36 research outputs found

    Određivanje integriteta membrane psećih spermija.

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    Semen samples from 9 sexually mature dogs of different breeds, aged from 1 to 5 years were used. Quality of sperm was evaluated using the following parameters: progressive motility (subjective), then structural and functional integrity of spermal membrane (supravital colouring (eosine/nigrosine) and HOS test). The majority of HOS reactive or swollen spermatozoa was placed in a hypoosmolar solution of 100 mosmol and incubated for 30 minutes. Results of research are elaborated by the ANOVA statistical method and Tukey HSD tests post-hoc analysis. We also determined correlations between semen parameters. Between middle values for HOS reactive (swollen) spermatozoa in hypoosmolar solutions with different osmolarity significant differences were determined (P<0.0001). Using a hypoosmotic solution with osmolarity 100 mosmol, we determined significantly strong positive correlations between HOS test and progressive motility (r=0.82; P<0.05), between HOS test and supravital staining eosine/nigrosine (r = 0.98; P<0.05), and between progressive motility and supravital staining eosine/nigrosine (r = 0.89; P<0.05). These positive correlations were anticipated because sperm motility partially depends on the functional integrity of the sperm membrane and other events included in the metabolism of the sperm. Results of our research have shown that HOS test can be an easy method for routine evaluation of sperm quality in dogs.Rabljeni su ejakulati devet spolno zrelih pasa, različitih pasmina u dobi od jedne do pet godina. Kvaliteta sperme ocjenjivana je pomoću progresivne pokretljivosti (subjektivno), te strukturalne i funkcionalne cjelovitosti membrane spermija (supravitalno bojenje eozin/nigrozin i HOS testom). Najveći broj HOS reaktivnih tj. nabubrenih spermija ustanovljen je u hipoosmotskoj otopini od 100 mosmol pri inkubaciji od 30 minuta. Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su statistički metodom ANOVA, te Tukey HSD testovima post-hoc analize, a također je određena korelacija između promatranih obilježja. Između srednjih vrijednosti HOS reaktivnih (nabubrenih) spermija u hipoosmotskim otopinama različite osmolarnosti ustanovljene su signifikantne razlike (P< 0,0001). KoriÅ”tenjem hipoosmotske otopine osmolarnosti 100 mosmol, ustanovljene su signifikantne, vrlo jake, pozitivne korelacije između HOS testa i progresivne pokretljivosti (r = 0,82 ; P<0,05), zatim između HOS testa i supravitalnog bojenja eozin/nigrozin (r = 0,98; P<0,05), te između progresivne pokretljivosti i supravitalnog bojenja eozin/nigrozin (r = 0,89; P<0,05). To je očekivano jer pokretljivost spermija djelomično ovisi o funkcionalnoj cjelovitosti membrane, a djelomično i o drugim biokemijskim aktivnostima kao Å”to je metabolizam spermija. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da je HOS jednostavna metoda koja se može rutinski primjenjivati za ocjenu kvalitete sperme u pasa. Ustanovljene su pozitivne i signifikantne korelacije između HOS reaktivnih i progresivno pokretljivih spermija te spermija s cjelovitom plazminom membranom

    Praćenje rane gravidnosti i rane embrionalne smrtnosti primjenom ultrazvučne pretrage i određivanjem razine trofoblastičnoga proteina i progesterona u kravljem serumu

