3 research outputs found

    Sun safety knowledge, practices and attitudes in rural Australian farmers : a cross-sectional study in Western New South Wales

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    Background: Rates of skin cancer in Australia are amongst the highest in the world, with Western New South Wales (NSW) exhibiting very high prevalence. There is a large proportion of outdoor workers, including farmers, in Western NSW who have high levels of sun exposure and hence are at greater risk of developing skin cancer. Aims: To characterise the current sun safety practices of farmers in Western NSW and explore their knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers towards sun safety and its implementation. Methods: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted using a self-directed questionnaire. Participants were recruited at field days held in Western NSW and through surveys distributed at general practices, local stores and online. Eligibility criteria were aged 18 years and over and currently working on a farm in the study region. Results: Of the 144 participants, 89 (61.8%) were male with a mean age of 49 years. Knowledge of sun safety was relatively high with most questions answered correctly by greater than 80% of participants. Risk of developing skin cancer was underestimated in 58 (40.3%) participants. Of all participants, 89 (62.2%) identified one or more barriers to practicing sun safety. The most common barrier was forgetfulness in 62 (43.4%) participants. The identification of barriers was significantly associated with reduced engagement of sun safety practices (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Knowledge of sun safety among farmers was high. There was, however, underestimation of risk of developing skin cancer. Addressing perceived barriers to implementing sun safety could improve sun safety practices in this cohort

    Assessment of smear layer removing efficacy of different irrigation activation devices in mandibular premolar teeth using a scanning electron microscope: An in vitro comparative study

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the effectiveness of three different irrigation activation systems in removing smear layer in single-rooted mandibular premolars using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Materials and Methods: Fifty-six extracted single-rooted mandibular premolars were included in the study (n = 56). The teeth were decoronated, working length was determined, and canals were prepared till #30/0.09, with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and saline as working solution. Final irrigation was performed with 5 mL of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution using three different activation systems. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups: Group A (control group) – conventional syringe irrigation with 30-G single side-vented needle; Group B (passive ultrasonic irrigation [PUI] method) – PUI with #20 Irrisafe ultrasonic files activated for 1 min; Group C (sonic activation) – EndoActivator system using the yellow tip (#20/0.04) activated for 1 min; and Group D – Tornado Disinfection Kit using GF Brush for 20–30 s as per the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were sectioned and subjected to SEM at × 2500 magnification. The efficacy of smear layer removal was assessed and scored by two operators. The collected data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square test (P < 0.05). Results: There was no statistically significant difference observed between the three different activation groups and the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: PUI performed better than all the study groups in removing smear layer from coronal, middle, and apical third of root canals. EndoActivator and Tornado Disinfection Kit performed similar in coronal and middle third, but the efficacy in apical third was inferior to the PUI group

    Effect of different irrigation activation systems using continuous chelating irrigation protocol on the removal of smear layer in the apical third of root canals: An in vitro scanning electron microscope study

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    Aim: Continuous chelation is a novel irrigation regimen popular as a single solution for irrigation of the root canal system during root canal therapy, especially for the removal of the smear layer. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of three different irrigation activation systems in removing the smear layer from the apical third in single-rooted mandibular premolars using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Methods: Fifty-six extracted single-rooted mandibular premolars were decoronated, and canals prepared till #30/0.09, with Chloroquick (3% NaOCl + 9% HEBP) as the working solution. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups based on the final irrigant activation protocol; Group A - (control group) conventional syringe irrigation with a 30-gauge single-side vented needle. Group B - (passive ultrasonic irrigation method) passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) with #20-Irrisafe ultrasonic files activated for 1 min. Group C - (sonic activation) EndoActivator system using the yellow tip (#20/0.04) activated for 1 min. Group D - Tornado Disinfection Kit using GF-brush for 20–30 s as per manufacturer's instructions. The canals were dried, samples were hemi-sectioned, and the amount of remaining smear layer was scored according to the Tabrizizadeh criteria (2015) with SEM images at ×2500 by two blinded operators. The collected data were analyzed statistically using the Chi-square test (P < 0.05). Results: The results showed statistically significant differences in terms of smear removal among the groups (P < 0.05) with the Gentlefile group performing better, followed by PUI, EndoActivator, and the conventional group. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, continuous chelation with Gentlefile activation could be a viable and efficient protocol for the removal of the smear layer from the apical third of root canals