40 research outputs found


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    This paper represents a part of the authors’ contribution to a study developed under the auspices of the European Institute in Romania included in the “Pre-Accession Impact Studies - PAIS II” series, funded by a Phare project. The study combines the aspects related to mechanisms, legislation, institutional and behavioural challenges with the quantitative and qualitative estimations of the external migration effects, in accordance with Romania’s preparations for accession to the EU. The main conclusion pointed out by the analysis of the institutional issues is that so far the measures which are adopted in Romania with regard to both legislation and institutional framework are rather reactive, aiming to ensure the adjustment to the EU requirements, than to design and follow a national migration policy with clear objectives. As it completes the creation of the legal-institutional framework according to the EU standards, Romania will concentrate on designing its own migration policy, convergent with those existing at European level. Moreover, the elaboration and adoption of laws, the creation of institutions, the development of corresponding strategies and policies represent major components of this process, but their success cannot be separated from the manner in which the involved actors –governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations, mass-media, communities, individuals – respond to the so-called “behavioural challenges”, related to participation, communication, mentalities and attitudes. The paper is organized as follows: first, an analysis of the integration mechanisms is provided, focusing on migration flows, specific mechanisms and institutional-legislative framework created in Romania for external migration administration. Second, the inquiry into the social-cultural dimension highlights the migrant’s profile (emigrant, immigrant), the issues related to the integration within the host country and the phenomenon perception by public opinion and mass-media. The entire paper supports the idea that with a careful, objective vision and proper management the future national migration policy may become a major catalyst, able to enhance a new economic prosperity in Romania.


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    In Romania the economically efficient irrigated area is estimated at 3.5 million hectares. On national scale there is nointegrated approach for monitoring the quantity and quality of the irrigation water, using adequate equipment at thepumping station. On international scale, in many countries the pumping stations are provided with equipment formonitoring, on real time, the quality or the pumped water and for warning about critical situations (emergencies).This paper describes a technical solution consisting of equipment which monitors the following parameters of waterpumped in irrigation systems: turbidity, pH, CE at 25 o C, Na+, Cl-. The lapse of time for monitoring is of 10 to 60 min.The main components are the following: the sampling pump (submersible) the monitoring board, the repression pipe ofthe analyzed water. Warnings are made about values exceeding the programmed level for each monitored parameter,about the fact that the pump and agitator do not work or about any other source of damage.The technical solution and equipment were tested at a pumping station which uses water from Danube, in most casesmixed with water originating from drainage. Results showed a reduction of the total content of soluble salts from soiland of their negative impact upon the crops, a reduction of the degree of river alluvial deposits within the irrigationsystem and reduction of the energetic consumption required for pumping

    Studies regarding the technique used for applying fertirrigation on agricultural crops

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    Fertirrigation, modern concept of agricultural technique, is the method by which fertilizing substances are distributed to plants simultaneously with irrigation water. The main advantages of this method arise from the following aspects: it replaces the traditional system of administering chemical fertilizers, which implies the existence of complex machine systems, significant consumption of energy and labour, low coefficient of uniformity of distribution, removal from the crop of plants trampled by the wheels of machinery involved in this technology; it facilitates fast access of fertilizing substances to the plant root system, in convenient time, better valorification of them; studies previously carried out have found that in a classic system of fertilization in normal years in terms of rainfall plants capitalize about 65% of nutrients applied as fertilizer, while in years with drought they can only capitalize 40%; they avoid the phenomenon of lingering of chemical fertilizers to the soil surface (implicitly, losses of active substance through evaporation), long direct contact of them with the leaf system of plants; it allows very accurate dosing of nutrient solution components, depending on the nutritional requirements of plants as determined by chemical analysis of soil; technical solution adopted to develop the equipment for injection of fertilizing substance in irrigation water, in shape of a double membrane displacement pump, ensures proportionality of the injected flow with the flow inside the irrigation installation; the driving fluid that actuates the shaft of the pump, mounted in parallel with the main circuit of the irrigation installation, is represented by water taken from the supply pipe of this pump; overpressure required for the injection of nutrient solution in the same pipe is achieved by adopting the principle of difference in surface between driving chamber and injection chamber; linking between the technical elements of irrigation and the technical elements of fertirrigation, allows that, at the end of watering, when reaching the depth of penetration of water into the area of predominant development of plant root system, to administer all of the necessary plant nutrient solution, as determined in correlation with the state of growing of the crop

