76 research outputs found

    MicroRNA Expression in the Aqueous Humor of Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema.

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    We identified and compared secreted microRNA (miRNA) expression in aqueous humor (AH) and plasma samples among patients with: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) complicated by non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (DR) associated with diabetic macular edema (DME) (DME group: 12 patients); T2D patients without DR (D group: 8 patients); and non-diabetic patients (CTR group: 10 patients). Individual patient AH samples from five subjects in each group were profiled on TaqMan Low Density MicroRNA Array Cards. Differentially expressed miRNAs identified from profiling were then validated in single assay for all subjects. The miRNAs validated in AH were then evaluated in single assay in plasma. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis was conducted. From AH profiling, 119 mature miRNAs were detected: 86 in the DME group, 113 in the D group and 107 in the CTR group. miRNA underexpression in the DME group was confirmed in single assay for let-7c-5p, miR-200b-3p, miR-199a-3p and miR-365-3p. Of these four, miR-199a-3p and miR-365-3p were downregulated also in the plasma of the DME group. GO highlighted 54 validated target genes of miR-199a-3p, miR-200b-3p and miR-365-3p potentially implied in DME pathogenesis. Although more studies are needed, miR-200b-3p, let-7c-5p, miR-365-3p and miR-199a-3p represent interesting molecules in the study of DME pathogenesis

    Intra-islet insulin synthesis defects are associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress and loss of beta cell identity in human diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and beta cell dedifferentiation both play leading roles in impaired insulin secretion in overt type 2 diabetes. Whether and how these factors are related in the natural history of the disease remains, however, unclear. Methods: In this study, we analysed pancreas biopsies from a cohort of metabolically characterised living donors to identify defects in in situ insulin synthesis and intra-islet expression of ER stress and beta cell phenotype markers. Results: We provide evidence that in situ altered insulin processing is closely connected to in vivo worsening of beta cell function. Further, activation of ER stress genes reflects the alteration of insulin processing in situ. Using a combination of 17 different markers, we characterised individual pancreatic islets from normal glucose tolerant, impaired glucose tolerant and type 2 diabetic participants and reconstructed disease progression. Conclusions/interpretation: Our study suggests that increased beta cell workload is accompanied by a progressive increase in ER stress with defects in insulin synthesis and loss of beta cell identity. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Objectives: One of the theories connecting enterovirus (EV) infection of human islets with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the development of a fertile field in the islets. This implies induction of appropriate proteins for the viral replication such as the coxsackie–adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent CAR is expressed in human islets of Langerhans, and what conditions that would change the expression. Design: Immunohistochemistry for CAR was performed on paraffin-embedded pancreatic tissue from patients with T1D (n=9 recent onset T1D, n=4 long-standing T1D), islet autoantibody-positive individuals (n=14) and non-diabetic controls (n=24) individuals. The expression of CAR was also examined by reverse transcription PCR on microdissected islets (n=5), exocrine tissue (n=5) and on explanted islets infected with EV or exposed to chemokines produced by EV-infected islet cells. Results: An increased frequency of patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive individuals expressed CAR in the pancreas (p<0.039). CAR staining was detected more frequently in pancreatic islets from patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive subjects (15/27) compared with (6/24) non-diabetic controls (p<0.033). Also in explanted islets cultured in UV-treated culture medium from coxsackievirus B (CBV)-1-infected islets, the expression of the CAR gene was increased compared with controls. Laser microdissection of pancreatic tissue revealed that CAR expression was 10-fold higher in endocrine compared with exocrine cells of the pancreas. CAR was also expressed in explanted islets and the expression level decreased with time in culture. CBV-1 infection of explanted islets clearly decreased the expression of CAR (p<0.05). In contrast, infection with echovirus 6 did not affect the expression of CAR. Conclusions: CAR is expressed in pancreatic islets of patients with T1D and the expression level of CAR is increased in explanted islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines produced by infected islets. T1D is associated with increased levels of certain chemokines/cytokines in the islets and this might be the mechanism behind the increased expression of CAR in TID islets

    Estrogen and Progestogen Correlates of the Structure of Female Copulation Calls in Semi-Free-Ranging Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    Females of many Old World primates produce conspicuous vocalizations in combination with copulations. Indirect evidence exists that in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), the structure of these copulation calls is related to changes in reproductive hormone levels. However, the structure of these calls does not vary significantly around the timing of ovulation when estrogen and progestogen levels show marked changes. We here aimed to clarify this paradox by investigating how the steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone are related to changes in the acoustic structure of copulation calls. We collected data on semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques in Gibraltar and at La Forêt des Singes in Rocamadour, France. We determined estrogen and progestogen concentrations from fecal samples and combined them with a fine-grained structural analysis of female copulation calls (N = 775 calls of 11 females). Our analysis indicates a time lag of 3 d between changes in fecal hormone levels, adjusted for the excretion lag time, and in the acoustic structure of copulation calls. Specifically, we found that estrogen increased the duration and frequency of the calls, whereas progestogen had an antagonistic effect. Importantly, however, variation in acoustic variables did not track short-term changes such as the peak in estrogen occurring around the timing of ovulation. Taken together, our results help to explain why female Barbary macaque copulation calls are related to changes in hormone levels but fail to indicate the fertile phase