6 research outputs found

    N. Berdyaev’s Attitude toward J. Maritain and Thomism

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    Nikolaj Berdjajev je kao filozof ponikao iz konteksta ruske religiozne filozofije koja je zapadnu filozofiju, posebice tomizam, optuživala za racionalizam. Kao filozof iz toga konteksta, često punog predrasuda, Berdjajev je susreo francuskoga tomista Jacquesa Maritaina. Njihov je odnos gotovo odmah postao prijateljski. U tom prijateljskom odnosu, koji je Berdjajev gajio prema Maritainu od samih početaka njihova druženja, nalazio se preduvjet za razvoj filozofskoga dijaloga. Upravo je u njemu Berdjajev ublažio svoje početne predrasude te je neprijateljski stav prema Maritainovu tomizmu promijenio u prijateljski. Iako je učinio tu bitnu promjenu za razvoj filozofskoga dijaloga, Berdjajev ipak nije prihvatio tomizam kao takav. Ponajviše mu zamjera racionalizaciju onoga što bi trebao biti misterij vjere, tajnu stvaranja i Božje prisutnosti u svijetu, kao i čovjekove egzistencije, njegove osobe i djelovanja u svijetu.Nikolai Berdyaev’s philosophical outlook stemmed from Russian religious philosophy which denounced Western philosophy for its rationalism, notably Thomism. It was with this mindset, often abounding in prejudices, that Berdyaev struck up an acquaintance with the French Thomist Jacques Maritain. Their relationship almost immediately turned into friendship, and the friendship which Berdyaev cultivated from the very start with Maritain laid the foundation for the development of philosophical dialogue. Berdyaev thus softened his initial prejudices, and his hostile attitude toward Maritain’s Thomism was changed to a friendly one. Though he did make this essential shift for the sake of developing philosophical dialogue, Berdyaev, however, did not accept Thomism as such. Most of all he resented the rationalization of something which should remain a mystery — the mystery of faith, of creation and of God’s presence among us, but also of man’s existence, of his person and of his activity in the world

    Security Concerns in MMO Games—Analysis of a Potent Application Layer DDoS Threat

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    The application layer in the Internet protocol suite offers a significant degree of freedom regarding the orchestration of distributed denial-of-service attacks due to many different and unstandardized protocols. The primary focus of defending against application-layer distributed denial-of-service attacks has traditionally been Hypertext Transfer Protocols oriented while observing individual users’ actions independently from one another. In this paper, we present and analyze a novel application-layer DDoS attack in massively multiplayer online games that utilize the cooperative efforts of the attackers to deplete the server’s or players’ bandwidth. The attack exploits in-game dependencies between players to cause a massive spike in bandwidth while the attackers’ traffic remains legitimate. We introduce a multiplayer-relations graph to model user behavior on a game server. Additionally, we demonstrate the attack’s devastating capabilities on an emulated World of Warcraft server. Lastly, we discuss flaws of the existing defense mechanisms and possible approaches for the detection of these attacks using graph theory and multiplayer-relations graphs


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    Cycling tourism is world mega trend for the past 20 years and is estimated that It will be for the next 10 years at least in one way or another. It is only second in total revenue behind nautical tourism on European level. Countries and regions on the Balkans have recognized this perspective. Northern Croatian area had developed an exemplary approach to the matter. The paper summarizes the problems which arose in the process of development, problems the region is still facing, and the possible future quality improvement based on the evolving European standards. The methods used for the paper are mostly analytical quantitative and qualitative data, as well as gathered experiences of people involved in development through interviews and experiences of the author. The obtained and presented results prove the statement of cycling tourism as a mega trend with, still a huge perspective for growth.Key Words: Cycling tourism, North Croatian tourism, Exemplary approach, Growing trends in tourism, Active tourism, Continental tourism.Jel Classification: Z3

    Factors associated with the patency loss of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis

