12 research outputs found

    The Effect of a Peer-Group Support Intervention Program on the Tensions of Mothers with Premature Neonates Admitted to the Intensive Care Units in Babol, Iran

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    Abstract Introduction: Admission of premature neonates to the neonates intensive care unit (NICU) encounters mothers with tension, which affects mother-neonate relationship. The current study aimed at investigating the impact of peer support on the tension of mothers of premature infants admitted to NICUs of the selected hospitals in Babol, Iran. Methods: The current before-and-after, two-group, quasi-experimental study, was conducted on 40 mothers with neonates who recently admitted to NICU in order to participate in peer-group support program. The amount of tension in the study participants was measured, before and after the intervention and the results were compared with those of the control group, using parental tension scale: NICU. Results: The average tension in the intervention and control groups before and after the intervention, and comparison of measures between the groups were125.2 (23.10), 135.2 (19.88), 33.35 (8.19), and 49.40 (18.63), respectively. There was a significant difference between the mean score of tension before and after the intervention in both the study groups. There was no significant difference in tension scores between the two groups, before and after the intervention. Conclusions: Hospitals should meet the requirements o

    The Effect of Empowering Mothers of Infants Hospitalized at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Their Participation in Neonatal Care

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    AbstractIntroduction: Mothers’ participation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is importantin promoting neonatal care and good outcomes for neonates and their mothers. Thepresent study was conducted with the aim of assessing the effect of empoweringmothers of hospitalized neonates on the level of their participation in neonatal care.Methods: This quasi-experimental single-group study with before-after designrecruited 59 mothers of neonates hospitalized at the NICU, selected according to thestudy inclusion criteria. Data were collected using educational needs questionnaireand the maternal participation checklist. The questionnaire was completed bymothers and the participation checklist by the researcher before the intervention. Theempowerment program was then implemented over 2 to 4 days.Results: Comparison of participants› checklist scores before and after theimplementation of the empowerment program in 3 domains of care needs, informationneeds, and bonding, and attachment needs, showed significant increases in the level ofmothers› participation. The comparison of checklist participation scores showed thatthe Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) of scores before and after performing themothers› empowerment were respectively 7.61 ± 3.66 and 12.38 ± 1.31 in the carearea, 1.47 ± 0.99 and 3.13 ± 0.66 in the information area, and 4.77 ± 1.42 and 5.70 ±0.59 in the area of attachment and dependency.Conclusions: Implementation of the empowerment program for mothers based ontheir educational needs significantly increased mothers› participation in neonatalcare. This empowerment program could be applied for a broad range of population ofmothers at the intensive care units of neonates

    The Relationship of Regimen Adherence with Family Resilience and Parenting Style among Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising rapidly. Adolescence is also related to weaker medication adherence and increased risk of psychiatric disorders. This study aims to investigate the relationship between parenting style, family resilience, and regimen adherence. Method: This research is a descriptive cross-sectional study. 180 adolescents with type 2 diabetes and their parents were selected through convenience sampling at Mofid and Taleghani Hospitals, Tehran, Iran. The instruments were "Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities," "the Family Resilience Assessment Scale," and "Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire". The sampling duration was from February to April 2021; descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient were performed using SPSS version 2021. Results: The results showed that family resilience was moderate in most participants (80%). The mean score of family resilience was 2.94±0.29 and among the subcomponents of this scale, “family Belief systems” was found to have the highest mean score (3.05±0.347). Regimen adherence was moderate in most participants (60%). Parents of Adolescents had higher uses of authoritative parenting styles (3.70± 0.54). Adherence to non-smoking (6.31± 1.23) and specific medications (5.55 ± 1.28) were higher than adherence to diet, physical exercise, blood glucose monitoring, and foot care. Authoritative parenting styles (r=0.524, P=0.000) and total family resilience (r=0. 599 P=0.000) were positively related to total regimen adherence. Family resilience was positively correlated with authoritative parenting styles (r=0.385 p=0.000). Authoritarian and permissive styles were not correlated with regimen adherence (p>0.05). Conclusions: Adherence to the regimen positively correlated with family resilience and authoritative parenting styles for adolescents with type 2 diabetes

