3,618 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant quantum computation with high threshold in two dimensions

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    We present a scheme of fault-tolerant quantum computation for a local architecture in two spatial dimensions. The error threshold is 0.75% for each source in an error model with preparation, gate, storage and measurement errors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; v2: A single 2D layer of qubits (simple square lattice) with nearest-neighbor translation-invariant Ising interaction suffices. Slightly improved threshol

    Error tolerance and tradeoffs in loss- and failure-tolerant quantum computing schemes

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    Qubit loss and gate failure are significant problems for the development of scalable quantum computing. Recently, various schemes have been proposed for tolerating qubit loss and gate failure. These include schemes based on cluster and parity states. We show that by designing such schemes specifically to tolerate these error types we cause an exponential blowout in depolarizing noise. We discuss several examples and propose techniques for minimizing this problem. In general, this introduces a tradeoff with other undesirable effects. In some cases this is physical resource requirements, while in others it is noise rates

    Entanglement and the Power of One Qubit

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    The "Power of One Qubit" refers to a computational model that has access to only one pure bit of quantum information, along with n qubits in the totally mixed state. This model, though not as powerful as a pure-state quantum computer, is capable of performing some computational tasks exponentially faster than any known classical algorithm. One such task is to estimate with fixed accuracy the normalized trace of a unitary operator that can be implemented efficiently in a quantum circuit. We show that circuits of this type generally lead to entangled states, and we investigate the amount of entanglement possible in such circuits, as measured by the multiplicative negativity. We show that the multiplicative negativity is bounded by a constant, independent of n, for all bipartite divisions of the n+1 qubits, and so becomes, when n is large, a vanishingly small fraction of the maximum possible multiplicative negativity for roughly equal divisions. This suggests that the global nature of entanglement is a more important resource for quantum computation than the magnitude of the entanglement.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum hashing with the icosahedral group

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    We study an efficient algorithm to hash any single qubit gate (or unitary matrix) into a braid of Fibonacci anyons represented by a product of icosahedral group elements. By representing the group elements by braid segments of different lengths, we introduce a series of pseudo-groups. Joining these braid segments in a renormalization group fashion, we obtain a Gaussian unitary ensemble of random-matrix representations of braids. With braids of length O[log(1/epsilon)], we can approximate all SU(2) matrices to an average error epsilon with a cost of O[log(1/epsilon)] in time. The algorithm is applicable to generic quantum compiling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    A relational quantum computer using only two-qubit total spin measurement and an initial supply of highly mixed single qubit states

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    We prove that universal quantum computation is possible using only (i) the physically natural measurement on two qubits which distinguishes the singlet from the triplet subspace, and (ii) qubits prepared in almost any three different (potentially highly mixed) states. In some sense this measurement is a `more universal' dynamical element than a universal 2-qubit unitary gate, since the latter must be supplemented by measurement. Because of the rotational invariance of the measurement used, our scheme is robust to collective decoherence in a manner very different to previous proposals - in effect it is only ever sensitive to the relational properties of the qubits.Comment: TR apologises for yet again finding a coauthor with a ridiculous middle name [12

    Resource Requirements for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation: The Transverse Ising Model Ground State

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    We estimate the resource requirements, the total number of physical qubits and computational time, required to compute the ground state energy of a 1-D quantum Transverse Ising Model (TIM) of N spin-1/2 particles, as a function of the system size and the numerical precision. This estimate is based on analyzing the impact of fault-tolerant quantum error correction in the context of the Quantum Logic Array (QLA) architecture. Our results show that due to the exponential scaling of the computational time with the desired precision of the energy, significant amount of error correciton is required to implement the TIM problem. Comparison of our results to the resource requirements for a fault-tolerant implementation of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm reveals that the required logical qubit reliability is similar for both the TIM problem and the factoring problem.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Topological fault-tolerance in cluster state quantum computation

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    We describe a fault-tolerant version of the one-way quantum computer using a cluster state in three spatial dimensions. Topologically protected quantum gates are realized by choosing appropriate boundary conditions on the cluster. We provide equivalence transformations for these boundary conditions that can be used to simplify fault-tolerant circuits and to derive circuit identities in a topological manner. The spatial dimensionality of the scheme can be reduced to two by converting one spatial axis of the cluster into time. The error threshold is 0.75% for each source in an error model with preparation, gate, storage and measurement errors. The operational overhead is poly-logarithmic in the circuit size.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum dynamics as a physical resource

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    How useful is a quantum dynamical operation for quantum information processing? Motivated by this question we investigate several strength measures quantifying the resources intrinsic to a quantum operation. We develop a general theory of such strength measures, based on axiomatic considerations independent of state-based resources. The power of this theory is demonstrated with applications to quantum communication complexity, quantum computational complexity, and entanglement generation by unitary operations.Comment: 19 pages, shortened by 3 pages, mainly cosmetic change

    Quantum-circuit design for efficient simulations of many-body quantum dynamics

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    We construct an efficient autonomous quantum-circuit design algorithm for creating efficient quantum circuits to simulate Hamiltonian many-body quantum dynamics for arbitrary input states. The resultant quantum circuits have optimal space complexity and employ a sequence of gates that is close to optimal with respect to time complexity. We also devise an algorithm that exploits commutativity to optimize the circuits for parallel execution. As examples, we show how our autonomous algorithm constructs circuits for simulating the dynamics of Kitaev's honeycomb model and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model of superconductivity. Furthermore we provide numerical evidence that the rigorously proven upper bounds for the simulation error here and in previous work may sometimes overestimate the error by orders of magnitude compared to the best achievable performance for some physics-inspired simulations.Comment: 20 Pages, 6 figure

    Review article: Linear optical quantum computing

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    Linear optics with photon counting is a prominent candidate for practical quantum computing. The protocol by Knill, Laflamme, and Milburn [Nature 409, 46 (2001)] explicitly demonstrates that efficient scalable quantum computing with single photons, linear optical elements, and projective measurements is possible. Subsequently, several improvements on this protocol have started to bridge the gap between theoretical scalability and practical implementation. We review the original theory and its improvements, and we give a few examples of experimental two-qubit gates. We discuss the use of realistic components, the errors they induce in the computation, and how these errors can be corrected.Comment: 41 pages, 37 figures, many small changes, added references, and improved discussion on error correction and fault toleranc
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