45 research outputs found

    コクレン トウゴウ アプローチ ニオケル ジンドウ カツドウ ノ カダイ

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    本研究は、国連統合アプローチにおける国連人道機関の活動上の課題について考察を行った。これまで、国連は紛争国や紛争後社会への寄与度を最大化するために、その多様な能力(軍事、政治、法の支配、経済、人道等)を一貫して、相互支援的に発揮できるよう各部門の組織的・戦略的統合を促進してきた。しかし、治安・政治部門と人道部門の統合化は、(1)人道支援要員の安全、(2)人道アクセス、(3)非国家武装勢力への人道支援、(4)人道アクターの認知、(5)権利擁護(アドボカシー)に対し、「負」の影響を与える場合がある。これらの課題の克服に向け、国連は統合ミッションの評価・計画に関するいくつかの指針を策定してきたが、必ずしもそれらの指針に沿ってミッションが設立・運営されるわけではないことを明らかにする。The purpose of this article is to examine the challenges facing humanitarian activities in the UN integrated approach. The United Nations has encouraged structural and strategic integration among each department, specialized agency, fund, and program in order to maximize the individual and collective impact of peace consolidation activities in confl ict and post-confl ict areas. However, according to an independent study commissioned by the UN Integration Steering Group, the integration between the security, political, and humanitarian sectors would negatively impact humanitarian eff orts in various aspects including the following: (ⅰ) the security of humanitarian actors, ( ⅱ ) humanitarian access, ( ⅲ ) humanitarian assistance for peace accord spoilers, ( ⅳ ) the perception of humanitarian actors among beneficiaries, and (ⅴ) advocacy. This article outlines the argument that the UN has not always complied with a series of guidelines for integrated mission planning, which includes several issues pertaining to humanitarian consideration

    Analysis of the anti-tumor mechanism of BRD4 inhibition in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Bromodomain and extra terminal (BET) family proteins, which include BRD4, are readers of histone acetyl-lysines and key regulators of gene transcription. BRD4 inhibitors exert anti-tumor effects in various cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We investigated the mechanism underlying the antitumor effects of BRD4 inhibition in HCC. We first tested the effects of the BRD4 inhibitor JQ1 in a series of 9 HCC cell lines and found that it strongly suppressed HCC cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Gene expression microarray analysis revealed that JQ1 also induced marked changes in the gene expression profiles of HCC cells, and genes associated with cell cycle and apoptosis were significantly enriched among the affected genes. Notably, a number of cancer-related genes, including BCAT1, DDR1, GDF15, FANCD2, SENP1 and TYRO3, were strongly suppressed by JQ1 in HCC cells. We also confirmed BRD4 bound within the promoter regions of these genes, which suggests they are targets of BRD4 in HCC cells. JQ1 thus appears to exert its anti-tumor effects in HCC by suppressing multiple BRD4 target genes

    Fundamental Parameters of the Milky Way Galaxy Based on VLBI astrometry

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    We present analyses to determine the fundamental parameters of the Galaxy based on VLBI astrometry of 52 Galactic maser sources obtained with VERA, VLBA and EVN. We model the Galaxy's structure with a set of parameters including the Galaxy center distance R_0, the angular rotation velocity at the LSR Omega_0, mean peculiar motion of the sources with respect to Galactic rotation (U_src, V_src, W_src), rotation-curve shape index, and the V component of the Solar peculiar motions V_sun. Based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo method, we find that the Galaxy center distance is constrained at a 5% level to be R_0 = 8.05 +/- 0.45 kpc, where the error bar includes both statistical and systematic errors. We also find that the two components of the source peculiar motion U_src and W_src are fairly small compared to the Galactic rotation velocity, being U_src = 1.0 +/- 1.5 km/s and W_src = -1.4 +/- 1.2 km/s. Also, the rotation curve shape is found to be basically flat between Galacto-centric radii of 4 and 13 kpc. On the other hand, we find a linear relation between V_src and V_sun as V_src = V_sun -19 (+/- 2) km/s, suggesting that the value of V_src is fully dependent on the adopted value of V_sun. Regarding the rotation speed in the vicinity of the Sun, we also find a strong correlation between Omega_0 and V_sun. We find that the angular velocity of the Sun, Omega_sun, which is defined as Omega_sun = Omega_0 + V_sun/R_0, can be well constrained with the best estimate of Omega_sun = 31.09 +/- 0.78 km/s/kpc. This corresponds to Theta_0 = 238 +/- 14 km/s if one adopts the above value of R_0 and recent determination of V_sun ~ 12 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, PASJ in pres