    مفهوم محیط در زمینۀ عرفان و حکمت ایرانی، گامی به سوی توسعۀ یک نظریۀ پرستاری

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: تسعى الممرضات إلى تطوير علم مهنتهن من خلال ابتكار نظريات جديدة. والفلسفة الحاكمة على هذه النظريات هي الغربية، وأما العرفان والحكمة الإيرانية فهي مجهولة في متون التمريض. ومن أجل تطوير نظريات التمريض فمن الضروري تعريف اربعة مفاهيم أساسية في مجال التمريض وهي "الإنسان" و"البيئة" و"السلامة" و"التمريض". والهدف من هذه الدراسة تآزر "تركيب" مفهوم البيئة من خلال مرور تحليلي على نصوص العرفان والحكمة الإيرانية. منهجية البحث: تعتبر هذه الدراسة من النوع المكتبي، وقد تمت بطريقة ريان وينكر لتآزر المفهوم. فقد تم ابتداءً اختيار أجزاء المفهوم بطريقة استقرائية بحسب (واكر وأفانت) باعتبارها طبقات قبلية، ومن ثم بعد مطالعة ثلث النصوص فقد تم تصنيف ماهية الموارد التي يجب تضمينها في كل طبقة بطريقة قياسية. وقد تمت في هذه الدراسة مراعاة جميع الموارد الأخلاقيةِ، كما لم يلحظ مؤلفو المقالة أي تقرير حول تعارض للمنافع. الكشوفات: طبقاً للنتائج الحاصلة فإن "التجلي" و"مراتب الوجود" تعتبر قضايا قبلية، و"مراتب الموجودات" و"الحركة الجوهرية" و"تصنيف الأمزجة" و"النفخ القدسي/الروح" و"النظم الكوني" تعتبر خصوصيات، كما أن "التعادل/عدم التعادل" و"التوافق/عدم التوافق" تعتبر نتائج لمفهوم البيئة. الاستنتاج: إن لمفهوم البيئة في مجال العرفان والحكمة الإيرانية ماهية متجددة وحيّة، فهو يشمل المخلوقات المادية/غير المادية، ومن جملتها الإنسان. كما أن كل جزء داخلي فيها فإنه يتأثر بالكل. وتمتاز هذه الرؤية بالمقارنة مع التعاريف الرائجة في نظريات التمريض المعروفة حول البيئة والتي تميل نحو الفردانية والإنسانية؛ بالشمولية الأكثر. كما أنها تلحظ ماهية الإنسان إلى جانب المخلوقات الأخرى والخالق، وكما أنها تلحظ تأثر وتأثير المخلوقات على سلامة بعضها البعض.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Environment Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom, Toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(3):89-106. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i3.26380  Background and Objective: Nurses seek to develop their professional knowledge through theorizing. The philosophical viewpoint dominating the nursing theories is based on Western thought and Iranian mysticism and wisdom are unknown concepts in nursing. For developing a nursing theory, there is first a need to define the main nursing concepts, i.e. human, environment, health and nursing. The aim of this study was to synthesize the concept of environment through an analytical review of the literature on Iranian mysticism and wisdom. Methods: This is a library-based study carried out using Ryan-Wenger’s Concept Synthesis. For this purpose, first the components of the concept proposed by Walker and Avant were inductively selected as predetermined classes and, then, after reviewing one third of the selected literature, the nature of the cases to be placed in each class was deductively determined. In this study all the ethical considerations were observed and the author did not report any conflict of interests. Results: Based on the results, ‘manifestation’ and ‘existential orders’ were defined as the antecedents, ‘order of the creations’, ‘essential movement’, ‘temperament’, ‘sacred predisposition’ and ‘cosmic order’ were defined as the attributes and ‘balance/imbalance’ and ‘harmony/disharmony’ were the outcomes of the concept of environment. Conclusion: The concept of environment in the Iranian mysticism and wisdom has a dynamic nature and includes physical/nonphysical creations including human beings; every single component inside it is affected by the whole. This is a more comprehensive definition of nursing compared to the current humanistic definitions in nursing theories, which are mainly individualistic and humanistic; it sees the nature of human being along with other creatures and the Creator and taking into account the influence of creations on each other’s health.   Please cite this article as: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Environment Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom, Toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(3):89-106. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i3.26380  سابقه و هدف: پرستاران به‌دنبال توسعۀ دانش حرفه‌ای خود از طریق نظریه‌پردازی هستند. فلسفۀ حاکم بر این نظریه‌ها غربی است و عرفان و حکمت ایرانی برای متون پرستاری ناشناخته است. برای توسعۀ نظریه‌های پرستاری، تعریف چهار مفهوم اصلی پرستاری یعنی «انسان»، «محیط»، «سلامتی» و «پرستاری» ضروری است. هدف این مطالعۀ هم‌گذاری (ترکیب) مفهوم محیط با مرور تحلیلی متون عرفان و حکمت ایرانی بود. روش کار: این مطالعه از نوع کتابخانه‌ای است که به‌روش هم‌گذاری مفهوم ریان ونگر انجام یافته است. به این صورت که ابتدا به‌روش استقرایی اجزای مفهوم واکر و اوانت به‌عنوان طبقات ازپیش‌تعیین‌شده انتخاب؛ و پس از مطالعۀ یک‌سوم متون، به‌روش قیاسی ماهیت مواردی که باید در هر طبقه گنجانده شود تعیین شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده و مؤلف مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده است. یافته‌ها: بر اساس نتایج به‌دست‌آمده، «تجلی» و «مراتب هستی» پیشامد؛ «مراتب موجودات»، «حرکت جوهری»، «مزاج‌مندی»، «پیش‌نهادین قدسی/روح» و «نظم کیهانی» ویژگی‌ها؛ و «تعادل/بی‌تعادلی» و «هماهنگی/ناهماهنگی» پیامدهای مفهوم محیط معرفی شده است. نتیجه‌گیری: مفهوم محیط در زمینۀ عرفان و حکمت ایرانی ماهیتی پویا و زنده شامل مخلوقات مادی/غیرمادی ازجمله انسان‌ها است که هر جزء درون آن از کل تأثیرپذیر است. این دیدگاه در مقایسه با تعاریف رایج در نظریه‌های پرستاری از محیط که بیشتر فردمحور و انسان‌گرا است، جامعیت بیشتری دارد و ماهیت انسان را در کنار مخلوقات دیگر و خالق و نیز با ذکر اثرپذیری و اثرگذاری مخلوقات بر سلامتی یکدیگر، می‌بیند.   استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Environment Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom, Toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(3):89-106. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i3.26380 &nbsp

