23 research outputs found

    Effect of boron on friction and temperature characteristics of brake pad materials

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    Friction material in a brake system plays an important role for effective and safe brake performance. Brake materials contain mainlyAlumina and other ingredients. This research attempts to examine mechanical properties of Boron mixed brake pads. Five groups of semi-metallic composite materials were studied. Friction coefficient of Boron mixed and commercial brake pads were significantly different.Average friction coefficient of Boron mixed pads was 0.495, 0.065 higher than commercial pad. Abrupt reduction of friction coefficient which is known as fade was more significant in the commercial pad samples than in Boron mixed pads. Fade occurred in commercial pad sample at the lower temperature as first fade was at 204oC and second was at 159oC resulted from earlier softening and degradation of Alumina material. All Boron pads were more stable and constant than their commercial counterparts. The study shows a slight reduction of friction coefficient at a temperature of 204oC during the first fade and 238oC on the second for Boron mixed pads. Both commercial and Boron mixed brake pads showed normal recovery stage in that they returned to their pre-fade friction coefficient levels with little temperature reduction. Properties of Boron mixed brake pads are better than Commercial brake pads. 2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDI

    Sodium Benzoate as corrosion inhibitor for Aluminum Alloy AA 7618 in tropical seawater

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    Corrosion is chemically induced damage to a material that results in deterioration of the material and its properties. Ships, marinas, pipelines, offshore structures, desalination plants, and heat exchangers are some examples of systems that experienced marine corrosion. Aluminum alloy is commonly used in marine applications. The use of inhibitors is one of the practical methods for protection against corrosion. Sodium benzoate has found considerable application as a corrosion inhibitor in low concentrations. The aim of this study is to analyze corrosion behavior of Aluminum alloy AA 7618 towards tropical seawater with the presence of sodium benzoate as corrosion inhibitor aimed to use in industrial applications. Immersion test and electrochemical test were conducted to measure the corrosion. The immersion period for the Aluminum alloy was 60 days. Seawater sample was collected from South China Sea along Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. This study reports the results of weight loss (%), inhibition efficiency (%), corrosion rate (mm/year), corrosion current densities (icorr), corrosion potential (Ecorr), polarization resistance,(Rp) and capacitance (CPE). The results showed that addition of sodium benzoate acted as inhibitor and minimize the corrosion of the aluminum alloy in seawater. The inhibition efficiency increases with the increase of immersion time. Electrochemical studies showed that there was a significant increase in overall resistance after addition of sodium benzoate. Inhibition efficiency is increased from 50% to 97% during the immersion period and increases with the immersion time. The result obtained lead to the conclusion that sodium benzoate is suitable to use as a corrosion inhibitor of Aluminum alloy AA 7618 in seawater

    Oxidation stability of palm oil methyl ester (POME) as biodieseland its corrosiveness behavior

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    This research was conducted to study the oxidation stability of Palm Oil Methyl Ester (POME) as biodieseland its corrosiveness behavior. Aluminiumalloy was used to study corrosiveness behavior and tested using Electrochemical Impendence Spectroscopy. Biodiesel samples were tested to define their functional group by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. There wereonlyslight changes in weight of test samples and there was a decreased of corrosion rate.As conclusion, POME biodiesel prohibited and resists the corrosion attack on Aluminiumdue to formation of an oxide layer

    Natural honey as corrosion resistant for Aluminium Alloy

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    The corrosion behaviour of AA6061 aluminium alloy in tropical seawater was investigated using weight loss measurement and electrochemical polarization technique. The electrochemical measurements showed that the presence of natural honey as corrosion resistant significantly decrease the corrosion current densities (icorr) and corrosion rates. It was observed that the inhibition efficiencies increased with the increasing concentrations of the resistant. Potentiodyanamic curves suggested that natural honey suppressed both cathodic and anodic processes. A good fit to Langmuir adsorption isotherm was obtained between the degree of surface coverage and the concentration of natural honey. It can be concluded that natural honey is an excellent corrosion resistant for aluminium alloy immersed in tropical seawater

    Wave energy potential of peninsular Malaysia

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    Wave power potential along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, facing South China Sea, bounded by latitudes 3.50 N and 6.5o N and longitudes 1020 E and 104.0o E, is investigated based on two-hourly data, covering a 12-year period. The correlation between maximum wave height (Hmax) and significant wave height (Hs) for the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia can be given by01324.0494.1max+=sHH. The values of peak periods (Tp) and mean periods (Tmean) can be correlated with new model as Tmean = a1 * exp - ((Tp -b1)/c1)2 + a2 * exp -((Tp -b2)/c2)2 + a3 * exp - ((Tp -b3)/c3)2 where, a1 = -269.9, b1 = 9.609, c1 = 2.225, a2 = 271.9, b2 = 9.615, c2 = 2.242, a3 = 3.254, b3 = 6.903 and c3 = 7.812. Total wave energy was around 1.8 x 107 Wh/m in an average year, whereas the average wave power less than 6500 W/m. More than sixty percent of the annual wave energy is provided by significant wave heights less than 1.2 m. The wave peak periods less than 8 s accounted for more than seventy percent of total wave energy. The main directions in terms of wave energy for whole year are north, which accounts for more than 40%, followed at some distance by northeast, southwest and south. During northeast monsoon season, in general main directions in terms of wave energy are north and northeast, which accounts more than 80% of total wave energy

