175 research outputs found

    (DH) Noise and Signal scaling factors in Digital Holography in week illumination: relationship with Shot Noise

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    We have performed off axis heterodyne holography with very weak illumination by recording holograms of the object with and without object illumination in the same acquisition run. We have experimentally studied, how the reconstructed image signal (with illumination) and noise background (without) scale with the holographic acquisition and reconstruction parameters that are the number of frames, and the number of pixels of the reconstruction spatial filter. The first parameter is related to the frequency bandwidth of detection in time, the second one to the bandwidth in space. The signal to background ratio varies roughly like the inverse of the bandwidth in time and space. We have also compared the noise background with the theoretical shot noise background calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. The experimental and Monte Carlo noise background agree very well together

    Phase-resolved heterodyne holographic vibrometry with a strobe local oscillator

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    We report a demonstration of phase-resolved vibrometry, in which out-of-plane sinusoidal motion is assessed by heterodyne holography. In heterodyne holography, the beam in the reference channel is an optical local oscillator (LO). It is frequency-shifted with respect to the illumination beam to enable frequency conversion within the sensor bandwidth. The proposed scheme introduces a strobe LO, where the reference beam is frequency-shifted and modulated in amplitude, to alleviate the issue of phase retrieval. The strobe LO is both tuned around the first optical modulation side band at the vibration frequency, and modulated in amplitude to freeze selected mechanical vibration states sequentially. The phase map of the vibration can then be derived from the demodulation of successive vibration states

    Holographic microscopy reconstruction in both object and image half spaces with undistorted 3D grid

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    We propose an holographic microscopy reconstruction method, which propagates the hologram, in the object half space, in the vicinity of the object. The calibration yields reconstructions with an undistorted reconstruction grid i.e. with orthogonal xx, yy and zz axis and constant pixels pitch. The method is validated with an USAF target imaged by a Ă—\times60 microscope objective, whose holograms are recorded and reconstructed for different USAF locations along the longitudinal axis: -75 to +75 ÎĽ\mum. Since the reconstruction numerical phase mask, the reference phase curvature and MO form an afocal device, the reconstruction can be interpreted as occurring equivalently in the object or in image half space

    High numerical aperture holographic microscopy reconstruction with extended z range

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    An holographic microscopy reconstruction method compatible with high numerical aperture microscope objective (MO) up to NA=1.4 is proposed. After off axis and reference field curvature corrections, and after selection of the +1 grating order holographic image, a phase mask that transforms the optical elements of the holographic setup into an afocal device is applied in the camera plane. The reconstruction is then made by the angular spectrum method. The field is first propagated in the image half space from the camera to the afocal image of the MO optimal plane (plane for which MO has been designed) by using a quadratic kernel. The field is then propagated from the MO optimal plane to the object with the exact kernel. Calibration of the reconstruction is made by imaging a calibrated object like an USAF resolution target for different positions along zz. Once the calibration is done, the reconstruction can be made with an object located in any plane zz. The reconstruction method has been validated experimentally with an USAF target imaged with a NA=1.4 microscope objective. Near-optimal resolution is obtained over an extended range (±50 μ\pm 50~\mum) of zz locations


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    International audienceNous proposons ici un algorithme de reconstruction par approche « problèmes inverses » d'une pile d'hologrammes d'objets. Celui-ci permet d'améliorer la résolution des hologrammes, et la précision de l'estimation de la position 3D et de la taille des objets holographiés. Les bénéfices de l'approche sont démontrés au travers du traitement d'hologrammes simulés et expérimentaux

    Two-step distortion-free reconstruction scheme for holographic microscopy

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    We propose a three-dimensional holographic reconstruction procedure applicable with no a priori knowledge about the recording conditions enabling distortion-free three-dimensional object reconstruction

    Co-design of an in-line holographic microscope with enhanced axial resolution: selective filtering digital holography

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    International audienceCommon-path digital in-line holography is considered as a valuable 3D diagnostic techniques for a wide range of applications. This configuration is cost effective and relatively immune to variation in the experimental environment. Nevertheless, due to its common-path geometry, the signal to noise-ratio of the acquired hologram is weak as most of the detector (i.e. CCD/CMOS sensor) dynamics is occupied by the reference field signal, whose energy is orders of magnitude higher than the field scattered by the imaged object. As it is intrinsically impossible to modify the ratio of energy of reference to the object field, we propose a co-design approach (Optics/Data Processing) to tackle this issue. The reference to object field ratio is adjusted by adding a 4-f device to a conventional in-line holographic setup , making it possible to reduce the weight of the reference field while keeping the object field almost constant. Theoretical analysis of the Cràmer-Rao lower bounds of the corresponding imaging model illustrate the advantages of this approach. These lower bounds can be asymptotically reached using a parametric inverse problems reconstruction. This implementation results in a 60 % gain in axial localization accuracy (for of 100 µm diameter spherical objects) compared to a classical in-line holography setup

    In-line particle holography with an astigmatic beam: set-up self-calibration using an "inverse problems" approach

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    11 pagesInternational audienceThe use of digital in-line holography for the characterization of confined flows in cylindrical geometry confinements (e.g. cylindrical pipe or cylindrical capillaries) is discussed. Due to cylindrical geometry of the walls, the illuminating laser wave can be strongly astigmatic, which renders the use of classical reconstruction techniques impossible. Contrary to plane wave holography set-up, the diffraction pattern of the particles strongly depends on the axial distance of the latter to the entry face of the confinement structure. To address this reconstruction issue, we propose to use an "inverse problems" approach. This approach amounts to finding the best match (least squares solution) between a diffraction pattern model and the captured hologram. For this purpose, a direct imaging model for astigmatic holograms, based on the use of transfer matrices is presented and validated by comparing experimental and simulated holograms. The accuracy of the "inverse problems" reconstruction is then used to calibrate the experimental set-up adjustable parameters. Finally, the approach is tested through experimental astigmatic hologram reconstruction, thus paving the way to its use in pipe flow studies
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