    مفهوم انسان در زمینۀ عرفان و حکمت ایرانی، گامی به سوی توسعۀ یک نظریه در پرستاری

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: هناك حاجة الى تطوير نظريات لمهنة التمريض معتمدة على المناهج الفلسفية و وجهات النظر العالمية غير الغربية. بناء على هذا، يجب أن تحدد مفاهيم التمريض الرئيسية الأربعة وهي: الإنسان والبيئة والصحة والتمريض ومعالجتها وتعریفها من حيث النظرة العالمية. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى القيام بتوليف (ترکیب) مفهوم الإنسان (الشخص) مع مراجعة تحليلية للنصوص العرفانية والحكمة الإيرانية. منهجية البحث: هذه الدراسة عبارة عن دراسة مكتبية تم إجراؤها بواسطة مفهوم Ryan Wenger حيث تم اختيار اجزاء مفهوم "ووكر" و"أفانت" بشكل استقرائي وكفئات محددة مسبقًا؛ وبعد دراسة ثلث النصوص، تم تحديد طبيعة الأقسام التي يجب تضمينها في كل فئة بطريقة استنتاجية. تمت مراجعة نقدية مع البحث المستهدف في قواعد البيانات العلمية باللغة الفارسية مثل Noor و Yassin و Parsi Doc و Hodablog وأيضًا قواعد بيانات باللغة الإنجليزية مثل Google Scholar و Obsco بالإضافة إلى كتب مكتبات كليات الفلسفة وعلم اللاهوت في جامعة العلامة طباطبائي وجامعة الشهيد بهشتي، مستخدماً الكلمات المفتاحية "الأنثروبولوجيا"، "الإنسان المتكامل"، "علم النفس"، "قوى الروح"، "الطبيعة البشرية" وغيرها من المصطلحات ذات الصلة على أساس مسار الدراسة وبلا حدود زمنية. في نهاية المطاف، تمت دراسة 51 مصدرًا من أصل 508 مصدرا، حيث أشارت معظمها إلى علم النفس من وجهة نظر ابن سينا ​​والفارابي وصدر الدين الشيرازي والرومي والعطار. تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الأخلاقية في هذا البحث و إضافة إلى هذا فإن مؤلف البحث لم يشير إلى أي تضارب بالمصالح. الكشوفات: إن من خصائص الذات البشرية أنها ذات بعدين، وروح متدرجة ومتسقة، وجسم مزاجي وتابع للنظام. أفضل وأعلى مستويات الوجود هي أحداث ماقبل المفهوم البشري، أي أنها تحدث قبل ظهوره؛ وكل من التوازن/عدم التوازن والانسجام والتنافر يعتبر من الآثار المترتبة على المفهوم. الاستنتاج: إن توليف مفهوم الإنسان في مجال التصوف والحكمة الإيرانية يقلل من تركيز الإنسان على الفردية والذاتية المحددة في آراء علماء التمريض الغربيين ويمنحه مسؤولية جدية أمام كماله، وكمال الآخرين والعالم بأسره.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Human Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom: a Step toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):117-135. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.26381Background and Objective:  There is a need for developing theories for professional nursing based on non-Western philosophies and worldviews. For this purpose, the four nursing main concepts of human, environment, health and nursing need to be defined and conceptualized in such a worldview. This study was an attempt to do a concept synthesis of human (person) based on Iranian mysticism and wisdom. Methods: This study is library-based and was carried out using Ryan-Wenger’s method of concept synthesis. Inductively the anatomy of the concept of Walker and Avant were selected as the pre-determined categories; then, deductively the contents were attributed to the categories after studying one third of the items. A critical review was conducted using a targeted search in scientific Persian databases such as Noor, Yasin, Parsi Doc and HodaBlog; and English databases such as Google Scholar and EBSCO as well as the libraries of the faculties of philosophy and religion of the two universities of Shahid Beheshti and Allameh Tabatabayi, using keywords of perfect human, antropology, the knowledge of ego, the faculties