    The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005

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    The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005 ISSN 1583 - 199X EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, 2005 The British Coucil in Bucharest and The School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), within the West University of Timisoara, edited The Romanian Journal of European Studies - special issue on migration and mobility (Guest editor: Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany; contact: [email protected]). For more information or to obtain a printed copy, please contact Mr. Dan MOGA, at SISEC (E-mail: [email protected]) CONTENTS: Foreword; Grigore Silasi ... page 5 Editorial; Martin Geiger ... pages 7 - 8 Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space; Paolo Ruspini ... pages 9 - 18 Managing Migration for an Enlarging Europe - Inter-governmental Organizations and the Governance of the Migration Flows; Martin Geiger ... pages 19 - 30 Balkan Migrations and The European Union: Patterns and Trends; Martin Baldwin-Edwards ... pages 31 - 43 Workers' Mobility': Europe's Integration and Second Thoughts; Peter van Krieken ... pages 45 - 53 Romania's External Migration in the Context of Accesion to the EU: Mechanisms, Institutions and Social-Cultural Issues; Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela-Luminita Constantin ... pages 55 - 63 Migrations et incidence sur la rĂ©partition spatiale de la population en Roumanie au niveau national et rĂ©gional; Vasile Ghetau ... pages 65 - 8

    Special Issue - Six articles on immigration policy.

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    The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005 ISSN 1583 - 199X. EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, 2005 The British Coucil in Bucharest and The School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), within the West University of Timisoara, edited The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005 - special issue on migration and mobility (Guest editor: Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany; contact: [email protected]). CONTENTS: Foreword; Grigore Silasi ... page 5 Editorial; Martin Geiger ... pages 7 - 8 Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space; Paolo Ruspini ... pages 9 - 18 Managing Migration for an Enlarging Europe - Inter-governmental Organizations and the Governance of the Migration Flows; Martin Geiger ... pages 19 - 30 Balkan Migrations and The European Union: Patterns and Trends; Martin Baldwin-Edwards ... pages 31 - 43 Workers' Mobility': Europe's Integration and Second Thoughts; Peter van Krieken ... pages 45 - 53 Romania's External Migration in the Context of Accesion to the EU: Mechanisms, Institutions and Social-Cultural Issues; Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela-Luminita Constantin ... pages 55 - 63 Migrations et incidence sur la rĂ©partition spatiale de la population en Roumanie au niveau national et rĂ©gional; Vasile Ghetau ... pages 65 - 8


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    This work represents a brief version of the research devoted to the migration phenomenon in the context of Romania’s accession to the European Union, as Study no. 5, included in the PAIS II project. The complexity of such issue has necessarily induced an inter-disciplinary approach that mainly includes an institutional-legislative dimension, a sociological dimension and an economic-statistical dimension, the last one representing the paper’s distinctive note, since it particularly contributes to th

    Experimental Evaluation of 65Zn Decorporation Kinetics Following Rapid and Delayed Zn-DTPA Interventions in Rats. Biphasic Compartmental and Square-Root Law Mathematical Modeling

