115 research outputs found


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    Concentration is one of several key processes that are taking place in retail markets of the European countries. Retail concentration process occurs in all EU countries and itā€™s manifested with the decreasing number of leading retailers with simultaneous increase in their market share. Undergoing process of retail market concentration is bringing new challenges to all market participants: suppliers, existing retailers and customers. In this paper we will discuss concentration in retail industry, particularly in grocery retailing. The reached level of the grocery retail market concentration will be explained on European and national level in Croatia. In addition, we will address the impact of concentration process on some other trends and its influence on the retail market structure

    Uticaj paragenetskih faktora na telesnu razvijenost bikovskih majki Simentalske rase

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    Body development and type are very important indices of production ability of cows, their capacity to consume sufficient quantity of food, produce technologically high quality milk, reduce the energy consumption in production of milk, remain in exploitation as long as possible and give more progeny. This research included 278 cows of Simmental breed selected into the category of bull dams on the territory of Republic of Serbia. By application of method of least squares following average values of exterior measures were obtained: height to withers 136,04 cm; carcass length 165,81 cm; breast depth 73,61 cm; breast girth 201,12 cm; body mass 695,29 kg. Regions influenced statistically highly significantly all investigated exterior traits (P (lt) 0,01). Year of measuring had no statistically significant effect (P>0,05) on body development of Simmental bull dams. Obtained values were considerably uniform without any greater oscillations. .Telesna razvijenost i tip su veoma važni pokazatelji proizvodnih sposobnosti krava, njihovih mogućnosti da konzumiraju dovoljne količine hrane, daju tehnoloÅ”ki kvalitetno mleko, smanje utroÅ”ak energije u proizvodnji i Å”to duže ostanu u proizvodnji i daju veći broj potomaka. Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 278 krava simentalske rase odabrane u kategoriju bikovskih majki na području Republike Srbije. Primenom metoda najmanjih kvadrata dobijene su prosečne vrednosti eksterijernih mera: visina grebena 136,04 cm; dužina trupa 165,81 cm; dubina grudi 73,61 cm; obim grudi 201,12 cm; telesna masa 695,29 kg. Regioni su statistički vrlo značajno uticali na sve ispitivane eksterijerne osobine (P (lt) 0,01). Godina merenja nije statistički značajno uticala (P>0,05) na telesnu razvijenost bikovskih majki simentalske rase. Dobijene vrednosti bile su dosta ujednačene bez nekih većih oscilacija.

    Efekti različitih premiksa u ishrani krmača i prasadi

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    In the last ten years we have been witnesses to import of numerous premixes produced by various producers and of different quality in regard to concentration of ingredients which are their main components. There is relatively few data on the effects of their nutritive value in pigs, so this research was carried out with objective to verify the effects of several different imported premixes and those produced according to domestic concept, in nutrition of sows, suckling piglets and weaned piglets. Research was performed on private farm in the vicinity of Å abac in Serbia. Obtained results showed that there was no significant difference in losses of body masses and food consumption in sows during lactation period. Nutrition of suckling piglets using mixture which contained adequate premix of domestic production improved the growth rate by 7.6%. Cost of food when domestic premixes were used in nutrition of sows and piglets was by 5.3% lower, and value of realized piglets by approx. 26.0% more favourable when domestic premixes were used in nutrition of sows and suckling piglets. Piglets in rearing were fed mixtures containing imported premixes showed no significantly important effect on gain, but had poorer feed conversion by 6.2% compared to animals fed diets containing domestic premix. Domestic premix in mixtures reduced the cost of mixtures by 3.4% and reduced the cost of gain of piglets in rearing by 9.9% compared to nutrition with diets containing imported premixes. In general, obtained results shoed that use of both types of compared premixes can be recommended, but it is more economically efficient to use domestic premixes in nutrition of sows and piglets.Poslednjih deset godina svedoci smo uvoza mnogobrojnih premiksa raznih proizvođača različitog kvaliteta u pogledu koncentracija ingredijenata koji ulaze u njihov sastav. Relativno je malo podataka o efektima njihove nutritivne vrednosti kod svinja, zbog čega su ova ispitivanja i izvedena sa ciljem da se provere efekti palete premiksa iz uvoza i onih proizvedenih po domaćem konceptu čiji je idejni tvorac prvoimenovani autor ovoga rada, u ishrani krmača, prasadi na sisi i prasadi u odgoju. Istraživanja su izvedena na privatnoj farmi svinja u Platičevu u okolini Å apca u Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo bitne razlike u gubicima telesnih masa i u konzumaciji hrane kod krmača u periodu laktacije. Ishrana prasadi na sisi smeÅ”om u kojoj je koriŔćen odgovarajući premiks domaće proizvodnje poboljÅ”ala je brzinu porasta prasadi u proseku za 7,6%. Cena hrane koriŔćenjem domaćih premiksa je bila za 5,3% niža, a vrednost realizovane prasadi za oko 26,0% nepovoljnija koriŔćenjem premiksa iz uvoza. Prasad u odgoju hranjena smeÅ”ama gde su koriŔćeni uvozni premiksi nisu iskazala bitan efekat na prirast ali su reagovala pogorÅ”anom konverzijom hrane za 6,2% u poređenju sa životinjama na obrocima sa premiksom domaće proizvodnje. Domaći premiks u smeÅ”ama je umanjio cenu smeÅ”a za 3,4% i pojeftinio cenu prirasta prasadi u odgoju za 9,9% u poređenju sa ishranom obrocima sa uvoznim premiksima. U celini dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se preporučuje koriŔćenje obeju vrsta upoređivanih premiksa, ali je ekonomičnije koristiti domaće premikse u ishrani krmača, prasadi na sisi i odgoju