of human ego, temperaments of human and other related terms. Finally, out of 508 sources found, 51 were chosen to be included in this study, which were mostly about to explain the science of self from the perspective of Avicenna, Mulla Sadra, Rumi and Attar. In this study all the ethical considerations were observed and the author did not report any conflict of interests. Results: The attributes of the concept of human include bi-dimensional self, graded soul, tempered body, and the audience of directed order, while the supreme manifestation and graded entity were antecedents and balance/ imbalance and harmony/ disharmony were the outcomes. Conclusion: The concept synthesis of human in Iranian mysticism and wisdom goes beyond the individualism and subjectivism dominant in Western nursing theories and gives human a profound responsibility for the perfection of self, others and the whole universe.   Please cite this article as: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Human Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom: a Step toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):117-135. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.26381سابقه و هدف: لازم است نظریه‌هایی برای حرفۀ پرستاری با استناد به رویکردهای فلسفی و جهان‌بینی‌های غیرغربی توسعه یابد. به همین جهت چهار مفهوم اصلی پرستاری یعنی انسان، محیط، سلامتی و پرستاری ابتدا باید در جهان‌بینی مورد نظر تعریف و پردازش شود. ازاین‌رو، هدف این مطالعۀ هم‌گذاری (ترکیب) مفهوم انسان (شخص) با مرور تحلیلی متون عرفان و حکمت ایرانی بود. روش کار: این مطالعه از نوع کتابخانه‌ای است که به‌روش هم‌گذاری مفهوم ریان ونگر انجام یافته است. به این صورت که ابتدا به‌روش استقرایی اجزای مفهوم واکر و اوانت به‌عنوان طبقات ازپیش‌تعیین‌شده انتخاب شد؛ و پس از مطالعۀ یک‌سوم متون، به‌‌روش قیاسی ماهیت مواردی که باید در هر طبقه گنجانده شود تعیین گردید. مرور انتقادی با جست‌وجوی هدفمند در پایگاه‌های اطلاعاتی علمی فارسی‌زبان مانند نور، یاسین، پارسی داک، هدابلاگ و نیز پایگاه‌های اطلاعاتی انگلیسی‌زبان مانند گوگل اسکولار و ابسکو و نیز کتب کتابخانه‌ای دانشکده‌های فلسفه و الهیات دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی و دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، با کلیدواژه‌های «انسان‌شناسی»، «انسان کامل»، «علم نفس»، «قوای نفس»، «طبایع انسان» و دیگر واژه‌های مرتبط بر اساس مسیر مطالعه و بدون محدودیت زمانی انجام شد. درنهایت از تعداد اولیۀ 508 منبع، 51 منبع بررسی شد که بیشتر به شرح علم نفس از دیدگاه ابن سینا، فارابی، ملاصدرا، مولوی و عطار پرداخته بود. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده و مؤلف مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده است. یافته‌ها: ویژگی‌های مفهوم انسان عبارت است از خودِ دوساحتی، نفس مترتب و قوامند، بدن مزاج‌مند و مخاطب نظم دستوری. جلوۀ افضل و مراتب هستی پیشامدهای مفهوم انسان است به این معنی که قبل از بروز آن رخ می‌دهد؛ و تعادل/بی‌تعادلی و هماهنگی/ناهماهنگی پیامدهای مفهوم معرفی شده‌ است. نتیجه‌گیری: هم‌گذاری مفهوم انسان در زمینۀ عرفان و حکمت ایرانی، از فردمحوری و ذهنیت‌گرایی انسانِ تعریف‌شده در نظریه‌های دانشمندان پرستاری غربی کم می‌کند و به او مسئولیتی خطیر در قبال استکمال خود، دیگران و کل جهان هستی می‌دهد.   استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Nikfarid L. The Concept of Human Based on Iranian Mysticism and Wisdom: a Step toward Development of a Nursing Theory. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):117-135. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.2638

