130 research outputs found

    Interactive Learning in Library Inductions at University for the Creative Arts

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    Large group library inductions in a lecture theatre at the beginning of term are considered to be one of the more challenging scenarios for delivery. This article describes an activity in which students in groups of 30-90 are introduced to the library and its resources, using an activity to engage them and to connect their ideas with the content presented. The work of several educational theorists embodied in the activity is then described. The session was conceived as a collaboration between the Learning and Teaching Librarian and the Learning Development Tutor, who is responsible for supporting students with their reading, writing and critical skills. This work was done at University for the Creative Arts, where the author formerly held post as Learning and teaching Librarian

    A new two-dimensional lattice model that is "consistent around a cube"

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    For two-dimensional lattice equations one definition of integrability is that the model can be naturally and consistently extended to three dimensions, i.e., that it is "consistent around a cube" (CAC). As a consequence of CAC one can construct a Lax pair for the model. Recently Adler, Bobenko and Suris conducted a search based on this principle and certain additional assumptions. One of those assumptions was the "tetrahedron property", which is satisfied by most known equations. We present here one lattice equation that satisfies the consistency condition but does not have the tetrahedron property. Its Lax pair is also presented and some basic properties discussed.Comment: 8 pages in LaTe

    Quantum discrete Dubrovin equations

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    The discrete equations of motion for the quantum mappings of KdV type are given in terms of the Sklyanin variables (which are also known as quantum separated variables). Both temporal (discrete-time) evolutions and spatial (along the lattice at a constant time-level) evolutions are considered. In the classical limit, the temporal equations reduce to the (classical) discrete Dubrovin equations as given in a previous publication. The reconstruction of the original dynamical variables in terms of the Sklyanin variables is also achieved.Comment: 25 page

    Dynamical r-matrix for the elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider system

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    The classical r-matrix structure for the generic elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model is presented. It makes the integrability of this model as well as of its discrete-time version that was constructed in a recent paper manifest.Comment: 14 pages, LaTex, equations.sty, no figures, comment on explicit non-relativistic limit is adde

    Algebro-geometric integration of the Q1 lattice equation via nonlinear integrable symplectic maps

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    The Q1 lattice equation, a member in the Adler–Bobenko–Suris list of 3D consistent lattices, is investigated. By using the multidimensional consistency, a novel Lax pair for Q1 equation is given, which can be nonlinearized to produce integrable symplectic maps. Consequently, a Riemann theta function expression for the discrete potential is derived with the help of the Baker–Akhiezer functions. This expression leads to the algebro-geometric integration of the Q1 lattice equation, based on the commutativity of discrete phase flows generated from the iteration of integrable symplectic maps

    A Characterization of Discrete Time Soliton Equations

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    We propose a method to characterize discrete time evolution equations, which generalize discrete time soliton equations, including the qq-difference Painlev\'e IV equations discussed recently by Kajiwara, Noumi and Yamada.Comment: 13 page

    Additional Constants of Motion for a Discretization of the Calogero--Moser Model

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    The maximal super-integrability of a discretization of the Calogero--Moser model introduced by Nijhoff and Pang is presented. An explicit formula for the additional constants of motion is given.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    On a discrete Davey-Stewartson system

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    We propose a differential difference equation in R1×Z2{\mathcal R}^1\times {\mathcal Z}^2 and study it by Hirota's bilinear method. This equation has a singular continuum limit into a system which admits the reduction to the Davey-Stewartson equation. The solutions of this discrete DS system are characterized by Casorati and Grammian determinants. Based on the bilinear form of this discrete DS system, we construct the bilinear B\"{a}cklund transformation which enables us to obtain its Lax pair.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Time-sliced path integrals with stationary states

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    The path integral approach to the quantization of one degree-of-freedom Newtonian particles is considered within the discrete time-slicing approach, as in Feynman's original development. In the time-slicing approximation the quantum mechanical evolution will generally not have any stationary states. We look for conditions on the potential energy term such that the quantum mechanical evolution may possess stationary states without having to perform a continuum limit. When the stationary states are postulated to be solutions of a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) eigenvalue problem it is found that the potential is required to be a solution of a particular first-order ODE. Similarly, when the stationary states are postulated to be solutions of a second-order ordinary difference equation (OΔ\DeltaE) eigenvalue problem the potential is required to be a solution of a particular first-order OΔ\DeltaE. The classical limits (which are at times very nontrivial) are integrable maps.Comment: 7 page

    Suicide among persons with childhood leukaemia in Slovenia

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    Pri osebah, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za rakom, so pogosto prisotne telesne in psihosocialne posledice bolezni ter njenega zdravljenja. Mnoge raziskave so pokazale, da je pri osebah z izkušnjo raka v otroštvu depresivnost in samomorilno vedenje močneje izraženo. V naši raziskavi smo proučili pojavljanje samomorov pri osebah, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za levkemijo, v primerjavi s splošno populacijo v Sloveniji, v obdobju 1978–2010. Pričakovano število samomorov smo izračunali na osnovi kontrolne skupine posameznikov iz splošne populacije, ki je bila s skupino preiskovancev, tj. oseb, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za levkemijo, izenačena po spolu, starosti ob začetku opazovanja, letu začetka opazovanja in dolžini opazovanja. Raziskava je pokazala, da med tistimi, ki so v otroštvu zboleli za levkemijo, v letih 1978–2010 nobena oseba ni storila samomora, kar se statistično značilno ne razlikuje od pričakovanega števila samomorov (0,448) v primerljivi splošni populaciji v Sloveniji. Ugotovitve raziskave nakazujejo, da kljub znano bolj izraženem samomorilnem vedenju med preživelimi raka v otroštvu v Sloveniji v primerjavi s splošno populacijo pojavljanje samomorov pri osebah, zbolelih za levkemijo v otroštvu, ni pogostejše kot v splošni populaciji.Persons with childhood leukaemia often suffer from physical and psychosocial consequences of the disease and its treatment. Several studies have shown that depression and suicidal behaviour are expressed strongly in persons with a childhood cancer experience. In our study, we researched the occurrence of suicides among persons with childhood leukaemia compared to the general population in Slovenia in the period 1978–2010. The expected number of suicides was calculated based on the control group of individuals from the general population with the same gender, age at the beginning of observation, starting year and duration of observation as the research group, thus group of persons with childhood cancer. The study showed that none of the persons with childhood cancer committed suicide in the period 1978-2010, which is not statistically different from the expected number of suicides (0.448) in comparison with the general population in Slovenia. The findings of this study indicate that, despite the significantly increased expression of suicidal behaviour among survivors of childhood leukaemia in Slovenia compared to the general population, suicides do not occur more often among people with childhood leukaemia than among the general population