91 research outputs found

    Unifying (Quantum) Statistical and Parametrized (Quantum) Algorithms

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    Kearns' statistical query (SQ) oracle (STOC'93) lends a unifying perspective for most classical machine learning algorithms. This ceases to be true in quantum learning, where many settings do not admit, neither an SQ analog nor a quantum statistical query (QSQ) analog. In this work, we take inspiration from Kearns' SQ oracle and Valiant's weak evaluation oracle (TOCT'14) and establish a unified perspective bridging the statistical and parametrized learning paradigms in a novel way. We explore the problem of learning from an evaluation oracle, which provides an estimate of function values, and introduce an extensive yet intuitive framework that yields unconditional lower bounds for learning from evaluation queries and characterizes the query complexity for learning linear function classes. The framework is directly applicable to the QSQ setting and virtually all algorithms based on loss function optimization. Our first application is to extend prior results on the learnability of output distributions of quantum circuits and Clifford unitaries from the SQ to the (multi-copy) QSQ setting, implying exponential separations between learning stabilizer states from (multi-copy) QSQs versus from quantum samples. Our second application is to analyze some popular quantum machine learning (QML) settings. We gain an intuitive picture of the hardness of many QML tasks which goes beyond existing methods such as barren plateaus and the statistical dimension, and contains crucial setting-dependent implications. Our framework not only unifies the perspective of cost concentration with that of the statistical dimension in a unified language but exposes their connectedness and similarity.Comment: 97 Page

    Composite symmetry protected topological order and effective models

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    Strongly correlated quantum many-body systems at low dimension exhibit a wealth of phenomena, ranging from features of geometric frustration to signatures of symmetry-protected topological order. In suitable descriptions of such systems, it can be helpful to resort to effective models which focus on the essential degrees of freedom of the given model. In this work, we analyze how to determine the validity of an effective model by demanding it to be in the same phase as the original model. We focus our study on one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems and explain how non-trivial symmetry protected topologically ordered (SPT) phases of an effective spin 1 model can arise depending on the couplings in the original Hamiltonian. In this analysis, tensor network methods feature in two ways: On the one hand, we make use of recent techniques for the classification of SPT phases using matrix product states in order to identify the phases in the effective model with those in the underlying physical system, employing Kuenneth's theorem for cohomology. As an intuitive paradigmatic model we exemplify the developed methodology by investigating the bi-layered delta-chain. For strong ferromagnetic inter-layer couplings, we find the system to transit into exactly the same phase as an effective spin 1 model. However, for weak but finite coupling strength, we identify a symmetry broken phase differing from this effective spin-1 description. On the other hand, we underpin our argument with a numerical analysis making use of matrix product states.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Tensor types and their use in physics

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    The content of this paper can be roughly organized into a three-level hierarchy of generality. At the first, most general level, we introduce a new language which allows us to express various categorical structures in a systematic and explicit manner in terms of so-called 2-schemes. Although 2-schemes can formalize categorical structures such as symmetric monoidal categories, they are not limited to this, and can be used to define structures with no categorical analogue. Most categorical structures come with an effective graphical calculus such as string diagrams for symmetric monoidal categories, and the same is true more generally for interesting 2-schemes. In this work, we focus on one particular non-categorical 2-scheme, whose instances we refer to as tensor types. At the second level of the hierarchy, we work out different flavors of this 2-scheme in detail. The effective graphical calculus of tensor types is that of tensor networks or Penrose diagrams, that is, string diagrams without a flow of time. As such, tensor types are similar to compact closed categories, though there are various small but potentially important differences. Also, the two definitions use completely different mechanisms despite both being examples of 2-schemes. At the third level of the hierarchy, we provide a long list of different families of concrete tensor types, in a way which makes them accessible to concrete computations, motivated by their potential use in physics. Different tensor types describe different types of physical models, such as classical or quantum physics, deterministic or statistical physics, many-body or single-body physics, or matter with or without symmetries or fermions

