36 research outputs found

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    Atlante corologico delle Pteridofite nell'Italia nordorientaleDistribution Atlas of the Pteridophytes of North-Eastern Italy

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    Si tratta di un lavoro di cartografia floristica sovraregionale (il primo in Italia), basato sul metodo adottato dal Progetto Cartografico dell\u2019Europa Centrale (CFCE), esteso su un territorio di 55.507 kmq (per complessivi 1700 quadranti), comprendente le regioni Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige e Lombardia orientale (province di Mantova, Cremona Brescia, Bergamo, Lecco e Sondrio). Sono stati considerati 108 taxa e numerose forme ibride le cui distribuzioni vengono commentate e discusse alla luce dei principali fattori ecologici e inquadrate in modelli distributivi di nuova proposizione. Durante il quadriennio 2001-2004 sono stati complessivamente implementati circa 63600 record fra dati di campagna, d\u2019erbario e di letteratura. Ci\uf2 ha portato alla realizzazione di 92 carte che rappresentano la situazione aggiornata della distribuzione delle Pteridofite dell\u2019Italia nordorientale, dalle quali si evince anche la contrazione dell\u2019areale subita da alcune specie rispetto alla situazione descritta nelle flore storiche

    Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation - a project synopsis

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    International audienceThe importance of the conservation of all three fundamental levels of biodiversity (ecosystems, species and genes) has been widely acknowledged, but only in recent years it has become technically feasible to consider intraspecific diversity, i.e. the genetic component to biodiversity. In order to facilitate the assessment of biodiversity, considerable efforts have been made towards identifying surrogates because the efficient evaluation of regional biodiversity would help in designating important areas for nature conservation at larger spatial scales. However, we know little about the fundamental relationships among the three levels of biodiversity, which impedes the formulation of a general, widely applicable concept of biodiversity conservation through surrogates. Here, we present the set-up of an international, interdisciplinary project, INTRABioDiv (http://www.intrabiodiv.eu), which studied vascular plant biodiversity at a large scale, i.e. across the European Alps and the Carpathians. Our assessment comprises species richness (high-mountain flora), genetic variation (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, AFLPs) and environmental diversity (modelled potential habitat diversity). Our primary aims were to test for correlations between intra- and interspecific diversity and to identify possible environmental surrogates to describe biodiversity in the two study regions. To the best of our knowledge, INTRABioDiv represents the first multispecies study on intraspecific, molecular-genetic variation in relation with species and habitat diversity. Here, we outline the theoretical background, our sampling scheme, the technical approaches and the feasibility of a concentrated and standardized sampling effort. We further show exemplary results. Our three data sets will be made freely available and will provide a playground for further hypothesis testing in conservation, ecology or evolution open to the scientific community. (C) 2008 Rubel Foundation, ETH Zurich. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation - a project synopsis

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    International audienceThe importance of the conservation of all three fundamental levels of biodiversity (ecosystems, species and genes) has been widely acknowledged, but only in recent years it has become technically feasible to consider intraspecific diversity, i.e. the genetic component to biodiversity. In order to facilitate the assessment of biodiversity, considerable efforts have been made towards identifying surrogates because the efficient evaluation of regional biodiversity would help in designating important areas for nature conservation at larger spatial scales. However, we know little about the fundamental relationships among the three levels of biodiversity, which impedes the formulation of a general, widely applicable concept of biodiversity conservation through surrogates. Here, we present the set-up of an international, interdisciplinary project, INTRABioDiv (http://www.intrabiodiv.eu), which studied vascular plant biodiversity at a large scale, i.e. across the European Alps and the Carpathians. Our assessment comprises species richness (high-mountain flora), genetic variation (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, AFLPs) and environmental diversity (modelled potential habitat diversity). Our primary aims were to test for correlations between intra- and interspecific diversity and to identify possible environmental surrogates to describe biodiversity in the two study regions. To the best of our knowledge, INTRABioDiv represents the first multispecies study on intraspecific, molecular-genetic variation in relation with species and habitat diversity. Here, we outline the theoretical background, our sampling scheme, the technical approaches and the feasibility of a concentrated and standardized sampling effort. We further show exemplary results. Our three data sets will be made freely available and will provide a playground for further hypothesis testing in conservation, ecology or evolution open to the scientific community. (C) 2008 Rubel Foundation, ETH Zurich. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Floristične zanimivosti Karavank in Kamniških Alp (Slovenija in Avstrija)

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    New floristic records from the eastern Karavanke/Karawanken and Kamniške Alpe/Steiner Alpen (Slovenia and Austria) are reported. Allium kermesinum is new for Austria; Arabis soyeri subsp. subcoriacea, Carex rupestris and Draba dubia are new for the Kamniške Alpe/Steiner Alpen; for Androsace hausmannii, Arabis stellulata, Carex ornithopodoides, Pedicularis rosea, Salix serpillifolia and Veronica fruticulosa new localities are presented. Furthermore, taxonomic problems in Oxytropis sect. Oxytropis and Arabis pumila sensu lato are discussed.Predstavljamo floristične novosti iz vzhodnih Karavank in Kamniških Alp (Slovenija in Avstrija). Allium kermesinum je nova vrsta za Avstrijo; Arabis soyeri subsp. subcoriacea, Carex rupestris in Draba dubia so nove za Kamniške Alpe. Dodajamo tudi nekaj novih nahajališč nekaterih redkejših taksonov: Androsace hausmannii, Arabis stellulata, Carex ornithopodoides, Pedicularis rosea, Salix serpillifolia in Veronica fruticulosa. Razpravljamo tudi o taksonomski problematiki znotraj Arabis pumila sensu lato in sekcije Oxytropis sect. Oxytropis