    Laparoskopsko osemenjavanje ovaca u Republici Srbiji

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    This paper describes a procedure of laparoscopic insemination (LAI) performed in 42 Ile de France ewes with deep-frozen rams' semen. Frozen semen doses was imported from France, originating from two rams (A and B), and used intermittently in three LAI cycles on different females. The ewes were examined ultrasonographically for pregnancy, two months following insemination and data of lambing were recorded at the end. Total achieved lambing rate was 61.90% (26/42) and total number of lambs was 49 (prolificacy 1.88; 1.16 lambs per sheep included in LAI protocol). Three labs from 2 ewes were stillborn and one dyed at 10th day after lambing. Lambing rates for rams A and B were 53.85% (14/26) and 75.00% (12/16), respectively. Introduction of laparoscopic insemination of sheep with imported deep-frozen semen of top quality rams, gaining technical experience and achieving conception rate over 65% could make this technique acceptable in improving genetic potential of top quality sheep flocks.U radu je opisan postupak laparoskopskog osemenjavanja (LAO) primenjen kod 42 ovce rase Ile de France duboko zamrznutim semenom. Tokom tri ciklusa osemenjavanja naizmenično je koriŔćeno seme dva ovna (A i B), uvezeno iz Francuske. Nakon dva meseca od osemenjavanja ovce su pregledane na sjagnjenost ultrasonografskom metodom i analizirani su podaci o jagnjenju. Ostvarena je koncepcija od 61,90% (26/42) i dobijeno je ukupno 49 jaganjaca (indeks jagnjena 1,88 po ojagnjenoj ovci, odnosno, 1,16 jagnjeta po ovci uključenoj u protokol LAO). Tri jagnjeta od dve ovce bila su mrtvorođena i jedno jagnje je uginulo 10. dana nakon jagnjenja. Sjagnjenost od semena ovna A iznosila je 58,85% (14/26) a od ovna B 75,00% (12/16). Uvođenje laparoskopskog osemenjavanja ovaca, uvoz duboko-zamrznutog semena vrhunskih ovnova, sticanje iskustva i ostvarenje koncepcije od preko 65% može ovu tehniku učiniti prihvatljivom u popravljanju genetskog potencijala kvalitetnih stada ovaca


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    Concentration is one of several key processes that are taking place in retail markets of the European countries. Retail concentration process occurs in all EU countries and itā€™s manifested with the decreasing number of leading retailers with simultaneous increase in their market share. Undergoing process of retail market concentration is bringing new challenges to all market participants: suppliers, existing retailers and customers. In this paper we will discuss concentration in retail industry, particularly in grocery retailing. The reached level of the grocery retail market concentration will be explained on European and national level in Croatia. In addition, we will address the impact of concentration process on some other trends and its influence on the retail market structure