    Direct-Write Photolithography for Cylindrical Tooling Fabrication in Roll-to-Roll Microcontact Printing

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    The scale-up of microcontact printing (μCP) to a roll-to-roll technique for large-scale surface patterning requires scalable tooling for continuous pattern printing with μm-scale features (e.g., 1–50 μm). Here, we examine the process of creating such a tool using an optical direct-write or “maskless” method working on a rotating cylindrical substrate. A predictive model of pattern formation is presented along with experimental results to examine the key control factors for this process. It is shown that factors can be modulated to vary the cross-sectional shape in addition to feature height and width. This feature can then be exploited to improve the robustness of the final printing process.Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUP

    Dynamics of interacting transport qubits

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    We investigate the electronic transport through two parallel double quantum dots coupled both capacitively and via a perpendicularly aligned charge qubit. The presence of the qubit leads to a modification of the coherent tunnel amplitudes of each double quantum dot. We study the influence of the qubit on the electronic steady state currents through the system, the entanglement between the transport double quantum dots, and the back action on the charge qubit. We use a Born-Markov-Secular quantum master equation for the system. The obtained currents show signatures of the qubit. The stationary qubit state may be tuned and even rendered pure by applying suitable voltages. In the Coulomb diamonds it is also possible to stabilize pure entangled states of the transport double quantum dots

    A route towards engineering many-body localization in real materials

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    The interplay of interactions and disorder in a quantum many body system may lead to the elusive phenomenon of many body localization (MBL). It has been observed under precisely controlled conditions in synthetic quantum many-body systems, but to detect it in actual quantum materials seems challenging. In this work, we present a path to synthesize real materials that show signatures of many body localization by mixing different species of materials in the laboratory. To provide evidence for the functioning of our approach, we perform a detailed tensor-network based numerical analysis to study the effects of various doping ratios of the constituting materials. Moreover, in order to provide guidance to experiments, we investigate different choices of actual candidate materials. To address the challenge of how to achieve stability under heating, we study the effect of the electron-phonon coupling, focusing on effectively one dimensional materials embedded in one, two and three dimensional lattices. We analyze how this coupling affects the MBL and provide an intuitive microscopic description of the interplay between the electronic degrees of freedom and the lattice vibrations. Our work provides a guideline for the necessary conditions on the properties of the ingredient materials and, as such, serves as a road map to experimentally synthesizing real quantum materials exhibiting signatures of MBL.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Relaxation dynamics of meso-reservoirs

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    We study the phenomenology of maximum-entropy meso-reservoirs, where we assume that their local thermal equilibrium state changes consistently with the heat transferred between the meso-reservoirs. Depending on heat and matter carrying capacities, the chemical potentials and temperatures are allowed to vary in time, and using global conservation relations we solve their evolution equations. We compare two-terminal transport between bosonic and fermionic meso-reservoirs via systems that tightly couple energy and matter currents and systems that do not. For bosonic reservoirs, we observe the temporary formation of a Bose–Einstein condensate in one of the meso-reservoirs from an initial nonequilibrium setup.DFG, 163436311, SFB 910: Kontrolle selbstorganisierender nichtlinearer Systeme: Theoretische Methoden und AnwendungskonzepteDFG, 87159868, GRK 1558: Kollektive Dynamik im Nichtgleichgewicht: in kondensierter Materie und biologischen Systeme

    Ginzburg-Landau Theory for the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model

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    We develop a Ginzburg-Landau theory for the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model which effectively describes both static and dynamic properties of photons evolving in a cubic lattice of cavities, each filled with a two-level atom. To this end we calculate the effective action to first-order in the hopping parameter. Within a Landau description of a spatially and temporally constant order parameter we calculate the finite-temperature mean-field quantum phase boundary between a Mott insulating and a superfluid phase of polaritons. Furthermore, within the Ginzburg-Landau description of a spatio-temporal varying order parameter we determine the excitation spectra in both phases and, in particular, the sound velocity of light in the superfluid phase
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