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    The aim of study was to investigate the role of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) in early pregnancy, as well as the possibility of using PAG and ultrasound as diagnostic tools in the diagnosis of embryonic mortality. Our research included 73 Simmental cows, 3-7 years old, which calved every year. According to ultrasound findings (on the 17th, 24th, 35th and 45th day following AI), the cows were divided into 3 groups: pregnant cows (n = 34), non-pregnant cows (n = 18) and cows which had suffered embryonic mortality (n = 21). Blood samples were collected every 72 hours between the 12th and 45th day following AI and levels of progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) were determined. Statistical analysis of variance for progesterone at days 12, 21 and 35 following AI showed significant differences between pregnant cows and both the non-pregnant and embryonic mortality groups (P>0.05). PAG variance analysis at days 24, 30 and 34 following AI showed highly significant differences (P>0.01) between the non-pregnant and both the embryonic mortality and pregnant groups. On the other hand, variance analysis showed that mean values for PAG at days 40 and 45 following AI were highly significantly different (P>0.01) between the pregnant and both the nonpregnant and embryonic mortality groups. The conclusion emerged that it is impossible to determine embryonic mortality merely on the basis of progesterone profile, but it is easy to distinguish pregnant from non-pregnant cows, supposing cows to be more than 21 days pregnant. It is very easy and accurate to distinguish non-pregnant cows from cows that have suffered early embryonic mortality. Furthermore, 98% of the cows in our research which had experienced embryonic mortality, lost their embryos 17-24 days after AI, visible in a drastic decrease in PAG seven and half to nine days later. Using PAG for pregnancy diagnosis enables us to prove the existence of live, vital embryos in utero 24 days after conception.Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti ulogu trofoblastičnoga proteina (PAG) u fiziologiji rane gravidnosti u goveda kao i mogućnost njegove primjene te ultrazvuka u dijagnostici rane embrionalne smrtnosti. Promatrane su bile 73 krave simentalske pasmine, u dobi od tri do sedam godina, u kojih nisu ustanovljene poteÅ”koće s plodnoŔću. Sve su držane na pet obiteljskih gospodarstava u Međimurskoj županiji, u uzgojima koji su brojili od osam do 20 krava. Krave su bile podijeljene u tri skupine: gravidne krave (n = 34), krave sumnjive na ranu embrionalnu smrtnost (n = 21) i negravidne krave (n = 18). Na osnovi ultrazvučnih pretraga i laboratorijskoga praćenja razine progesterona i trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu od 12. do 45. dana nakon UO donijeti su sljedeći zaključci. Na osnovi razine progesterona u serumu moguće je razlučiti gravidne od negravidnih krava, ali nije moguće dijagnosticirati embrionalnu smrtnost. Na temelju razine trofoblastičnoga proteina moguće je sa sigurnoŔću razlikovati krave kod kojih je nastupila embrionalna smrtnost nakon 16. dana gravidnosti od krava koje nisu postale steone. Embrionalna smrtnost vidljiva je na osnovi znatnoga pada razine trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu majke, i to 7,5-9 dana nakon uginuća embrija, koliko iznosi i bioloÅ”ki poluživot trofoblastičnoga proteina u prvom mjesecu gravidnosti. Praćenjem razine trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu moguće je pouzdano dokazati postojanje živoga vitalnoga embrija u maternici steone krave već nakon 24. dana steonosti. U istraživanju je 98% krava u skupini u kojoj je nastupila embrionalna smrtnost izgubilo embrij kad su bile gravidne 17-24 dana Å”to predstavlja kritično razdoblje za preživljavanje embrija

    Biokemijski pokazatelji koŔtane pregradnje kod paŔnih mliječnih ovaca tijekom kasne gravidnosti i laktacije i njihova korelacija s IGF-I.

