343 research outputs found

    Damage evolution in wood – pattern recognition based on acoustic emission (AE) frequency spectra

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    Tensile tests of miniature spruce wood specimens have been performed to investigate the damage evolution in wood at the microscopic scale. For this purpose, the samples were stepwise tensile loaded in the longitudinal (L) and radial (R) directions and the damage evolution was monitored in real-time by acoustic emission (AE) and synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (SRμCT). This combination is of outstanding benefit as SRμCT monitoring provides an insight on the crack evolution and the final fracture at microscopic scale, whereas AE permits the detection of the associated accumulation and interaction of single damage events on all length scales with high time resolution. A significant drawback of the AE testing of wood has been overcome by means of calibrating the AE amplitudes with the underlying crack length development. Thus, a setup-dependent and wood species-dependent calibration value was estimated, which associates 1 μm

    Combination of neutron imaging (NI) and digital image correlation (DIC) to determine intra-ring moisture variation in Norway spruce

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    The hygroscopic behavior of wood has a strong influence on its mechanical performance, yet the moisture gradients within the growth ring structure have not been sufficiently investigated. The main challenge is that moisture variations are coupled with strong sample deformation, which complicates the spatial referencing of moist and dry states. In this work, neutron imaging (NI) for the detection of water and digital image correlation (DIC) for the detection of local deformation were combined to calculate the local gravimetric moisture content (MCgrav) and the volumetric moisture content (MCvol) within single growth rings. Specimens of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were exposed to an adsorption-desorption cycle, with relative humidity (RH) steps varying from 0% (oven dry) up to 95% RH. After each acclimatization step, neutron transmission and DIC images were acquired. The local deformations determined by DIC were used to assign the corresponding dry density in the undeformed state to the compartment in a moist state and thus to calculate its MC by NI. No significant MC gradients could be found between earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) within ±0.5% accuracy. However, strong density gradients between EW and LW can be directly correlated with MCvol. It appears that the MC in the cell wall is constant regardless of the particular growth ring positio

    Collecting single molecules with conventional optical tweezers

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    The size of particles which can be trapped in optical tweezers ranges from tens of nanometres to tens of micrometres. This size regime also includes large single molecules. Here we present experiments demonstrating that optical tweezers can be used to collect polyethylene oxide (PEO) molecules suspended in water. The molecules that accumulate in the focal volume do not aggregate and therefore represent a region of increased molecule concentration, which can be controlled by the trapping potential. We also present a model which relates the change in concentration to the trapping potential. Since many protein molecules have molecular weights for which this method is applicable the effect may be useful in assisting nucleation of protein crystals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Bruchzähigkeit an Laubholz in den Rissöffnungsmodi I und II

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    Zusammenfassung: Es werden die Ergebnisse zur Bestimmung der Bruchzähigkeit an Buche (Fagus silvatica L.) und Eiche (Quercus Robur L.) sowie Buche im Mode II vorgestellt. Verwendung fand die Kompaktzugprobe (CT-Probe) für Mode I und die CTS Probe für Mode II. Es werden Ergebnisse für den Einfluss von Holzfeuchte, Rohdichte und Jahrringlage vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wurden die Schallemissionen beim Bruch aufgezeichnet und REM-Aufnahmen angefertigt. Ergänzend zu den Bruchzähigkeiten werden verschiedenen Ansätze für Bruchgrenzkurven untersucht. Die Ergebnisse für Modus I stimmen gut mit denen aus der Untersuchung an der CT-Probe überein. Weiterhin werden verschiedene Ansätze zu Bruchgrenzkurven diskutiert und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen vergliche

    Air-coupled ultrasound inspection of glued laminated timber

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    A novel air-coupled ultrasound (ACU) 120kHz normal transmission system enabled successful imaging of bonding and saw cut defects in multilayered glulam beams up to 280mm in height with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 40dB. The main wave propagation paths were modeled; quasi-longitudinal and quasi-transverse modes were coupled in each lamella and the sound field was found to be shifted from the insonification axis as a function of the ring angle, leading to interference of wave paths in the receiver and to 15dB amplitude variability in defect-free glulam. The assessment was improved with spatial processing algorithms that profited from the arbitrary scanning resolution and high reproducibility of ACU. Overlapped averaging reduced in-band noise by 15dB, amplitude tracking captured only the first incoming oscillation, thus minimizing diffraction around defect regions, and image normalization compensated 6dB of systematic amplitude variability across the fiber direction. The application of ACU to in situ defect monitoring was demonstrated by using multiparameter difference imaging of measurements of the same sample with and without saw cut defects. The segmentation of the defect geometry was improved significantly and the amplitude variability was reduced by 10dB. Further work is planned to model additional insonification setups and grain and density heterogeneitie

    Continuous Damage Fiber Bundle Model for Strongly Disordered Materials

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    We present an extension of the continuous damage fiber bundle model to describe the gradual degradation of highly heterogeneous materials under an increasing external load. Breaking of a fiber in the model is preceded by a sequence of partial failure events occurring at random threshold values. In order to capture the subsequent propagation and arrest of cracks, furthermore, the disorder of the number of degradation steps of material constituents, the failure thresholds of single fibers are sorted into ascending order and their total number is a Poissonian distributed random variable over the fibers. Analytical and numerical calculations showed that the failure process of the system is governed by extreme value statistics, which has a substantial effect on the macroscopic constitutive behaviour and on the microscopic bursting activity as well.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure