45,645 research outputs found

    Investigating the tetraquark structure of the new mesons

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    Using the QCD sum rule approach we investigate the possible four-quark structure of the recently observed mesons DsJ+(2317)D_{sJ}^{+}(2317), firstly observed by BaBaR, X(3872), firstly observed by BELLE and D0∗0(2308)D_0^{*0}(2308) observed by BELLE. We use diquark-antidiquark currents and work in full QCD, without relying on 1/mc1/m_c expansion. Our results indicate that a four-quark structure is acceptable for these mesons.Comment: 4 pages 1 eps figure, proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Interactions (RETINHA-18) Sao Paulo-S

    A holographic proof of the strong subadditivity of entanglement entropy

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    When a quantum system is divided into subsystems, their entanglement entropies are subject to an inequality known as "strong subadditivity". For a field theory this inequality can be stated as follows: given any two regions of space AA and BB, S(A)+S(B)≥S(A∪B)+S(A∩B)S(A) + S(B) \ge S(A \cup B) + S(A \cap B). Recently, a method has been found for computing entanglement entropies in any field theory for which there is a holographically dual gravity theory. In this note we give a simple geometrical proof of strong subadditivity employing this holographic prescription.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Operational Entanglement Families of Symmetric Mixed N-Qubit States

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    We introduce an operational entanglement classification of symmetric mixed states for an arbitrary number of qubits based on stochastic local operations assisted with classical communication (SLOCC operations). We define families of SLOCC entanglement classes successively embedded into each other, we prove that they are of non-zero measure, and we construct witness operators to distinguish them. Moreover, we discuss how arbitrary symmetric mixed states can be realized in the lab via a one-to-one correspondence between well-defined sets of controllable parameters and the corresponding entanglement families.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published version, Phys. Rev. A, in pres

    Analysis of a convenient information bound for general quantum channels

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    Open questions from Sarovar and Milburn (2006 J.Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 8487) are answered. Sarovar and Milburn derived a convenient upper bound for the Fisher information of a one-parameter quantum channel. They showed that for quasi-classical models their bound is achievable and they gave a necessary and sufficient condition for positive operator-valued measures (POVMs) attaining this bound. They asked (i) whether their bound is attainable more generally, (ii) whether explicit expressions for optimal POVMs can be derived from the attainability condition. We show that the symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) quantum information is less than or equal to the SM bound, i.e.\ H(θ)≤CΥ(θ)H(\theta) \leq C_{\Upsilon}(\theta) and we find conditions for equality. As the Fisher information is less than or equal to the SLD quantum information, i.e. FM(θ)≤H(θ)F_M(\theta) \leq H(\theta), we can deduce when equality holds in FM(θ)≤CΥ(θ)F_M(\theta) \leq C_{\Upsilon}(\theta). Equality does not hold for all channels. As a consequence, the attainability condition cannot be used to test for optimal POVMs for all channels. These results are extended to multi-parameter channels.Comment: 16 pages. Published version. Some of the lemmas have been corrected. New resuts have been added. Proofs are more rigorou

    Overcoming a limitation of deterministic dense coding with a non-maximally entangled initial state

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    Under two-party deterministic dense-coding, Alice communicates (perfectly distinguishable) messages to Bob via a qudit from a pair of entangled qudits in pure state |Psi>. If |Psi> represents a maximally entangled state (i.e., each of its Schmidt coefficients is sqrt(1/d)), then Alice can convey to Bob one of d^2 distinct messages. If |Psi> is not maximally entangled, then Ji et al. [Phys. Rev. A 73, 034307 (2006)] have shown that under the original deterministic dense-coding protocol, in which messages are encoded by unitary operations performed on Alice's qudit, it is impossible to encode d^2-1 messages. Encoding d^2-2 is possible; see, e.g., the numerical studies by Mozes et al. [Phys. Rev. A 71, 012311 (2005)]. Answering a question raised by Wu et al. [Phys. Rev. A 73, 042311 (2006)], we show that when |Psi> is not maximally entangled, the communications limit of d^2-2 messages persists even when the requirement that Alice encode by unitary operations on her qudit is weakened to allow encoding by more general quantum operators. We then describe a dense-coding protocol that can overcome this limitation with high probability, assuming the largest Schmidt coefficient of |Psi> is sufficiently close to sqrt(1/d). In this protocol, d^2-2 of the messages are encoded via unitary operations on Alice's qudit, and the final (d^2-1)-th message is encoded via a (non-trace-preserving) quantum operation.Comment: 18 pages, published versio
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