86 research outputs found

    The religious, secular and spiritual climate of higher education: Exploring Penn State’s Pasquerilla Center through case study

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    This dissertation study explored the campus climate of Penn State University for religious, secular, and spiritual identities through use of Strange and Banning’s Educating by Design theoretical framework. Specifically, it employed use of case study methodology to qualitatively examine how the Pasquerilla Center, the largest Multifaith Center in North America, as well as the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, engaged in providing institutional policies and practices that supported all forms of religious and non-religious identities. The study considered how constructivism affected perceptions of campus climate by students from Muslim, Jewish, Catholic Christian, and Protestant and Evangelical Christian religious identification. Four dimensions of campus climate-- physical environments, aggregated environments, constructed environments, and organizational environments provided the guiding framework from which the study was analyzed. The study revealed that while physical environments were effective in supporting certain identities, namely Muslim and Jewish students, other students found their campus experience to be less welcoming. Additionally, the presence of a physical environment, such as a multifaith center, may pacify the rest of the general campus from taking responsibility for supporting religious, secular, and spiritual identities. The study also revealed a general “interaction without intersection” of individuals across religious communities until the introduction of a campus staff/ administrator, and office and a specific focus was placed upon such intersections. The study offered several considerations regarding future research and policy and practice implication, including the need for more prayer and meditation spaces, kosher and halal dietary options, and in general more inclusive institutional policies related to religious holiday observances

    Dynamical decoupling of a qubit with always-on control fields

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    We consider dynamical decoupling schemes in which the qubit is continuously manipulated by a control field at all times. Building on the theory of the Uhrig Dynamical Decoupling sequence (UDD) and its connections to Chebyshev polynomials, we derive a method of always-on control by expressing the UDD control field as a Fourier series. We then truncate this series and numerically optimize the series coefficients for decoupling, constructing the CAFE (Chebyshev and Fourier Expansion) sequence. This approach generates a bounded, continuous control field. We simulate the decoupling effectiveness of our sequence vs. a continuous version of UDD for a qubit coupled to fully-quantum and semi-classical dephasing baths and find comparable performance. We derive filter functions for continuous-control decoupling sequences, and we assess how robust such sequences are to noise on control fields. The methods we employ provide a variety of tools to analyze continuous-control dynamical decoupling sequences.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    How to Enhance Dephasing Time in Superconducting Qubits

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    We theoretically investigate the influence of designed pulse sequences in restoring quantum coherence lost due to background noise in superconducting qubits. We consider both 1/f noise and Random Telegraph Noise, and show that the qubit coherence time can be substantially enhanced by carefully engineered pulse sequences. Conversely, the time dependence of qubit coherence under external pulse sequences could be used as a spectroscopic tool for extracting the noise mechanisms in superconducting qubits, i.e. by using Uhrig's pulse sequence one can obtain information about moments of the spectral density of noise. We also study the effect of pulse sequences on the evolution of the qubit affected by a strongly coupled fluctuator, and show that the non-Gaussian features in decoherence are suppressed by the application of pulses.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, extended version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Simulating chemistry efficiently on fault-tolerant quantum computers

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    Quantum computers can in principle simulate quantum physics exponentially faster than their classical counterparts, but some technical hurdles remain. Here we consider methods to make proposed chemical simulation algorithms computationally fast on fault-tolerant quantum computers in the circuit model. Fault tolerance constrains the choice of available gates, so that arbitrary gates required for a simulation algorithm must be constructed from sequences of fundamental operations. We examine techniques for constructing arbitrary gates which perform substantially faster than circuits based on the conventional Solovay-Kitaev algorithm [C.M. Dawson and M.A. Nielsen, \emph{Quantum Inf. Comput.}, \textbf{6}:81, 2006]. For a given approximation error Ï”\epsilon, arbitrary single-qubit gates can be produced fault-tolerantly and using a limited set of gates in time which is O(logâĄÏ”)O(\log \epsilon) or O(log⁥logâĄÏ”)O(\log \log \epsilon); with sufficient parallel preparation of ancillas, constant average depth is possible using a method we call programmable ancilla rotations. Moreover, we construct and analyze efficient implementations of first- and second-quantized simulation algorithms using the fault-tolerant arbitrary gates and other techniques, such as implementing various subroutines in constant time. A specific example we analyze is the ground-state energy calculation for Lithium hydride.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figure

    orbitize!: A Comprehensive Orbit-fitting Software Package for the High-contrast Imaging Community

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    orbitize! is an open-source, object-oriented software package for fitting the orbits of directly imaged objects. It packages the Orbits for the Impatient (OFTI) algorithm and a parallel-tempered Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm into a consistent and intuitive Python API. orbitize! makes it easy to run standard astrometric orbit fits; in less than 10 lines of code, users can read in data, perform one fit using OFTI and another using MCMC, and make two publication-ready figures. Extensive pedagogical tutorials, intended to be navigable by both orbit-fitting novices and seasoned experts, are available on our documentation page. We have designed the orbitize! API to be flexible and easy to use/modify for unique cases. orbitize! was designed by members of the exoplanet imaging community to be a central repository for algorithms, techniques, and know-how developed by this community. We intend for it to continue to expand and change as the field progresses and new techniques are developed, and call for community involvement in this process. Complete and up-to-date documentation is available at orbitize.info, and the source code is available at github.com/sblunt/orbitize

    Strategies for fitting nonlinear ecological models in R, AD Model Builder, and BUGS

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    Summary: 1. Ecologists often use nonlinear fitting techniques to estimate the parameters of complex ecological models, with attendant frustration. This paper compares three open-source model fitting tools and discusses general strategies for defining and fitting models. 2. R is convenient and (relatively) easy to learn, AD Model Builder is fast and robust but comes with a steep learning curve, while BUGS provides the greatest flexibility at the price of speed. 3. Our model-fitting suggestions range from general cultural advice (where possible, use the tools and models that are most common in your subfield) to specific suggestions about how to change the mathematical description of models to make them more amenable to parameter estimation. 4. A companion web site (https://groups.nceas.ucsb.edu/nonlinear-modeling/projects) presents detailed examples of application of the three tools to a variety of typical ecological estimation problems; each example links both to a detailed project report and to full source code and data

    Organic residues in archaeology - the highs and lows of recent research

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    YesThe analysis of organic residues from archaeological materials has become increasingly important to our understanding of ancient diet, trade and technology. Residues from diverse contexts have been retrieved and analysed from the remains of food, medicine and cosmetics to hafting material on stone arrowheads, pitch and tar from shipwrecks, and ancient manure from soils. Research has brought many advances in our understanding of archaeological, organic residues over the past two decades. Some have enabled very specific and detailed interpretations of materials preserved in the archaeological record. However there are still areas where we know very little, like the mechanisms at work during the formation and preservation of residues, and areas where each advance produces more questions rather than answers, as in the identification of degraded fats. This chapter will discuss some of the significant achievements in the field over the past decade and the ongoing challenges for research in this area.Full text was made available in the Repository on 15th Oct 2015, at the end of the publisher's embargo period
