29 research outputs found

    Knowledge dynamics and innovation:case studies in a sparsely populated area

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    Abstract Purpose: This study describes the sources of essential knowledge for the innovation cases in three micro companies and analyses the knowledge dynamics in these cases. This study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the sources of essential knowledge for the innovation cases in the three micro companies selected? What kind of knowledge is required in these cases, and what phases can be identified in these innovation cases? These questions are answered through a multiple case study that uses the knowledge biography technique. Method: This is a multiple case study with holistic strategy. The unit of analysis is the innovation case. We analyse innovation cases in three micro companies operating in the Oulu South region. At the heart of the study is the knowledge biography technique, an innovative approach that provides a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics in firms and regions. The empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and public archives related to the case company. The interviews with key informants were mainly conducted face-to-face during fieldwork in 2013. The data was analysed using an inclusive and iterative process, and the main findings were summarised. Findings: We tracked the sources of essential knowledge for the three innovation cases and the knowledge dynamics of these cases were described by using the knowledge biography method. This study will serve as an interesting benchmarking tool for any public organisation that offers business services to companies. The findings suggest that public actors should pay more attention to the case-specific needs of innovative micro companies while developing their services. Value: In the future studies, it would be interesting to analyse more innovation cases using the knowledge biography technique and make comparisons among these cases

    The European cohesion policy and structural funds in sparsely populated areas:a case study of the University of Oulu

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    Abstract The regional policy is one of the European Union’s main investment policies to support regional equality and convergence, cohesion policy being one of its key policy areas and aiming to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development and citizens’ quality of life. Cohesion and structural funds comprise almost a third of the total EU budget. As education, research and innovation are amongst the main objectives of these policies, universities play an important role in regional development, research and education being their main tasks, while interaction with society the third one. The aim of this study is to examine how universities participate in cohesion policy and regional development by utilising structural funds in fulfilling their third task (RQ1) and how do the closest stakeholder groups view the regional role of the university (RQ2). A single case study was conducted having the Oulu Southern Institute (OSI) of the University of Oulu as the case study unit. The data was collected using an adapted Delphi method in a workshop with OSI staff, from an online questionnaire to OSI’s closest stakeholders and from in-depth interviews to examine the themes that arose in the questionnaire answers. In the findings, the importance of the university unit for regional development is clearly evident. Structural funds are the main tools for universities to stimulate development, the university was seen as a crucial actor, knowledge creator, collaboration partner and regional developer, as well as a fundamental part of the regional innovation system. Practitioners and interested academics might find the results beneficial. According to the findings, the university should participate in recommending development areas for cohesion policy guidelines for the next structural fund period

    Public business services fostering growth:case studies in northern sparsely populated areas

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    Abstract The aim of this study is to describe public business services (PBSs) for early-stage small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in northern sparsely populated areas (NSPAs) of Northern Finland. These areas face challenges of globalisation, structural changes and demographic change. PBSs of these areas face special challenges including limited resources, remoteness, heterogeneous customer base, and long distances. This study describes how PBSs are organised and what kind of services is available for early-stage technology intensive companies in the three case NSPAs. The focus is on analysis and comparison of the supply of public business services in the three subregions of Oulu South region. As a result of this multiple case study, the services for SMEs and especially for early-stage technology intensive SMEs within the NSPA context are clarified

    Micro-enterprises as exporters in northern sparsely populated areas

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    Abstract The majority of the total value of exports comes from small, medium-sized, and large companies for the reason that they tend to be the principal target group in public-support actions related to exports. However, micro-sized enterprises are the numerically dominant group in every economy. During recent years, micro-enterprises’ barriers for exports have lowered due to global digitalization. As a result, micro-enterprises’ share of total exports has increased rapidly in many countries. The aim of this explorative case study was to investigate micro-enterprises’ share of exporters in one northern sparsely populated area (NSPA). The micro-enterprises located in NSPAs tend to face context-specific challenges as they develop their business. This study seeks to provide context-specific knowledge needed to strengthen business ecosystems and develop business support services. The data in this study consists of publicly archived statistical data from 2015 of all active business identity codes registered in Northern Finland (49,411 pieces) were analysed. Based on this study, in total, 585 exporting enterprises are located in Northern Finland, of which almost 52% are micro-enterprises (302 pcs). In addition, the variation of micro-enterprises’ share of exporting enterprises at provincial, subregional and municipal levels is clarified. It is necessary to have micro-enterprises as a target group of export support actions. This study is limited to official enterprise statistics from 2015. The results of this study can motivate policy makers and public business service providers to consider micro-enterprises to be an essential target group of export support actions

