1 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of Pregnancy and estrogen enhance neural progenitor-cell proliferation in the vomeronasal sensory epithelium

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    Excel workbook containing the mapping statistics of the RNAseq data for each sample, along with the accession numbers for the raw data; the normalized counts for the whole transcriptome; the differential expression analysis between the pregnant and control samples; the gene ontology categories significantly overrepresented in the differentially expressed genes; the normalized counts for the VR genes, accounting for total VSN number; and the differential expression analysis on the VR genes only, after normalization for VSN number, between the pregnant and control samples. The column ‘length’ corresponds to the total exonic bases in all transcripts from the gene. For the differential expression sheets, the columns contain the following data: ‘baseMean’, corresponds to the mean normalized expression value for the gene across all samples; ‘log2FoldChange’, is the fold change between the pregnant and control samples, log2 transformed; ‘lfcSE’, corresponds to the standard error associated with the fold change estimation; ‘stat’, is the Wald statistic; ‘pvalue’ is the P value of the test; and ‘padj’ is the P value after adjusting for multiple testing (Benjamini-Hochberg). Genes that have both their ‘pvalue’ and ‘padj’ set to NA contain outliers; genes with only their ‘padj’ set to NA were filtered prior to the test because their normalized counts were too low. (XLSX 11150 kb