    Adversity Meaning in the Lived Experiences of Adolescents Living in Residential Out-of-Home Care Centers: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: The adversities experienced by adolescents in residential care centers greatly affect different aspects of their life. The objective of this study was to shed light on the meaning of adversity by exploring the lived experience of adolescents living in Tehran residential care centers affiliated to the Welfare Organization of Tehran Province.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2019, using a hermeneutic phenomenological method. The data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews and, the data collection process continued until the data saturation point. A total of 10 adolescents living in residential out-of-home care centers of Tehran were selected using purposive sampling with a maximum variety in terms of demographic characteristics. The data collected from the interviews were analyzed using van Manen’s approach.Results: The themes extracted in this study were “Self-alienation”, “Introspection”, “Constant comparison”, and “A secret life”. Constant comparison was a unique theme that was found in the experience of Iranian adolescents living in residential care centers.Conclusion: This study identified the life adversity in residential centers from the viewpoint of adolescents. The provision of holistic care, promotion of professional interactions, and application of management practices based on the developmental, psychological, and social needs of this group of high-risk adolescents are recommende

    The knowledge of pediatric intensive care unit staffs regarding Pulse Oximetery

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    Background & Aim: Pulse Oximeter monitoring technology has become so common in intensive health care settings over the last decade that blood oxygen level is now considered as the fifth vital sign. However, it seems that medical and nursing staffs are not specially educated to operate with the devices. The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge of medical assistants (residents), nurses and anesthesia technicians of pediatric intensive care units regarding Pulse Oximetery. Methods & Materials: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of all nurses, first year to third year medical assistants, and anesthesia technicians who working in intensive care units in Pediatric Center. A questionnaire was used for data gathering that had three sections: the first section as demographic data (occupational condition, record of service in pediatric unit, having the experience of using Pulse Oximetery, having enough knowledge about Pulse Oximetery, and its educational program type); the second section (eighteen short answer questions) in order to determine the participants knowledge about Pulse Oximetery and the third section (four imaginary clinical scenarios) evaluating the participants interpretation on Pulse Oximetery reports and its changes in patients. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (Fisher exact test) by SPSS v.15 and EPI6 computer softwares. Results: The analyses showed that 77.4% of the participants did not pass any educational course regarding Pulse Oximetery, also 67.9% of them correctly identified what Pulse Oximeter measures, and 47.2% of the subjects correctly identified how a Pulse Oximeter works, and 13.2% identified its normal range, but only 26.4% had a correct understanding of the Oxhemoglobin dissociation curve and explained it completely true. It was found that the majority of the participants were wrong in their answers about Pulse Oximeter monitoring. They made mistakes in interpretation of the imaginary clinical scenarios. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the majority of pediatric intensive care unit staffs have little knowledge regarding Pulse Oximeter monitoring, then with attention to the vast usage of the technology the necessity of formal educational programs in colleges and retraining courses during employment about the device for health care providers is apparent. &nbsp

