2,048 research outputs found

    Implementation of Quantum Gates via Optimal Control

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    Starting with the basic control system model often employed in NMR pulse design, we derive more realistic control system models taking into account effects such as off-resonant excitation for systems with fixed inter-qubit coupling controlled by globally applied electromagnetic fields, as well as for systems controlled by a combination of a global fields and local control electrodes. For both models optimal control is used to find controls that implement a set of two- and three-qubit gates with fidelity greater than 99.99%. While in some cases the optimal pulses obtained appear to be surprisingly simple and experimentally realistic, the results also show that the "optimal" pulses obtained in other cases are experimentally infeasible, and more sophisticated parametrization of the control fields and numerical algorithms are needed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Investigation and application of thallium isotope fractionation

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    This contribution summarizes the current state of understanding and recent advances made in the field of stable thallium (Tl) isotope geochemistry. High precision measurements of Tl isotope compositions were developed in the late 1990s with the advent of multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP MS) and subsequent studies revealed that Tl, despite the small relative mass difference of the two isotopes, exhibits substantial stable isotope fractionation, especially in the marine environment. The most fractionated reservoirs identified are ferromanganese sediments with ε205 Tl≈ +15 and low temperature altered oceanic crust with ε205 Tl≈–20. The total isotopic variability of more than 35 ε 205 Tl-units hence exceeds the current analytical reproducibility of the measurement technique by more than a factor of 70. This isotopic variation can be explained by invoking a combination of conventional mass dependent equilibrium isotope effects and nuclear field shift isotope fractionation, but the specific mechanisms are still largely unaccounted for. Thallium isotopes have been applied to investigate paleoceanographic processes in the Cenozoic and there is evidence to suggest that Tl isotopes may be utilized as a monitor of the marine manganese oxide burial flux over million year time scales. In addition, Tl isotopes can be used to calculate the magnitude of hydrothermal fluid circulation through ocean crust. It has also been shown that the subduction of marine ferromanganese sediments can be detected with Tl isotopes in lavas erupted in subduction zone settings as well as in ocean island basalts. Meteorite samples display Tl isotope variations that exceed the terrestrial range with a total variability of about 50 ε205 Tl. The large isotopic diversity, however, is generated by both stable Tl isotope fractionations, which reflect the highly volatile and labile cosmochemical nature of the element, and radiogenic decay of extinct 205 Pb to 205 Tl with a half-life of about 15 Ma. The difficulty of deconvolving these two sources of isotopic variability restricts the utility of both the 205 Pb-205 Tl chronometer and the Tl stable isotope system to inform on early solar system processes

    Characterisation of coral explants: a model organism for cnidarian–dinoflagellate studies

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Coral cell cultures made from reef-building scleractinian corals have the potential to aid in the pursuit of understanding of the cnidarian–dinoflagellate symbiosis. Various methods have previously been described for the production of cell cultures in vitro with a range of success and longevity. In this study, viable tissue spheroids containing host tissue and symbionts (coral explants) were grown from the tissues of Fungia granulosa. The cultured explants remained viable for over 2 months and showed morphological similarities in tissue structure and internal microenvironment to reef-building scleractinian corals. The photophysiology of the explants (1 week old) closely matched that of the parent coral F. granulosa. This study provides the first empirical basis for supporting the use of coral explants as laboratory models for studying coral symbioses. In particular, it highlights how these small, self-sustaining, skeleton-free models can be useful for a number of molecular, genetic and physiological analyses necessary for investigating host–symbiont interactions at the microscale

    Cell size, genome size, and maximum growth rate are near-independent dimensions of ecological variation across bacteria and archaea.

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    Among bacteria and archaea, maximum relative growth rate, cell diameter, and genome size are widely regarded as important influences on ecological strategy. Via the most extensive data compilation so far for these traits across all clades and habitats, we ask whether they are correlated and if so how. Overall, we found little correlation among them, indicating they should be considered as independent dimensions of ecological variation. Nor was correlation evident within particular habitat types. A weak nonlinearity (6% of variance) was found whereby high maximum growth rates (temperature-adjusted) tended to occur in the midrange of cell diameters. Species identified in the literature as oligotrophs or copiotrophs were clearly separated on the dimension of maximum growth rate, but not on the dimensions of genome size or cell diameter

    Quantum Algorithm for Dynamic Programming Approach for DAGs. Applications for Zhegalkin Polynomial Evaluation and Some Problems on DAGs

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    In this paper, we present a quantum algorithm for dynamic programming approach for problems on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). The running time of the algorithm is O(n^mlogn^)O(\sqrt{\hat{n}m}\log \hat{n}), and the running time of the best known deterministic algorithm is O(n+m)O(n+m), where nn is the number of vertices, n^\hat{n} is the number of vertices with at least one outgoing edge; mm is the number of edges. We show that we can solve problems that use OR, AND, NAND, MAX and MIN functions as the main transition steps. The approach is useful for a couple of problems. One of them is computing a Boolean formula that is represented by Zhegalkin polynomial, a Boolean circuit with shared input and non-constant depth evaluating. Another two are the single source longest paths search for weighted DAGs and the diameter search problem for unweighted DAGs.Comment: UCNC2019 Conference pape