    Reproduktivno respiratorni sindrom svinja (PRRS)

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    Respiratory disease in pigs are major cause of morbidity, mortality, and major cause of economic losses. As results of this situation, it is necessary to carry out timely diagnoses, adequate therapy and on farms established prophylactic measures. Our intention was to show in this paper, production indicators, such as consequence presence of PRRS in pig farms industrial type. The biggest losses in pigs were the first three month of out break in the period from 3-12 month mortality gradually decreased. The costs of prevention and treatment of secondary infections during the 12 month after outbreak of the disease were on average about 40% higher in the period before in relation on period before appear disease. .Bolesti organa za disanje kod svinja su jedan od glavnih uzroka morbiditeta, mortaliteta i jedan od glavnih uzroka ekonomskih gubitaka. Kao rezultat takvog stanja, neophodno je blagovremeno sprovesti dijagnostiku, adekvatnu terapiju i na farmama uvoditi profilaktičke mere. Namera nam je bila da u ovom radu prikažemo proizvodne pokazatelje, kao posledicu prisustva PRRS na farmi svinja industrijskog tipa. Najveći gubici kod tovnih svinja bili su prva 3 meseca od izbijanja zaraze a u periodu od 3-12 meseci mortalitet se postepeno smanjivao. TroÅ”kovi prevencije i lečenja sekundarnih infekcija tokom 12 meseci posle izbijanja bolesti bili su u proseku oko 40 procenata veći u odnosu na period pre izbijanja bolesti.

    Otpornost na kontrolisani termalni stres i tolerancija na zamrzavanje spermatozoida dve grupe nerastova

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    The aim of this study was to find out is it possible to presume success of boars sperm cryopreservation, based on controlled exposure to heat stress and to investigate in vitro quality parameters of frozen/thawed sperm of previously selected 6 boars with good results (group 1) and 6 boars (group 2) with bad results on thermo resistance test (TT). In this investigation, ejaculates of 12 chosen of 75 AI boars (Landrace, Large White, Pietrain and Durock breeds) from SVC Velika Plana (Serbia) were used. Tolerance to heat stress was performed by Schaetz (1963) method. Ejaculates were extended with Androhep plus (1:1) and kept during 60 minutes on 41oC. In cryopreservation of boars semen Westendorf et al. (1975) method, modified by Bwanga et al. (1990). Very significant changes of progressive motility rate were observed after spermatozoa exposure to controlled thermal stress. High correlation coefficient of progressive motility rate of both groups of boars, but higher in group 2 for progressive motility rate after thawing and after heat stress treatment was established. Average progressive motility rate of all 12 boars did not differ before and after thawing. Presence of boars of all breeds represented in the SVC (Large White, Landrace, Duroc and Pietrain) in both quality groups confirms the assumption that suitability for cryopreservation of sperm is individual trait. According data analysis, sperm deep freezing success requires previous selection for potential donors, which have to be consider standard quality parameters testing and controlled stress exposure tests.Cilj rada je da se ustanovi da li moguće odrediti da li je sperma nerasta pogodna za krioprezervaciju da se na osnovu izlaganja spermatozioda kontrolisanom toplotnom stresu i da se ispitaju in vitro parametri kvaliteta odmrznutog semena dve grupe od po 6 nerastova čije je seme dobro (1. grupa) ili loÅ”e podnelo toplotni stres (2. grupa). U istraživanju su koriŔćeni ejakulati 12 od 75 nerastova rasa: landras, veliki jorkÅ”ir, pijetren i durok (L, J, P, D) iz SVC Velika Plana, odabranih na osnovu testa termorezistencije (TT) i svrstanih u dve kvalitetne grupe. Ispitivanje stepena termorezistencije ejakulata u razređenju Androhep-om plus 1:1 60 minuta na 41 oC, je izvedeno metodom po Schaetz-u (1963). Duboko zamrzavanje sperme odabranih nerastova izvedeno modifikovanim postupkom po Westendorf-u i sar. (1975) i Bwanga-i i sar. (1990). Rezultati TT ukazali su na vrlo značajne promene progresivne pokretljivosti spermatozoida posle izlaganja kontrolisanom toplotnom stresu. Ustanovljen je visok koeficijent korelacije kod obe grupe ali ipak neÅ”to viÅ”i kod nerastova 2. grupe za odnos procenta progresivne pokretljivosti spermatozoida posle odmrzavanja i progresivne pokretljivosti posle izlaganja temperaturi od 41oC. Prosečna progresivna pokretljivost spermatozoida svih ispitivanih nerastova se nije značajno razlikovala pre i posle zamrzavanja. Slučajni raspored nerastova svih rasa zastupljenih u SVC (JorkÅ”ir, Landras, Durok i Pijetren) u obe kvalitetne grupe potvrđuje pretpostavku da je pogodnost sperme za krioprezervaciju individualna osobina. Za uspeÅ”nu krioprezervaciju sperme nerastova je neophodna prethodna selekcija potencijalnih donora na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja standardnih parametara kvaliteta i testova u kojima se spermatozoidi in vitro izlažu različitim kontrolisanom stresu

