248 research outputs found

    Aunt Susan and the Alarm Clock

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    Ok well in high school you know I went to early morning seminary and Susan usually she\u27d go after school to seminary and but every once in awhile she would cause she was in band she\u27d have to go to practice or something after school and so she\u27d go to early morning seminary on those days and she\u27d set an alarm clock you know for like 4:30 so she\u27d have enough time to get her hair ready and makeup on and everything and she\u27s let ring until she woke up the whole house before she\u27d finally wake up and turn it off. So I thought well I\u27ll fix this and so she had an alarm clock radio and so I found the loudest station I could and then I cranked up the volume as high as it could go and so she set her alarm for the day she had to get up and it rang it was this really loud noise and I woke up and I realized it was coming from Susan\u27s bedroom cause I was in the adjacent bedroom and it startled me and then I remembered what I had done and I was like I kinda smiled and laughed and laid back down but that was the fastest she ever turned off her alarm clock and she still remembers that story to this day [laughs] that experience [laughs

    Dragonflies and Swimming

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    [Me]: So do you want to tell me a little bit about the dragonfly story you were telling me earlier? [Kay]: Ok so when I was younger my grandparents would tell me that I needed to swim and they threatened all the children to ugh catch a dragonfly they\u27ll use the dragonfly and put it on your belly button and let it bite us until we could swim and [pauses] I am terrified until now about dragonflies [laughs] [Me]: you don\u27t like dragonflies? [Kay]: I don\u27t like dragonflies. ye

    Ghost Warnings

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    [Kay]: Ok so this next story is basically an eerie type of ghost story which um my grandparents told me. a lot of things come from my grandparents because they\u27re freakin cool [smiles] anyway um so we have a saying where if you ever see a ghost or a relative like especially like a dead relative as a ghost ever in your life that means that they are warning you or you\u27re life is near end. it\u27s just kind of creepy and the eery thing about it is that they will just look at you I don\u27t know I think it\u27s [pauses] I\u27m not sure if they look at you like they appear near the nighttime or daytime it just [pauses] my grandparents just say like if you ever see a ghost um [pauses] that they\u27re warning you about something or your life is about to end and that\u27s usually with dead relatives but if you see a stranger ghost ugh either they\u27re warning you about something evil or you\u27re going to die basically the same thing or they\u27re like trying to haunt you or something like that. it\u27s kind of interesting [Me]: So if nothing\u27s wrong you can\u27t see ghosts? [Kay]: Um. yea I don\u27t know about that it\u27s just they tell me that if you ever see a ghost then they\u27re warning you about something ugh which is kinda creepy and I don\u27t like ghosts [laughs

    Ghost Warnings

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    [Kay]: Ok so this next story is basically an eerie type of ghost story which um my grandparents told me. a lot of things come from my grandparents because they\u27re freakin cool [smiles] anyway um so we have a saying where if you ever see a ghost or a relative like especially like a dead relative as a ghost ever in your life that means that they are warning you or you\u27re life is near end. it\u27s just kind of creepy and the eery thing about it is that they will just look at you I don\u27t know I think it\u27s [pauses] I\u27m not sure if they look at you like they appear near the nighttime or daytime it just [pauses] my grandparents just say like if you ever see a ghost um [pauses] that they\u27re warning you about something or your life is about to end and that\u27s usually with dead relatives but if you see a stranger ghost ugh either they\u27re warning you about something evil or you\u27re going to die basically the same thing or they\u27re like trying to haunt you or something like that. it\u27s kind of interesting [Me]: So if nothing\u27s wrong you can\u27t see ghosts? [Kay]: Um. yea I don\u27t know about that it\u27s just they tell me that if you ever see a ghost then they\u27re warning you about something ugh which is kinda creepy and I don\u27t like ghosts [laughs

    “We’re Off” Saying

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    Umm I can\u27t remember where I heard it but I heard it somewhere and then I don\u27t know if it was off a movie or something actually later on after I had been saying it for a while we saw a movie and you know it had it in there saying we\u27re off like a dirty shirt [laughs] and I like to say it to mom I can\u27t but anyway I just one time when we were going on a trip when we were first married I said we\u27re off, like a dirty shirt you know and I got to get a reaction she didn\u27t really like it and so I just it kind of became a way to tease her a little bit and I\u27d say after the first few times I just stopped saying the last part of it and I\u27d just say we\u27re off and then I\u27d look at her and [laughs] and she would give me one of those looks like you do that on purpose cause the rest just goes through my mind you know and so it was just it kind of became a standing joke when we were going on a trip you know usually it was when I would say it like we\u27re off and then I\u27d look at her and she would remember the rest part of i