    Diagonal deformations of thin center vortices and their stability in Yang-Mills theories

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    The importance of center vortices for the understanding of the confining properties of SU(N) Yang-Mills theories is well established in the lattice. However, in the continuum, there is a problem concerning the relevance of center vortex backgrounds. They display the so called Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen instability, associated with a gyromagnetic ratio gm(b)=2g^{(b)}_m=2 for the off-diagonal gluons. In this work, we initially consider the usual definition of a {\it thin} center vortex and rewrite it in terms of a local color frame in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories. Then, we define a thick center vortex as a diagonal deformation of the thin object. Besides the usual thick background profile, this deformation also contains a frame defect coupled with gyromagnetic ratio gm(d)=1g^{(d)}_m=1, originated from the charged sector. As a consequence, the analysis of stability is modified. In particular, we point out that the defect should stabilize a vortex configuration formed by a pair of straight components separated by an appropriate finite distance.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Geodesic motion in the space-time of a cosmic string

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    We study the geodesic equation in the space-time of an Abelian-Higgs string and discuss the motion of massless and massive test particles. The geodesics can be classified according to the particles energy, angular momentum and linear momentum along the string axis. We observe that bound orbits of massive particles are only possible if the Higgs boson mass is smaller than the gauge boson mass, while massless particles always move on escape orbits. Moreover, neither massive nor massless particles can ever reach the string axis for non-vanishing angular momentum. We also discuss the dependence of light deflection by a cosmic string as well as the perihelion shift of bound orbits of massive particles on the ratio between Higgs and gauge boson mass and the ratio between symmetry breaking scale and Planck mass, respectively.Comment: 20 pages including 14 figures; v2: references added, discussion on null geodesics extended, numerical results adde

    The Regge Limit for Green Functions in Conformal Field Theory

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    We define a Regge limit for off-shell Green functions in quantum field theory, and study it in the particular case of conformal field theories (CFT). Our limit differs from that defined in arXiv:0801.3002, the latter being only a particular corner of the Regge regime. By studying the limit for free CFTs, we are able to reproduce the Low-Nussinov, BFKL approach to the pomeron at weak coupling. The dominance of Feynman graphs where only two high momentum lines are exchanged in the t-channel, follows simply from the free field analysis. We can then define the BFKL kernel in terms of the two point function of a simple light-like bilocal operator. We also include a brief discussion of the gravity dual predictions for the Regge limit at strong coupling.Comment: 23 pages 2 figures, v2: Clarification of relation of the Regge limit defined here and previous work in CFT. Clarification of causal orderings in the limit. References adde

    Cumulate causes for the low contents of sulfide-loving elements in the continental crust

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    Despite the economic importance of chalcophile (sulfide-loving) and siderophile (metal-loving) elements (CSEs), it is unclear how they become enriched or depleted in the continental crust, compared with the oceanic crust. This is due in part to our limited understanding of the partitioning behaviour of the CSEs. Here I compile compositional data for mid-ocean ridge basalts and subduction-related volcanic rocks. I show that the mantle-derived melts that contribute to oceanic and continental crust formation rarely avoid sulfide saturation during cooling in the crust and, on average, subduction-zone magmas fractionate sulfide at the base of the continental crust prior to ascent. Differentiation of mantle-derived melts enriches lower crustal sulfide- and silicate-bearing cumulates in some CSEs compared with the upper crust. This storage predisposes the cumulate-hosted compatible CSEs (such as Cu and Au) to be recycled back into the mantle during subduction and delamination, resulting in their low contents in the bulk continental crust and potentially contributing to the scarcity of ore deposits in the upper continental crust. By contrast, differentiation causes the upper oceanic and continental crust to become enriched in incompatible CSEs (such as W) compared with the lower oceanic and continental crust. Consequently, incompatible CSEs are predisposed to become enriched in subduction-zone magmas that contribute to continental crust formation and are less susceptible to removal from the continental crust via delamination compared with the compatible CSEs

    A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data.

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    A synthesis of phenotypic and quantitative genomic traits is provided for bacteria and archaea, in the form of a scripted, reproducible workflow that standardizes and merges 26 sources. The resulting unified dataset covers 14 phenotypic traits, 5 quantitative genomic traits, and 4 environmental characteristics for approximately 170,000 strain-level and 15,000 species-aggregated records. It spans all habitats including soils, marine and fresh waters and sediments, host-associated and thermal. Trait data can find use in clarifying major dimensions of ecological strategy variation across species. They can also be used in conjunction with species and abundance sampling to characterize trait mixtures in communities and responses of traits along environmental gradients