    Wellensov sindrom u bolesnice primljene u hitnu službu nakon prestanka bolova u prsiÅ”tu uzrokovanih tjelesnom aktivnoŔću

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    Wellensā€™ syndrome, also known as the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary T wave syndrome, is a potentially under-recognized syndrome in emergency room, which can have potentially fatal consequences. It usually consists of typical electrocardiography (ECG) finding in precordial leads that represents significant stenosis of the proximal LAD. Although the syndrome is not included in indications for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (patients with typical ECG findings are usually pain free at the time of recording), every patient with suspicion of typical Wellensā€™ syndrome should be seen by interventional cardiologist and considered for emergency cardiac catheterization. A case is reported of a patient with no previous medical history of coronary disease and with only one risk factor for cardiovascular disease that presented to emergency room with typical Wellensā€™ syndrome.Wellensov sindrom, također poznat kao sindrom T vala lijeve prednje silazne koronarne arterije (LAD), je sindrom koji može promaknuti kao neprepoznat u hitnoj službi, a može imati kobne posljedice. Obično se sastoji od znakovitog elektrokardiografskog (EKG) nalaza u prekordijalnim elektrodama, koji predstavlja značajnu stenozu proksimalne LAD. Iako ovaj sindrom nije uključen u indikacije za primarnu perkutanu koronarnu intervenciju (bolesnici s tipičnim nalazom EKG obično nemaju bolove u vrijeme snimanja), svakog bolesnika sa sumnjom na Wellensov sindrom trebalo bi uputiti intervencijskom kardiologu i razmotriti potrebu hitne kateterizacije srca. Opisuje se bolesnica bez prethodne anamneze koronarne bolesti i sa samo jednim rizičnim čimbenikom za kardiovaskularnu bolest, koja je primljena u hitnu službu s tipičnim Wellensovim sindromom

    Wellensov sindrom u bolesnice primljene u hitnu službu nakon prestanka bolova u prsiÅ”tu uzrokovanih tjelesnom aktivnoŔću

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    Wellensā€™ syndrome, also known as the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary T wave syndrome, is a potentially under-recognized syndrome in emergency room, which can have potentially fatal consequences. It usually consists of typical electrocardiography (ECG) finding in precordial leads that represents significant stenosis of the proximal LAD. Although the syndrome is not included in indications for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (patients with typical ECG findings are usually pain free at the time of recording), every patient with suspicion of typical Wellensā€™ syndrome should be seen by interventional cardiologist and considered for emergency cardiac catheterization. A case is reported of a patient with no previous medical history of coronary disease and with only one risk factor for cardiovascular disease that presented to emergency room with typical Wellensā€™ syndrome.Wellensov sindrom, također poznat kao sindrom T vala lijeve prednje silazne koronarne arterije (LAD), je sindrom koji može promaknuti kao neprepoznat u hitnoj službi, a može imati kobne posljedice. Obično se sastoji od znakovitog elektrokardiografskog (EKG) nalaza u prekordijalnim elektrodama, koji predstavlja značajnu stenozu proksimalne LAD. Iako ovaj sindrom nije uključen u indikacije za primarnu perkutanu koronarnu intervenciju (bolesnici s tipičnim nalazom EKG obično nemaju bolove u vrijeme snimanja), svakog bolesnika sa sumnjom na Wellensov sindrom trebalo bi uputiti intervencijskom kardiologu i razmotriti potrebu hitne kateterizacije srca. Opisuje se bolesnica bez prethodne anamneze koronarne bolesti i sa samo jednim rizičnim čimbenikom za kardiovaskularnu bolest, koja je primljena u hitnu službu s tipičnim Wellensovim sindromom

