1 research outputs found

    Ecologia de la germinaci贸 de dues esp猫cies del litoral roc贸s de les Balears: Beta maritima L. ssp. marcosii A. Juan & M. B. Crespo versus Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima Arcang

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    [cat] Beta maritima L. ssp. marcosii A. Juan & M. B. Crespo i Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima Arcang. s贸n dos t脿xons de litoral roc贸s. El primer, de redu茂da distribuci贸, 茅s un endemisme dels illots d鈥橢ivissa, les Piti眉ses i alguns illots de Cabrera; en canvi, B. vulgaris ssp. maritima t茅 una distribuci贸 molt 脿mplia, oest i sud d'Europa, sudoest i sud d'脌sia, nord d'脌firca i Macaron猫sia En aquest treball s鈥檋a estudiat l鈥檈cologia de la germinaci贸 dels dos t脿xons, a partir de "catoclesios" (unitats de dispersi贸) procedents de poblacions de S鈥橢spartar, Cala Comte i Es Cavall d鈥檈n Borr脿s, totes elles a les Piti眉ses. En concret, s鈥檋a estudiat la capacitat de germinaci贸 dels dos t脿xons despr茅s de diferents temps de submersi贸 en aigua del mar per inferir la capacitat de dispersi贸 per aquest medi, la capacitat de germinaci贸 en diferents concentracions salines, la recuperaci贸 i l鈥檃fectaci贸 que ha sofert cadascun dels dos t脿xons. Alhora s鈥檋a avaluat la germinaci贸 en pres猫ncia de nitrat per veure quin efecte t茅 en relaci贸 amb la salinitat. Els resultats revelen que els dos t脿xons tenen capacitat de dispersi贸 a trav茅s del medi mar铆 i que els dos t脿xons s贸n nitr貌fils (germinen m茅s amb nitrat), ja que el nitrat ajuda a la germinaci贸 en concentracions salines m茅s elevades, gr脿cies a la reducci贸 de l鈥檃fectaci贸 que t茅 la sal sobre les dues esp猫cies. En relaci贸 amb l鈥檃fectaci贸, els resultats reflecteixen que t茅 un efecte osm貌tic i tamb茅 toxicitat i貌nica sobre les dues esp猫cies. De manera que amb rentat (pluja postdispersi贸) possibilita la germinaci贸, sobretot en concentracions salines baixes. Atenent als resultats es pot afirmar que s贸n dues esp猫cies nitr貌files i que tenen gran capacitat de dispersi贸 per mar. Per tant, d鈥檃cord amb la capacitat de dispersi贸 pel mar, Beta maritima ssp. marcosii podria tenir una distribuci贸 molt m茅s 脿mplia de la que es coneix actualment.[eng] Beta maritima L. ssp. marcosii A. Juan & M. B. Crespo i Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima Arcang. are two rocky littoral species. The former taxon has a narrow distributional area as it is endemic to the islets of Ibiza, Piti眉ses and some islets of Cabrera. In contrast, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima covers a wider distributional area, since it can be found in western and southern Europe, in the south and south-west of Asia, in nothern Africa, and Macronesia. This study deals with the ecology of the germination of the two taxa by using glomeruli (units of dispersion) from populations of S'Espartar, Cala Comte and Es Cavall d'en Borr脿s, all of them located in the Piti眉ses. Specifically, the germination capacity of the two taxa after different immersion times in seawater has been studied to infer the dispersal capacity through this medium. Furthermore, the germination capacity in different saline concentrations, the recovery, and the affectation experienced by each taxon have also been examined. At the same time, germination in the presence of nitrate has been evaluated to test the effect on salinity. Results reveal that both taxa have the ability to disperse through seawater.Thus, it can be stated that both taxa are nitrophilic (i.e., higher germination rates were observed under nitrate conditions, as nitrate aids germination in higher salt concentrations by reducing the effect that salt has on both taxa. In relation to affectation, results reflect have an osmotic effect as well as ionic toxicity on both taxa, since washing (i.e., simulating post-dispersal rain) allows germination especially in low salt concentrations. In light of these results, it can be inferred that they are two nitrophilic taxa with a great dispersal capacity through seawater.Therefore, this study proves that Beta maritima subsp. marcosii may have a much wider distribution than is currently documented