    [資料] 秋田県豪雨災害における日本赤十字秋田看護大学・日本赤十字秋田短期大学 赤十字防災ボランティアステーションの取り組みと課題

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    2017年7月22日から23日にかけての記録的な大雨によって発生した秋田県豪雨災害の被災者支援のため、日本赤十字秋田看護大学・日本赤十字短期大学では、赤十字防災ボランティアステーションに所属する学生が中心となり、被災地で家財の搬出入、泥よけ、ボランティアニーズ調査などの災害ボランティア活動を行った。本稿では、今回の災害ボランティア活動と学生の学びについて報告する。また、今後、同ステーションが防災・減災ボランティア活動の教育やそれを担う人材の育成といった「災害が起こる前の備え」に関する活動だけでなく、災害ボランティア活動のような「災害対応」に関する活動にも関与していく上で、本学には、①迅速な意思決定システムの確立、②予算の柔軟な運用、③支援の「公平性」の確保という課題を克服する必要があることも指摘する。The purpose of this article is to report on the volunteer service actions by the Red Cross Volunteer Station for Disaster Prevention(RCVS)at the Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing and the Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita, which was provided for the aff ected local residents during the 2017 Akita flood. RCVS volunteer students helped to clean up the flood damage as well as conduct needs assessment of the devastated areas.This article also addresses problems to be solved for when the RCVS engages in disaster response in the future as well as suggestions for disaster prevention and reduction in the future

    Assessment of epigenetic alterations in early colorectal lesions containing BRAF mutations

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    金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究科先進的地域医療研究講座 = Department of Advanced Research in Community MedicineTo clarify the molecular and clinicopathological characteristics of colorectal serrated lesions, we assessed the DNA methylation of cancer-associated genes in a cohort of BRAF-mutant precancerous lesions from 94 individuals. We then compared those results with the lesions’ clinicopathological features, especially colorectal subsites. The lesions included hyperplastic polyps (n = 16), traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs) (n = 15), TSAs with sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) (n = 6), SSAs (n = 49) and SSAs with dysplasia (n = 16). The prevalence of lesions exhibiting the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was lower in the sigmoid colon and rectum than in other bowel subsites, including the cecum, ascending, transverse and descending colon. In addition, several cancer-associated genes showed higher methylation levels within lesions in the proximal to sigmoid colon than in the sigmoid colon and rectum. These results indicate that the methylation status of lesions with BRAF mutation is strongly associated with their location, histological findings and neoplastic pathways. By contrast, no difference in aberrant DNA methylation was observed in normal-appearing background colonic mucosa along the bowel subsites, which may indicate the absence of an epigenetic field defect

    Activated macrophages promote invasion by early colorectal cancer via an IL-1β-SAA1 axis

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    本研究は,低分化成分に着目して早期大腸がんの分子解析を行った.T1 大腸がんの臨床検体を用いたRNA-seqを行い,低分化成分でのserum amyloid A1(SAA1)の高発現を同定した.大腸がん細胞を用いた機能解析,マクロファージとの共培養実験,臨床検体の免疫染色解析の結果,T1大腸がんの浸潤先進部では,マクロファージとがん細胞がIL-1βとSAA1を介して相互作用することで浸潤を促進すると考えられ,SAA1が早期大腸がんの治療層別化マーカーおよび治療標的となる可能性が示唆された

    ニッポン セキジュウジシャ ダイイチ ブロック シブ ゴウドウ サイガイ キュウゴ クンレン ニオケル A ダイガク オヨビ A タンキ ダイガク ノ トリクミ

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    平成26年度の日本赤十字社第一ブロック支部合同災害救護訓練に、A大学およびA短期大学の学生が被災者役とボランティア役として参加し、その他の学生は医療救護訓練を中心に見学した。訓練を振り返り、参加した学生の経験を共有し、全体としての学びにしていくことが重要であると感じた。また、災害時の不安を想起させられる状況下での、学生への支援のあり方を考えていく必要があると示唆された。Students of university A and junior college A participated in the 2014 joint disaster relief drill for block 1 branches of the Japanese Red Cross Society. Some of the students acted as disaster victims and disaster-relief volunteers in the drill while others observed the medical relief drill. Reflecting on the drill, the importance of sharing the experiences of the participating students helped provide insights for other students, was confirmed. The necessity to review the support system for students under uneasy situations after a disaster was also suggested