1,082 research outputs found

    Travelling waves in the cool flame regime

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    Hydrocarbon oxidation develops through a complex network of elementary steps. Depending on the initial thermodynamic conditions, different behaviours are observed ranging from slow combustion to hot ignition [1]. Chain reactions involving radicals, govern all the combustion processes. Most of the time, the operating kinetic mechanism can be approximated by a reduced kinetic scheme which is depending on the initial conditions. In an intermediate range of temperature, cool flames appear as a transition between slow combustion and hot ignition. The existence of cool flames is often associated with knocking is engines

    Kardar-Parisi-Zhang asymptotics for the two-dimensional noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    We study numerically the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation forced by external white noise in two space dimensions, that is a generic model for e.g. surface kinetic roughening in the presence of morphological instabilities. Large scale simulations using a pseudospectral numerical scheme allow us to retrieve Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) scaling as the asymptotic state of the system, as in the 1D case. However, this is only the case for sufficiently large values of the coupling and/or system size, so that previous conclusions on non-KPZ asymptotics are demonstrated as finite size effects. Crossover effects are comparatively stronger for the 2D case than for the 1D system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; supplemental material available at journal web page and/or on reques

    Faceted anomalous scaling in the epitaxial growth of semiconductor films

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    We apply the generic dynamical scaling theory (GDST) to the surfaces of CdTe polycrystalline films grown in glass substrates. The analysed data were obtained with a stylus profiler with an estimated resolution lateral resolution of lc=0.3ÎĽl_c=0.3 \mum. Both real two-point correlation function and power spectrum analyses were done. We found that the GDST applied to the surface power spectra foresees faceted morphology in contrast with the self-affine surface indicated by the local roughness exponent found via the height-height correlation function. This inconsistency is explained in terms of convolution effects resulting from the finite size of the probe tip used to scan the surfaces. High resolution AFM images corroborates the predictions of GDST.Comment: to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Effect of Hyperbaric Storage at Room Temperature on the Activity of Polyphenoloxidase in Model Systems and Fresh Apple Juice

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    The effect of hyperbaric storage (HS) on polyphenoloxidase activity (PPO) was studied in model solutions and apple juice. Model solutions containing increasing amounts of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) PPO (up to 26 U) were stored at room temperature at pressure up to 200 MPa. During HS, samples were assessed for residual PPO activity. The enzyme was completely inactivated according to a first-order kinetic model that was used to calculate PPO decimal reduction time (Dp) and pressure sensitivity (zp = 140.8 MPa) in diluted model solutions (2 U PPO). The increase in enzyme concentration (6–26 U) nullified the effect of HS, probably due to protein structure stabilization by self-crowding. The application of HS at 100 and 200 MPa to apple juice promoted a decrease in total bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and molds. These changes occurred in concomitance with the inactivation of PPO (zp = 227.3 MPa). At 200 MPa, PPO inactivation followed a biphasic first-order kinetic, suggesting the presence of PPO isozymes with different pressure sensitivity. The inactivation of PPO was observed to occur more rapidly with increasing storage pressure and led to the maintenance of the original bright juice color. This study proves the capability of HS to control enzyme-related quality decay in fruit juices and, potentially, in many other food matrices suffering enzymatic alteration

    HMM-Based tracking of moving terminals in dense multipath indoor environments

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    This paper deals with the problem of radio localization of moving terminals (MTs) for indoor applications with mixed line-of sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) conditions. To reduce false localizations, a Bayesian approach is proposed to estimate the MT position. The tracking algorithm is based on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that permits to jointly track both the MT position and the sight condition. Numerical results show that the proposed HMM method improves the localization accuracy in LOS/NLOS indoor environments

    Refractive elastic scattering of carbon and oxygen nuclei: The mean field analysis and Airy structures

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    The experimental data on the 16^{16}O+12+^{12}C and 18^{18}O+12+^{12}C elastic scatterings and their optical model analysis are presented. Detailed and complete elastic angular distributions have been measured at the Strasbourg Vivitron accelerator at several energies covering the energy range between 5 and 10 MeV per nucleon. The elastic scattering angular distributions show the usual diffraction pattern and also, at larger angles, refractive effects in the form of nuclear rainbow and associated Airy structures. The optical model analysis unambiguously shows the evolution of the refractive scattering pattern. The observed structure, namely the Airy minima, can be consistently described by a nucleus-nucleus potential with a deep real part and a weakly absorptive imaginary part. The difference in absorption in the two systems is explained by an increased imaginary (mostly surface) part of the potential in the 18^{18}O+12+^{12}C system. The relation between the obtained potentials and those reported for the symmetrical 16^{16}O+16+^{16}O and 12^{12}C+12+^{12}C systems is drawn.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Phys. rev. C in pres

    Modeling the effect of the oxidation status of the ingredient oil on stability and shelf life of low-moisture bakery products: The case study of crackers

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    In packed low-moisture foods such as crackers, oxidation is generally the main cause of quality depletion during storage. It is commonly believed, but scarcely investigated, that product shelf life depends on the oxidative status of the lipid ingredients. In this study, the influence of oxidation degree of the ingredient sunflower oil on cracker oxidative stability and hence shelf life was investigated. To this aim, oil with increasing peroxide values (PVs) (5, 11, and 25 mEqO2/kgoil) was used to prepare crackers. Just after production, crackers presented similar peroxide and rancid odor intensity, probably due to the interactive pathways of oxidative and Maillard reactions. Crackers were packed and analyzed for PV and rancid odor during storage at 20, 40, and 60 \u25e6C. Rancid odor well discriminated cracker oxidative status. Relevant oxidation rates were used to develop a shelf life predictive model based on the peroxide value of the ingredient oil. It was estimated that an oil PV from 5 to 15 mEqO2/kgoil shortens cracker Shelf Life (SL) by 50%, independently of storage temperature. These results demonstrate the critical impact of ingredient quality on product performance on the market

    Modulation of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Digestibility through Oleogelation

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    Background. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) represents a key player in the Mediterranean diet for its health-promoting capacity. Although its use as a functional ingredient would be particularly interesting, the direct addition of EVOO to food is challenging due to its liquid state. EVOO conversion into a solid-like material through by oleogelation could enlarge its possible applications. Methods. EVOO was gelled by adding 10% (w/w) of saturated monoglycerides (MG), rice bran waxes (RW), sunflower waxes (SW) or a β-sitosterol/γ-oryzanol mixture (PS). Oleogels were characterised for their structure and subjected to static in vitro digestion. The fatty acid release and destructuring behavior were assessed. Results. The resulting oleogels differed for rheological properties and firmness due to the differences in gel network structure. PS oleogel was the firmest sample followed by SW, RW and MG ones. During in vitro digestion, the fatty acid release was significantly lower for all oleogels compared to unstructured oil. The different network provided by the four oleogelators not only influenced FA release, but also the intestinal micellar size. Conclusion. Acquired results could open new horizons for EVOO application through oleogelation to obtain novel EVOO-based fat replacers and better deliver the EVOO health functionalities
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