13 research outputs found

    On Programs with Linearly Ordered Multiple Preferences

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    The extended answer set semantics for logic programs allows for the defeat of rules to resolve contradictions. We propose a refinement of these semantics based on a preference relation on extended literals. This relation, a strict partial order, induces a partial order on extended answer sets. The preferred answer sets, i.e. those that are minimal w.r.t. the induced order, represent the solutions that best comply with the stated preference on extended literals. In a further extension, we propose linearly ordered programs that are equipped with a linear hierarchy of preference relations. The resulting formalism is rather expressive and essentially covers the polynomial hierarchy. E.g. the membership problem for a program with a hierarchy of height n is # n+1 -complete. We illustrate an application of the approach by showing how it can easily express hierarchically structured weak constraints, i.e. a layering of "desirable" constraints, such that one tries to minimize the set of violated constraints on lower levels, regardless of the violation of constraints on higher levels

    Compiling Fuzzy Answer Set Programs to Fuzzy Propositional Theories

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    Abstract. We show how a fuzzy answer set program can be compiled to an equivalent fuzzy propositional theory whose models correspond to the answer sets of the program. This creates a basis for constructing fuzzy answer set solvers, such as solvers based on fuzzy SAT-solvers or on linear programming. Keywords: answer set programming, fuzzy logic, Clark’s completion, fuzzy ASSAT.

    Fuzzy Equilibrium Logic

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    In this article, we introduce fuzzy equilibrium logic as a generalization of both Pearce equilibrium logic and fuzzy answer set programming. The resulting framework combines the capability of equilibrium logic to declaratively specify search problems, with the capability of fuzzy logics to model continuous domains. We show that our fuzzy equilibrium logic is a proper generalization of both Pearce equilibrium logic and fuzzy answer set programming, and we locate the computational complexity of the main reasoning tasks at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. We then provide a reduction from the problem of finding fuzzy equilibrium logic models to the problem of solving a particular bilevel mixed integer program (biMIP), allowing us to implement reasoners by reusing existing work from the operations research community. To illustrate the usefulness of our framework from a theoretical perspective, we show that a well-known characterization of strong equivalence in Pearce equilibrium logic generalizes to our setting, yielding a practical method to verify whether two fuzzy answer set programs are strongly equivalent. Finally, to illustrate its application potential, we show how fuzzy equilibrium logic can be used to find strong Nash equilibria, even when players have a continuum of strategies at their disposal. As a second application example, we show how to find abductive explanations from Łukasiewicz logic theories

    Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition ⋆

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    Abstract. The evaluation of logic programs with access to external knowledge sources requires to interleave external computation and model building. Deciding where and how to stop with one task and proceed with the next is a difficult problem, and existing approaches have severe scalability limitations in many real-world application scenarios. We introduce a new approach for organizing the evaluation of logic programs with external knowledge sources and describe a configurable framework for dividing the non-ground program into overlapping possiblysmaller parts called evaluation units. These units will then be processed by interleaving external evaluations and model building according to an evaluation and a model graph, and by combining intermediate results. Experiments with our prototype implementation show a significant improvement of this technique compared to existing approaches. Interestingly, even for ordinary logic programs (with no external access), our decomposition approach speeds up existing state of the art ASP solvers in some cases, showing its potential for wider usage.

    Algorithms for Solving Satisfiability Problems with Qualitative Preferences

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    Abstract. In this work we present a complete picture of our work on computing optimal solutions in satisfiability problems with qualitative preferences. With this task in mind, we first review our work on computing optimal solutions by imposing an ordering on the way the search space is explored, e.g., on the splitting heuristic in case the DPLL algorithm is used. The main feature of this approach is that it guarantees to compute all and only the optimal solutions, i.e., models which are not optimal are not even computed: For this result, it is essential that the splitting heuristic of the solver follows the partial order on the expressed preferences. However, for each optimal solution, a formula that prunes non-optimal solutions needs to be retained, thus this procedure does not work in polynomial space when computing all optimal solutions. We then extend our previous work and show how it is possible to compute optimal solutions using a generate-and-test approach: Such a procedure is based on the idea to first compute a model and then check for its optimality. As a consequence, no ordering on the splitting heuristic is needed, but it may compute also nonoptimal models. This approach does not need to retain formulas indefinitely, thus it does work in polynomial space. We start from a simple setting in which a preference is a partial order on a set of literals. We then show how other forms of preferences, i.e., quantitative, qualitative on formulas and mixed qualitative/quantitative can be captured by our framework, and present alternatives for computing “complete ” sets of optimal solutions. We finally comment on the implementation of the two procedures on top of state-of-the-art satisfiability solvers, and discuss related work.