45 research outputs found

    Reactions of iminophosphanes with chlorotris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I): generation and NMR identification of the first iminophosphanerhodium(I) and iminophosphanerhodium(III) complexes

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    Iminophosphanes [RO-P=NAr] (R = Me, 2-MeC6H4; Ar = 2,4,6-Bu'3C6H2) 1a,b react with RhClL3 (L = Ph3P) via ligand exchange to give KP-iminophosphane complexes of rhodium(i) [RhCl(MeOP=NAr)2L] 2 and [PhCl(2-MeC6H4OP=NAr)L2] 3. Under analogous conditions, P-halogenoiminophosphanes [X-P=NAr] (X = Cl, Br, I) 3a–c undergo a facile oxidative addition of the P-X bond, forming five-coordinate iminophosphanerhodium(III) complexes of composition [L2Cl(X)Rh(σ-P=BAr)] 5

    Coordination isomerism in pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-substituted iminophosphanes: from classical structures to a π-complexed iminophosphenium ion

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    Novel iminophosphanes of the type (Me5C5)P=NR [R = C6H2tBu3 (5a), Si-i-Pr3 (5b), SiMe3 (5c)] are prepared via either thermolytic or base-promoted elimination reactions and characterized by analytical and spectroscopic methods. The x-ray crystal structures of 5a,b establish the presence of coordination isomerism of the cyclopentadienyl ring, which at the same time strongly alters the characteristics of the P-N multiple bond. For 5a, η1-attachment of the Me5C5 moiety to the phosphorus and a localized phosphorus-carbon σ-bond are found, and the P-N double bond compares to that of alkylated iminophosphanes (rPN = 155.1 (8) pm). 5b exhibits η2-coordination of the cyclopentadienyl ring leading to increased P-N triple-bond character, as evidenced by shortening of the P-N distance (153.3 (3) pm) and the remarkable opening of the nitrogen valence angle (153.3 (2)°). The structure is discussed as an intramolecular π-complex between a formal cyclopentadienyl anion and an iminophosphenium cation. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra show that rapid elementotropic rearrangements around the five-membered ring take place both in solution and in the solid state. The unique temperature dependence of δ31P in solution together with the considerable differences in δ 31P between the solution and solid states are interpreted in a model assuming a "haptotropic" mechanism for the fluxionality involving dynamic η1/η2-coordination isomerizations in solution. As expected, nucleophilic displacement of the Me5C5 moiety takes place in the reaction of 5b,c with LiC6H2tBu3, yielding the iminophosphanes tBu3H2C6P=NR (R = Si-i-Pr3 (8b), SiMe3 (c)) as products

    Group Analytic Based Clinical Supervision

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    This article gives an overview of the reference theories underlying group analytic supervision and its clinical applications in medicine and psychotherapy. It begins with a historical approach to the term and its classification. The theoretical foundation is provided by the presentation of basic psycho-, group- and sociodynamic models and supervision concepts up to modern intersubjective and mentalisation-based approaches. Clinical implications of group analytic supervision are described in their functions and variants. Finally, the group-analytic Balint group is contrasted with group-analytic supervision in its different methodologies

    Mental health of people with thalidomide embryopathy Traumatic shadow of prenatal thalidomide exposure

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    Background Sixty years after prenatal thalidomide-induced damage, the clinical picture of people with disabilities caused by thalidomide is characterized by diverse biopsychosocial sequelae. Objective How can the high degree of mental health disorders that only become manifest in the second half of life be better understood? Material and method Literature review on the current status of empirical research with a discussion of further questions. Results People with the most severe thalidomide-induced disabilities showed a remarkable ability to compensate for their disabilities for decades. A very high level of education and good occupational and social integration were achieved over many years. In the more recent past, however, an increasing level of social disintegration has been observed. For the first time, a high rate of mental health disorders has been reported, accompanied by barriers in access to psychotherapeutic care. Conclusion The high incidence of mental health disorders in old age can be seen on the one hand as cases of multidimensional traumatization partly already acquired prenatally and on the other hand as a chronic selective disregard of the mental health dimension in favor of a single stigmatization. It is important not only for those directly affected that the case of thalidomide be retained in the collective memory

    Kommunikation mit depressiven Patienten

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    Der psychisch belastete Angehörige in der Intensivmedizin

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    Psychotraumatological aspects in intensive care medicine

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    In the context of intensive care medicine, patients, their relatives, and more infrequently members of the ICU team can be affected by potential trauma. Acute stress disorder often results. Psychological symptoms of critically ill patients should therefore be regularly screened in a standardized manner in order to be able to identify and treat patients with a high symptom burden. Some traumatic stressors in intensive care medicine can be reduced using trauma-sensitive communication. Psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions can complement this basic care. High quality communication with relatives contributes to a risk reduction with regard to their subsequent psychological stress. On the part of the ICU team, stress should be differentiated from potentially traumatizing events and both problem areas should be dealt with preventively. After experiencing a traumatic event during work, a procedure analogous to physical work accidents is recommended

    Psychotraumatological aspects in intensive care medicine

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    In the context of intensive care medicine, patients, their relatives, and more infrequently members of the ICU team can be affected by potential trauma. Acute stress disorder often results. Psychological symptoms of critically ill patients should therefore be regularly screened in a standardized manner in order to be able to identify and treat patients with a high symptom burden. Some traumatic stressors in intensive care medicine can be reduced using trauma-sensitive communication. Psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions can complement this basic care. High quality communication with relatives contributes to a risk reduction with regard to their subsequent psychological stress. On the part of the ICU team, stress should be differentiated from potentially traumatizing events and both problem areas should be dealt with preventively. After experiencing a traumatic event during work, a procedure analogous to physical work accidents is recommended

    Psychotraumatologie im Kontext der Intensivmedizin

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    Team-Aspekte in der Intensivmedizin

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