623 research outputs found

    Quartic Mass Corrections to RhadR_{had}

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    The influence of nonvanishing quark masses on the total cross section in electron positron collisions and on the ZZ decay rate is calculated. The corrections are expanded in m2/sm^2/s and \as. Methods similar to those applied for the quadratic mass terms allow to derive the corrections of order \as m^4/s^2 and \as^2m^4/s^2. Coefficients which depend logarithmically on m2/sm^2/s and which cannot be absorbed in a running quark mass arise in order \as^2. The implications of these results on electron positron annihilation cross sections at LEP and at lower energies in particular between the charm and the bottom threshold and for energies several GeV above the bbˉb\bar b threshold are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex (uses epsf.sty, figures appended as uuencoded ps- and eps-files). A complete postscript file, including figures, is available via anonymous ftp at ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de ( as /pub/ttp94-08/ttp94-08.ps, Local preprint# TTP94-0

    Quark and pion condensation in a chromomagnetic background field

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    The general features of quark and pion condensation in dense quark matter with flavor asymmetry have been considered at finite temperature in the presence of a chromomagnetic background field modelling the gluon condensate. In particular, pion condensation in the case of a constant abelian chromomagnetic field and zero temperature has been studied both analytically and numerically. Under the influence of the chromomagnetic background field the effective potential of the system is found to have a global minimum for a finite pion condensate even for small values of the effective quark coupling constant. In the strong field limit, an effective dimensional reduction has been found to take place.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    The Influence of an External Chromomagnetic Field on Color Superconductivity

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    We study the competition of quark-antiquark and diquark condensates under the influence of an external chromomagnetic field modelling the gluon condensate and in dependence on the chemical potential and temperature. As our results indicate, an external chromomagnetic field might produce remarkable qualitative changes in the picture of the color superconducting (CSC) phase formation. This concerns, in particular, the possibility of a transition to the CSC phase and diquark condensation at finite temperature.Comment: 27 pages, RevTex, 8 figures; the version accepted for the publication in PRD (few references added; new numerical results added; main conclusions are not changed

    Higgs Decay into Gluons up to O(\alpha_s^3 G_F m_t^2)

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    The decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson in the intermediate-mass range into gluons is considered where special emphasis is put on the influence of the leading electroweak corrections proportional to G_F m_t^2. An effective Lagrangian approach is used where the top quark is integrated out. The evaluation of the coefficient function is performed using two different methods. The first one is concerned with the direct evaluation of the vertex diagrams and the second method is based on a low-energy theorem. In a first step the tools needed for the computation are provided namely the renormalization constants of the QCD Lagrangian are computed up to O(\alpha_s^2 G_F m_t^2). Also the decoupling constants for the strong coupling constant \alpha_s and the light quark masses relating the quantities of the full theory to the corresponding quantities of the effective one are evaluated up to order \alpha_s^2 G_F m_t^2.Comment: 20 pages (revtex), 3 figure

    Wilson Fermions on a Transverse Lattice

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    In the light-front formulation of field theory, it is possible to write down a chirally invariant mass term. It thus appears as if one could solve the species doubling problem on a light-front quantized transverse lattice in a chirally invariant way. However, upon introducing link fields and after renormalizing, one finds exactly the same LF Hamiltonian as if one had started from the standard Wilson action in the first place. The (light-front) chirally invariant transverse lattice regularization is thus not chirally invariant in the conventional sense. As an application of the Wilson formulation for fermions on a \perp lattice, we calculate spectrum, distribution functions and distribution amplitudes for mesons below 2GeV2 GeV in a truncated Fock space.Comment: 14 pages, RevTe

    The Case for Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) promises secure key agreement by using quantum mechanical systems. We argue that QKD will be an important part of future cryptographic infrastructures. It can provide long-term confidentiality for encrypted information without reliance on computational assumptions. Although QKD still requires authentication to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, it can make use of either information-theoretically secure symmetric key authentication or computationally secure public key authentication: even when using public key authentication, we argue that QKD still offers stronger security than classical key agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; to appear in proceedings of QuantumComm 2009 Workshop on Quantum and Classical Information Security; version 2 minor content revision

    Low-Energy Universality in Atomic and Nuclear Physics

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    An effective field theory developed for systems interacting through short-range interactions can be applied to systems of cold atoms with a large scattering length and to nucleons at low energies. It is therefore the ideal tool to analyze the universal properties associated with the Efimov effect in three- and four-body systems. In this "progress report", we will discuss recent results obtained within this framework and report on progress regarding the inclusion of higher order corrections associated with the finite range of the underlying interaction.Comment: Commissioned article for Few-Body Systems, 47 pp, 16 fig

    Abelian-Projected Effective Gauge Theory of QCD with Asymptotic Freedom and Quark Confinement

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    We give an outline of a recent proof that the low-energy effective gauge theory exhibiting quark confinement due to magnetic monopole condensation can be derived from QCD without any specific assumption. We emphasize that the low-energy effective abelian gauge theories obtained here give the dual description of the same physics in the low-energy region. They show that the QCD vacuum is nothing but the dual (type II) superconductor.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, no figures, Talk given at YKIS'97, Non-perturbative QCD, Kyot

    Abelian-Projected Effective Gauge Theory of QCD with Asymptotic Freedom and Quark Confinement

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    Starting from SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions, we prove that the abelian-projected effective gauge theories are written in terms of the maximal abelian gauge field and the dual abelian gauge field interacting with monopole current. This is performed by integrating out all the remaining non-Abelian gauge field belonging to SU(2)/U(1). We show that the resulting abelian gauge theory recovers exactly the same one-loop beta function as the original Yang-Mills theory. Moreover, the dual abelian gauge field becomes massive if the monopole condensation occurs. This result supports the dual superconductor scenario for quark confinement in QCD. We give a criterion of dual superconductivity and point out that the monopole condensation can be estimated from the classical instanton configuration. Therefore there can exist the effective abelian gauge theory which shows both asymptotic freedom and quark confinement based on the dual Meissner mechanism. Inclusion of arbitrary number of fermion flavors is straightforward in this approach. Some implications to lower dimensional case will also be discussed.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, no figures, (2.2, 4.1, 4.3 are modified; 4.4, Appendices A,B,C and references are added. No change in conclusion