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    The decorporation kinetics of internal radionuclide contamination is a long-term treatment raising modeling, planning, and managing problems, especially in the case of late intervention when the radiotoxic penetrated the deep compartments. The decorporation effectiveness of the highly radiotoxic 65ZnCl2 by Zn-DTPA (dosed at 3.32 mg and 5 mg/0.25 mL/100 g body weight) was investigated in Wistar male rats over a ten-day period under various treatments (i.e., as a single dose before contamination; as a single dose before and 24 h after contamination; and as daily administrations for five consecutive days starting on day 12 after contamination). The radioactivity was measured using the whole-body counting method. Mono- and bi-compartmental decorporation kinetics models proved applicable in the case of a rapid intervention. It was found that a diffusion model of the radionuclide from tissues to blood better describes the decorporation kinetics after more than ten days post treatment, and the process has been mathematically modeled as a diffusion from an infinite reservoir to a semi-finite medium. The mathematical solution led to a square-root law for describing the 65Zn decorporation. This law predicts a slower release than exponential or multiexponential equations, and could better explain the very long persistence of radionuclides in the living body. Splitting data and modeling in two steps allows a better understanding, description and prediction of the evolution of contamination, a separate approach to the treatment schemes of acute and chronic contamination

    In Vitro–In Vivo Correlations Based on In Vitro Dissolution of Parent Drug Diltiazem and Pharmacokinetics of Its Metabolite

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    In this study a novel type of in vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC) is proposed: The correlation of the in vitro parent drug dissolution data with the in vivo pharmacokinetic data of drug’s metabolite after the oral administration of the parent drug. The pharmacokinetic data for the parent drug diltiazem (DTZ) and its desacetyl diltiazem metabolite (DTZM) were obtained from an in vivo study performed in 19 healthy volunteers. The pharmacokinetics of the parent drug and its metabolite followed a pseudomono-compartmental model and deconvolution of the DTZ or DTZM plasma concentration profiles was performed with a Wagner–Nelson-type equation. The calculated in vivo absorption fractions were correlated with the in vitro DTZ dissolution data obtained with USP 2 apparatus. A linear IVIVC was obtained for both DTZ and DTZM, with a better correlation observed for the case of the metabolite. This type of correlation of the in vitro data of the parent compound with the in vivo data of the metabolite could be useful for the development of drugs with active metabolites and prodrugs


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    Over the last few years, prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases experienced an important development. Overall survival of patients with congenital heart disease was improved in the last decade due to the advanced diagnostic methods and progression of cardiovascular surgical procedures in this field. Due to the significant increase of the long-term survival rate, currently, in most developed countries, there are departments dedicated to monitoring the adults with congenital heart malformation due to the particularities and special needs of this type of patients, compared with the regular cardiac pathology of adults. This article proposes a review of existing data at this moment related to the prenatal and postnatal diagnosis and their impact on the evolution regarding the most common cyanotic congenital malformation – Tetralogy of Fallot. In the following pages, we is emphasize the importance of knowing the precise fetal pathology for early determination of medical behavior in the postnatal period for the best care of these children


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    În ultimii ani, diagnosticul prenatal al malformaƣiilor de cord a cunoscut o dezvoltare importantă. Supravietuirea globală a pacienƣilor cu malformaƣii congenitale de cord s-a ümbunătăƣit ün ultima decadă, datorită diversificării atñt a metodelor de diagnostic, cñt Ɵi a celor de chirurgie cardiovasculară pe această arie de interes. Ca urmare a creƟterii semnificative a supravieƣuirii pe termen lung, ün prezent, ün majoritatea ƣărilor dezvoltate există departamente dedicate monitorizării adulƣilor cu malformaƣii congenitale de cord, datorită particularităƣilor Ɵi nevoilor speciale ale acestui tip de pacienƣi, ün comparaƣie cu patologia cardiacă dobñndită a adultului. Articolul de faƣă üƟi propune o trecere ün revistă a datelor existente pñnă la acest moment legate de diagnosticul prenatal Ɵi impactul acestuia asupra evoluƣiei postnatale ün ceea ce priveƟte cea mai frecventă malformaƣie congenitală cianogenă, Ɵi anume Tetralogia Fallot. În cele ce urmează, reiterăm importanƣa cunoaƟterii cu exactitate a patologiei fetale prenatale pentru stabilirea din timp a conduitei medicale postnatale pentru copiii cu acest tip de malformaƣie