33,671 research outputs found

    History of malware

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    In past three decades almost everything has changed in the field of malware and malware analysis. From malware created as proof of some security concept and malware created for financial gain to malware created to sabotage infrastructure. In this work we will focus on history and evolution of malware and describe most important malwares.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures describing history and evolution of PC malware from first PC malware to Stuxnet, DoQu and Flame. This article has been withdrawed due some errors in text and publication in the jurnal that asked to withdraw article from other source

    Book Review: Gorana Ognjenović and Jasna Jozelić (ed.), Education in Post-Conflict Transition: The Politization of Religion in School Textbooks

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    One of the undeniable facts of the modern era is that education is the key to the past, the present, and the future. In the aftermath of apartheid and the quest for the freedom from racial segregation, Nelson Mandela has spoken the truth when he said: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Rethinking these words in the light of recent conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia raises many concerns, since education, as powerful as it may seem, can be easily abused and become a source of divisions. Memory is often interpreted and therefore politicized by the ruling political or religious elites. Concerns are deepened, even more, when it comes to religious education and the way textbooks are ethically or historically biased

    Genderová rovnost na trhu práce v Turecku jako kandidátské země Evropské unie

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    This diploma thesis deals with gender equality in the labour market in Turkey as a candidate country of the European Union. The aim of this thesis is to find out and explain the differences regarding gender equality in the labour market in Turkey and the seven selected Member States of the European Union: Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia, Cyprus, Malta and Hungary. Six of these Member States were selected based on their ranking in the Global Gender Gap Index, the seventh country, Croatia, was selected as it is the newest Member State. The sub-aim is to find out if Turkey is close to fulfilling the Copenhagen Criteria to become a Member State of the European Union and how the country fulfils criteria related to gender equality.The thesis is divided into three parts. First, the theoretical part of this thesis describes basic terminology of human rights, gender equality and enlargement policy of the European Union. It also describes the concepts and definitions of human rights, the European Union’s legislation on gender equality, the European Union’s strategies for achieving gender equality and the whole process of enlargement as well as conditionality and Europeanization. The second part focuses on gender equality in Turkey itself in the context of country’s accession to the European Union and gender equality in Turkey and its strategies for achieving gender equality. It also further analyses the selected chapters of the Acquis Communautaire, the political and economic criteria of Copenhagen and the economic obstacles for Turkey’s membership in the European Union. The practical part of this thesis analyses gender equality in education, gender equality in the labour market and the gender pay gap between Turkey and the seven selected Member States of the European Union, it examines the reasons for inequality in education and in the labour market between men and women in these selected countries.Diplomová práce se zabývá genderovou rovností na trhu práce v Turecku jako kandidátské země Evropské unie. Hlavním cílem práce je zjistit a vysvětlit rozdíly genderové rovnosti na trhu práce v Turecku a v sedmi vybraných členských státech Evropské unie: Finsku, Švédsku, Slovinsku, Chorvatsku, Kypru, Malty a Maďarsku. Šest z těchto států bylo vybráno na základě jejich hodnocení v Global Gender Gap Indexu a sedmým státem je Chorvatsko, které bylo vybráno jako nejnovější členský stát. Dalším cílem je zjistit, jestli se Turecko blíží plnění Kodaňských kritérií pro vstup do Evropské unie a jak země plní kritéria související s genderovou rovností. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První, teoretická část popisuje základní terminologii lidských práv, genderové rovnosti a politiky rozšiřování Evropské unie. Je zde popsán koncept a definice lidských práv, legislativa a strategie Evropské unie týkající se genderové rovnosti, celý proces rozšiřování, kondicionalita a europeanizace. Druhá část se zaměřuje na genderovou rovnost v kontextu přistoupení Turecka do Evropské unie a strategii pro její dosažení. Dále analyzuje vybrané kapitoly Acquis Communautaire, posuzuje Kodaňská kritéria a ekonomické překážky Tureckého členství v Evropské unii. Praktická část analyzuje genderovou rovnost ve vzdělání, na trhu práce, v rozdílu odměnování mužů a žen mezi Tureckem a sedmi vybranými členskými státy Evropské unie a zkoumá důvody nerovnosti ve vzdělání a na trhu práce mezi muži a ženami v těchto zemích.120 - Katedra evropské integracevelmi dobř

    Recurrence and transience property for a class of Markov chains

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    We consider the recurrence and transience problem for a time-homogeneous Markov chain on the real line with transition kernel p(x,dy)=fx(yx)dyp(x,\mathrm{d}y)=f_x(y-x)\,\mathrm{d}y, where the density functions fx(y)f_x(y), for large y|y|, have a power-law decay with exponent α(x)+1\alpha(x)+1, where α(x)(0,2)\alpha(x)\in(0,2). In this paper, under a uniformity condition on the density functions fx(y)f_x(y) and an additional mild drift condition, we prove that when liminfxα(x)>1\lim\inf_{|x|\longrightarrow\infty}\alpha(x)>1, the chain is recurrent. Similarly, under the same uniformity condition on the density functions fx(y)f_x(y) and some mild technical conditions, we prove that when limsupxα(x)<1\lim\sup_{|x|\longrightarrow\infty}\alpha(x)<1, the chain is transient. As a special case of these results, we give a new proof for the recurrence and transience property of a symmetric α\alpha-stable random walk on R\mathbb {R} with the index of stability α(0,1)(1,2).\alpha\in(0,1)\cup(1,2).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/12-BEJ448 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Stemmer for Serbian language

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    In linguistic morphology and information retrieval, stemming is the process for reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their stem, base or root form; generally a written word form. In this work is presented suffix stripping stemmer for Serbian language, one of the highly inflectional languages.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, code include

    RevenueSources of State and Local Governments

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    This report compares the reliance on various revenue sources across Georgia compared with eight other states. FRC Report 16