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    We investigated the influence of late pregnancy and lactation on bone metabolism in grazing dairy sheep, by measuring concentrations of minerals and bone markers in blood serum. The research was performed on ten cross-breed ewes (Istrian Ɨ East-Friesian). The concentrations of total Ca, inorganic P, total Mg, the activity of total alkaline phosphatase (AP) and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), concentrations of carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), insulin-like growth factor - I (IGF-I) and 17- Ī² estradiol (E2) were determined in the blood serum. The results showed significantly lower Ca concentrations in blood during lactation and P concentrations in the period of late lactation. Late lactation was characterized by the lowest CTx concentration and higher BAP activity. The obtained results are related to a decrease in the degree of bone resorption and an increase in the deposition of minerals in the bone tissue during late lactation. The increased concentration of CTx, with the simultaneous decrease in BAP activity in the period of late pregnancy and early lactation indicate a high magnitude of bone resorption. The concentration of IGF-I in the blood serum of the ewes is positively correlated with the activities of the total AP and BAP and the total Ca and Mg, which could be related to the activity of IGF-I on the osteoblasts and the release of minerals from the bones. The results of the present study show a relationship between concentrations of IGF-I and bone remodelling markers in the blood serum of dairy ewes, and their mutual correlation with changes in estradiol concentration.Istražen je učinak kasne gravidnosti i laktacije na koÅ”tani metabolizam mliječnih ovaca mjerenjem koncentracije minerala i biokemijskih pokazatelja koÅ”tane pregradnje. Istraživanje je provedeno na deset križanih ovaca (istarska Ɨ istočnofrizijska). Mjerene su koncentracije ukupnog kalcija, anorganskog fosfora, ukupnog magnezija, c-terminalnog telopeptida kolagena tipa I (CTx), inzulinu sličnog faktora rasta - I (IGF-I) i 17-Ī² estradiola (E2) te aktivnost ukupne (AP) i koÅ”tano specifične alkalne fosfataze (BAP) u krvnom serumu. Rezultati su pokazali značajno niže koncentracije kalcija u krvnom serumu tijekom laktacije i fosfora tijekom kasne laktacije. Kasna laktacija pokazala je najnižu vrijednost CTx i viÅ”u aktivnost BAP. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na smanjenje opsega koÅ”tane razgradnje i poviÅ”eno odlaganje minerala u koÅ”tano tkivo tijekom kasne laktacije. ViÅ”a koncentracija CTx, uz istovremeno smanjenje aktivnosti BAP u serumu tijekom kasne gravidnosti i rane laktacije upućuju na visoki opseg razgradnje koÅ”tanog tkiva. Koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom je serumu bila u pozitvnoj korelaciji s aktivnoŔću AP, BAP, te koncentracijama ukupnog kalcija i magnezija, Å”to može biti povezano s učinkom IGF-I na osteoblaste i otpuÅ”tanje minerala iz kostiju. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su povezanost između koncentracije IGF-I i biomarkera koÅ”tane pregradnje u krvnome serumu mliječnih ovaca, kao i njihovu zajedničku korelaciju s koncentracijama estradiola


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    For the purpose of gaining better cognition on Thoroughbred breeding in Croatia, reproductive parameters of 87 Thoroughbred mares were analyzed. An average age of the first covering and foaling were 5.9 and 6.6 years, respectively. The average gestation length was 341.1 days and the most frequent foaling period (20.2% of foalings) was recorded between 336 to 340 days of gestation. Prolonged gestation period (p<0.05) was determined in colts. The gestation length was the longest in January (344.4 days) and the shortest in July (324.0 days). Between the gestation length and the age of the mare no significant correlation was found. There was a trend of foaling rate decreasing in mares older than 11 years. The highest number of successively registered foalings with 10 live born foals was observed on 2 individual samples. The greatest number of foalings occurred in April (30.9%), whilst there was no foaling in October. The genders were 50.6% male and 49.4% female foals. The incidence of abortions was 7.3%. Although indicators point to the breeding strategy heading towards the right direction, by educating the owners and with frequent veterinary supervision, especially for twin reduction, the reproductive performance could be enhanced

    Referentne vrijednosti i utjecaj spola i dobi na hemogram i kliničku biokemiju zaÅ”tićene i ugrožene pasmine međimurski konj