    The effect of boron on the performance of automotive brake

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    Friction material in an automotive brake system plays an important role for effective and safe brake performance. A single material has never been sufficient to solve performance related issues. Current research aimed to examine properties of Boron mixed brake pads by comparing them with the commercial brake pads. Friction coefficient of Boron mixed brake pads and commercial brake pads were significantly different and increased with the increase in surface roughness. The abrupt reduction of friction coefficient is more significant in commercial brake pad samples than in Boron mixed brake pad formulations. Fade occurred in commercial brake pad sample at lower temperatures. Boron formulations are more stable than their commercial counterparts

    Assessment and characterisation of renewable energy resources: a case study in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Accurate information on the renewable energy density at a given location is essential for the development of renewable energy-based projects. This information is used in the design of a project, in cost analysis, and in calculations on the efficiency of a project. As the renewable energy data are not available for most areas in Malaysia, this study is significant for establishing renewable energy data for Terengganu, Malaysia. The data used in the present study obtained from 2004 to 2008 were used to investigate the solar potentials, and also dataset from 2004 to 2007 were used to investigate the wind potentials and the dataset from 1998 to 2010 were used to investigate the wave potentials. MATLAB was used to process raw data to generate useful renewable energy characteristics. The average yearly cumulative irradiation for Terengganu was 6905.8 MJ/m2 per year. The monthly average clearness index varied between 0.42 and 0.64. The average cleamess index value was approximately 0.53. High wind speed was recorded during the northeast monsoon at an average of 3.9m/s. The potential wind power generated reached 84.55 W/m2 with a probability time factor value of 0.68. Therefore, small wind machines could be used to provide power during northeast monsoon. The total wave energy density was found to be 17.69 MWh/m in an average year. It may be concluded that regions along the coast of Terengganu can consider northeast monsoon period for wave energy exploitation. Adoption of solar and wave technology in Terengganu will be very advantageous based on solar and wave power densities. The wind power density in Terengganu was seen to be less encouraging. Compared with wind power potential, solar and wave resources were seen to be well distributed more evenly throughout the year. This was seen as a favourable indication for erection of hybrid renewable energy systems in the study location

    Estimation of global solar irradiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces based on the horizontal measurements

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    Solar radiation data are essential in the design of solar energy conversion devices. In this regard, empirical models were selected to estimate the global solar radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces. The hourly solar radiation data measured at the study area during the period of 2004e2007, were used to calculate solar radiations using selected models. The selected models were compared on the basis of statistical methods. Based on the results, a new model, H/Ho ¼ 0.19490 þ 0.4771(n/N) þ 0.02994 exp(n/N) has been developed, based on Kadir Bakirci linear exponential model. This is highly recommended to estimate monthly mean daily global solar irradiation, on a horizontal surface. Further, a model to convert horizontal solar global radiation to that of radiation on a tilted surface is also presented. It is based upon a relatively simple model proposed by Olmo et al. which requires only measurements of horizontal solar radiation. The developed model appears to give excellent results and has the advantage of being relatively simple for applications. The present work will help to improve the state of knowledge of global solar radiation to the point where it has applications in the estimation of global solar radiation, both on horizontal and inclined surfaces

    A review of ocean wave power extraction: the primary interface

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    This paper aims to describe the importance of data, data collection methods, parameters to estimate the potential of wave energy and environmental impacts. The technical and economical status in wave energy conversion is outlined. Power and energy efficiency relationships are discussed. Many different types of wave-energy converters have been detailed. The progress in wave energy conversion in Malaysia is reviewed

    Estimating Photovoltaic modules operating temperatures for renewable solar energy application

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    The operating cell temperatures of photovoltaic (PV) modules directly affect the performance of the PV system. Commonly two steady state approach prediction models are used to estimate the PV modules cell temperatures, the nominal operating cell temperature model and the Sandia National Laboratory temperature prediction model. In this study the Sandia National Laboratory temperature prediction model was used to predict the PV modules temperatures of Renewable Energy Research Center PV installation at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. It was found that, in general, the model tends to give better results of temperature prediction. In this analysis more than 4630 PV cell temperature data were used. The MBE, NMBE, RMSE, NRMSE and correlation coefficient of predicted and measured PV cell temperatures are -0.3490 oC,-0.7328%, 1.3571 oC, 2.8492% and 0.9763, respectively. The statistical results show that the model can be used to predict the PV cell temperatures with an error of less than 3%. It can be seen from the results, that the predicted PV cell temperatures show a good correlation with the measured data. As a conclusion, the PV cell temperatures can be estimated using a new linear model based on the steady state approach prediction model