    Knowledge dynamics and innovation:case studies in a sparsely populated area

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    Abstract This study describes the sources of essential knowledge and analyses the knowledge dynamics in innovation cases of four micro-sized companies. This study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the sources of essential knowledge for the cases selected? What kind of knowledge is required, and what phases can be identified? What kind of features of knowledge anchoring can be identified in the innovation processes? This study will serve as an interesting benchmarking object for public business services. The findings suggest that public actors should pay more attention to the case-specific needs of innovative micro-sized companies while developing their services

    Pohjois-Suomen mikroyritykset:tilastokatsaus

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of enterprises, especially microenterprises, in Northern Finland based on the statistical data. The report is based on the year 2015 data and it is part of the Micro-enterprise Growth Platform project that is financed by the Council of Oulu Region as a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project. This report presents statistical information of the enterprises in Northern Finland. Statistical data was purchased from Bisnode Finland Ltd. The data (collected 27 Oct 2015) consists of 49 411 business identity codes registered in Northern Finland in one of the following regions: Kainuu, Lapland and North Ostrobothnia. Closer analysis include business identity codes of the companies that had key information (industrial classification, number of personnel, sales) in the statistical data. The final data contains 47 519 business IDs, which were analyzed in this report using the following variables: legal form, number of employees, turnover, industry, import and export activities and registration year. In Northern Finland almost 96% of companies are micro-enterprises having less than 10 employees. Majority of the micro-enterprises (95.5%) employ less than 5 persons. The share of SMEs in Northern Finland is 99.94%. There are just a few big companies (having 250 or more employees) in Northern Finland (0.06 %). The most common category (25.5 %) of activity (SIC 2008) is a forestry and logging (SIC 02). Approximately 82% of the companies have less than EUR 200 000 sales per year. Almost 43% of the companies having over one million euros turnover are micro-sized enterprises, and 24.4% of the companies having over two million turnover are micro-enterprises. There are 1 724 import companies and 585 export companies in Northern Finland. Almost 52% of the export companies and almost 68% of the import companies are micro-sized in Northern Finland. The average age of the companies in Northern Finland is about 11.5 years. The most common form of the Northern Finland businesses is Private trader (60% of the companies), as well as a Limited company (31%). Almost 88% of Limited companies are micro-sized companies. There were approximately 71.3 companies per 1 000 inhabitants in Northern Finland in 2015. In Northern Finland approximately 3.9 new enterprises were founded per 1 000 inhabitants in 2015 (5.15 per 1 000 inhabitants in Finland as total). In the same year about 3.54 companies per 1 000 inhabitants were closed in Northern Finland (4.68 per 1 000 inhabitants in Finland). A good example of the potential that exists in micro-enterprises in Northern Finland, is the fact that about 96% of the companies that do not export are micro-sized companies. It is necessary to have the micro-enterprises as the essential target group in the enhancing activities of export.Tiivistelmä Tässä raportissa esitetään tilastotietoihin pohjautuvat perustiedot Pohjois-Suomessa toimivista yrityksistä ja erityisesti mikroyrityksistä. Raportti pohjautuu vuoden 2015 tietoihin (poimintapäivä 27.10.2015) ja on osa Mikroyritysten kasvualusta -hankkeen toteutusta, jota Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto rahoittaa Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) hankkeena. Tilastoaineiston tietolähteet ovat Kaupparekisteri, YTJ-tietokanta ja Tilastokeskus. Pohjois-Suomen 47 519 yrityksestä lähes 96 % (45 532 kpl) on alle 10 henkilöä työllistäviä mikroyrityksiä. Valtaosa mikroyrityksistä (95,5 %) työllistää alle 5 henkilöä (43 500 yritystä). Pk-yritysten osuus Pohjois-Suomen yrityksistä on 99,94 %. Suuria yrityksiä Pohjois-Suomen yrityksistä on 0,06 %. Yritysten yleisin toimialaluokka on Metsätalous ja puunkorjuu, johon on luokiteltu noin 25,5 % Pohjois-Suomen yrityksistä. Noin 82 %:lla yrityksistä liikevaihto on alle 200 000 euroa. Yli miljoonan euron liikevaihdon omaavista yrityksistä lähes 40 % on mikroyrityksiä. Yli 2 miljoonan euron liikevaihdon omaavista yrityksistä lähes neljännes (24,4 %) on mikroyrityksiä. Pohjois-Suomessa on Tilastokeskuksen määritelmän mukaisia tuontiyrityksiä 1 724 kpl ja vientiyrityksiä 585 kpl. Pohjois-Suomen vientiyrityksistä lähes 52 % ja tuontiyrityksistä lähes 68 % on mikroyrityksiä. Pohjois-Suomen yritysten keski-ikä on noin 11,5 vuotta. Pohjois-Suomen yritysten yleisimpiä yhtiömuotoja ovat toiminimi, joita on noin 60 % yrityksistä sekä osakeyhtiö, joita on noin 31 % yrityksistä. Osakeyhtiöistä lähes 88 % on mikroyrityksiä. Pohjois-Suomessa oli vuonna 2015 keskimäärin 71,3 yritystä 1 000 asukasta kohti. Vuonna 2015 Pohjois-Suomessa aloitti 1 000 asukasta kohti keskimäärin 3,9 yritystä ja koko Suomessa 5,15 yritystä. Samana vuonna Pohjois-Suomessa lopetti 1 000 asukasta kohti keskimäärin 3,54 yritystä ja koko Suomessa 4,68 yritystä. Mikroyrityksissä olevaa potentiaalia kuvaa hyvin esimerkiksi se, että niistä yrityksistä, jotka eivät Pohjois-Suomessa harjoita vientiä, noin 96 % on mikroyrityksiä (45 230 kpl). Suomen kilpailukyvyn kannalta onkin välttämätöntä nostaa mikroyritykset vienninedistämistoimien keskeiseksi kohderyhmäksi