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    The aim of this study was to establish the exact haematological and clinical biochemistry reference values for horses of the Murinsulaner breed, using the complete population in Croatia (n = 33) for the sampling. Haemoglobin concentrations (HB), red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), platelet count and differential white blood cell counts were determined. Clinical biochemistry included the activity of GGT, AST, ALT, CK, ALP, LDH and AMYL, concentrations of glucose (GLUC), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TRI), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), urea (UREA), creatinine (CREA) and total bilirubin (TBIL). The animals were sorted into groups according to sex and age, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was preformed using the GLM procedure and Tukeyā€™s studentized range test. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed a significantly higher mean for CREA in stallions, for ALB in old horses and CK in young horses. The two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in the means for HB, PCV, and globulins, CK, GLUC, ALB and CREA. The significantly higher means of HB, PCV, GLUC and CREA in the group of old stallions should be further investigated. The influence of age and sex is difficult to interpret due to the critically small population. The reference values for Murinsulaner horses are within ranges for other cold-blooded breeds except TP, Ca and UREA.Svrha ovoga rada bila je utvrditi referentne vrijednosti hematologije i kliničke biokemije za konje pasmine međimurski konj, pri čemu je koriÅ”tena cjelokupna preostala populacija (n = 33). Također se želio utvrditi utjecaj dobi i spola na vrijednosti krvne slike i kliničke biokemije. Dobiveni rezultati jesu referentne vrijednosti za pasminu međimurski konj. Također upućuju na razlike među spolovima za hematokrit i hemoglobin. Nije bilo razlike među dobnim skupinama za ukupni bilirubin, ureju, Ca, AP, AST, LDH, GGT, TP, globulin i MCH, iako je postojala neznatna razlika za CK i albumine. Referentne vrijednosti za konje pasmine međimurski konj uklapaju se u već objavljene referentne vrijednosti za ostale pasmine hladnokrvnih konja, iako od njih neznatno odstupaju. Znatno odstupaju TP, Ca i ureja. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo radi li se o pasminskom svojstvu ili o nečemu drugom. Bilo bi korisno provesti niz mjerenja s ponavljanjem uzorkovanja krvi, kako bi se točno utvrdilo o čemu se radi

    Supkutani ksantom u nimfe (Nymphicus hollandicus) - prikaz slučaja.

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    Subcutaneous tumor in a 17-year-old female cockatiel is described. The yellowish, elliptic tumor measuring 4Ɨ3 cm was noticed by the owner of this bird, on the right side of the cloaca. The skin was damaged and the wound was bleeding. After the clinical examination, surgical removal of the tumor was suggested. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of a xanthoma. In a period of one year, neither the reoccurrence of the skin xanthoma nor any health problems were observed.U radu je opisan potkožni tumor u nimfe stare 17 godina. S lijeve strane kloake vlasnik je uočio žućkastu, eliptičnu tvorevinu veličine 4Ɨ3 cm. Iznad otekline koža je bila oÅ”tećena te je krvarila. Nakon kliničkog pregleda predloženo je kirurÅ”ko odstranjenje tumora. HistopatoloÅ”ki je ustanovljen ksantom. U razdoblju od jedne godine ksantom se nije ponovo pojavio, a nisu zabilježene ni druge zdravstvene poteÅ”koće

    Laparoskopska ovariohisterektomija kuje sa segmentalnom hiperplazijom endometrija - prikaz slučaja.

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    A crossbreed bitch, one year old, was brought to the Obstetrics and Reproduction Clinic at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb for elective castration. From the history, the bitch had last been on heat three months before and did not mate. Clinical examination was performed before surgery, the health status and condition of the animal were good and at the ownerā€™s request no preoperative diagnostic methods were performed. Laparoscopic ovariohisterectomy of the enlarged uterus was performed under general inhalated anesthesia. The pathohistological finding was segmental endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus. According to this case report laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy is safe and effective in bitches with small to moderate enlargement of the uterus.Kuja križane pasmine u dobi od godinu dana dovedena je na Kliniku za porodniÅ”tvo i reprodukciju Veterinarskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu na elektivnu kastraciju. Kuja je vlasniÅ”tvo azila za životinje. Iz anamneze se doznalo da je zadnji estrus bio prije 3 mjeseca te da se kuja nije parila. Kliničkim pregledom nisu ustanovljena nikakva odstupanja općeg stanja životinje, a na zahtjev vlasnika nisu učinjene nikakve prijeoperativne dijagnostičke metode. U općoj inhalacijskoj anesteziji učinjena je laparoskopska ovariohisterektomija ampulasto povećane maternice. PatohistoloÅ”ki dijagnosticirana je hiperplazija endometrija. Pregledom literature nismo naÅ”li podataka o laparoskopskoj ovariohisterktomiji kuje s patoloÅ”ki promijenjenom maternicom, osim tri slučaja laparoskopski asistirane ovariohisterektomije kuja s piometrom. Ovim slučajem prikazano je da je laparoskopska ovariohisterektomija sigurna operacija u kuja s blago do srednje patoloÅ”ki povećanom maternicom