4 research outputs found

    Demographic and behavioral characteristics associated with willingness<sup>§</sup> to participate in CVCT with a male sex partner in the next year among US men who have sex with men (MSM) who responded to Online Health and Technology Survey, 2009.

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    *<p>P<.05 (Wald X<sup>2</sup>).</p>†<p>P<.001 (Wald X<sup>2</sup>).</p>§<p>Includes 3,016 participants who indicated that they “definitely would”, and 1,354 participants who indicated that they “probably would”, participate in CVCT in the next 12 months with a male partner.</p>¶<p>Includes 659 participants who indicated that they “probably would not”, and 333 participants who indicated that they “definitely would not”, participate in CVCT in the next 12 months with a male partner.</p>**<p>From 5,980 total respondents, excludes 569 men responding “don’t know” and 49 men responding “prefer not to answer” regarding their willingness to participate in CVCT in the next 12 months.</p>††<p>From 5,362 respondents to CVCT questions, excludes 3 men who were missing information on main sex partner in last 12 months and 4 men who were missing number of male sex partners in last 12 months.</p>§§<p>Construct p-values for adjusted model: 0.0003 (race/ethnicity), 0.0004 (age), <0.0001 (number of male sex partners), 0.021 (male sex partner HIV status), <0.0001 (Time since last HIV test).</p>¶¶<p>‘Meaningfully’ different from combined model (over 10% different).</p>***<p>From 5,362 respondents to CVCT questions, includes only men who responded they had a main male sex partner in last 12 months.</p><p>n.s.  =  non-significant, eliminated during backward elimination for given model.</p><p>n/a  =  not applicable in given model.</p