project in which we made the calculation of the illumination shows us te daily illumination based on the installed windows, and the illumination based on the types and position of the light bulb that we used in calculation is important to us to see where we need to put them to save el. energy because our goal here is to get optimal illumination of the room with the proper ligts