    Oulun Eteläisen korkeakoulukeskuksen kansainvälisen toiminnan strategiset linjaukset vuosille 2013–2020

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    Abstract Educational and research institutes have a diverse international potential, and they participate in various international networks. There was a need to study how to utilize more systematic, and in collaboration, the potential and the networks of the educational and research institutions in the Oulu South region. The Oulu South Higher Education Network (OEK) is a cooperational network of the higher education institutions and the vocational schools in the region. Members of OEK collaborate in education, research and RDI activities. There are plans for large international projects to be conducted in Oulu South region. The volume of international activities in region will increase in the future. This requires concrete and more systematic cooperation than before. This research is part of the implementation of the Micro Entrepreneurship Research and the Development of RDI in the Oulu South Region project. The objective of this research was to make a proposal to OEK of a strategic plan of the international collaboration for the period of 2013–2020. The introduction of this research introduces documentations that guide international activities of OEK and its actors. In the theoretical part the object of the research and the key terms are introduced. The main study question is divided into three sub-questions: 1) How do the OEK actors evaluate the future scenarios of OEK? 2) What are the objectives of international collaboration in OEK? 3) What kind of actions are needed for the collaboration? In the empirical part of this research the Delphi method was used. This method is suitable for predicting and evaluating future scenarios, preparing the organizational decision making and cooperative learning. On the Delphi method opinions of large expert group are collected during two or three discussion rounds. During the first round in this study, 30 experts of the invited 47 (64%) participated in the discussion. There were 15 participants (32%) in the second round. Key future scenario results: In the year 2025 region's educational and research organizations will constitute an international, high-class and attractive network. There will be educational and research activities organized by international organizations. The key sectors of international research collaboration are neutrino physics, future manufacturing technologies and micro-entrepreneurship. As the result of this research suggestions were made for OEK's strategic plan of international collaboration. After minor adjustments the board of the OEK accepted the suggestion. The summary of the material was published as a brochure of the strategic plan.Tiivistelmä Koulutus- ja tutkimusorganisaatioilla on monipuolista kansainvälistä osaamista ja ne ovat mukana useissa kansainvälisissä verkostoissa. Oulun Eteläisen (OE) alueella nähtiin tarpeelliseksi selvittää, miten niiden kansainvälinen osaaminen ja verkostot saadaan nykyistä suunnitelmallisemmin yhteiseen käyttöön. Oulun Eteläisen korkeakoulukeskus (OEK) on alueensa korkeakoulujen ja toisen asteen oppilaitosten yhteistyöverkosto, joka tekee koulutus- ja TKI-toimintaan liittyvää yhteistyötä. Oulun Eteläisen alueelle on suunnitteilla suuria kansainvälisiä hankkeita, joiden myötä kansainvälinen toiminta tulee lisääntymään. Tämä vaatii yhteistyöltä entistä enemmän konkreettisia toimia. Tämä tutkimus on osa Mikroyrittäjyyden tutkimus ja Oulun Eteläisen TKI-toiminnan kehittäminen -hankkeen toteutusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tehdä ehdotus OEK:n kansainvälisen toiminnan strategisista linjauksista vuosille 2013–2020. Työn johdannossa esitetään OEK:n ja sen toimijoiden kansainvälistä toimintaa ohjaavia asiakirjoja. Teoriaosuudessa esitellään tutkimuksen kohde ja avataan keskeiset käsitteet. Tavoitteen selvittämiseksi haettiin vastausta kysymyksiin: 1) Miten OEK-toimijat arvioivat OEK:n tulevaisuusskenaariot? 2) Mitkä ovat kansainvälisen yhteistyön tavoitteet? 3) Miten yhteistyö toteutetaan? Työn empiirinen osuus toteutettiin Delfoi-menetelmällä, joka soveltuu ennakointiin, tulevaisuuden hahmotukseen tai organisaation päätöksenteon valmisteluun ja yhteisöjen oppimiseen. Menetelmässä kootaan kattavan asiantuntijajoukon näkemyksiä kahdella tai kolmella keskustelukierroksella. Tähän keskusteluun osallistui ensimmäisellä kierroksella 30/47 (64 %) ja toisella 15/47 (32 %) asiantuntijaa. Keskeiset tulokset: Vuonna 2025 alueen koulutus- ja tutkimusorganisaatiot muodostavat kansainvälisesti korkeatasoisen ja vetovoimaisen verkoston, alueella on kansainvälisten toimijoiden järjestämää koulutus- ja tutkimustoimintaa ja keskeisinä kansainvälisen tutkimusyhteistyön aloina ovat neutriinofysiikka, tulevaisuuden tuotantoteknologiat ja mikroyrittäjyys. Tutkimuksen tuloksena tehtiin ehdotus OEK:n kansainvälisen toiminnan strategisista linjauksista vuosille 2013–2020. Pienten täsmennysten jälkeen johtoryhmän kokous hyväksyi ehdotuksen. Aineisto koottiin tiiviiseen muotoon ja painatettiin esitteeksi

