14 research outputs found

    Realisation of the first sub shot noise wide field microscope

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    In the last years several proof of principle experiments have demonstrated the advantages of quantum technologies respect to classical schemes. The present challenge is to overpass the limits of proof of principle demonstrations to approach real applications. This letter presents such an achievement in the field of quantum enhanced imaging. In particular, we describe the realization of a sub-shot noise wide field microscope based on spatially multi-mode non-classical photon number correlations in twin beams. The microscope produces real time images of 8000 pixels at full resolution, for (500micrometers)2 field-of-view, with noise reduced to the 80% of the shot noise level (for each pixel), suitable for absorption imaging of complex structures. By fast post-elaboration, specifically applying a quantum enhanced median filter, the noise can be further reduced (less than 30% of the shot noise level) by setting a trade-off with the resolution, demonstrating the best sensitivity per incident photon ever achieved in absorption microscopy.Comment: Light: Science & Applications- Nature in pres

    A practical model of twin-beam experiments for sub-shot-noise absorption measurements

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    Quantum-intensity-correlated twin beams of light can be used to measure absorption with precision beyond the classical shot-noise limit. The degree to which this can be achieved with a given estimator is defined by the quality of the twin-beam intensity correlations, which is quantified by the noise reduction factor. We derive an analytical model of twin-beam experiments, incorporating experimental parameters such as the relative detection efficiency of the beams, uncorrelated optical noise, and uncorrelated detector noise. We show that for twin beams without excessive noise, measured correlations can be improved by increasing the detection efficiency of each beam, notwithstanding this may unbalance detection efficiency. However, for beams with excess intensity or other experimental noise, one should balance detection efficiency, even at the cost of reducing detection efficiency -- we specifically define these noise conditions and verify our results with statistical simulation. This has application in design and optimization of absorption spectroscopy and imaging experiments.Comment: 4 page main text, 4 page appendix, 4 figure

    Photon number correlation for quantum enhanced imaging and sensing

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    In this review we present the potentialities and the achievements of the use of non-classical photon number correlations in twin beams (TWB) states for many applications, ranging from imaging to metrology. Photon number correlations in the quantum regime are easy to be produced and are rather robust against unavoidable experimental losses, and noise in some cases, if compared to the entanglement, where loosing one photon can completely compromise the state and its exploitable advantage. Here, we will focus on quantum enhanced protocols in which only phase-insensitive intensity measurements (photon number counting) are performed, which allow probing transmission/absorption properties of a system, leading for example to innovative target detection schemes in a strong background. In this framework, one of the advantages is that the sources experimentally available emit a wide number of pairwise correlated modes, which can be intercepted and exploited separately, for example by many pixels of a camera, providing a parallelism, essential in several applications, like wide field sub-shot-noise imaging and quantum enhanced ghost imaging. Finally, non-classical correlation enables new possibilities in quantum radiometry, e.g. the possibility of absolute calibration of a spatial resolving detector from the on-off- single photon regime to the linear regime, in the same setup

    Quantum illumination with multiplexed photodetection

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    The advantages of using quantum states of light for object detection are often highlighted in schemes that use simultaneous and optimal measurements. Here, we describe a theoretical but experimentally realizable quantum illumination scheme based on nonsimultaneous and nonoptimal measurements, which can maintain this advantage. In particular, we examine the multiclick-heralded two-mode-squeezed vacuum state as a probe signal in a quantum illumination process. The increase in conditioned signal intensity associated with multiclick heralding is greater than that from a single detector-heralded signal. Our results show, for lossy external conditions, the presence of the target object can be revealed earlier using multiclick measurements. We demonstrate this through sequential shot measurements based on Monte Carlo simulation

    Improving interferometers by quantum light: toward testing quantum gravity on an optical bench

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    We analyze in detail a system of two interferometers aimed at the detection of extremely faint phase uctuations. The idea behind is that a correlated phase-signal like the one predicted by some phenomenological theory of Quantum Gravity (QG) could emerge by correlating the output ports of the interferometers, even when in the single interferometer it confounds with the background. We demonstrated that injecting quantum light in the free ports of the interferometers can reduce the photon noise of the system beyond the shot-noise, enhancing the resolution in the phase-correlation estimation. Our results conrms the benet of using squeezed beams together with strong coherent beams in interferometry, even in this correlated case. On the other hand, our results concerning the possible use of photon number entanglement in twin beam state pave the way to interesting and probably unexplored areas of application of bipartite entanglement and, in particular, the possibility of reaching surprising uncertainty reduction exploiting new interferometric congurations, as in the case of the system described here

    Quantum enhanced imaging and sensing with correlated light

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    Without light, there would be no sight. Light acts as a probe in various measurement techniques ranging from imaging to spectroscopy, from small scale cantilever displace- ment measurement in atomic force microscopy to large scale mirror motion in interfer- ometry, light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and many other fields. As the light probe intensity rises, it not only allows reducing the background noise effect, but it also aids precision to the measurement by reducing the photon noise (shot-noise) contribution. However, increasing intensity beyond certain threshold level is not always advantageous for ultra sensitive measurements. For example in the detection of gravitational waves, the current power circulating in the large scale interferometers can not be increased further without introducing other noise sources like thermal effects on the mirrors, un- wanted scattered photons, and back action due to radiation pressure. In the imaging of delicate photo sensitive sample, high power can causes cell damage or it may lead to disturb the regular process under investigation, viz. favouring certain biochemical reaction, which do not correspond to natural in vitro behaviour. At low intensity, pho- ton noise is an important concern and quantum states of light with correlated photon fluctuation can ideally represent a fruitful way to build specific measurement strategies to surpass the limitation of standard approach based on classical light sources, offering an avenue of solutions for ultra sensitive measurements. This thesis work focuses on two application of quantum enhanced measurement strate- gies. The first part of the thesis work has been dedicated to the realization of the first wide-field microscope with Sub Shot Noise (SSN) sensitivity. This is based on the ex- ploitation of quantum correlations in the Squeezed Vacuum state. In the second part, the investigations have made on the role of the quantum correlated beams in an unusual interferometric scheme, in which two identical optical interferometers are subject to the same phase fluctuation. The scheme, in the classical regime, has been already imple- mented in a large scale experiment devoted to the search of possible quantum gravity (QG) effects at Fermilab

    Using random coherent states to mimic quantum illumination

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    Quantum illumination uses quantum correlations to provide an enhanced detection of an object in the presence of background noise. This advantage has been shown to exist even if one uses nonoptimal direct measurements on the two correlated modes. Here we present a protocol that mimics the behavior of quantum illumination, but does not use correlated or entangled modes. Instead, the protocol uses coherent (or phase-randomized coherent) pulses with randomly chosen intensities. The intensities are drawn from a distribution such that the average state looks thermal. Under appropriate conditions, the mimic protocol can perform similarly to quantum illumination schemes that use direct measurements. This holds even for a reflectance as low as 10−7. We also present an analytic condition which allows one to determine the sets of parameters in which each protocol works best

    A practical model of twin-beam experiments for sub-shot-noise absorption measurements

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    Underlying data for manuscript "A practical model of twin-beam experiments for sub-shot-noise absorption measurements