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    Introduction. The aim of the study is to examine the frequence of both early and later postoperative complications of arteriovenous fistula (AVF), as well as to determine the factors associated with the patency loss of AVF. Methods. The examination included 250 patients underwent native lower-arm AVF for hemodialysis createion, after which they had been monitored for at least six months. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1, consisting of 50 patients (30 males, aged 65.9 ± 11.9 years), in which there was the patency loss of AVF after 31.8 ± 38.8 months; group 2, consisted of 200 patients (106 males, aged 67.6 ± 9.5 years) with functional AVF that was followed for 57.5 ± 40.1 months. Apart from clinical state and AVF functionality, the biochemical parameters recommended for the hemodialysis patients were regularly checked. Results. There was significantly greater percentage of diabetes (42% vs. 12%), hypertension (42% vs. 2%) and anaemia (100% vs. 83.5%) found among the patients belonging to the first group, in comparison with the second one. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters. The patients from the first group had a significantly smaller diameter of the vein used for AVF (2.4 ± 0.25 mm vs. 2.7 ± 0.31 mm; p = 0.0001), frequently thickened venous walls (32% vs. 8%), as well as the lower quality of the artery used for AVF, in comparison with the second group. Time passed from the operation of AVF to its exploitation was significantly shorter in patients with than in those without occlusion of AVF (28.9 ± 6.6 days vs. 95.0 ±1 52.6 days; p=0.0025). The number of intraoperative, as well as early and later postoperative complications was significantly larger in the first group than in the second one. Hypotension, the use of AVF for hemodialysis less than 45 days after the creation, number of intraoperative complications, diabetes, anaemia, the previous cannnulation of the vein used for AVF, quality of artery and vein and the number of postoperative complications were selected by multivariate logistic regression analysis as independent factors associated with the patency loss of AVF. Conclusion. The patients with the patency loss of AVF had a significantly greater number of both intraoperative and postoperative complications. The patency loss of AVF is associated with the range of changeable risk factors the recognition and elimination of which can improve the AVF functionality status, as well as prolong the time of its exploitation

    Rezultati primjene spoljne fiksacije kod zatvorenih preloma potkoljenice

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    Uvod. Prelomi kostiju potkoljenice predstavljaju najčešće prelome dugihkostiju. Najbrojniji su kod povrijeđenih u srednjem životnom dobu kada suradne i životne aktivnosti vrlo izražene. Cilj rada je da se utvrdi ishod liječenjazatvorenih preloma potkoljenice spoljnom fiksacijom.Metode. Povrijeđeni sa zatvorenim prelomom potkoljenice kod kojih se nijepostigla zadovoljavajuća ortopedska repozicija i liječenje nije moglo da senastavi neoperativnim putem, pripremljeni su za operativno liječenje. Nakonpreoperativne pripreme urađena je krvava repozicija i postavljen spoljnifiksator na tipičan način. Spoljni fiksator se skida nakon 4 - 8 nedjelja kadase postavlja Patellar Tendon Bearing (PTB), potkoljeni gips sa osloncem napatelarnu tetivu, do zarastanja preloma. Zarastanje je verifikovano kliničkimi radiološkim pregledom.Rezultati. Ovom metodom je liječeno 68 povrijeđenih sa zatvorenim prelomomdijafize potkoljenice od ukupno 124 preloma. Nakon četiri mjeseca liječenjazabeležene su četiri pseudoartroze golenjače, a 64 preloma su uredno zarasla.Pseudoartroze su hirurški zbrinute osteotomijom fibule, a potom nošenjemPTB, potkoljenog gipsa sa osloncem na patelarnu tetivu, nakon čega su zarasle.Zaključak. Nakon skidanja gipsane imobilizacije sproveden je rehabilitacionitretman, poslije kojeg su povrijeđeni imali zadovoljavajuću funkciju koljenogi skočnog zgloba i nije bilo skraćenja noge