28 research outputs found

    Inheritance pattern of downy mildew resistance in advanced generations of sorghum

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    In a project aimed to incorporate downy mildew resistance into sorghum hybrid seed parents, we screened F4 and F5 families for resistance to the ICRISAT Centre isolate of the pathogen using a greenhouse seedling screening technique. The families originated from a cross of 296B (susceptible) and IS 18757 [(QL-3) resistant]. The F4s were obtained from agronomic selection in F2s and F3s, and the F5 families from advancing plants identified as resistant in segregating F4 families. The resistant plants were more than double the number of susceptible plants in the F4 and almost so in the F5 suggesting that resistance to downy mildew was dominant. Of the four genetic models examined (a single-locus model and three two-locus models with complementary, inhibitory, and a combination of complementary and inhibitory interactions), the two-locus model with independent segregation and a combination of complementary and inhibitory inter-allelic interaction appeared to be most appropriate in explaining the segregation patterns within and among F4 and F5 families. Accordingly, for resistance to P. sorghi, the suggested genotypes for IS 18757 is PlaPlaPlbPlb and for 296B is PlaPlaPlbPlb

    Case Report: Could topical epidermal growth factor be considered a new therapy for skin injuries in premature infants?

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    In this case report, we present the experience of a premature neonate born at 28 weeks of gestation who, following prolonged respiratory support, developed a pressure injury on the columella despite the implementation of all appropriate preventive techniques. This injury did not improve with standard therapies; therefore, it was necessary to apply a topical galenic therapy containing epidermal growth factor, resulting in complete healing of the lesion

    Poesía de sátira política y clandestina del Siglo de Oro. Antología esencial. Volumen I. Reinados de Felipe III y Felipe IV

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    En el marco del proyecto de investigación "La burla como diversión y arma social en el Siglo de Oro (II). Poesía política y clandestina. Recuperación patrimonial y contexto histórico y cultural" (AEI/FEDER, UE, PID2020-116009GB-I00), del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) del Gobierno de España, este volumen aborda el corpus correspondiente a los reinados de Felipe III y Felipe IV, ampliando sustancialmente el material disponible hasta el momento del abundante repertorio de la poesía clandestina y de sátira política del Siglo de Oro. Incluye esta entrega 381 poemas procedentes de numerosos manuscritos, acompañados de un aparato de notas que intenta aclarar las claves complejas de sus alusiones satíricas y precedidos de un estudio introductorio en el que, además de establecerse el estado de la cuestión sobre la materia, se ofrecen reflexiones teóricas sobre los criterios y retos de edición de este difícil y fascinante corpus de enorme interés literario, histórico, social y cultural