    Knowledge dynamics and innovation:a case study

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    Abstract This single case study describes the progress of an innovation and analyses the knowledge dynamics involved in the process. This is done by analysing the process from idea to product, identifying necessary knowledge types and knowledge phases, and identifying features of knowledge anchoring in the innovation process. Using the biography technique, this process was tracked and the related knowledge dynamics were described. This study will serve as an interesting benchmarking tool for both managers and public development agencies. The findings suggest that public actors should pay more attention in their service development to the case-specific needs of innovative start-ups

    Oulun Eteläisen alueen julkisten toimijoiden kansainvälisen toiminnan nykytila

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    Abstract This research is part of the implementation of the Micro Entrepreneurship Research and the Development of RDI in the Oulu South Region project. The aim of the research is to examine the current state of the public organizations’ international activities and to introduce operational suggestions for promoting the internationalization of the higher education institutions in the Oulu South region. The research is based on a survey conducted with international coordinators and/or leaders of the public organizations in the Oulu South region. The theoretical background of the research focuses on the possibilities and challenges of globalization, and on the public organisations’ role in supporting the internationalization of entrepreneurship. The description of the research target establishes a framework for the research by introducing the Oulu South region and its public organisations’. The research questions and outcomes are introduced in detailed tables in the empirical part of the paper. The research outcome illustrates the international activity of the public organisations’ in the Oulu South region. At the end, the paper presents operational suggestions for the reinforcement and development of the systematic international networking in the area. The survey results may also be used in future research. At the end, the research report introduces an operational model that could form a base for creating a supportive environment for the internationalization strategy in Oulu South region.Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus on osa Mikroyrittäjyyden tutkimus ja Oulun Eteläisen TKI-toiminnan kehittäminen -hankkeen toteutusta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää Oulun Eteläisen alueen julkisten toimijoiden kansainvälisen toiminnan nykytila ja antaa toimenpide-ehdotuksia Oulun Eteläisen korkeakoulukeskustoimijoiden suunnitelmallisen kansainvälistymisen edistämiseksi. Tutkimus suoritettiin kyselytutkimuksena, johon vastasivat Oulun Eteläisen alueen julkisten toimijoiden kansainvälisistä asioista vastaavat ja/tai organisaatioiden johtohenkilöt. Tutkimuksen taustan teoriassa keskityttiin globalisaation mahdollisuuksiin ja uhkiin ja julkisten toimijoiden rooliin yritysten kansainvälistymisen tukemisessa. Tutkimuskohteen kuvauksessa esitellään Oulun Eteläisen alue ja julkiset toimijat tarkoituksena rakentaa viitekehys tutkimustyön taustaksi. Tutkimuskysymykset ja tulokset esitetään empiriaosiossa yksityiskohtaisesti taulukoituna tai luetteloituna. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saadaan nykytilan kuvaus Oulun Eteläisen alueen julkisten toimijoiden kansainvälisen toiminnasta. Lopuksi esitetään toimenpide-ehdotuksia kansainvälisen asiantuntijayhteistyön ja toimijoiden suunnitelmallisen kansainvälisen toiminnan ja liikkuvuuden parantamiseksi ja edelleen kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa tehdyn kyselyn vastauksia voidaan käyttää mahdollisissa jatkotutkimuksissa. Tutkimusraportin lopussa esitetään ehdotus toimintamalliksi, jota noudattaen voidaan muodostaa Oulun Eteläisen julkisten toimijoiden yhteinen tahtotila kansainvälistymisstrategian muodostamiseksi