9 research outputs found

    Citation of Mass Media Resources in Social Network

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    The role of social networks in the formation of collective behaviour and a sustainable point of view/position regarding the information events or facts is studied herein. The purpose of the study is to analyse the reaction of the users of popular social networks, expressed in quotations and responses to the messages of mass media resources. A statistical measure of interest in the media news is identified through unique messages from queries on the topic. The approach used is aimed at improving the scientific argumentation on the assumption of a direct relationship between these phenomena. The empirical evaluation is carried out according to the data obtained from the Russian segment of social networks. The trends in the distribution of media content in social media and social networks are revealed using structural and correlation analysis. It is determined that the publications in online media correlate directly with the activities of social networks and are caused by the release of one or another information event. The results of the study also convincingly point out that the importance of the media resources, expanding due to the integration of social networks, increases, while the classical model of online media (media edition as own website) is gradually losing popularity and audience

    Влияние взаимодействия в системе «Врач – Пациент» на состояние больных

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    The study focuses on the search for ways to solve the problem of improving the quality of medical care for heart disease patients; the effectiveness of patients’ treatment is determined by the science-oriented medicine achievements and the general psycho-emotional states arising in various situations of doctor-patient interaction. The aim of the study is to identify the types of doctors and their impacts on patients’ psycho-emotional states and attitudes toward the disease. The study was conducted in a number of clinical hospitals in Moscow (Russia). It involved 167 doctors and 1,248 patients with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arrhythmias, aged 43 to 82 years. The study was carried out using valid psychodiagnostic techniques. There were statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the response to the disease in heart disease patients, whose physicians established with them collaborative, caring, directive, authoritarian and alienated relationships.El estudio se centra en la búsqueda de formas de resolución el problema de mejorar la calidad de la asistencia médica a los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuya eficacia del tratamiento se determina por los logros de la medicina naturalmente orientada a la ciencia y la condición psique-emocional general que se produce en situaciones diversas de su interacción con el médico tratante. El observatorio del estudio es identificación de los tipos de médicos tratantes y sus efectos sobre la condición psique-emocional y la actitud hacia la enfermedad de los pacientes.  El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la base de la serie de hospitales clínicos en Moscú (Rusia). En el estudio participaron 167 médicos y 1248 pacientes con hipertensión arterial, enfermedad isquémica coronaria y arritmias, de 43 a 82 años. El estudio se realizó con la ayuda de técnicas psiquediagnósticas validas. Se han obtenido las diferencias estadísticamente fidedignas en los indicadores de la respuesta a la enfermedad en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuyos médicos tratantes establecen relaciones cooperativas, de tutela, directivas, autoritarias y suspendidas con ellos.Исследование ориентировано на поиск способов решения проблемы повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, эффективность лечения которых определяется как достижениями естественно-научно ориентированной медицины, так и общим психоэмоциональным состоянием, возникающим в различных ситуациях его взаимодействия с лечащим врачом. Цель исследования – выявление типов лечащих врачей и их влияния на психоэмоциональное состояние и отношение к болезни пациентов.  Исследование проводилось на базе ряда клинических больниц г. Москвы (Россия). В исследовании приняли участие 167 врачей и 1248 пациентов с артериальной гипертонией, ишемической болезнью сердца и аритмиями, в возрасте от 43 до 82 лет. Исследование осуществлялось с помощью валидных психодиагностических методик. Были получены статистически достоверны различия в показателях особенностей реагирования на болезнь у пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, лечащие врачи которых устанавливают с ними сотруднические, опекающие, директивные, авторитарные и отстраненные отношения

    Индивидуально-психологические детерминанты пищевого поведения студентов высших учебных заведений

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    The article is devoted to the problem of eating disorders of young people. The study focuses on the identification of psychological factors that determine the styles of eating behavior. The empirical results of the survey are presented, in which 937 students aged 18 to 25 took part. The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the self-structure of students' personality, reflecting the state of their identity, and the characteristics of their eating behavior. As a result, it was revealed that constructive, destructive, and deficit self-functions (as unconscious personality constructs) find their expression not only in behavior and interpersonal social relations, but also in the style of eating behavior, tendencies to eating disorders and deviations.El artículo se centra en el problema del trastorno del comportamiento alimentario de las personas jóvenes. El estudio se centra en la detección de los factores psicológicos que determinan los estilos del comportamiento alimentario. Se presentaron los resultados empíricos de la encuesta, en la que participaron 937 estudiantes de 18 a 25 años. El observatorio del estudio fue identificación de la relación entre las características de la estructura del autoconcepto de la personalidad de los estudiantes, que reflejan el estado de su identidad, y las características de su comportamiento alimentario. Como resultado, se reveló que las funciones constructivas, destructivas y deficientes del autoconcepto, (como los diseños de personalidad inconscientes), encuentran su expresión no solo en el comportamiento y las relaciones sociales interpersonales, sino también en el estilo del comportamiento alimentario, las inclinaciones a los desarreglos alimentarios y los trastornos.Статья посвящена проблеме нарушения пищевого поведения людей молодого возраста. В исследовании акцентируется внимание на выявлении психологических факторов, детерминирующих стили пищевого поведения. Представлены эмпирические результаты опроса, в котором приняли участие 937 студентов в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет. Целью исследования стало выявление взаимосвязи между особенностями Я-структуры личности студентов, отражающими состояние их идентичности, и особенностями их пищевого поведения. В результате было выявлено, что конструктивные, деструктивные и дефицитарные Я-функции, (как неосознаваемые конструкты личности), находят свое выражение не только в поведении и межличностных социальных отношениях, но и в стиле пищевого поведения, склонностях к пищевым расстройствам и нарушениям

    Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Training in Organization of Open Education

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    The modern concept of open education modifies the traditional learning format through advanced information and communications technology. This fact imposes special requirements for all participants in the learning process and makes it necessary to reconsider the tasks and functions of students and teachers. This is relevant, therefore, to find a way of making a gradual transition to the model of open education. Based on an experiment with introductory training, the authors perform an empirical assessment of teachers’ preparedness to organize open education and use open educational resources (OER). The effectiveness of the introductory training of teachers was checked by means of interviewing and testing respondents. The research results showed that there were significant changes in the training criteria: according to the motivational and value-based criterion, virtually all teachers displayed a positive shift in their attitude to organization of open education; in terms of the cognitive criterion, the teachers acquired thorough knowledge of open education tools; according to the operational criterion, the teachers acquired the necessary skills in developing and introducing OER. In the process of observation, we recorded a rise in the number of teachers with a sufficient (by 60.5% compared with the verification stage) and high (by 16.6%) level of preparedness. The introductory training, therefore, is a principal component in the stable system of open education

    Modeling Energy-Efficient Consumption at Industrial Enterprises

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    A possibility to reduce costs incurred in both product manufacturing and energy consumption constitutes energy-efficient consumption at industrial enterprises. Manufacturers operating in various economic sectors adopt similar conceptual models of energy consumption, which allows developing a universal solution for modeling such processes. The central problem of modeling lies in finding an adequate objective function based on a sufficient set of parameters and characteristics of the efficiency of an enterprise's power circuit. The article justifies the performance indicators of industrial enterprises' power supply systems. The literature review proves that economic feasibility of energy efficiency is especially obvious if a massive modernization program is implemented. The estimates produced indicate that the largest portion of the potential energy savings is attributed to implementation of energy-saving projects in industrial buildings and other structures. We present a mathematical model designed to perform a comparative analysis of technical and economic features of two modernization scenarios of the heat and power supply system of an industrial enterprise circuit. Performing a simulation calculation based on performance aspects of Russian companies, the paper outlines the advantages of integrated modernization and analyzes the influence of various factors. The results reveal that there is an inverse correlation between specific heat consumption of buildings under thermal modernization and the length of the thermal network. As specific energy consumption in the thermal modernization scenario increases, the payback period for capital investments decreases. The effect of this dynamics is virtually proportional. Compared with total costs for various heat sources, the share of capital costs differs significantly; however, the share of running costs is dominant for all types of units. At the same time, the length of an enterprise's heat circuit weakly affects the payback period of capital costs. Keywords: Energy efficiency; Industrial enterprise; Thermal modernization; Energy modeling. JEL Classifications: Q43, L95, L97 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.737

    Specifics in Modeling of Energy Efficient Production in Agribusiness

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    A resource potential in agribusiness is a roundup indicator of resource availability. Its assessment and efficiently used resources govern a level of competitiveness of farm products among enterprises that have various operating practices. Power industry is a significant component of the resource potential. Greenhouses that operate in unfavourable natural and climatic conditions are an indicative example in this field. The study of practices that Russian agribusiness has will make it possible to identify strong component dependencies and challenges that businesspeople face when they introduce energy-saving solutions. Having reviewed corresponding sources, authors conclude that robust control aims at corrections to be made to the rule of uncertainty of conditions that govern the high energy/output ratio in greenhouse facilities. Based on the correlation/regression and index analysis they have established that the return rate in production of vegetables grown under cover depends on following three components: the specific gravity of costs for natural gas and other heat supply sources, the share of costs for electricity and capital-labour ratio. Findings imply that energy efficiency in national agribusiness was insufficient. Authors justify a need for a substantial increase in a use of alternate energy sources with mostly decentralized distribution. Keywords: agribusiness, energy efficiency, greenhouse industry, resource potential, energy supply, cost factor analysis. JEL Classifications: O13, Q42, Q4

    Development of the Adolescents’ Communicative Culture in the Context of Digitalization of Additional Education

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    In the era of digitalization of education and economy and the development of artificial intelligence, adolescents appear highly competitive compared with other generations in understanding digital technologies, acquiring expertise, and mastering modern means of communication, which normally causes intergenerational conflicts and the loss of an adult’s personal and functional authority. The aim of this research was to develop and test a model for developing adolescents’ communicative cultures in an institution of additional education. The research emphasizes the significance of personality-oriented, interactive-communicative, and cultural approaches and conducts a comparative analysis of the sources. Methodologically, the study relies on a quantitative method with primary sources. Besides, the findings of the study contribute to the existing limited stress on the importance of adolescents’ communicative cultures from the perspective of the digitalization of additional education. The study finds that the use of digital options in education has reduced social interaction among students. However, the students prefer to use digital methods of learning as they find them more convenient for communication. Therefore, the digital communication culture has high potential in the educational sector. The findings are novel as this study is one of the few recent studies that examined how communicative culture has transformed due to digital means in education. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-019 Full Text: PD


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    In this article the authors examine the anthropological, physiological, socio-psychological, medical background happy old age; analyze the data of a number of domestic and foreign experimental work to identify factors, conditions that ensure comfortable livelihoods of the elderly person. Special attention is paid to the role of the sociogerontological competence of managers of the sanatorium and resort sphere in the creation of socio-cultural gerontology centre environment to ensure a happy old age customers, as well as the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks in relation to older people