    Ghost Bites

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    [Kay]: Ok so when I was younger and my grandparents still raised me there was a saying where when we wake up to random bruises it\u27s called ghost bites in translation and basically we don\u27t know where the bruises come from and so that\u27s why we call it ghost bites because you sleep and then you wake up with bruises like somewhere strange so that\u27s our thing about ghost bites [Me]: Was it just your grandparents or your parents that said it or do you know if other families said it? [Kay]: I asked my friend about it too and she said that she did hear about that\u27s what they also called it in their family but in her version, she said like if you get it after 12 pm but in my family it\u27s after you wake up from sleeping [Me]: was it originally in Vietnamese? [Kay]: It\u27s called Ma cáșŻn which basically translates to ghost bites My grandma gets it all the time that\u27s why [Me]: So did she only tell it to you guys when you were kids or is it something she would still tell to you now? [Kay]: yea she only says it when she gets like weird or random bruises and she\u27d always joke about it so [Me]: Does it have to be at night or could it be during the day? [Kay]: it\u27s at night because we don\u27t see ghosts but that\u27s a different story but basically when it\u27s daylight you would know how you got your bruise most likely cause you can see it but at night you wouldn\u27t even know what happens cause you\u27re sleeping and you get random bruises so they just blame it on the excuse of having like ghost bites and that\u27s just bruisin

    Giving Children a Voice: Children’s Perceptions of Pain and Pain Management within the Paediatric Emergency Department

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    Using the draw write and tell technique children’s experiences of pain in a hospital emergency department were explored. Transcripts from 15 children were analysed and two main themes identified; ‘My Pain’ and ‘Comfort and relief’. Findings highlighted the importance of fostering a sense of security for children in pain and identified their capacity to contribute to managing their pain. Nurses need to pay attention to the psychosocial dimensions of pain and incorporate non-pharmacological strategies

    Food on a Stick

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    [Me]: So do you want to tell me the food on a stick? [John]: Well that started from our friends actually where I started saying it was from it was after you know we went over to our friends the Masciantoni’s we went there for dinner and they had kabobs and john masciantoni said everything I put on a stick you know my kids will like it. So you put meat and vegetables on a stick and cook it they like it. so then I just started joking about food on you know stick or breakfast on a stick pancakes, toast, scrambled eggs or sometimes even talking about putting tuna on a stick things that aren\u27t really practical [laughs] [Me]: You used to come up with weird food combinations to put on a stick didn\u27t you? [John]: Yea I\u27d come up with different things and sometimes I\u27d just a lot of times it was just to be silly and see if I could get you to laugh or get people to laugh in the family. and a lot of times people would say Dad! [laughs] no one really liked my ideas so [laughs

    A Systematic Literature Review Of School Leadership Intelligences For The Development Of Neuro-Educational Leadership

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    The purpose of this study was to systematically examine primary research about the integration of school leadership intelligence and effective leadership practices. Neuroscience as it relates to school leadership is an emerging topic in the field of education. The conceptual framework for this study was focused on three areas of intelligences and their relationship to applied neuroscience. The theoretical foundations were derived from Goleman’s emotional intelligence, Glasser’s conversational intelligence, Ang and Van Dyne’s cultural intelligence, and Thorndike and Stein’s social intelligence. The theoretical underpinnings for each intelligence was aligned to Rock’s SCARF Model (status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, fairness). A systematic literature review was conducted to draw conclusions of how the principles of neuroscience, leadership practices, and theories of intelligence could explain the importance of an individual’s SCARF position for overall effectiveness. The researcher describes the relationship between leadership effectiveness and school leadership intelligence and its role in increasing employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. Keyword searches in databases and educational journals were used to narrow the primary research meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A content analysis method from Rock’s SCARF Model was used to code the content and conduct the analysis. Conclusions were drawn using research findings on neural networks for problem solving and decision making, emotion regulation, facilitating change, and influencing and collaborating with individuals