    Obstacles to Parents’ Interaction with Neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Units from Parents’ and Nurses’ Points of View

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    Background: This study aimed to identify the most important obstacles to proper interaction of parents with their neonates who were hospitalized in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 90 NICU nurses and 400 female and male parents using census and convenience sampling methods. To collect data, in a period of three months, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared, including the factors threatening the parents' interaction with their neonates in NICUs. Data analysis was performed using the descriptive statistics including the number, percentage and mean scores of responses in SPSS software (version 16). Results: By calculating the mean scores of responses, from the nurses' points of view, "feeling of emotional discomfort due to being away from the neonate" (3.63) and "nurses’ not understanding parents since they have no children" (1.42) were the most and the least important factors, respectively. From the mothers' points of view, "parental stress due to the neonate’s hospitalization" (3.47), and "the maternity wards being away from NICUs" (1.37) were the most and the least important factors, respectively. Also, the most and the least important obstacles in the perspectives of the fathers were "parental stress due to the neonate’s hospitalization" (3.09) and "the unwanted neonate", respectively. Conclusion: The results showed that the stress and tension of parents were the most influencing factor on the interaction of neonate-parent in NICUs. Some neonatal and organizational factors were considered less important as the barriers to neonate-parent interactions in these wards

    Translation and Psychometric properties of Persian Version of “Kendall Chronic Sorrow Instrument” in Mothers of Children with Cancer

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    Objectives:The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate psychometric properties of Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) in Iranian mothers of children with cancer. Methods:In this methodological study, Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) was translated and back translated. Its content and face validity were determined by 15 faculty members specialized in different fields of nursing and psychology. Among mothers of children with cancer, 264 mothers were selected by convenient sampling and completed Persian instrument. Construct validity and internal consistency reliability were investigated by exploratory factor analysis and determining Cronbach's alpha. To determine stability, test-retest method was used for 20 participants with a two-week interval. Results:Factor analysis confirmed the presence of three factors that explained 49.92% of instrument variance. Cronbach's alpha for the total instrument (α=0.84) indicated its internal consistency. Pearson correlation coefficient r=0.86 (p<0.001) confirmed the stability of the instrument. Chronic sorrow mean score of participants in this study was 76.39 (SD=15.81). Conclusion:Persian version of Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to measure chronic sorrow in mothers of children with cancer. How to Cite This Article: Nifarid L, Rassouli M, Borimnejad L, Alavimajd H. Translation and Psychometric properties of Persian Version of “Kendall Chronic Sorrow Instrument” in Mothers of Children with Cancer. Supportive and Palliative Care in Cancer 2016; in press.

    The effect of guided imagery on stress and attachment of mothers of premature infants in neonatal intensive care unit: A quasi-experimental study

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    Background. Premature birth, in addition to causing health problems in infants, increases stress in the mother and reduces attachment between mother and baby. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of guided visualization on stress and attachment of mothers of preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods. This quasi-experimental study was performed on 35 mothers with premature infants admitted to the NICU of Mahdieh Hospital of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Mothers were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned into intervention and control groups. For mothers in the intervention group, the intervention was performed from the first to the fifth day of birth through training and sending guided imagery files. On the day of admission and discharge, the parental stress questionnaire and the postpartum attachment questionnaire were completed by the mother. SPSS software (version 20) was used to analyze the data. Results. The mean total score of maternal attachment on the fifth day of the intervention was significantly higher in the intervention group (P<0.001). Also, the mean total score of mothers' attachment status on the day of discharge was significantly higher in the intervention group (P<0.001). Conclusion. Implementation of guided visualization program reduced stress in mothers with premature infants admitted to the NICU, and consequently increased the level of attachment. Practical Implications. Mothers are the primary caregivers of infants, and promoting maternal health has an effect on infants. In addition to reducing stress in preterm infants, this study can help improve the quality of infant care and increase attachment and parenting. The present study offers a completely cost-effective way to reduce the costs of long-term hospitalization and improve the quality of nursing