    Uloga pH vrednosti u muŔkom i ženskom reproduktivnom traktu svinja

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    For a long time, in practice, and science, has been known that pH values of sperm and vagina are important for successful fertilization. In this investigation this fact was confirmed, and the goal was to investigate the role of pH values through whole reproductive tract of male and female individuals: testis, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, Cowper's gland, vesicula seminalis, prostata, corpus cavernosus, corpus spongiosus, epitel tissue of penis tube, sperm, vagina, uterus, horn of uterus, oviduct, fimbrie ovarica, ovarium, follicular fluid. Measurement was performed in reproductive active males as well as before and after ovulation in females. Porcine reproductive tracts (per 15 female and male individuals) were collected from institute's slaughterhouse, immediately post mortem dissected, homogenised and pH values were measured (according to method Rede&Rahelić (1969)). Ovarium and follicular liquid have the highest pH values (7,4) in females, but a small peak in preovulatory oviduct is also present and corresponded to pH of sperm of reproductive fully active male individuals (pH=app.7,2). After fertilization pH in surrounding of zygot (through depolarisation of its membrane) in oviduct, and zygot which then has external decreased pH value moves to less pH values regions by the same principle, that means to uterus, (pH between 7,2 (horn) and 7,07(cervix)) in postovulatory female reproductive tract, where nidation of blastocyst occurs. This investigation could help to elucidate knowledge about reproductive physiology in vivo, giving importance to role of pH values along reproductive tract of male and female individuals.U praksi i nauci je odavno poznato da je pH vrednost sperme i vagine od značaja za uspeÅ”nu oplodnju. U ovom istraživanju je to potvrđeno, a cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uloga pH vrednosti duž celog polnog trakta mužjaka i ženki svinja: od testisa, epididimisa ductus deferens, Kauperove žlezde, semene kesice, prostate, corpus cavernosus i corpus spongiosus penisa, epitelnog tkiva cevi penisa, sperme vagine, materice, rogova materice, jajovoda, fimbrie ovarica, jajnika, do folikularne tečnosti jajnika. Merenje je izvrÅ”eno kod polno aktivnih mužjaka i ženki (pre- i postovulatorno). Polni trakt svinja (po 15 ženskih i muÅ”kih jedinki) je uzet iz eksperimentalne klanice instituta, odmah post mortem izvrÅ”ena je disekcija, homogenizacija čvrstih tkiva i merene su pH vrednosti (prema metodi Rede i Rahelić (1969)). Jajnik i folikularna tečnost jajnika imale su najviÅ”u pH vrednost od 7,4, dok je mali ali značajan porast pH vrednosti u preovulatornom jajniku odgovarao pH vrednosti sperme polno aktivnih mužjaka (pH oko7,2). Nakon oplodnje u okolini zigota (putem depolarizacije membrane) u jajovodu se snižava pH vrednost, Å”to ostaje za dalja istraživanja, i zigot koji tada ima spoljaÅ”nju smanjenu pH, kreće se, potpomognut pokretima trepljastog epitela, ka regionu niže pH vrednosti, odnosno materici (u rasponu pH od 7,2 u rogu materice do 7, 07 u cerviksu) u postovulatornom polnom traktu ženki i u materici se odvija nidacija odnosno ugnježđivanje blastule ukoliko je oplodnja uspeÅ”na. Ova istraživanja bi mogla da rasvetle znanja o polnoj fiziologiji in vivo, dajući značaj pH vrednostima duž polnog trakta muÅ”kih i ženskih jedinki
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